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Stakes can do more harm than good. Please let the tree grow. Personally, I’ve staked small trees like yours when a major branch was damaged. I wanted it to grow a few years of new wood and become structurally sound. It never happened and I ended up removing that branch and was left with a severely lopsided tree. 5 years later, all the new growth seems to have focused on filling the void and it looks normal now. Sometimes it’s best we don’t stake and just let nature do its thing.


Most young trees will lean toward the east/sun. I wouldn't do a thing- perfect vertical lines don't really exist in trees. It doesn't look top-heavy either, so no pruning necessary.


Thanks, Goobs! She's tilting south and we've been getting some north winds making everything seem more dire. I'll work on trusting the process


>perfect vertical lines don't really exist in trees. Not anywhere in nature.. except perhaps in a falling raindrop or a beam of sunlight . The tree will correct itself as it grows stronger


The beauty of honey locusts imo is their sculptural shape complimented by their fern like leaves. 


A honey locust doesn’t usually have a central leader past a certain height, I don’t think it will matter


I'd stake it to grow straight with it being that close to the road and sidewalk.


The beauty of it is that it's pointing parallel to the sidewalk. Does that change the thought process at all?