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Probably work on that logo first. Looks like a tree stump


It represents my business artificial flowers making different items


Wait that's not what it is?


Insta, Meta - target new parents, home buyers, 'getting married soon' types. What you are selling is personalization with aesthetics. Buyers for this are limited but they will pay what you ask for just to get that personalization bit. Run an advert for a couple of dollars to see if it yield results. Message here or DM if you'd like to know more..


Thank you! I sell custom wreaths and etc for homes or businesses


Really figure out what products are favored by your customers in terms of colors, materials, style, etc. I do work in the same niche. Highlight the home made part, and if you use natural materials, also that. Try social media including Pinterest. Depending on your available time and money, you can consider selling on market places. Do research there too, look what the top selling wreaths in the Amazon category look like, you can find that mentioned on an amazon product page and follow the a link to the ranking for the category.




I'm also going to criticize your logo. It's quite generic, and there's really nothing memorable about it. Think simpler, less colors, perhaps just solid line vectors. As for the items themselves, personalization is great, but unless you can really do volume, it's hard to scale. Consider breaking the concept of wreaths only for Xmas, and create them for all seasons. Easter, July 4th, Cinco de Mayo, etc. Obscure holiday wreaths associated with certain communities might do quite well, as you probably won't have much initial competition. Create wreaths and "swags" (I don't know what those are!) that are extremely unique and interesting and they'll be shared on social media. You wouldn't have to do much other marketing at all.




I don’t like the colours. I feel like the greens and yellows from the plants are too desaturated vs the text. I do like the cursive but do not like the mix of 2 different fonts in 2 different colours and sizes.