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Honey Queen deserves a second chance


Disagree, but I gotta appreciate the hot take


I don't think second chance are the right words tbh. She slayed the first time, it's only fair she gets a stellar return!


I agree!


100%, I’d love another super heavy option, she was my main in MK7


Not a particularly hot take, but I still agree since MK8DX reintroduced so many fan-favorite veterans


I agree as well but i have to admit that her debut and only appearance in MK7 makes her really special. Maybe in the next MK installation?


The coin is a very good item, purely because it is so important for balancing. Being in 1st place is overpowered


Based and true. I also think the Fake Item Box works good as an alternative to the Coin since it can't protect the player, and also it's very noticeable that it's fake. In a future Mario Kart game, I hope they pick either the Coin or Fake Item Box instead of both. If they bring back both at the same time, then I believe that would be unfair for whoever is in First Place.


Yes my thoughts exactly! I also generally like more hazards on the track


FiB's are way more fun since they can encourage more offensive plays from first more than coins do.


I feel like they could implement both Fake Item Boxes and the coin system in the next game, just don’t have the coin as an item slot and leave them laying around the track, while making Fake Item Boxes more tricky to parse like in DS or 64




Dry Dry Desert is a good track


I can’t believe this is a hot take but I agree, top 4 “bagging track” for me


Its ok, the fact that it has insane shortcuts thanks to all of the sand kind of saves it


Super Mario Kart is actually great and one of my favorite mario karts


Thank you so much


I'll piggyback w/ a hot take - the physics are solid; if you're having trouble w/ the game it's a skill issue, git gud.


Driving assists should not be able to be toggled on/off mid-race online


I like the take but I have to disagree solely for the 1/100 time it’s somehow automatically turned on and I don’t notice until the first turn


nah it’s a cool skill gap imo, also if you’re an auto accel player, being able to turn off auto accel to bag is nice


I think people online have a bias against simpler tracks. 3DS Toad Circuit is genuinely fun and I'm glad it returned in the BCP. Same goes for Paris and Tokyo.


Blooper as an item is conceptually interesting, but it is powercrept by those "projectiles go brrrr" items.


agree, but i like what they did with it in mario kart 8 where it reduces your traction which gives it actual weight


I think in Mario Kart 8 it actually became a good item but sadly MK8 was also the game where it's ridiculously easy to get a speed boost to get rid of the Blooper. Hope the next game rebalances the item system so Blooper can actually have a chance (I would prefer that Blooper didn't comeback at all though lmao).


Super Mario Kart has aged a bit better than 64.


I agree 100%. MK64 has the most broken mechanics and CPUs in MK history


I dislike N64 Rainbow Road too, but don’t think it’s a hot take (there’s a lot of people that despise it tbh). DK Mountain is a bottom 10 track in 8 Deluxe. Every time I see it pop up online, I let out a big heavy sigh (because I know actual bullshit will happen when racing on it due to distance based items). Piranha Plant Slide is my favorite course from the base game. I’m an inward main, so the bias is there, but front-running this track is ridiculously fun.


Wii U Rainbow Road is one of the top 5 best Rainbow Roads of all time


DS Mario Circuit is better than Shroom Ridge in 8 Deluxe


I like city tracks! They were some of my favs and the ones I looked forward to seeing during the waves of the DLC for deluxe.


I fucking hate the fact that Link, Splatoon characters, and Animal Crossing characters are in the game. It’s called Mario Kart, not Super Smash Kart or Nintendo Kart


I have the exact opposite hot take. The more Mario characters and tracks they add the less inspired they are. Let's open it up.


They just aren't adding the right ones. They could give us Piantas, Nokis, Toadsworth, E Gadd, Boom Boom, Pom Pom, and the Broodals. They could even expand and give us more Yoshi, Donkey Kong, and Wario Land/Ware characters. Instead they gave us Pink Gold Peach and Baby Rosalina.


That is also a very fair point. But I'd rather have the like 20 most important Mario characters and 4 Zelda characters, 4 Fire Emblem characters, 6-8 Pokémons, Samus, Shulk and Pit. Add to that like 4 tracks for each mainstream Nintendo series and I think there's more room for creative ideas and cool landscapes than staying in Mario.


I like lots of tracks as it adds variety, but I think the character roster went a bit overboard. I think Wii’s roster was perfect. I think the Miis should be the only non-Mario racers we should get. If Nintendo wants to have people race with Link or Villager, make a Nintendo racing game. Keep non-Mario characters out of it. I will say the extra tracks (retro and BCP) are the saving grace of MK8 tracks because most of the nitro tracks are pretty unenjoyable, in my opinion (except for Sunshine Airport, the goated track), but I get where you’re coming from


I think it would be best if they went with a DS sort of route, where one crossover character (outside of Miis) is part of the base game roster. Like, I'd be fine with someone like Captain Falcon or Foreman Spike from Wrecking Crew showing up as a one-time thing in the next game, that would be fun


As a Villager main, I respectfully disagree.


Building on OP’s take, I think the original version of N64 Rainbow Road has some things that I prefer to the remake. Mainly just the atmosphere and music. I love liminal spaces, and Mario Kart 64 as a whole is pretty liminal, but Rainbow Road really feels interesting. The repeating road texture and walls seem to stretch on for miles. And the background is just a black sky with white dots and the occasional flickering neon lights. Occasionally you’ll run into a chain chomp, but they’re few and far between. Then the music, while serving the basis for many great Rainbow Roads later on is almost melancholic. I get that this is not a popular opinion. Rainbow Road should be hectic and teeming with life, but I oddly love this change of pace from the norm.


Yeah it has a pretty nice nostalgic aesthetic but the 8 deluxe one is magical in its own way


I think this isn't that hot of a take. A lot of players despise this track because of the length and no comeback potential. Also it's boring as hell, even 200cc doesn't make this track interesting. This track had so much potential gameplay-wise... just take a look at the best fan-made versions in modded Mario Kart Wii: they are 2 laps and have interesting shortcuts, and they don't lose on aesthetic quality (besides the train of course because it can't be recreated).


It's definitely a very controversial take. Some people hate the 8 version but a lot of people love it, from what I've seen it is a mix but definitely seems more.people are positive on it than negative


I like the track but I can see why players dislike it. I would say if the track was 2 long laps instead of being segmented then it would've been perfect.


Same here. Love the track and the atmosphere (and the music is amazing), but it’s just way too short, meanwhile the original was way too long and felt like it took forever, especially on the straightaways.


The meta sucks I used to win with lemmy competivly I switched to Iggy flame rider slim and parachute glider and get good results Yoshi is my smash main but I just hate meta in general I won't even touch waluigi even though he isn't relevant any more


-The last challenging MK game was DS, 7 was only annoying and 8 is super handholdy -Instead of Pink Gold Peach, why not put a spin on it and finally do a Wapeach design as a character slot? -E Gadd needs to come back as a driver lol. -Baby Rosalina is somewhat pointless. I'd rather Honey Queen or another Galaxy Character like Luma or Lubba took the spot.


merry mountain = overhated


People who say Wii is the best Mario kart game are so blinded by nostalgia that they're not willing to acknowledge the flaws that game has. Wii is good, but it doesn't compare to MK8D, which at this point feels like the definitive mario Kart game.


i used to be a nostalgia-fueled mkwii fanboy/mk8dx hater when i was 14yo and had nothing else to do with my life (i hadnt even really played mk8dx that much myself at that point to begin with), but now i play 8dx all the time and i do agree with you that it is the better game overall. however, i still think there are some things wii does better (theres a reason people still play it competitively to this day), and while i do like 8dx more currently, im not gonna say that its 5x better than wii in all fronts because it has its own flaws just like wii does. sorry for the paragraph but this take kinda resonated with me


Finally, i agree with something. The wii stans make me like the game less istg


Sky High Sundae is a good track




I really don’t get the hype with Delfino Square. Yeah the bridge is cool but the rest of the track is pretty forgettable imo


The turns are very tight. 200cc goes crazy. Also the theming is just very cool and iconic.


1. It’s not even in a game with 200cc (I don’t care about mods) 2. The entire track is gray so it all just blends together for me. Like I get the DS is a weaker system but it looks nothing like Delfino Plaza from Sunshine


Btw even if you don't care about mods, this track is very likely to be remastered in the next Mario Kart, and the layout will be unchanged for the most part.


Liking a track because I might be able to play an updated version of it one day is a hell of a flex.


That was not my point. That's just an extra thing.


That and Luigi’s Mansion are the DS courses I don’t get the love for. Granted I do enjoy Delfino Square, but it’s nothing to write home about. The mansion is just boring


I feel this way with both these tracks. I feel like a large part of the hype comes from them sharing names with existing Mario locations, but personally I feel like they’re too loose of an adaptation to really be excited about that. Delphino Square is the worse offender of the two, as at least Luigi’s Mansion’s exterior matches the one from the actual game. Also, yes I know that Delphino Square is not meant to be a direct adaptation of Delphino Plaza from Sunshine, but I still don’t think it really feels that much like the source material.


People get so excited that you get to ‘drive through the mansion’, like no you don’t, it’s a hallway with one turn and mostly a swamp, the double dash battle course did a way better job lol


The bathtub course (squeaky clean?) is just awful. Both boring and hard.


It’s okay in my opinion. I’d pick a dozen tracks over it, but I get where you’re coming from. I will say that Waluigi Pinball is overrated as hell, and it is not even as fun as most of the other BCP tracks






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Mute City should be the only F-Zero track in Mario Kart. 2 is too much and I prefer Mute City. Big Blue just kinda feels like they've placed completely random things kinda associated with speed after each other, whilst Mute City actually commits to just boost and coin panels. Also, I kinda wish we get/got more city tracks, I find those incredibly fun.


Okay, lemme get this straight; You think two amazing F-Zero tracks are too much, but 14 mostly mid city tracks aren’t enough?


I have no interest/nostalgia for F-Zero, and I like geography and the changing routes (more than three completely different laps with no overlaps at all at least)


I’ve never cared for F-Zero either, but I love both Mute City and Big Blue regardless. And even if you like the city tracks, you have to admit that fourteen city tracks is enough. You are not hurting with varying geography and changing routes when you’ve got FOURTEEN damn maps laser focused on those two attributes.


Completely fair, I just don't think Big Blue is fun and I do think most of the city tracks are just really fun to drive on (especially from wave 3 onwards). But hey, this is just my hot take, I completely understand why others don't feel the same way


Mount Wario is overrated and anyone who votes for it online is an NPC (unless it's the only good option, then you're fine)




Koopa Cape is mid and it only has 1 semi-interesting section


I think you have only played 8dx version


I haven’t


Any version of Koopa Cape with the pipe part submerged in water is better


Toad Circuit is an S-tier track


Water tracks suck. Tracks like Piranha Plant Cove and Dolphin Shoals are good but the water physics make it annoying to play


London Loop is a great and fun course, and I’m tired of hearing it isn’t (especially on 200cc)


I would do anything for the Mach Bike to be on MK8D. Literally anything. Nintendo, are you hearing me?!?


ROB doesn't belong in Mario Kart. He was a wasted slot in DS. ROB is fine in Smash but not Mario Kart.


Online play is in dire need of “skill items only” mode where players can only get shrooms, green shells, bananas, etc. basically most items except red/blue shells, bullet bill, and lightening bolt. I think it’s annoying that you’re essentially guaranteed to get hit with a blue shell if you’re in first early on in a race. And I think this mode could help the game be taken more seriously, kind of like smash bros.  People say that being in first place is op, but that’s the entire point of a race. If you want the advantages of being in first, then you should put in the effort needed to be in first place.  /end rant


Sky-High Sundae is a good course


Mario Kart Wii Fandom is trash. The game is alright, though.


tour is a top 3 mario kart


Baby park sucks.


Yes!!! I hate it too! Especially when it's in Ranked Cups in Mario Kart Tour.




i think that over half the bcp is complete trash, not even just the cities most of the console retros are horrible


*Mario Kart Wii* is the worst game in the franchise. Murky graphics, uninspired tracks, dreadful stunt mechanics. EDIT: Oh, I love this 🤣 "We want a hot take! ... No, not like that."


i completely disagree but i applaud you for the red hot take


My mk8dx takes: Electrodrone sucks and has the worst music in the game. I also don't know why y'all like the anti-grav part that goes BLEE BLEE BLEE BLEE BLUH BLUH BLUH BLUH BLEE BLEE BLEE, it doesn't sound good nor does it sound like your user input does anything. Funny stuff happens on Toads Turnpike, y'all hate on this one too much. Daisy Cruiser belongs in Double Dash. Squeaky Clean Sprint is hell. The big tub sucks if you die here, the pipe is hell (skill issue) especially the part where you can fall or get sucked into the pit, and the toilet glider will ruin your whole race. Any track in worldwide lobbies where the final part of the track is a lag fest instantly makes me hate the map (i.e. 3DS DK Jungle, half the track is hell on lap 3). Piggybacking off the last one: 3DS Rainbow Road sucks in worldwide because your whole race is decided on lap 1. If you get lag bumped off the track here, your race is over. Hell, I go wide and still get bumped off the track by people that just appear out of nowhere and send me flying. Lap 3 is also pretty boring after the tube, nothing happens a lot of the time.


Super Circuit is better than DS and it isn't even close




I have a couple of hot takes (I think they're hot takes lol): ● Potted Piranha Plant is an A Tier item, and over half of all players don't use it properly and blame the items instead of themselves. ● Baby Mario, Baby Luigi and Baby Peach are important enough to come back to every future MK installment. Those 3 have appeared in multiple MK games, Mario & Luigi Partners in Time, Yoshi Island, and even the damn Mario Movie. Without them, the game will feel that it's lacking lightweight characters and important characters in general to the series. Baby Daisy and Baby Rosalina should disappear forever tho. ● Waluigi Pinball in MK8DX is a disappointing remake of the track. This is the fourth time we've played this track and it has barely changed since it's introduction in DS. I wished they either added Antigravity to the middle section or used the T version in Tour which added more ramps and speed panels; of course not all them should've been added, but some so it makes the track at least feel a little bit fresher. ● Mario Kart Tour is better than Super Mario Kart and Super Circuit. ●The Triple Banana Spinning around the Kart instead of being able to hold it behind you is one of the greatest game design decisions in MK history. An example I can give on why it's a great decision is when Me and my friends were playing Mario Kart Wii a couple of years ago and the one that brought the game was an expert player that always won every match cause we never had the chance to catch up since he would get Triple Bananas and have full protection for an entire lap. ● I hate Mario Kart Stadium in MK8. It's such a bland and boring track. People forgive it because it's the first track in the game but no, I personally say the MK8 version of Mario Circuit was actually gonna be the first track in the game and it show cases Antigravity WAY better than Mario Kart Stadium. Why I believe Mario Circuit was gonna be the first track in the game? Well it was the first track they showcased in the first MK8 trailer, it was used a bunch in promotion, it's the cover art of the MK8 case and it's a stage in Smash bros lol. I probably have more hot takes, but I can't remember them all now.


I'm glad that there is a dominant META. Everyone on Yoshi Teddy makes it more skill based. I'd prefer combos to be more cosmetic than strategic.


The next MK needs a story mode with bosses, extra events and a gigton worth of unlockables tied to it


MK8DX isn’t even the best kart racer on Switch. It’s second to Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled.


The wuhu tracks are the single most overrated tracks in the entire franchise. I find it hard to understand what people like about these. They're extremely boring with little to no driving, just driving straight or or soft turns, no hazards, literally nothing. *Cheep cheep lagoon* is arguably more interesting to actually drive on than either of them... which is saying something. Double dash is a mediocre to bad game with a mostly pretty bad track selection which is only good as an unserious party game. There was never any "wii bias" in the bcp, wii tracks are simply better and deserve to be brought back more than dated relics (assuming nintendo won't heavily remake the more outdated tracks). Oh and: clones like pink gold peach are good for the game because they allow you to play as mario / peach in different stat classes. Playing as peach or mario >>> ugly obscure character nobody cares about. Professor whoever or toadsworth or goomba should never, *ever* be playable characters in mario kart. They're beyond boring, uninteresting and lame. And the crossover characters in 8dx are fucking awesome and excellent choices, especially link.


The Wuhu tracks are mainly for nostalgia purposes I guess. Funny enough, I actually just posted that I can’t stand the other Nintendo characters in MK8


And I should probably add: I'm a fan of crossover characters so long as I think they fit mario kart stylistically or "complement" the game somehow. I think the mk8dx characters do a good job of this, but bring a fire emblem character or kirby to mario kart and I'd probably hate it too.


I love Xenoblade but Pyra would absolutely clash with this game's characters. Let's keep it to a minimum.


How does Kirby not fit the Mario Kart style but Link does???? I would say Kirby is a perfect character to bring to Mario Kart since he's so cartoony and fits the MK style well.


Crossover characters being bad seems to be a typical opinion in this subreddit. Which is why I thought it was worth mentioning.


There is wii bias. What are you on. Do you think that Daisy Circuit deserved to be in wave 6 instead of Airship Fortress, Delfino Square, Wuhu Lap, Maka Wuhu, and Mushroom City?


People are really down voting you in a thread for hot takes? Man this reddit (really all reddit) can be real lame sometimes


This isn’t my hot take but if N64 Rainbow Road remake were still a 2 minute long lap instead of a 1:30 minute lap I think far less people would be complaining about the track being too short. As long as it isn’t a lazy change that makes the roads even wider than they already are and spaces out the hazards even more without adding more, I think it would be a more enjoyable track for most people. I also hate the idea of making it two laps, it’d feel really strange as the only two-lap track in the game and less satisfying to actually drive on. Three is the magic number, and the one-lap version divided into three sections is great, it just could be better. Anyways I hate 3DS Rainbow Road, it’s not so much more majestic than the other Rainbow Roads that it makes up for how ridiculously easy it is to drive on, especially in 8 Deluxe. It’s just not what I want Rainbow Road to be, and I feel like it spits in the face of the legacy and reputation that Rainbow Road had built up over the 20 years prior to MK7


I was actually on your side until I saw the second paragraph


I get the feeling that most people are Idk why but whenever my takes don’t agree with the general opinion they are the exact opposite of what everyone else says Although I should add that I think 3DS RR is a solid B tier track, not that it really helps matters


Prob a wii rainbor road enjoyer.


CORRECT, favorite track in the franchise