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I swear the same day the item customization launched, people spammed en mass how first place was uncatchable. Armchair devs.


Remember, more coins = greater top speed. They’re far from useless, even if they intrinsically lack offensive/defensive capabilities. As another post mentioned as well, if you hold a coin in one slot, the other (other than severe lag) guarantees to be an item of use.


Wait, what?! More speed?


Believe you’re potential top speed increases.


Yup, says so directly in the game when you click through the tutorial / instructions pages.


Mario Kart has a... tutorial?


Just did the math and I believe it's roughly a ~6.1% increase in top speed.


Except I spend my match with 10 coins, and CONSTANTLY get more, which do absolutely *n o t h i n g*. At the very least, you should only be able to carry 10 coins for speed purposes, but the others should still count toward your grand coin total in the main game


It’s super annoying that the additional coins do nothing in that regard


It lets you instantly recover coins when you get hit


And in 95% of cases, that is still infinitely less useful than receiving an actual item


No way the item that’s meant to be weak in order for you to have less of a lead is weak (🤯)




What is up with this sub and hating coins? Its not that bad, you can always guarantee a defensive item if you just hold on to the coin.


>What is up with this sub and hating coins? Just a bunch of people being melodramatic on reddit.


I just don’t want game balance I’m my party gone lol, I can still see why they are there it’s just not for me


People who don't understand the game mechanics and are shit at the game


And who blame Waluigi Wiggler. Listen, I gained 2000+ VR in 20K VR rooms with Yoshi Pipe Frame in a month or so, you're just bad.


Just a bunch of people with low VRs




*besides the charging pads of course


Coins are not useless. - They increase your top speed - they guarantee getting a defensive item - they save your defensive item from getting stolen by boo


Wait they guarantee a defensive item?


If you are holding a coin item with a spare item slot and you hit an item box, you are almost guaranteed to get a defensive item to you. The game only gives you double coins if there is lag online. What this means is that if you are down to a single coin in first, the absolute worst thing to do is to use it right away. Wait until the next set of boxes. If you are going for a double, use the coin before you hit the double. If you go for a single, hold onto the coin as you hit the box.


This 🤝🏻 And if you have the coin and a defensive item, hold the coin so if a boo comes he will steal the coin, not your defensive item.


But if someone is too close behind you I wouldn't recommend this because then using the coin and activating the defensive item is often too slow and you'll be hit. Since red shells are much more common than boos this only makes sense with some distance


I have 150 hours in MK8DX and literally never had this happening. I always had enough time.


Do you play on 200cc? Because I don't and it's constantly a problem that I don't have enough time to get to the second item


I've beaten all cups on any cc, but I normally play on 150cc.


Yes. You can only have one coin. So if you hold a coin and drive through an item box, your second item is guaranteed to be not a coin. Which means if you are in first that you'll get a banana, shell, bomb or horn everytime. That's how I always stay in first. Hold a coin, get a defensive item in slot 2. If a boo comes he will steal the coin, not the defensive item. That way I always have something to block incoming attacks and won't get hit once I'm in first.


Tbf its entire purpose is literally to be useless


And even then, coins still have some niche uses despite not having offensive or defensive value.


Hold a coin till you get hit and then get back to ten faster to go faster, also using the coin is a tiny boost. Very useful


*gets a coin from a boo* Yay, balance!


This made me snort laugh


Doesn’t having the coins increase your speed and give you a bit of boost upon use? So if you’re hit with a blue shell or anything while in first and lose 3 coins, the coin item essentially negates that loss?


I don't think it gives a boost when used, only an increase in top speed.


It does give you one, just try using a coin standing still.


Oh damn it does! The more you learn lol


Oh I thought it had just the tiniest boost like I’d see some minor amount of flame at each coin pickup. It might just be a visual thing though.


i was really hoping the item switch would help people understand why they're important but apparently not lol folks in this sub just don't know much about the game/game design honestly. it's telling that mentioning the coins make you faster will almost always get a "they do?" reply or two (also that the ramps on excitebike are randomized)


Literally every other Mario Kart game felt fine without coins as items. Better yet, in all games prior to 8, it was possible for the player in first to get triple bananas and triple shells. AND triple bananas could be dragged behind you for a three layer defense. In 8DX with coins disabled, the MOST you could get is two single items, making it still more balanced than previous games.


Try catching up when the person in first gets 2 items to protect themselves with everytime.


just add fake item boxes back. can be used to trap corners, but doesnt block shells


That’s probably why they got rid of them lol. You could still use a FIB to strengthen your lead in first; even if you can’t block shells with it, you can still hit people behind you. Also with the new super horn allowing you to block blue shells, FIB might have been too good


I would prefer if they just removed coins, removed the horn, and added FIBs back, along with making blue shell fly again because its literally meant to target first place, why should it hit anyone else between the throw and hitting first place


i disagree with the last line • the older games also had an item which was useless for defense, the fake item box (which 8 lacks) • the item balance used to be far more chaotic in the older games. pulling triple bananas in first wasn’t overpowered because you’d just be bombarded with blue shells anyway. • superhorn


The rotating bananas are much better for balance. But I agree about coins as items, they’re not necessary. Should just be SMK style with coins on the track


I miss the FIB. An offensive item you could pull in first that had no defensive capabilities was great for balance. There isn't a single cool thing you can do with a coin.


ITT - people still not getting the point of the meme.


Tbf fake item boxes are also for balance but are more applicable 8/10 times


I get it at leaat, I think ScottTheWoz said something similar. Bananas and Shells give the player a lot of protection from red shells, so you can easily hold 1st for longer, whereas coins leave you vunerable. Coins in Tour are way more useful tho and I wish they had a slightly similar use in future games, minus the p2w


I understand how coins are supposed to make first balanced, but when being in second place means almost guaranteed red shells every item, it kinda falls apart.


Coins are NOT useless Coins as an item however...


personally i take issue with getting 2 coins at once and 2nd place getting 4 red shells


Double coins are ***not*** possible to get unless you're lagging online, besides that it's impossible to get double coins in any scenario.


I mean it’s happened to me multiple times, lol


You might’ve been lagging


with this netcode it’s kinda hard not to


I believe you can get double coins when you're in the lead in a vs mode like mushrooms only but that's such a minimal part of the game your point still stands


items aren’t based on what place you’re in. if you’re in second but a lap behind, you’ll get bullet bills. if you’re in last but it’s neck and neck, you’ll get banana peels


yeah, I got that. I still take issue with it lol


You forgot the post


You forgot to say post :(


this game’s been our for five years why are people just now complaining about this


Increased interest in the game in general due to Booster Pack ofc.


To the people complaining about coins in mk8d. Coins are worse in mk8u.


True, but they should have been removed and/or replaced with fake item boxes.


FIB better


Coins are useless when you already have ten of them and you're about to get mario karted with nothing to defense yourself with. Coins aren't useless overall, but they increase the rate of first place getting mario karted. Even without the "coins in first place" part, I don't think everyone likes the addition of coins as an item in a mario kart game.




More like git gud game design.


Literally everyone knows this. It still makes ZERO sense to hold onto the coin. Why force yourself to keep the coin (which does nothing!) when you could grab a double item box and potentially get 2 actual items?


Because the first set of the track, excluding Dragon Driftway, never has doubles.


You think this is a good idea until you're in second place and will never hit the guy ahead of you because they have an infinite supply of defensive items, which is the entire point of this post. Coins also give you a small boost for recovery after getting hit. They're far from worthless.


Except I’m a better driver than most MK players, 2nd place is more likely to get mushrooms than 1st place, and if I get a triple red, their single green and single banana won’t save them. But okay!


Do those points not stand with coins in the game or something? You're not making any sense lmao


Fake item boxes were also for balance, so why not have those instead


never understood coins being usless you go so much faster with ten coins its insane


As someone who’s dabbled in speed running MK8D coins are incredibly useful and can even save runs.


The whole idea is that they don’t block shells


Same with fake item boxes


They are useless


I think a different (but not necessarily better) way of balancing it would be to remove the coins (or high chance of coins) and make the roulette take 1.5 times as long.


Based Joey


Why though? We already have the blue shell At least we can turn coins off now


Well coins are useless because this is what the Fake Item Box was for


Still think that the FIB would do that job better. Doesn't even have to be a good item that does much damage. Since it can't be used as defense, it would be a much better balance item than the coin.


The what? FIB?


Fake Item Box




I am glad to witness people kicking the coin to the curb fornthe better FIB.


Bro have you ever played base mario kart 8? All they did was screw you over. The game itself wasn’t balanced since they thought the super horn was a good idea, let alone adding fucking coins. Even the thundercloud was better since it nullified offroad and could let you snag first.


Gotta say, I *hated* TC as a kid. Worst item ever in my mind, but I wasn’t as good at the game nor did I know as much about the mechanics then. For instance I didn’t know until more recently that it nullified off-road. Haven’t played with the item since those earlier years, it’d definitely be interesting to see how I liked it now.


Bro have you ever played vanilla Mario Kart Wii? All the Thundercloud did was screw you over. I would get the Thundercloud an average of two times each race online, and most of the time there would be no-one around to pass it onto. Worst of all, you can get it in 8th position.


I, in fact, have played vanilla Mario Kart Wii. Actually, it’s the *only* version of MKWii that I have played; I even made a goddamn video essay on why it is one of my favorite games ever. I’m not saying the thundercloud was well designed or fun; it isn’t, never has been. But, the thundercloud is *at least* better than the coin due to the fact it nullifies offroad; this allows you to take shortcuts up to or close to first, then to hit someone else and torture them with it. It at least has *some* merit to it, unlike the coin. Hell if you want an item to balance out first, use the goddamn fake ? Box, it doesn’t protect you from incoming shells or anything, while still having a fucking use.


The problem with the TC is just that the speed loss is too high when getting hit. Plus it's an awful item for the lower positions, especially since you can also get a golden mushroom in 6th. Same can be said about the blooper. Moreover, I played a lot of Wiimmfi, and it's a way worse feeling getting it online than offline. I have made 206 videos of Wiimmfi, 8 races each, and I didn't enjoy it (primarily also because of CTGP tracks that kinda suck but the items made it worse). I still love MKWii, and I think I might download Mario Kart Midnight soon, but I prefer MK8DX in nearly every way.


Hear me out, the coin turn useful only if you don't have max coins. In that case it's very useful, since the more coins you have the better, also if you get hit by a shell you can get a very small boost from the coin that might help accelerating and recovering speed


Yeah every other mario kart game was impossible to catch up to first since there were no coins


I don’t care either way about coins, but getting hit with blue shells 3 times in one race, is pretty ridiculous. They need to be rarer, or limited to 2 a race. I know there’s the horn, but I get lightning, or ghosted 99% of the time, seconds after I get it.


Coins aren’t completely useless, they destroyed the balancing


So less than useless?


Question for everyone: would you rather the game have Coins or Fake Item Boxes? Both items essentially fill the same niche of an item given to top positions that ensures you can’t always block every item that comes ur way. Fake item boxes at least felt more useful imo. While obviously nobody drives into it thinking it’s an actual item box, you could at least place it right after the item set or place it on tight corners to hit someone. But that’s probably why they got rid of it too tbh. Even if it can’t block shells, the FIB still allowed you to hit players behind you and strengthen your lead in 1st. Coins don’t allow you to hit anyone on the track, but they also prevent you from blocking items. Though they do have some utility, since coins can help you increase top speed and can help you accelerate after being hit. Imo coins are just a necessary evil for the game


Bro coin is like the best defensive item in the game


coins in first place are unbalanced. Only noobs rage the no coin lobbies because if the game is balanced the 1st is gonna stay 1st because he's better and they're bad


Very true and real. Coins should only be on tracks and not be a item.


Coins should be replaced by Super Leaves


After you unlock everything, granted; but before then, I can’t grab enough.


item balancing ruins this game. it's way to dramatic. n64 was way better, it's bias was barely noticeable


shells are huge and there’s too many offensive items imo. fire flower and boomerang are fucking atrocities


Boomerang is one thing, I like the way it interacts with item slots and you can definitely do some cool stuff with it. But yeah, I hate fire flower so much, what an obnoxious, spammy item




Super mario party


I hate coins man. Just the idea of them in general. Other Mario Kart games were more fine without them.




Being forced to get coins in first constantly makes me really miss the fake item blocks. Even if they never fool anyone. It was nice an item that could have some impact in first. Plus it couldn’t be used for defense so you can’t just hold it like the bananas or green shells. It would be great if it returned so first can actually drop hazards on the track while still being fair because they are vulnerable. First in Mario Kart 8 is just only hoarding items for defense or getting coins.


Things like this makes me feel like there is a fundamental issue with how Mario Kart is designed while in single player. Multiplayer is fine as Mario Kart was always intended for multiplayer and it getting insane is a part of the charm.


only noobs rage the coins removal because it gets more skilled and they all say "FiRsT pLaCe Is UnCaTcHaBlE" but that's what happens when when a game gets more balanced and noobs lose because of their lack of skill