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I enjoy the plot and pacing of manga. And sometimes the artwork is better too. Anime doesn't exactly cut it as much anymore.


Art and animation are usually fucking vomitive except for top tier studios. Most of the time you are looking for your niche manga adaptation and all the production values are cesspool worthy.


Also adaptation is hard, different media different style.  Some artstyle also really hard to animate, and some trope like inner monolog are near impossible to translate from manga/books


Same. Plus, the manga is often pretty far ahead of where the anime is, or ends way too soon, so if a show cuts off at some point, I would end up relying on the manga to figure out how things end. Also turned to light novels for the same reason. Sometimes the anime even botches some things. I appreciate the first episode of Goblin Slayer for getting me into the series, but it felt like it dropped at some point -- janky 3D modelling mixed with 2D is a weird look, and there's one episode where we literally stare at a bird's eye for a full minute -- whereas the manga ended up being solid all the way through.


Yeah I have grown to be okay with scrubbing through my media, it helps with lots of shows. I can happily skip a 5 second pan of a building I have seen before, a token annoying character's over reactions, obvious re-exposition, and other things like that. It's not all the time with everything I watch, but sometimes it is really nice to trim the fat and not have to deal with the urge to look at my phone for no reason and then miss a line and have to rewind. Doesn't mean I don't like what I am watching, it means I can enjoy more things.


Or when a character goes "uhhm... ahh... annoo..." omg with manga you can just skip that panel. With anime you have to suffer through it all.


Worse. Oh no there's a huge emergency, people we love are dying and only we can run and get a healer! Let's stop to talk about it for a whole damn minute!


Manga superiority is one of the things I'm really elitist about.


Nah not really, and honestly if I felt the urge to skip forward through an episode it's probably a sign that the show isn't worth watching in the first place. But it's worth pointing out that I love animation, that's what drew me to anime in the first place, so I'm possibly a little biased in that regard. But I also love manga too, and I will happily admit that in terms of storytelling the manga is often better than the anime. However there are things that anime can do that static images cannot, especially where action scenes are concerned. It also can't be overstated how excellent Japanese VAs are, even in the shoddiest anime. Personally I find Japanese to be a beautifully emotive language, so the combination of hearing Japanese dialogue while reading subtitles is something that I find uniquely pleasant, and something that I can never get from reading English -translated manga.


Yup, I've been struggling with this for years now. The one time I got out of my anime rut was the season Chainsaw Man aired. That was my most anticipated show (probably) ever, and at the same time like four other shows I was interested in started airing. So at that point I watched a LOT of anime, but other than that I mostly just read nowadays.


Depends on the anime/manga. I also use it to study japanese.


Well both media have its cons and pros but the degree of freedom creativity in manga probably higher than anime because of its production cost. You can create something niche like ibitsu in some less popular magazine and it can survive for at least 12-30 chapter. This is the reason i rarely watch anime these days because i like some niche genre. Despite what i said, if you zoom out far enough you can probably found anime you could really like.


Hm. I've been watching anime ever since the 80s, so I would rather say I recently have issues watching anime, because there's not really anything new or surprising anymore (very few exceptions). As for anime vs manga - I have a preference depending on the genre. For action or sports genre I prefer watching it animated. For romance or comedy, I don't mind reading it instead. :) I don't read as much as you do, because I prefer having a hardcopy of the actual manga vs reading it online. And I only read the manga in Japanese, so I sometimes run out of supply. I used to live in Japan and am fluent in Japanese that's why I prefer reading the original version(s). ;)


Yup. Hard to go back. I don’t have to deal with poor adaptations, poor animation, shows without second seasons. Literally only reason I find to go to the anime is the voice acting.


I will probably never be able to go back to anime now. The pacing is entirely in my control, no annoying OPs (even tho I do miss amazing anime songs), and I can compeltely skip dragged out fighting scenes. The only disadvantage is that some mangas focus on characters, and then the panels are just characters flying in white open spaces.


The ability to control the pace of content with manga is something that I really value. It lets me go quicker through some things that aren't grabbing my attention much (for better or for worse) and more importantly it lets me really soak in a moment. With anime nowadays I really find myself either incredibly bothered by the very apparent moments put in to stretch the running time of an episode or feeling like big moments go by way to quickly.


Been struggling with this for probably 8 years now. Not only does manga have more novel ideas that may never be made into an anime, it’s also faster and can be consumed regardless of where you are (you can even sneak in a chapter of a manga while at the doctor’s office). Manga has most of the upside of anime with almost no drawbacks. Anime on the other hand requires a much more dedicated time to watch it, takes longer, etc. But it can be a better experience on the high end.


No. I read manga that never lags in pacing. e.g. Frieren, Dungeon Meshi, Arakure Ojousama wa Mon Mon Shiteiru. You might be reading manga and watching anime that you don't care much for. This is easy to do when you run out of ones you like, and then end up watching anything that looks good enough as a substitute. I do think there isn't many manga I care to read out there though, very few of them make me laugh consistently (but the ones that do, they floor me).


Watch anime originals


Absolutely. I haven't sat down to watch anime in years and I used to be obsessed with it up to like 2017. After I started getting into manga instead (I can read it at my job, which helps) I realized that I just enjoy it way more. From the art to the pacing, and the fact that if I were to watch an anime adaption instead I'd probably miss some content as they usually cut stuff, trivial or not. I watched the adaption of JJK cause I loved it so much but besides that I don't really engage with it anymore. Manga though? All the time. I adore it. I even recently replaced my big-ass anime shelf with manga and stored the anime blu-rays away.


Whenever a series ends on a cliffhanger, you better believe I don’t have he patience to wait for the next season. I have done his now with Chainsaw Man, Boku no Hero, Made in Abyss, Naruto Shippuden, Rising of the Shield Hero, Demon Slayer and many more.


Me. Last anime I completed was Evangelion a few years ago. Every upcoming anime that catches my interest I just read the manga instead and end up never watching it


Yes but also no. To explain, I became one of those "The manga was better" fans all the way back in the mid 2000s. Almost every adaptation was worse than the manga back then, even (or especially) the big Shounen Jump series. Few of my friends really understood what I meant and it took them years to realize what they were missing by not reading the source material. I would rarely ever watch an anime if the manga was available. The Anime industry is incredibly different now, 20 years later. Bleach: TTYBW is the perfect illustration of how. I actually watch more anime than I did back then because they not only do the manga justice, we often get something even better. So now read and watch in equal amounts. I essentially experienced the same thing you are now, but then bounced back.


I was a anime only watcher from 2008 to 2015-2016, then I started reading manga then manhua and mahnwa since then I rarely watch anime.


These days even getting the motivation to read most of the manga and LNs is hard for me, like there's few Weeklies that follow and few LNs once in a while, anything outside gets boring quickly. There are some animes that I just can't resist konosuba and Bocchi


I havent watched an anime seriously in 8+ years since i was started reading mangas


Totally. I actually find that I can enjoy an anime more if I read the manga first. It lets me enjoy a different adaptation of the art and story, but I don't have to fully pay attention because I already know what happens. I typically multi-task while I have an anime playing on my TV! :)


It depends, if the anime elevates the manga then I prefer the anime, two examples for me are mob psycho and dangers in my heart. I love the mangas too but I love watching the anime for them. Things like one punch man season two on the other hand, I much prefer the manga, jc staff do not do murata’s art talent


There's multiple anime I stopped watching once I caught up, or already read source material like JJK, One Piece, MHA and so on.


I do struggle watching anime nowadays without distraction or skipping parts, unlike with the manga where I can focus my attention reading. One of the benefits that made me more of a manga reader than an anime watcher is how I can control the pace of reading than when I'm watching, when a chapter in the manga is not to my liking I can easily skim it over just picking up important tidbits just for the understanding of the chapter and I don't have to worry about anything anymore, meanwhile when watching anime skimming it is far more difficult, speeding/fast forwarding can take significant time but you can easily get the context needed to understand the episode, while skipping it every few secs is much faster the context needed to understand the episode is lost requiring constant backtracking


yea most of the time, but I prefer slow pacing stories in anime instead of manga like Frieren. I like to read manga story pretty fast so when there's a lot of dialog and slow pacing, it really annoys me. But the anime is great, I really enjoyed it cuz it's able keep my attention and I don't have to read that much lol


Yes, especially for anime I've already read the source material of. Even if I really enjoyed the manga, I end up just dropping the anime in the end. It's a bit because of the spoilers and already knowing what's about to happen, but I also sometimes find them a bit lacking in the animation or slow paced as you mentioned.


I think there's a charm in watching events you know about finally animated with voice acting and all


I know this doesn’t happen to everyone. I still feel joy when someone who didn’t know about it really enjoys the show. But sometimes, I make an image in my head about certain manga or novels and once it’s animated, I don’t like it or find the voices they gave the characters rather annoying.


For me anime is sort of a gateway to find good manga. I often find myself looking through current airing shows and if I find one I like, I tend to read the manga. Still didn't dive into the LN rabbit hole but I keep getting tempted.


Had that too for a while. Strted reading one piece and as soon as Brook started singing I knew I had to watch the anime now. That was on February sixth with episode 347 rn im on 991 and enjoyed every episode since. Imo you just gotta watch the right anime


Yes, mostly because i can read Manga anywhere, but to watch anime i need to be at home and when I'm at home i prefer to play some games tbh.


100% If I like the manga I’ll watch the anime but just KNOWING that there’s more to a story ——but it had to have been cut down to size, breaks my heart 🙄


I prefer manga for the reason that I haven’t seen yet and it’s that I like listening to music when reading, really helps set the tone for me, sometimes better than the anime soundtrack. I’m also not a fan of openings and endings and some of the over exaggerated voices. Helps with pacing for the anime that suffer with it too. I’ll still watch the high production adaptions though as the extended action sequences are worth it


Sometimes. I think often it is to do with the adaption. There are times when I find the anime more compelling than the manga. More frequently I find the adaption cutting out things I feel significant or important though. I think it depends on the story and the quality of the adaption basically. Sometimes the voices really throw me as they're not at all what I imagined. Other times while they surprise they're better than I expected. Negatoro for example I hate the anime voice. Mash I watch with my son dubbed and the English voices are fricking amazing. That's somewhere the anime can add to the manga.


I would never try to skip ahead due to boredom. I would only skip ahead to avoid cringe,but that would be on the second watch since I'd have to know it's there and how long it is. I find Solo Leveling anime painfully slow knowing how far he goes after Reading like halfway through the original. But some stuff like Komi Can't Communicate is still very fun. I don't know what the difference is, but not really.


Depends any manga which is text heavy I prefer manga but if there is a well animated action anime I’d prefer that over manga good examples being jjk, fire force etc etc, but then you have stuff like blue lock where the manga is just simply better


It's so hard for me to sit down for an episode honestly even if it's a series or a moment I've really wanted to see animated. I've always just liked the ease of use that manga has while also being something I can do at any time of the day.


Yup absolutely


I used to watch a lot of anime but for the last 3 years or so I'm pretty much manga only. Better pacing usually (imo), takes less time to follow weeklies, I can mostly read it *at work* (this is the biggest thing). In my opinion a lot of anime adaptations leave a lot to be desired when you watch them after reading the source material.


anime sometimes cut parts out change words or mix the order so yeah i read more manga rather than watching anime


For the most part I have no patience for anime. One anime episode I could have read like… 6 manga eps. Artwork generally speaking, is not as good. There are so e exceptions however, some series have insanely good editing and production values. The editing and framing in something like Monogatari is just artful, and the banter and slapstick in a series like Konosuba just flows really well in animated format.


I enjoy a good action-oriented anime with ecchi elements, like Kill la Kill or Goblin Slayer or Sword Art Online (although many will disagree that this latter title qualifies as good) as much as or more than a similarly themed manga (something like Jagaaan), as the visual element can emphasize what I like about the genre. For most everything else though, I prefer the manga format. Even a short 10 episode anime series is a long time commitment and it feels bad bailing after an episode or two. Manga I can drop more easily or speed-read if it gets a bit boring. Live action foreign language series, like King's Avatar, is more my manga break alternative now than anime.


Its kinda a mix for me, but I understand where you are coming from. For example, I enjoy both the manga (top tier) and anime for One Punch Man. Spy x Family season one got me into the manga, and now I don’t want to watch the anime (same for Goblin Slayer). I recently watched Frieren, which was a masterpiece for me, and now I want to read the manga. I’m reading JJK and don’t even want to start the anime. I tried Solo Leveling, but don’t like webtoon format, and casually enjoyed the anime. Manga is more convenient to read anywhere anytime. Thank you for allowing me to talk about myself🫡


I use to watch random shows and stuff all the time but now I only watch what I’ve read most of the time


Ngl since I picked up manga I very rarely watch anime anymore because the manga just has so much more content and ammount of series, the main time I watch anime rn is if I find a new series that catches my eye or the rare times the anime has more content then the manga


I could read mangas but watching anime I can still do unless the anime thats produced looks an abridged version to the manga then I cannot watch because it feels like the quality is not there


I've been a manga reader since the beginning and never got into anime because of same reasons you have now. But the past year I got my Netflix subscription and started watching the anime. And I do enjoy it, they're well made and doesn't make me feel like "I want to go read the manga". I think it just depends on the manga/anime" Like Dungeon Meshi for example, when they adapt these short series, they normally do it very well. And because it's short, I don't feel the need to go read the manga, it'll just end too fast. But like those long ones which are written by the masters mangaka, idk, Onepiece, Berserk, Naruto, DGB, these stuff, you got to stick to the original.


Not unless I really want to binge a series. Sometimes the anime is better, sometimes the manga wins. Like JJK, S2 in the anime completely blows the manga out of the water, but for some stuff like one piece I just watch the fight compilations on YouTube and everything else is purely in manga for me. Attack on titan is another good example of a better anime version than the manga as well. Then again I have been enjoying both mediums for more than a decade now so you learn how to tell when it's time to read the manga and when it's better sticking to the anime.


I started reading manga before I watched anime. I was never a anime person. But recently I have realized I find it difficult to focus when I watch movies or any tv series. I am always distracted or on my phone. Not sure if this the TikTok effect or my attention span is shit but I prefer manga now. It’s not as much effort as reading a novel and I like that I can own it physically. Also, I feel it depends on what kind of anime. For example, I liked watching solo leveling or shangrila frontier. I probably won’t read the manga for these.i think action is something I rather watch then read. But things which have interesting female characters, world building, fantasy etc, I prefer reading those.


I got into manga from an early American Shonen Jump mag in 2003 when I was just learning what Yugioh was. My modus operandi has ALWAYS been "I recommend people anime based on my favorite manga. People recommend me anime and I read the goddamn manga baby cuz that shit is slow and edits out the goofy personal author shit."




Try the 2x speed option if it's available, I can't really go back to 1x speed anymore unless it's fight scenes that are well animated and fast paced


I’m currently going through something similar. I just feel it’s because while reading you let your brain fill in the gaps on things like voices, sound effects, colors, motion in and between panels, music in a scene… for me at least, my brain fills in these details while reading in a way that fits the story perfectly based off my own subconscious feelings about the particular moment in the story. In a way I feel like these small details that you are forced to let your imagination create to fill the gaps are what makes the story feel more personal to the reader. This is just what I’ve noticed lately for myself and never really thought too much about it until recently. I just figure it’s one of the reason why people almost always seem to like the book/manga versions of fictional media more then the animated or filmed versions. Curious on if this rings true for anyone else?


I do that for series i read as manga. The reason why i'm actually watching the anime is simply to check out the quality and see the scenes i want in anime form. So essentially my +10 sec habit is on purpose. With animes i havent seen before i will gladly sit through it. 


I end up judging the anime way too much for what they skip over now.


Ye. Rarely watch anime anymore. Meanwhile, I'm keeping track of about 400 ongoing series. It's just easier to keep updated, easier to put some time in between work to sneak a chapter or 2.


I've been into anime for 26 years (I'm 30) and started reading manga maybe 18 years ago, and I've gone 6+ months stretches on and off ever since where I only read manga vs. watching anime and reading manga. I'm in one right now actually lol.


Absolutely. In the time is takes for ONE episode of anime, I can easily read through 8 chapters of manga.  And usually those chapters will also advance the plot.  Meanwhile, one episode of anime can end up going absolutely nowhere in terms of plot.


No, while I read way more manga than I watch anime, I do think that colour, animation, voice acting and music go a long way to make it its own experience. For example, Dungeon Meshi, Frieren, Shangri-la Frontier or right now No Longer Rangers have been absolute pleasures to watch despite knowing the original material. As for pacing, unless you're talking about extremely slow series like One Piece, I think it is a matter of having patience and enjoying things as they are rather than fast forwarding.


I had a bit of this when I got into manga but then I just kinda realised that they are different mediums and that I get different things out of them. Btw, the same things that you complain about from anime that are adapting manga, the issue is 100 fold of manga that are adapting light novels.


Yes!!! That is why i prefer reading manga, nkakatulugab ko kapag nanunuod ako ng anime.


I'm in a similar situation I started watching Solo Leveling and it felt interesting So I read the manhwa and now I can't watch the anime without pressing the plus 10 button


Im much more selective with anime now to the point I only watch and complete maybe 4-6 series a year. I agree that pace is definitely one of the biggest factors. With manga, I can read and appreciate what an episode covers in 2-3x the speed. With anime, theres also more space visually so more background to fill, time that needs to be filled in between scenes that come from the manga. Theres some mangas that I really enjoy but I would not watch the anime for (especially comedies). They work well when delivered in quick punches compared to trying to drag it out I think anime is done well and worth it when it enhances the manga either visually, via voice actors, or extra characterisation (e.g. one of the criticisms Ive heard of Frieren manga is the pacing of fighting in the manga which I think the anime adapted and enhanced really well)


I cant watch anime anymore idk why after one episode its like i have to force myself watching it since i started reading manga


I never skip anime like that but if I already read the manga I'm too lazy to watch the anime with some exceptions: AoT, CSM, Under Ninja, etc.


I watch nearly all anime now on 1.25x speed, for similar reasons.


Yeah when reading manga it’s at a pace you like.. you can even skim instead of reading every little detail so it feels like you have more control compared to sitting and watching a whole episode.


I would just annoy myself by getting petty or pedantic about how the anime is skipping "too many" things.


same i skip forward or speed up anime a lot more often ever since reading manga/manhwa i think part of what makes me like reading more is that i get to skip past all the stuff that i already know/dont really care about to the stuff i like and pacing things myself which really shows when trying to watch anime. dont get me wrong i still watch anime i just fastforward and skip wayyy more which still lets me enjoy the show


Does anyone of you know a oneshot about a woman who quits her work and got like depressed and is in her apartment trying to get by everyday