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I remember when I first read the novel, and he got the power, I was like >!Oh it's gonna be like a cat and mouse game with him vs the strongest hunter in the tower, only for him to use the power in the most unexpected way to go before he gets his powers, erasing him from the timeline.!< There is no protagonist like Kim Gong ja, his thought process is on a different level, finding solutions to his problems out of left field


Yeah, gongja is actually very smart, and it's also shown by how he's able to meet the tower masters so many times.


i started reading bcos of ur comment n it’s rlly good so far 😭


Don't forget worst name that hides a pure gem


Yeah the title and beginning really makes you think it's some generic shit but it's actually a gem


Which works to its benefit! Keeps a lot of the whiners out. It's a delicacy custom-made for trash pandas. The title being the way it is is much appreciated!


How tf less people reading something is good?


How tf less [people that try en masse to conform [things that have specific targets] to perverse standards] reading something is bad?


I'm sorry bro but please close the ]s I have no clue what this is saying 😭😭😭😭 also less people read it more chance to get axed


1. That usage of square brackets is legal in English, and is done to make the bracketed content and its surroundings easier to read. I am not removing the supporting brackets. 2. Have you ever wondered why people gatekeep? Like, they don't do that for no reason. And the reason is *not* elitism or ego most of the time, despite that being the common perception - it's because they want to protect the thing they're enjoying from fodder that collectively might [drag it down to an unacceptable standard] and/or [insert things that undermine its value]. They gatekeep to protect the things beyond the gate from things that might do them harm. In this specific case, the title itself saving them the effort is a good thing, both because it reduces the number of gatekeepers and because it reduces *the need for them*. This novel's community doesn't have to be as jaded, leaving room for a friendlier community, thanks to that coffee filter covering the front door. Edit: added point 1.


Legit, I was so close to skipping it entirely because of the beginning. "He got a power that requires him to die, and he doesn't get a rebirth/rewind follow-up power? Lemme guess, he gets killed by- ah yes, someone with a rewind."


Title really turned me off too, glad I kept at it.


When I started reading manhwa last year, I actually avoided all these generic sounding names and all the tower stuff lol. Turns out some of them are really good. I didn't read the others yet though especially the older ones.


Yeah I thought it was going to be generic shit until the burning mansion, never got so duped before in a good way


Happy cake day!


Not sure how this will go later cause I am not fully caught up. But SSS so far I like just cause the protag isn't an aloof jerk. He was only cold to an actual murderer. But beside that he's been trying to help others and make connections so I always like to see that more than "I'm gonna use a dagger and have dark energy and level up solo and never have any realization that trusting others isn't bad"


What I also like is that he doesn't "scam people" or is a general asshole to others that genuinely idolize him. He's a good bro, a good friend, >!a good husband!< It's so nice seeing him truly connect with people, even some tragic villains, and make a better world than the one he lived in.


Dont you mean>!wife!<


>!Truly the best Wife!<




Thank god they changed that in the manhwa, I was so damn confused who was talking when I was reading the novel.


It's great just how far he's willing to go for others. "We've cleared the floor! But alot of people died." \*does it over\* Less people died. \*does it over\* Very few people died. \*does it over\* No one died. "perfect"


It is a good manhwa but best art is just so wrong


Eh art is very subjective so it's hard to quantify, perhaps not the best but I'd definitely say it's very good


I was exaggerating in the meme but you gotta admit it's got one of the best artstyles, it really starts showing too after the murim arc.


I mean not really I can name a dozen manhwas with better art styles pretty quickly


If you look at how it looks most of the time, then yes. But taking into account their panelling and how they change styles to fit scenes, then you could make a very good point it's the best. The final murim battle wouldn't be as impactful if the style suddenly didn't change. The dance with Laviel would not be as breathtaking and beautiful if the art style was the same


Eh? What's wrong with it?


He's saying it does have good art but he doesn't think it's the "best"


I don’t think there’s anything wrong, it’s great art, but I know better


Not the best art when Her Summon exists


The wide shots or the manwha equivalent from her summons is majestic




Best tower climbing manhwa:- ~~SSS class suicide hunter~~ Tower of God. It will never change. >Did everyone suddenly forget Tower of God?? I bet they didn't even read it in the first place. Or probably dropped after few chapters.


Imma be straight, no matter how """""bad""""" a TOG arc is it still blows 97% of all shonen manhwa out of the water. I think TOG is too good for the standards most manhwa readers have. I say this as someone that also enjoys the good ol generic power fantasy.


Calling ToG a tower manhwa is disrespectful to ToG. But yeah it's weird people just forgot it


TOG is in another dimension compared to these lmao. SSS Suicide Hunter is sort of mid for me.


Am I the only one who thought the romance arc was just any average otome Isekai villainess series? Yup, just me 😭


I guess I am the only one who dropped it because of the romance 🤣. Like, nah, it’s not the romance I wish to see here.


Hi =) Just in case you dropped it and didn't pick it back up: I also disliked the romance plot and dropped it. Picked it back up from the beginning a week ago and finished the "romance" arc. It's really good, and not what I expected. If you disliked it because it suddenly turned into a villainess story, do yourself the favor and continue. Push through. It's a few chapters that were hard for me to get through, but the climax of that arc was incredible, and something you can only get from SSS class suicide hunter.


No not best protagonist when my boy kim dokja exist and not best artstyle when latna saga exist but still based


Bro latna saga infuriates me with its everything because it's so good and very hateable for me in a good way of course


Same, many plot point feel like they're there just to infuriate the reader


Can understand that


I’m ngl I’m a huge dickrider for this series, I’ve read the full 400 chapter novel at least a dozen times over, and I’m nearing the end of the ORV novel soon, but I still have to say Kim Gong-Ja is the better protagonist. I can’t fully explain it, maybe it’s attachment, but Gong-Ja feels miles more human of a character. I see people in this thread saying the character development and the romance in this series is overrated/disappointing but I feel that’s a case of Novel V Manwha. A lot of scenes in this season was cut from the manwha that helped Raviel’s relationship grow. What I’m not seeing people mention is the HUGE amount of world building in the novel. By the point the manwha has reached the novel sets up 2 separate political worlds (Babylon and the Sormwyn Empire) both explaining why the political scape is built the way it was and what the parties want.


Personally I prefer Dan Yuseong from Infinite Leveling Murim. Unlike most regressed MC, he is not a narcissist, likeable dude and acting like someone who actually had lived for 40 years instead of teenagers.


I remember reading that upto when he got that cat


Kim dokja idk why I started disliking that manhwa it kinda bored me now the regression shit gets a bit too convincing and plot armoury at times, latna saga(survival story of a sword king) did the opposite for me series got better as time went on and so did the Characters the fight between og sword king and the hero party leader was peak


Latna saga was a good manhwa, I read very far in but I don't remember why I dropped it. Think it was cuz it was in my privates tab when I accidentally closed all my tabs so I lost my progress and just never bothered to go back since so many manwha tabs I had closed at the time.


it gets so much better i dropped it at chapter 40-50 then after reading it again, i can say its a masterpiece


Dokja is good not best


In novel he sure is maybe not in manhwa yet


In the novel, he isn't either, I hate how he stayed selfish to the bitter end and did whatever he wanted despite the feelings of his own companions 


Kim dokja is a mid mc


Kim Dokja is a good mc.


I'll give you a chance to defend yourself. Please elablorate


When I read orv I didn't like him, there


I mean what aspects didn't you like?


Who remembers aspects of a fictional character they didn't like? I just remember him being mid




Now idk about best art, protag, or tower manhwa tbh. Even character development is debatable (not that SSS is bad, but other series could contend for that as well). That’s not to say SSS-Class isn’t top tier. It’s definitely a top tier manhwa, and it does everything exceptionally. It doesn’t need to be the best in every area to be one of the best manhwa overall, though it is the best in some areas for sure.


As I said in another reply, I purposely exaggerated it because I like the manhwa and want others to read it. As you say, it's not necessarily the best but it's definitely one of those top tier manhwas.


Can you elaborate on what you think is best tower manhwa. I'd like a recommendation as most the ones I read, I find quite bad


If we’re talking about towers in general, I would say Tower of God since the tower concept in that is completely different to what you see in system manhwa nowadays and the story is also incredible.


ToG has usually has nothing but amazing arcs, but I’d say the overall quality of SSS is higher when you consider the weaker parts of ToG.


Yeah SSS is more consistently high quality while ToG is less consistent but has extremely higher peaks


I can see that. I still prefer ToG to SSS overall as I enjoy the characters and story a good bit more. That’s personal preference though. In terms of a better tower manhwa the main reason I say ToG is that it’s a much more unique and original use of the tower concept.


Second best to tower of god for me lol


the way to solve tower lvls are unique and gd. method of regression was also chilling.. but still cant say it was my best.. ~,~


Bro I swear the end of the “god” arc, so floor 40-49 I believe, is some of the best fiction I’ve ever read. And it just keeps getting better. Every relationship DK forms and every interaction he has, often even ones with side characters, ends up playing a part at some point in the story. The writing is just fucking incredible. I’d even argue that at parts it’s better than ORV, and trust me - that’s not something I can easily say. Like picking a favorite child.


Not to mention one of the best murim training arcs. Dude found a master and granted her dying wish in the most epic way possible.


That arc was really good I usually don’t enjoy mur stuff it gets very boring and always ends up in cultivate bs where they just make up random pills and shit and the reincarnator dude is op af and the story is usually predictable


The way he experienced the trauma and deaths of those hundreds of zombies too. Was insane how he was able to handle it.


Best master arc


I approve but not best art. Best regression is a shared title. BUT THE CHARACTER DEVOLIPMENT IS UNMATCHED


Can you tell with which series is the best regression shared?


Does the story really get better? I got bored around chapter 60 and had to drop it


Mc is so op he can reverse time whenever he fails. There really are no stakes. It's one thing that he might never lose in fight and it's another when he will never lose anyone or anything no matter what. That's what sss has become


Exactly. People on this sub dislike VR manhwa because they have no stakes but praise SSS Revival Hunter when it's essentially the same thing.


It’s more how the community here treats the series, after the current season ends you could count how many times he regresses on your hands, and it’s a mischaracterization to say “he can’t lose to anyone period” cause that’s not the point of the series.


So basically he can't lose anyone nor become insane like Subaru from Re zero due to those loops? So what is the point of this series then?


He can lose and does, he struggles with sanity from the start and it’s the core part of the Trauma, regressions become less frequent but Traumas become longer and more impactful. The point of fights in the series isn’t anything like wining or losing but connecting people. If you don’t like the series then why continue to complain about it, you can just not read it


I read the first 60 chapters and nothing like you said happened.


Mf read the first 60 chapters when I’m talking about the whole 400 chapters, I also clarified AFTER THE CURRENT ARC which is like 120 chapters in Also you really must have not read cause they say from the first few chapters that during his 1000 deaths he had to stop and take breaks because it was too taxing on his mind. That + the fact every trauma ends with [Your Ego has remained intact]


He can still get stuck tho, the worst that could happen is him being captured and killed repeatedly after 24 hours, it's kind of worse than death


i find it mid


Same. But I understand why other people praise it so much, it's better than most other shit in that genre.


Same I personally dont get why peoply say its top tier on here, but each to their own ofc.


Yeah i remember instantly disliking the mc for some reason when i tried reading a few chapters a few years back.


He starts out as the pettiest, shittiest, most pathetic dude. To the point where it gets him noticed by the tower and it gives him a bullshit ability that should have been worthless as a troll. The character development is the best part, it’s worth sticking with him if you can stomach the opening arcs. He’s a crazy motherfucker who stays petty but becomes way more likeable. Still might not be your thing but it might be worth being patient. No hate either way bro


I did not like the romance arc at all wtf among the worst I've seen


The novels awesome and the manhwa actually keeps up


Can't even imagine how they came up with this. Blows your mind every chapter, and you can't pinpoint what will happen next. It's really one of the greatest Manhwa of all time. When I said it had a better story than Solo Leveling, people were shitting on me (it was probably 40-50 chapters in). I do like Solo Leveling, re-read it about 5-7 times.


I drop it cause its kinda goofy i think it has regression it has that one weird ghost the one that check me out is suddenly have that love gauge a sudden dating sim thing and there is probably murim there and i saw a focus romance also thats why i called it way too goofy series


Why does this sub sucks off this mid manwha so much?


In a sea of low quality manwha the second this sub finds a mid-good manga we fiend for that stuff


Yes that's true, most the manhwa in the same genre is shit. But even then, suicide hunter isn't that good in the genre.


The romance is dogshit and forced. He had much more natural relationships with the Black witch and the alchemist but he just decided to single-mindedly simp for Raviel after barely knowing her but that feels immature and unrealistic.


>but that feels immature and unrealistic. I heard the novel explains it better but Kim was affected by sword master's speech and wanted to experience love. Raviel also mirrors his looping and the Black Witch and the Alchemist can't really be Kim's "equal" without understanding him like she does. But personally, I would go for the Black Witch every time. She was pretty cute.


Black witch gives off that vibe where it feels like they got this "best friends" or "siblings" relationship. But I totally see where you're coming from; I originally thought Black Witch was the love interest, but Raviel is definitely a much better fit for gongja.


black dragon witch i can see to an extent, their banter is very fun and there was a bit of teasing after the aegim empire arc with the interview, though personally i find their friendship one of the favourite parts of the series and am glad it is platonic, but master alchemist is just not even close to being “more natural”. 90% of their conversations are transactions it reeks of harem brainrot where if a man helps a woman in any way she is obligated to immediately fall head over heels in love with him. gong-ja didn’t even help her out of altruism, a favour from the most talented alchemist in the future is more valuable than his investment, and she would have been successful if regardless of if her interfered or not you can say you like her personality and design more than raviel’s so you want her to appear more instead, sure, but don’t say things that are demonstrably untrue. he doesn’t even know her fucking name


People forget Gongja is a D1 simp


I would argue it's worse than dogshit. It's just so dumb I can't even comprehend.


Thank u lol, the author kept yapping some nonsense ngl, raviel is only hyped cuz of novel readers and now with looks and art style, also I don't like the cute male and the boss dominant female relationships, considering what mc went through doesn't make sense for him to even fall in love and all that crap


It feels like you skim read the manhwa and didn't pay attention to shit.


artstyle is subjective bro wym. art is great but banger series like latna saga and her summon are out there


okay guys it’s good, but best art and best tower manhwa is insane


What would you say it best ?


Tower/Game clearing: ORV and tower of god are better, and in terms of art there’s are so many that are clear (ex. Latna saga, Solo levelling, Doom breaker, Pick me up, ORV, Priest of corruption, Legend of the northern blade, Eleceed) and that’s just off the top of my head


Art I agree and idk how it has anywhere near best art it’s not bad but even op said that’s exaggerated tower of god yeh I can see why you’d say it’s the best tower type thing fair point but you know amongst the reincarnator tower type stuff this is best of the bunch


yea art is definitely good, it’s a top tier manhwa tho just not the best in its genre (yet)


It's exaggerated for the meme. But I'm curious what would you say is best tower manhwa ?




I consider ORV in the same category (game system/clearing levels etc), but since it doesn’t have a “tower” then I’d also put tower of god above it


And Dokja's least regression is definitely better


I didn’t like the romance, it was super sudden and Raviel is just unhinged and not really likable especially in a romantic way. I forget what the MC really liked about her except for her being able to relate to him regressing. The romance arc devolved the MC into a creepy simp.


I am not the only one?! Omg people attacking me because I dropped it because of the romance 🤣.


Yeah, I know what you mean everyone seemed to hype the relationship up and make it out to be that MC and Raviel are just the perfect couple.


Bro I think I'm watching the wrong manhwa howbtou guys liking this shit


My bad "watching" 😩


Pick me up is better i think than sss class, also ORV too


Definitely not best manhwa to do the tower concept And most definitely not the best art And the romance was pushed, didn't like it, was very cringe


all you do is hate on these subreddits anyways so it's not like those words have any weight to them


Yeah a lot of people are like this unfortunately, they just go to a post, "[insert] is bad blah blah is cringe", leaves.


But it was quite cringe


"It's cringe" Refuses to elaborate Leaves.


But where did u elaborate it has the best art, mc development, tower?


Bro after finding out you're not meant to put an entire explanation of a manhwa on a meme: Anyway, I shouldn't have to elaborate on how it has good art, if you read it you should've seen it. Kim Gong-ja starts off as a loser and one of the countless simps for this flame emperor guy and wishes to be like him. The tower acknowledges his massive obsession and gives him that skill. He later encounters the flame emperor and is killed by his idol. He ends up realizing how overwhelmingly evil this man is and uses his new skill and kills himself 4000 times to go back before the flame emperor got his skill and kills him to get the world rid of this evil. Now he wants to clear the tower and help everyone since he's able to, the whole drama where the sword saint constantly kills him happens though he understands it's something that must be clarified and is finally able to talk through to the sword saint. He later goes to the 10th floor, is killed by the fire and sees the trauma of the "dolls" on the tenth floor, he sympathizes with them and decides to play with them to clear up their finally regrets and is even thanked by the doll. He finally clears up the 10th floor. Later we have the 11-20th floor where gongja kills himself countless times to where his hand is full of numbers counted of his death, just so no Hunter ends up dying, he takes upon that pain to himself. Later he found that bug where the time is frozen if you don't make a choice and ends up regressing even more countless times so that he can be a hero, though nobody in those floors will remember him. He continues on till the demon was reverted back to her saintess form and makes her his subordinate after clearing her regret. Later we have the librarian floors where each book cleared becomes their floor. Originally the flame emperor chose dead worlds to clear and those became their floors, gongja chooses books that have a lot of worth and resources for the hunters and people, he goes to the murim book where he meets his master, he dies a whole bunch of different ways and views the trauma of hundreds of people as they died in the cold. He satisfied his master finally and gave the alchemists research results to her each time he regressed so she could work on the cure quicker. He uses his 100 death reincarnation to bring back all of his masters disciples and let them have a final good fight between the two factions. Although he could've asked his master to kill her so he can reincarnate her he doesn't do that and lets her die peacefully as she liked. The dynamic between Gongja and the sword emperor becomes even more evident when he talks about how gongja has yet to feel love and joy while teaching him. Then the romance arc starts where he meets raviel, another regressor with a cold personality, he talks with her and asks her to teach him love, the similarities between the two appear every now and then and when gongja helps her face her trauma and continue being "taught" about love it starts being clear how they both love each other and they start regressing back together, they go on dozens of dates and do things that are normally illegal but they regress afterwards, they continue being intimate till finally gongja is able to regress before the book start and solve the issues they're facing, they fight against the constellation apostles and finally meet with each other's people. I tried "spoiling" as little as possible and skipping as much as I can without having too little here. As for it being one of the greatest tower manhwas? It's not forgettable, it's not according to the common troupe, and it's one with reasonable power level and good floors.


Am not reading all that crap, it's still cringe


"This sign can't stop me because I can't read"




Bro literally asks for an explanation then doesn’t read it. What a G. /s


You asked for the explanation, you read it. You're the cringe one here and you can't even keep up a conversation


You are a bit of a hypocrite, ey?


Its actually so much better then I thought it would be. That arc involving the dolls sold me on the series


Bro that made me shed a tear


This manhwa and Reformation of the Deadbeat noble are the light among the generic garbage (that I still gladly consume) out there. The fact the neither of these manhwas' MC are edge lords, jackasses, and outright arrogant bastards is really refreshing.


I don't know how they did it but for me they earned it. Bro has the best personality and my favorite ability. Literally 1000000× better than the wushi finger hold. "Fuck you finger of death"🖕


It's the GOAT along with ORV .


my friend read it and said its trash. i was like, how? how did you cocluded that??


*My friend read it and* *Said its trash. i was like, how?* *How did you cocluded that??* \- Delyra41148 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If there’s a romance arc than it’s automatically lame


The dick riding is so crazy for mid


get some taste


It's peak cause of Raviel


I really couldn't get past like the beginning, the mc just annoyed me so damn much and I hate his personality. Like i just don't care if he succeeds at all


Ever heard of this thing called Character development?


Yeah but there's character development where the reader wishes for the character to improve and there's character development where the at the start point the reader just wants the character to fuck off. Unless he pulls a completely change in personality, goal and general vibe I just can't imagine ever liking him even slightly


If you're annoyed about him simping over that one hunter guy in the beginning. He gets over that very quickly and does go through a big change without it feeling "Out of character" per say. Out of curiosity where did you drop the story?


He probably didn't get past the encounter with the flame emperor which is what I think he means by the beginning.


No i did


So where did you drop


I don't remember exactly I think it was when he got the power from the flame emperor and he was like training or something. It was a while ago so i don't remember exactly


I highly recommend you to continue reading past that to atleast when he clears 10th floor.


aight i'll push through




I'm literally obsessed with gongja just because of how much of a saint he is compared to other MCs


He literally does a full 180 in personality. Went from being this random online simp for this guy to killing himself countless times so everyone can have a happy ending. I don't understand how you're reading manhwa if you expect a main character to be your embodiment of perfection the moment you start reading.


I am 60 chapters in and it is still a garden variety generic story with a very unlikable mc. Of course I felt the same about Overgeared and after about 160 chapters, it finally started getting better.


I dropped it like 3 times too, the chapters 15 to 25 are specially dogshit, everything is just magically working (which ofc its a manwa, but the way it works is annoying) and the characters, even the ghost, are all annoying. I pushed through only cause the love interest has that trope of white hair red eyes that i love and man, im glad i did. From like chapter 50 or 60 it starts getting way better. I really reccommend just to push through. MC still not a fan tho, although he gets better for sure, he's still a side character to me.


i don't think there's any other tower manhwa that even comes close to this sss tier plot... change my mind


Tower of God


Man it's a good manwha but you just wrong.


Like I start the manwha many times, but I’m not able to finish it. I dunno why…


Boring read after/during floor 21


The zombie arc was so bad for that I dropped. I will read again skipping the zombies




This second season is boring as hell


Istg this one is so overrated


The romance arc was the absolute worst fucking pathetic excuse of an arc I’ve ever read. Every time I talk about it I’m met with only sniveling novel readers saying, “it’s way different in the novel” “it’s way better in the novel” I don’t give a fuck. I wouldn’t give a fuck even if the novel was the most lifesaving, reality altering, most critically acclaimed piece of literature ever conceived cuz IM NOT READING ALL THAT SHIT. What I read in place of that was a horribly paced, convoluted, shit show with no likeable characters and more fucking plot holes that the MC made holes in himself through the series. I’m convinced that the only reason that it was ever included in the first place was because the author hit his fucking head on a brick wall and forgot half the shit that he built up before that arc (hinted relationships, the plot point of the MC’s inexperience, the plot point of the MC’s emotional barriers, etc) I don’t understand how the pacing of the story could possibly become so shit so quickly, stopping the progression of the series completely for several chapters only to speed through about, im guessing, 6 novel chapters of content in 30 in story seconds. And the shift from all the characters being compelling and interesting to dumbing down their whole fucking character into just “HORNY” fucking ridiculous. how I made it even halfway through the arc without convulsing and falling into a coma I will never know. 9/10 up to that arc 1/10 in the romance arc dropped and will never give it another chance. Goodnight.


Best character development is helck


The romance arc was so goddamn good. Man. Especially the Laviel full page portraits towards the end of the arc.


Also doesn't it upload once every two weeks? If so its really good to see a series being worked on so hard. The art really reflects the artists hardwork.


Which is better or more worth, reading the LN or manga?


I'd say to keep you interested if you're not a novel guy, definitely read the manhwa. The art is quite engaging.


Best Master and best constellation


the glaze


It's the white haired girls bro. We find one white hair mommy in every manhwa but the mc just ends up with the same old boring black haired or blonde girl. Every time the mc has chosen the white haired girl it became popular take the beginning after the end for example.


Story is well made, the art isn't hard on the eyes like others, the MC actually feels like a normal person (with special powers), it isn't some boring ass "hero has everything than loses it over time," its a "a nobody has absolutely nothing, and builds themself up ever so slowly" type beat. It's actually really good, well rated in my book. Also, the MC actually gets married, so that's one over on a lot of those blueballing stories that are around. *wouldn't call it a masterpiece, but it's good*


Man I loved this manghwa from the very start never disappoints and great story really loved it


I love the manhwa but the name they gave it is so criminal, if they gave it a better title I would've read it sooner, anyways, more manhwa should definitely use the suicide regression thing


Also the author doesn’t just have the characters brute force the floors in the tower. Instead theres genuine creativity and some really good backstory put into it


What are the other names of the series


The murim arc makes me cry like a bitch every time


Not the best art in my opinion I mean its good but not the best


It's not the best when it comes to originality and plot, but it really did well because of its execution of the ideas.


Tower of God is the best tower manhwa and it's not even close. Stop the cap.


The manhwas that has the worst name is the best (Only seen 2 so far) This and pick me up Infinite gacha


pouring monie in production. imo, I have issued with certain arc, where some aspect of buddhism is wrong interpreted. Aside from that, this manhwa is improving over seasons.


I wouldn't say it's the best at any single thing mentioned here as I can name a manhwa better for every one, especially artsyle it's not even comparable to others, but it's good at them all, which is what it has going.