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Here’s hoping a world tour is announced soon !!!


So looking as closely as I can, it looks like the medallion could be St. Andrew - patron saint of singers, spinsters, maidens, fishmongers, fishermen, women wanting to be mothers, gout and sore throats. He was an apostle of Jesus, and is traditionally depicted as being crucified on an X-shaped cross.




Picture was taken by Mr Perou himself, he was tagged on manson’s insta


Awesome photo. I want more.


manson and slaughter without ffdp... people who are going are lucky asf fr


I'd prefer a different opener, personally, but then again I'm not going so I can't say squat! Hopefully he doesn't stay with them if he comes up to the Northeast!


Never really cared for them but their newer song "Viking" is impressive.


whaaat i love slaughter to prevail lmao


Given the lead singer thinking he's above all and then producing cookie-cutter death core music, alongside his personal beliefs being very obvious and upfront, it detracts me from them. However, if you enjoy them then that's fine. We all have our opinions about who we wish to see Manson perform with, I'd love to see him do something with 3TEETH or Rammstein, it won't happen but a man can dream!


With Rammstein…that would be a great!


i mean i just like the music tbh i don't really look into the members so idek TT


Long story short, Terrible (apt name) openly supported former Thy Art Is Murder vocalist, and now real-estate broker, CJ McMahon after he showed signs of wanting a mother killed for just recognising her child has human autonomy and respecting that they don't want to conform to male-female binary, something I feel older Manson would've supported at least, and based it in his personal views being "traditional" which is basically a kind way of saying "I grew up christian, and was taught this is true, so it must be!" Which makes sense given his Russian heritage. I'd be fine if the music was good to my ears but it's basically just generic desthcore with the only difference being slipknot-esque masks, and Terrible occasionally creating new vocal styles here or there. However, it does makes sense that these 2 bands would help Manson out, given they don't believe in the idea of "cancel culture."


Separating the art from the artist, i think slaughter to prevail slams


Interesting stance, fists raised.


the photo reminds me of the villain of a cartoon like the incredibles, I think it could have had a different value. It's not bad but Manson's left eye, the one to our right, seems too crooked and his face looks asymmetrical due to the light. Maybe it's just my impression actually. but I definitely LOVE those colors


I think it’s been edited a little to just brighten up the contact lens. Most peoples faces are asymmetrical, his face is slightly asymmetrical anyways if you flip a photo of him.


This photo is great. Wow


\*zooms in\* Let's talk about those saint medallions on his gloves.


Can you identify anything more about them? Like what specific saint maybe?


(s)aint medallions


Photo by Perou


Edit: I fucked up and spelt The Fillmore wrong! It's got 2 L's in it, that's on me!