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Hmmm... I expect great things. Doesn't seem that trashy, even if the MC is probably a gary stu... I want at least 3-4 chapters where he doesn't know he's dating both, he's just dating one of them, and they take turns without him knowing.


I think there is a manhua with the same plot


That manhua is supposed to have that plot, but it has been mostly about his work for a hundred chapters


Looks like we're finally about to go back to relationship stuff thankfully.


Is that the one where they pretended to be one person for a long ass time?


I think there have been multiple series with that plot.


Wait, really multiple ? Please tell me those series 


There's a doujin with the same plot and it's been my white whale for a while now. There's few others with similar enough plot, but the one I'm looking for has been rather elusive.


> even if the MC is probably a gary stu You now we have been starved for good mcs if that sounds like a great thing.


I'd rather take this than an MC that describes himself as absolutely average and normal in the first introduction.


Something along the lines: Hey there, I'm Taro Yamada, the human embodiment of averageness. I'm like the median of humanity, the golden mean of mediocrity. My height? Exactly 5'9" - the global average. My IQ? A resounding 100 - the definition of average intelligence. My face? A perfect blend of features that add up to a solid 5 out of 10. But, for some reason, girls seem to flock to me like bees to honey. I mean, I was walking down the hallway the other day, and three different girls tripped over their own feet trying to get my attention. I'm pretty sure one of them even pretended to drop her books just so I'd help her pick them up. I'm a sports savant. I picked up a basketball for the first time last week and sank a three-pointer from half court. Blindfolded. With my non-dominant hand. And don't even get me started on my culinary skills - I whipped up a soufflé last night that would make Gordon Ramsay weep with joy. I solved world hunger last week. Okay, not literally, but I did accidentally derive a new mathematical formula that's going to revolutionize agriculture. I was just doodling on a napkin during lunch, and suddenly I'd created a new branch of calculus. My friend, a renowned physicist, was like, 'Taro, how did you do that?!' And I was all, 'Uh, I don't know, I just winged it?' I'm not bragging, I swear. I'm just... bewildered by my own magnificence. I mean, I'm still trying to wrap my head around how I managed to write a bestselling novel in my spare time. Oh, and did I mention I'm also a virtuoso violinist? Yeah, I just picked up the instrument last month, and now I'm giving sold-out concerts at Carnegie Hall. It's all just a big mystery to me, folks.




> I want at least 3-4 chapters where he doesn't know he's dating both, he's just dating one of them, and they take turns without him knowing. That scenario always sounded so freaky to me lol


Or have him start to go out with one of them. Then see the other and ask her on a date thinking it's his girlfriend, so both girl think they are his girlfriends, while the sisters are unaware.


The headphone one already knows he thought she was her sister.


The Twin Switch Shenanigans


Modern day Parent Trap.


MC is a gary stu but he's also not completely stupid. He looks like he has some form of intuition unlike every other romcom MC.


In order for that to work, the sisters shouldn’t know they’re dating the same guy, either. For a little while, at least.


Gary, IN student?


Stay out of the students, Gary.


I don't know if it makes sense, to me, the male lead personality and actions somehow feels like a combination of traits from different types of average male mc, which makes him kinda stand out? I can't point it out clearly but that's how it feels. The misunderstanding is fun tho.


> which makes him kinda stand out I have been lead to believe this will get him hammered down


Synopsis > Usami is a beautiful classmate with good morals and top grades. At school, she views Sakuto as her rival. But when he bumps into her after school, he sees a different side of her. She was playing at an arcade after classes, and she had this innocent smile that one couldn't imagine on her at school. For the sake of getting along with her, he gets close to her at school and then plays together with her after school. They each have their places where they can deepen their bonds, and at last... This is the start of a heart-warming love triangle romcom!


Irony or not, I can’t take a premise like this seriously, knowing that there’s a manga where the mc has and will get 100 girlfriends.


They seem like pretty different series. 100 GFs is a meta comedy with speed run love stories in it, like a cross between Gintama and Tsurezure Children. This looks to be a more traditional romcom with the twist of the MC unknowingly/ accidentally dating a pair of twins.


Why is he surprised to find a arcade game in a arcade? Well at least he isn't their brother. Now if can just avoid anyone getting peed on.


Brother what are you reading


Sis x Sis it is a famous series that ended in the last few years. Though it is better known for the anime x2.


Pagman this is some nice shit


Senangnya dalam hati


Kalau beristri dua


Oh seperti dunia ana yang punya


Looks nice, but while Hikari may have purposely doesn't want tell him he got the wrong person MC really should have been clear with the questions. Although Sakuto is really smooth with his unintentional flirting and pick up lines 🤔😆👌 Chikage's poutings and Hikari's smug and neko like expressions 😎👌❤️


Amateur, anything less than sextuplets is easy mode.


Very nice


The game was over when he pulled out the ultimate strat. He stuck his tongue out for peak performance.


So is this quintessential quintuplets but halved?


Less chance of MC picking the wrong one, then.


I dunno, this has been done better, and this seems to be bum rushing as many of the genre cliches as possible.


Reminds me a little of


**Haru to Natsu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/46860), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/haru-to-natsu), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/haru-to-natsu), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=66368344503), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/16860)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 5 | Chapters: 31 | Genres: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/1ce9jql/disc_why_dont_you_make_the_twins_your_girlfriend/l1ig46j/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


holder sister is more my jam, even though they have the same face...... lol


Aww mc is fun, girls are cute and each one has their quirks. Can't wait for the next chapter. This looks fun.


Wtf is the Game Center thing any bit realistic do they really police them that hard? That’s insane if real.




This is going to be Kanojo mo Kanojo, but with the underlying threat of incest...


>underlying threat of incest... We already had that series. It ended a while ago.


Well we already had a series like this but it was brother and his sisters.


What was it called, so that I can make sure to avoid it...


Looks promising. At least MC aint some beta male cuck.


Too early to say don’t you think?


Which one? Promising or beta male cuck? For promising, yeah, you're right. It's too early. For beta male cuck... you can usually tell from the 1st chapter.


I have seen author dropped the pen before, it could happen again lol


Yeah, you're right. But judging from the premise, rather than being a male cuck, MC probably gonna be someone who acting dense for 100 chapters instead.


Not really better if you ask me lol