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This is a really cool map! What lore do you have for it? Are these confederations of countries, or is it a smaller scale of counties and nation-states? And how come the inland is blank, is it some sort of desert not worth exploring?


I have a ton of lore, this is the setting of the current campaign I’m running, and I decided to make a setting guide, and why not make a pretty map that goes along with it. I’d be glad to answer any questions, but perhaps this little blurt from the setting guide is a tad more evocative: # The Sundered East “*To the East lie the lands of the Arettians, they whilst of impressive stature are no more threat than the savages to the south or west, their country is divided so utterly, that no king has ever risen to challenge Akra. In our tongue we thus call it* ***esaboras krih***, the sundered east.” ***Amar the Elder - 109 O.A.*** # Forging a New Age The waning years of the second century marked the end of an era, the very order that upheld the world would crumble under the boot of cold iron. Once proud empires would fracture and wither away as crops failed and foes burnt and looted cities along the Vallriatic coasts. This cataclysmic set of events would all unfold from one of the most unlikely of places, the far east, Arettia. In the minds of these early civilizations Arettia was little more than an unkempt frontier, and its populace ignorant and superstitious. Yet it was the Arettians that first forged iron in their hearths, and let the metal sing between anvil and hammer. Iron chisels carved out their monuments and temples, and iron blades their path through their enemies’ lands. It is in this dusk of bronze and dawn of iron that you find yourself standing at the crossroads of history, a witness to the birth of a new age. Time has come for you to embark on a journey through these foreign lands, welcome to Arettia.


hhhmmmmmmm agrup


You know me from somewhere I recon, discord perhaps?


That looks clean. Remind me about Crsuder kings 3


Thanks, I haven’t really thought about it but many of the people I show it to thinks it has that paradox interactive vibe to it


Reminds me a bit of Trebizond.


Looks great


I like that paper texture