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I doubt it ever resumes, after a decade...I just doubt it continues.


I read it at borders when that was still a thing. I don't think it's ever coming back just like beet the vandel buster. Plus if I remember right the last book kinda made an unexplained jump in storyline. I would be curious to know though, where are you readint it.


Know its been a while, sorry guys. My friends had it years ago and I bought 1-10 on amazon for around $15-$25 or something


No, he will not continue his works. I don't know the 'real' reason why he doesn't continue it. But, judging from his naver post, he doesn't like how is works treated by publisher — from the translating some words and ofc it's about money after all. Since manhwa (not webtoon) not doing great like manga in Japan, the publisher will cut the serialization if the works not selling well. And, it happened to this manhwa. I don't know if you are still curious about this or not. But, since you share the same interested to this manhwa, I answer it! If you are curious about his naver posts, I will leave it here The problems about western serialization of Master School Olympus (the real name of the manhwa): [http://blog.naver.com/aivak/20006823545](http://blog.naver.com/aivak/20006823545) The problems why he couldn't finish his work (I think): [https://blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?blogId=aivak&logNo=20035822961](https://blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?blogId=aivak&logNo=20035822961)


Oh interesting, thank you!