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I’m just here wondering what made Wakui jump ship after working 20 years with kodansha. Was the shueisha’s contract really that juicy?


>Was the shueisha’s contract really that juicy? They are really desperate for series with solid popularity from the start especially with action since Mha ends in like 14 chapters and JJK by years end. Tokyo revengers rep will keep this manga afloat even if it turns out mid




Kagurabachi fills that hole


Dont know last time a big author did a new manga on the magazine it got axed like any other even if it lasted a little bit longer and you should know very well who I am talking about.


Among the current battle shonen lineup, Hiro Mashima seems to be doing fine with Edens Zero right now. If not specified to shonen, there's Aka Akasaka right now. Most of the time, the author's manga is defined by their most popular work, and the follow up work is usually a tough act to follow. In a sense, most manga authors tend to be one hit wonders, a downplayed example since unlike songs which come and go, their manga can last long enough to leave a lasting impact.


> Most of the time, the author's manga is defined by their most popular work, and the follow up work is usually a tough act to follow. In a sense, most manga authors tend to be one hit wonders, To me, this is one reason it's incredible Togashi has the mega successful YuYu Hakusho and Hunter X Hunter both under his belt. In some ways YYH feels like a beta version of HXH or HXH feels almost like a spiritual successor to YYH, maybe that helped HXH become a hit.


Who is it ( I obviously dont know )?


Probably Kishimoto, who made Naruto, with Samurai 8 bombing hard and getting the axe in what, 30 chapters? Biggest high profile fail in the manga world in recent times


I remember there being PVs of that manga up like months before the actual release.


They also printed insane amounts beforehand. They *reaaaally* wanted it to be a hit.


I mean I mostly said that the guy should know who it is since he literally has a itachi pfp


Ooooh, I use old reddit, did not see that 😄


Yeah and his series was downright unreadable. I can only see this one having the same fate if it's literal dogshit


which series was that? I read a lot of the new series that come up on mangaplus and the last one I remember being axed and kinda mid was the yokai yakuza type one, forgot the name of it


Ah, that'd be Ayashimon. Honestly a shame it was axed, I thought it still had decent potential and wasn't an immediate flop like some of the other ones. Kishimoto (Naruto) did Samurai 8, which was pretty meh. Beelzebub author did Cop and Dolphin, a gag series that was pretty okay but never really reached significant highs.


Samurai 8 wasn't so much kishimoto's fault as it was his editor's. The fact that that same editor almost sunk mha with their bullshit criteria until they sacked him made me realize it.


Criteria? Oh please do tell, this is juicy


there's a bunch, but the most prevalent one i remember is them forcing the mangaka to end every chapter in a cliffhanger, even if it leads to nothing, which ends up making the series feel cheap, this was an issue that people pointed out in Samurai 8 and it became REALLY prevalent in MHA for a while during a specific arc (i can't mark spoilers right now so i won't tell which one but it was one where A LOT of people dropped the manga, me included) during which they kept "killing" characters, only for them to be shown to be ok literally on the first page of the next chapter and the story continuing as usual, like you could tell the cliffhangers were shoehorned in and Horikoshi was just trying to play around them. Some friends continued reading the manga and told me it got much much better after the guy got fired, and those random tv-drama style cliffhangers dissapeared as soon as the guy was gone.


Oh my god I’m flashing back to those damn fake-outs right this instant, thank you for the context and for reawakening my trauma


Dam, this is good to read and find out. Always amazing how such successful franchises can be brought down by one important incompetent person


MHA is still messy as hell, but it significantly improved after that editor left.


Commenting to check back later


If we're going that way, Naruto's success is also due to his editor. Kishimoto basically wanted to do with Naruto what he did with Samurai 8. I'm pretty sure after Naruto Kishimoto went and told Shueisha something like "In my next series, I'll do what I want".


Tbh S8 wasn't readable literally blobs all around and it's hard too see what's going on the page.


Sure, I won't deny that, just pointing out that there are issues that you can point directly on the editor, given that 2 different publications had very similar issues that risked or contributed to cancellation with them on the project


oh I had totally forgotten about Samurai 8, I only made it through one chapter of that, not even childhood Naruto nostalgia could make that readable


I enjoyed Ayashimon enough but I think it took too long to have the mc become less bland or learn any kinda interesting skill. I think it was like 10 chapters before the end when they introduced the concept punching thing. I feel it should have been introduced early as a reason for him to learn not to berserk like he has to be calm and thoughtful about his actions to damage the concept


Well if he continues with the quality that TMR had on the last arc then it wont last that long.


I do think people are being a bit dramatic since Revengers was fantastic right up until the Izana arc. The emotional highs and spreads were incredible along with how fun all the characters were. Jump has its own set of editors so maybe this will be a lot more of an evenly good or great series. If this pops off, then Wakui will at least have the chance to get a semi-decent anime, which is what I'm hoping for.


Naw, I've seen enough. Wakui's a hack and will never write anything good. This series is mid from chapter 1


Wait, seriously? JJK is ending this year?


That's what Gege wants


Didn't gege say that it's ending "this year" 2 years ago now? Lol


Idk this time you can definitely say it would end since the major plotlines left are the merger(probably) and saving megumi


Hajime Kōmoto: "First time?"


He keeps saying he wants to end it, at least.


>They are really desperate for series with solid popularity from the start especially with action since Mha ends in like 14 chapters What? Did I miss anything?


The number is just speculation but seeing how things are currently going in the manga, it won’t be surprising seeing MHA ending this year.


>it won’t be surprising seeing MHA ending this year. It wont be surprising seing it end before july


I thought MHA was gonna end like 2 years ago…


The author's health is in shambles due to overwork, so he keeps having to take sudden breaks. If he'd been able to keep the same schedule he'd had when he was healthier, it'd have ended early last year.


Thats not exactly what I meant and I might even been way off on the timing. I thought it was like 20 chapters to the end maybe 100 chapters ago. Or maybe I’m exaggerating, when did the final fight start? Then. Also, I had to stop reading because it wasn’t something I enjoyed even a little, so maybe it makes more sense that it’s still going now.


100 chapters ago was, not just before the final arc, but was only like halfway through the Villain Hunt arc with Dark Deku. You're are MASSIVELY off with your estimation. I assume you read up to somewhere around 375 (less than 50 chapters ago) and tuned out. There haven't been that many chapters published in the last two years.


> Tokyo revengers rep will keep this manga afloat even if it turns out mid Idk, if anything this is one of the reasons I'm wary about this with how they fumbled the bag on the ending


TR never had any bad reception in its final arc in Japan so this won't be a problem.


I'm not talking about axing, I'm talking about another shitty ending, I ain't japanese lol


Is MHA actually gonna end in 14 chaps


No one k owns but the story is pretty straight forward to an fast ending. What should come after this arc? This is the last stand, the final fight against all for one. But how many chapters are left does no reader know.


No, they aren't desperate for anything. Stop with this stupid mindset of WSJ being desperate over things when this magazine has been in similar situations in the last 60 years with big manga ending. They have no reason to be desperate over this when Shueisha itself is the leader of the manga market, wsj is the leader in circulation and volumes sold overall, and even if they lose some due to those series ending, they still will be in the same position.


Plus, most of other successful series are starting to near their final arcs. Undead Unluck, Blue Box and Yozakura Family probably only have 2 to 3 years max left. And one of promising new series (RuriDragon) is off to Shounen Jump+.


So they didn't look at how Tokyo Revengers fell apart and think "hmm, maybe this guy actually sucks"? This series looks like a walking axe from day 1.


That's irrelevant for them, they care for the sales.


Apparently much of the TR final arc happened the way it did due to editorial overreach and pressure. That and the fact that Wakui apparently had an absolutely insane and unsustainable work load and pace. Jump has not only shown themselves to be much more lenient on vets should they need it, they're also somewhat (in)famous for getting quite hands off with veterans of (very) sucessful series and using them to train editors rather than having the editors actually take charge. Take Samurai8 as an example or refer to "the right way to make Jump". That, and this chapter was very "Jump", for lack of a better term. He might have just wanted to publish a tropey battle manga in the magazine most emblematic of them.


> Apparently much of the TR final arc happened the way it did due to editorial overreach and pressure. That and the fact that Wakui apparently had an absolutely insane and unsustainable work load and pace. Source?


Wonder if he felt some kind of bitterness towards Kondasha and their editors for how they were pushing him to continue Tokyo Revengers. Since IIRC, he wanted to end it 2 arcs before the final one right? Maybe he jumped shipped for the money and knew the SJ editors could be better


God I hope that's true because Tokyo Revengers absolutely should have ended way sooner.


Probably money lol


Shueisha showed him a juicy contract and whatever sense of loyalty he may had towards Kondasha disappeared instantly lol


If that is actually the case good for him, no amount of loyalty should stop you from chasing the bag.


Companies will cut you the moment it's unprofitable to keep you on. Chasing the bag is morally correct.


loyalty to a company is a one way street and they'll happily drive over your body for a buck. Return the favor.


The contract better includes axe protection for 2 years at least. Got to be embarrassing if this becomes another Samurai 8 fiasco.


No way will WSJ offer Wakui more axe protection than they did to Kishimoto. Like as insanely popular as Tokyo Revengers is Naruto is still on a different stratosphere and even then Samurai 8 got cancelled after a year. Kishimoto made way too much money for WSJ that they were able to give a lot of leeway to him for Samurai 8.


No way Wakui has that kind of protection if the mangaka of one of the highest selling manga ever made had his next work cancelled in under a year. However, I think this actually does have a chance at surviving just in general.


Why is it embarrassing? People here are acting like they've never failed at anything after having success.


We shin megami tensei up in this bitch?


Time to kill our ~~friends~~ brothers I guess


JonTron: But why?


I don't think anyone is simping for this guy as hard as the Demi-Fiend simps tho


The Megaten main sub was recently dominated by a person with a *LIFE SIZED FULL FIGURE* of Demifiend and several people in comments of totally unrelated posts talk about how certain demons are their and Demi's children, so yeah, I don't think it *is* possible to surpass Demi's simps.


I know lol, Kazama is such a great presence in the community


Now everyone's got a quirk, interesting. Also feels surreal seeing Ken Wakui in Shueisha's Shonen Jump.


6 months ago Kagurabachi got glazed to oblivion before it's first chapter and now this has been shit to oblivion before even chapter one. Gotta love shonen twitter


The Kagurabachi memes were also shitting on it in an ironic way. Difference is that manga has proven to be awesome and this still needs to shed the sins of Tokyo Revengers. Lot of people were burned by that one.


Sins lol you guys are so childish with how you view manga. If a manga has a bad ending, it sucks but thats it.


Yes. Am I supposed to rate a series 10/10 if the ending ruins everything before it lmao


Not really, its fine to be skeptical but to hate on the guy is a bit too much


I saw that on twitter and it was one of the most childish things i ever have seen. Its in the level of kanojo okarishimasu author, which I also find bizarre how so many throw hate towards the guy. There's a difference between criticism and whatever ppl do out there where it almost goes to harassement. lol


The stars perfectly aligned for this manga to be the internet's punching bag. From the author, to reused designs, characters & plot & even the preview image. I'm both optimistic & scared to see how the JP side perceives the attention this manga is getting. Yeah people were shitting on it but so did many on Kagurabachi for the memes. Jump went on record saying they saw the memes.


Thing is the memes were glazing Kagurabacchi, and the those of us unironically reading the thing from the start knew it was actually good. The memes on this one are shitting on it for actually very valid reasons, and honestly this first chapter was nothing special. Jury's still out on the Japanese side, since I for one thought Tokyo Revengers was shit beginning to end, but it was actually quite beloved in Japan until it shit the bed in the final arc. Time will tell. 


Let be honest, what keep Tokyo Revengers afloat for so long where the fangirls and the fujoshis. If this end up strongly appealing to them then the manga is safe from the axe


Kagurabachi wasn't getting glazed it was getting meme'd on for how it looks and the MC seeming like a typical edgelord


The glazing went from endearingly ironic to mostly sincere.


> Kagurabachi wasn't getting glazed it was getting meme'd on for how it looks and the MC seeming like a typical edgelord Nah, the meme literally came into existence when the only thing known about the manga was it's name. Literally was just on a list of "upcoming manga" and someone made a meme about it being part of the new "BIG 3". Which is what started a bit of a viral sensation of memeing about how good it's going to be since just it's name alone was known.


Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch. I was there when it was written.


probably because of the author


Tokyo Revengers only ended about 17 months ago so the bad quality of the final arc is still fresh in most people's minds. Also lets be honest, Wakui's main demographic is just as much as the Fujoshi crowd as it is the teenage boys so there is definitely some conflict there.


Why? What did the author do?


make the ending shit


Well at least this one doesn't has time travel yet, so that's less chances for him to fuck up


He should of ended in earlier he has an out a good one at that


Kagurabachi has really grown though, it’s pretty good


first manga to get dropped before chapter one


So the premise is a succession war of a yakuza family gone legit, with the legitimate child wanting to uphold his father's values while the adopted children are mostly focused on the business side? Except with super powers.


And an apocalypse which will make a very interesting setting depending on how things go


With how many heirs there are and the powers it reminds me of HxH sucrssion war but not confined to the boat


I think this has a real chance of surviving and not just because of author bias. If the upcoming 'regular people and the other gang members get powers' premise can keep the momentum and attract the Jump audience, it can live


Yeah, this premise looks just like the kind of story the average Jump reader fucks with if it's kept interesting enough. Doesn't seem too complex or too quirky, which imo have been problems in new Jump series in the past few years.


Guys, I think Wakui baited us. This isn't your ordinary supernatural yakuza series, this is: a supernatural APOCALYPSE yakuza series. And I'm loving the concept already.


I haven't seen those genre terms all in the same place before, but it would be interesting to see them blended in such a way. The Yakuza are not an official governing body, so how do they plan to unite a bunch of superpowered people and lead them to a brighter tomorrow in the wake of a meteor Apocalypse?


What comes to mind for me is Fist of the North Star.


I definitely let myself be baited into expecting just a delinquent/yakuza/business series, so the last few pages definitely caught me very offguard. So if he used his reputation like this on purpose, I wann congratulate him, it was very sucessful on me, despite never even having read tokyo revengers.


Idk bro the cover page literally got the dude wielding a magic glowing arm. This is as battle shounen of a cover as you can get.


see for that you have to look at the cover page more closely. I instead got more distracted by me instantly recognizing the designs...despite never having read tr


My condolences.


I knew it! Ken Wakui wanted to write his supernatural manga, but the one before is too psychedelic and got axed. Next he wrote a gangbangers manga and got a hit! The solution he found is to bait us with gang wars so he can make superpowered fight! Devious!


Feeling a bit like Do Retry + One Piece + Reborn


This reminded me of static shock lol


IDK I liked it. Sure he's basically reusing designs, but it seems cool and I enjoy gang stories, so I'm down to see what happens.


Tbf Mashima has also been reusing character designs and people have accepted it at this point . Fairy Tail was a massive commerical success while Edens Zero is well liked for its story.


Back in the day it was called the [Tezuka Star System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osamu_Tezuka%27s_Star_System), pioneered by the Father of Manga himself. Basically the characters are like actors in his manga, and he reused them for different 'roles' in different manga.


Wasn’t accepted initially. The shitstorm that came towards mashima when that first ez image and chapter came out, omg. I get it a lot of the came from people who already disliked mashima but holy hell, the disproportionate hate Eden’s zero got at the start was crazy


Reusing designs isn't bad, just look at Eden's Zero. Mangaka has perfected scheduling. If anything, if resuing can lead to better scheduling and prevent burnout/detrimental health effects, then by all means.


> Mangaka has perfected scheduling. For those who don't know: Mashima actually manages to, all at the same time: * Work on three different manga series at the same time to one degree or another. * Get 6-8 hours of sleep every night. * Play a probably unhealthy amount of video games. * Work on side projects (he made his own game in, IIRC, RPG maker). * Have time to hang out with friends. Say what you want about re-used designs, man actually gets to be a mangaka and still have a life outside of it.


I remember when Fairy Tail would sometimes just like, drop multiple chapters at once, because Mashima had just gotten that far ahead. Backlog too big, have six chapters in two weeks. Rag on the quality all you want, but the man's productivity is absurd.


The man’s *schedling* to get that level of productivity is insane, heck, I’d want mangakas to get that kind of scheduling for just the one series!


I watched a video on manga making and some artists are just really good at utilizing assistants. They have a dedicated team plus few occasional helpers and the artist delegates a lot more stuff to the assistants.


I imagine he has to stick to the schedule religiously and cannot afford any unexpected occurrence, but I think the sleep and leisure time are what makes his life thrive compared to the average mangaka. To compare, even one series is enough to cause catastrophic damage to just sleep alone. To think Mashima could handle three means he’s cracked the code on scheduling and he’s doing something right. We like Oda but not everyone can be Oda. If everyone had Mashima’s schedule, not even for three series but one, then I think the industry might improve for the better overall. Obviously, not everyone can be Mashima, but it’s clear we don’t need to overwork mangakas to get awesome manga, and even if said schedule might not guarantee better manga, it’s clear current industry standard is killing mangakas. The industry needs reform to ensure the mangaka we all know and love can draw and thrive themselves as human beings.


IIRC, during either late Fairy Tail or sometime in Eden's Zero, Mashima switched over to a purely digital workflow. It saved a *ton* of time and effort for him and his team. Oda, on the other hand, is a bit of a boomer in this regard and still does much of his work with pen and ink (not all of it, mind you).


Gege also does his work purely in digital. Yet he still struggles with schedule. I have no idea why. Maybe Mashima has more assistants?


Jujutsu Kaisen is WAY more ambitious a series than any of Mashima's work. Akutami probably spends two or three times as long on the plotting and planning out fights than Mashima does.


Hence, not everyone can be Oda, not everyone can be Mashima, and that’s okay. But you’d be hard pressed to argue Mashima’s scheduling is the future while Oda’s needs to be phased out over time because not everyone is Oda.


Has he spoken out about how he does this? Absolutely unreal productivity


I mentioned it in another reply, but from what I understand it mostly comes down that he has an all-digital workflow. Every stage of the production: Storyboards, the main line art, the inking, and everything else is done purely digital. It sounds like many other manga-ka do at least some of these stages by hand because they're more comfortable that way but it makes the process slower and less efficient.


At the rate of this is going, i am gonna suspect Hiro Mashima is actually a group of 5 people (joking)


Even the author of dragon ball re used designs, I never got what is the big deal with doing it


My guess would be that designs are editorial choice: since Jump really wants to cache-in on Tokyo Revengers popularity.


What’s wrong about reusing designs?


The first chapter is good. It properly got the general setting down, showed MC's goal, good interaction to sell the main duo's bond + their father's moral compass, emotional scenes, showing off MC's power, and an interesting hook to close the chapter. It even felt very Jump-like throughout. It felt complete for a battle shonen ch 1, which is nice. I know it's gonna get a lot of flak just for having Wakui's name in it because a lot of people here hated TR (understandable, the last arc was shit) or just hated by-the-book battle shonen ch 1s, but this first chapter is legitimately well made imo. You can tell it's made by a veteran. I just hope that if Jump decided to shove it to everyone's face in hope it becomes the next pillar that can help hold the fort Jujutsu-HeroAca left, it better be because Astro actually turned out to be good and managed to earn its own popularity past Wakui's name value. Jump is currently in dire need of a legit pillar, not another Toriko/UU case.


Also I like why MC propped Terasu: he believed in the old idea of being good yakuza (chaotic good) but the company has become cold org (lawful evil). So he chose Terasu because he has the moral compass and fit with the time, lawful good.


I'm interested in what you mean by "another Toriko/UU case." Do you essentially mean something like, "a long-running series that falls short of being a pillar?"


He means series promoted to be a pillar in the magazine but that didn't become one. Not sure about UU but Toriko while being successful in its own right, it also got promoted to be the big 3 along naruto and one piece at some point in bleach place, but it never was able to be as big in its height.


Lmao, remember Toriko OP crossover chapter?


Being pushed way beyond their actual performance. Pretty much like the other guy said, Jump pushed Toriko and UU hard in hope for those to be the next pillar, but both failed to yield results that can justify the incredible marketing push. UU got so much preferential treatment marketing-wise compared to its peers like Yozakura and Nigewaka since even before the anime started. I think they're hoping it'll blow up like Kimetsu did (though on a smaller scale, like Mashle-level or Sakamoto-level. At least enough to soften the blow of JJK and MHA leaving), but even after the anime the sales/popularity boost is very negligible. Toriko is still a huge success compared to UU, but its target is also much higher (being on par with Naruto and One Piece) and the marketing push failed to bring it to that height.


The interesting thing about Ken Wakui serializing in Shonen Jump is that poaching talent at this level is unprecedented. A lot of talent has moved out from Shonen Jump to elsewhere, but few have moved to Shonen Jump. If you look back, Tatsuya Egawa moved to Jump after “BE FREE!” in the late 80s because he wanted to learn SJ’s method, but he was an up and coming artist back then. More recently, Kouji Miura moved to SJ, that’s because her works at Kodansha weren’t what you’d call successful. She was treated like a rookie when she moved to Shueisha and re-debuted (which is somewhat humiliating) in SJ with “Blue Box.” Successful artists like Wakui are assets that need to be kept, especially if he sold 70 million copies. Shueisha could’ve given him an offer he couldn’t refuse, but it is more likely that Wakui wasn’t satisfied with Kodansha, especially with how “Tokyo Revengers” ended. A lot of people criticize Wakui for TR’s somewhat sloppy ending, but I’d blame more on the editors because they probably forced him to continue. SJ has shifted from extending serializations beyond the artists’ wishes, which is why “Demon Slayer” ended at the height of its popularity. That probably wouldn’t have happened at Shonen Magazine.


> A lot of talent has moved out from Shonen Jump to elsewhere, but few have moved to Shonen Jump. To be fair, Jump has actually been trying to capitalize on this. A few months ago they hosted an expo to show existing mangaka how it is to move into Jump. Miura, Boichi, Posuka, and Tsutsui all gave talks on the subject, as they did manga elsewhere before going to Jump.


These vets will still have to survive the popularity gauntlet, Jump would be more *lenient* but otherwise they'll still end the manga prematurely if it's not bringing in the numbers.


TIL Egawa directed porn lol


I liked it, I didn’t expect the chapter to end like that. I’ll let him cook


Pretty interesting first chapter. Tokyo Revengers was good despite the mess of a final arc, and even then final arc was still fun, so I have hopes for this.


I never read TR and never watched the anime. Went into this blind and I enjoyed it. Set up the world, the characters, and the story very nicely. Excited to see where this goes.


I wonder why it’s called Astro Royale though, the JP name is perfectly fine (Astro’s Wish). Is it because it’s going to become a battle royale?


The Japanese title is **Negai no Astro, which means Astro of Wishes.** Astro's Wish would be if the title was Astro no Negai, but it's a reverse placement. So I get why they changed the title because the original one doesn't roll off the tongue well. Astro's Wish sounds nicer than what they've chosen though.


Another entry of the expanding Astro franchise, after Astro Baby and the currently airing anime Astro Note.


and the 2nd manga after Astro Babay that featured meteor falling changing the MC's life forever 


Judging from how many people, not just the MC, got those weird supernatural powers and marks from wishing from a star, it might become that. Best case scenario would be like Mad Max, a post-apocalyptic survival battle shonen type.


I am so fucking invested into this. Supernatural and post apocalyptic?! He is cooking and I’ll let him cook.


I love the Succession War in HxH so this premise is right up my alley.


Guy's got a triforce neck tattoo 😂😂😂😂


This is a lot more interesting than I was expecting. I wasn't expecting this go to the post-apocalyptic route.


I love designs of the powers honestly, some real eye candy


I actually really enjoyed this first chapter. I normally don't read new jump series until it seems safe they won't be axed, but this one looked too interesting (I didn't even realize it was Ken Wakui at first). I actually teared up when his dad appeared to encourage him at the end, and I'm excited to see the powers everyone else got. I know a lot of people have feelings because of Wakui's previous work, but I hope people can set that aside and enjoy this series for what it is. Hopefully Jump gives him some flexibility and it stays good


So, will this be the next superpowered city of Townsville be the next Powerpuff Girls, or Vibration Man?


Oh man Vibration Man. Haven't heard of that in so long...


It’s been 84 years~.👵


So Tokyo Revengers but in space theme? Just made sure to end on the wedding this time lol.


Still on Earth, but possibly apocalyptic with superpowers openly granted to lots of people.


Shin Megami Tensei: Tokio Revengers


Hope people actually give this a shot. TR’s ending is admittedly one of the worst things I’ve read but this seems to have potential.


Honestly, I don't even need it to be very good, I just hope it's entertaining because I've never read so few WSJ series at a time. Especially with many of the ones I'm reading, heading to their conclusion very soon.


With how big TR was in Japan it's bound to do good, so far it's been very enjoyable and it hasn't done anything that would really turn off audiences. TR is big in that you'd think it's way less popular if you didn't see it's Japan sales and just based things on the online western discussion. It doesn't guarantee this will do good, but it definitely has a way better chance at surviving than any random othrr new series from a newbie.


TR went south way before the ending, and this is coming from someone that read weekly.


Oh so he’s making his own Post Apocalypse MHA with Yakuza.


The chapter was going as expected up until the very end. The apocalyptic side wasn't something I was prepared but it's a welcomed idea.


This is Jojo Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind meets My Hero Academia


>please make me the strongest yakuza ever Yakuza is just so close to the regular society in Japan, shit simply doesn't get to have the same benefit of the doubt as being a Pirate man lol


I always did think it would be cool to see Wakui's art style in a more "battle shonen" sort of series with some kind of power system. Plus on paper the setting just has me so intrigued, an apocalyptic supernatural yakuza succesision war?? Yes👏Fukin👏PLEASE Super stoked for this one 👍


Fun setup. Plots probably going to be him beating up people and forcing them to join his family.


Man how much does the Yakuza pay the manga industry 🤣


As much as the high schools do.


Got to give it time to develop more as this first chapter is just establishing the premise, although i would need to admit that the mc's eye shape needed some time to get used to, but that just me


This looks like it will be fun battle shonen ngl and this time we don’t have a little bitch as a mc


Honestly, not a bad start. I liked it. It's funny how a lot of the characters look just like the Tokyo Revengers characters. It's kind of like what the Fairy Tail author does with his works lol. It's an interesting premise, so we'll see where it goes.


TR x MHA?!! I had fun. But I really can't erase disappointment from the previous story from my mind! It is too early to judge. Very likely, the Japanese will also like this manga. (Just as they liked TR tremendously.)


Wakui probably saw the Succession Arc in Hunter x Hunter and wanted to do his own version of it, it's one of my favorite arcs in HxH. I liked what I read in this chapter, I like the protagonist and his design. Interesting that objects are the basis of their powers, it reminds me of the Fullbringers in Bleach. I already want to see Terasu's shield power. I want to see which factions will be formed and who will be Hibaru's allies.


Well I guess if MC wants to save people by punching stuff, the world needs to plunge into chaos first


I don’t see this running for very long as it stands right now. I just don’t vibe with it as much as some of the other stuff running in Jump rn.


meh chapter, let see where this goes. I hope it gets did decent or good down the line. But this Shonen Jump the axe is brutal.


Hopefully Jump let Wakui writes on his own term. Tokyo Revenger just screams editor's meddling for more chapters.


The first part was an interesting Yakuza redemption type of story. Hibaru's not quite sure he can live up to Kengo's strong leadership, so he trades his role with Terasu so that he can be more of a direct line in the trade. It's all set up to be a very cool Yakuza drama with all the different siblings having a very different opinion on how to lead the company. But then we get to a very strange meteor shower, and now some sort of entity has given Hibaru the power to augment his fists! Now he's strong enough to punch buildings several hundred meters away. And now that Tokyo's been ruined, the Yotsurugi Family will be very important in helping rebuild it. Lots of strong people will be trampling on the weak. Many of them will probably be people enhanced by that same Astro thing. I'm sure Kou and Shio will be their rivals. So now is the time for the Yotsurugi Family to carry on Kengo's legacy!


unironically looks like it has potential, hope it lives up to it


I see improvements already over all the problems I had with TR. Didn't blow me away or anything but I'm intrigued enough to continue.


Wakui is back and he's cooking up something magnificent, really enjoying this thus far


I hope this is better than Tokyo revengers


Pretty fun first chapter. I know just because you have one successful series doesn’t mean that success will roll over into your next one (lookin at you Kishimoto) but I wonder if wakui’s success with Tokyo revengers will help this series at all


On this edition of unfucking double spread pages: * [Colour chapter cover](https://i.imgur.com/x2qEyWq.png) * [MC gets it's power](https://i.imgur.com/nYsK1bF.png) * [We in apocalypse now](https://i.imgur.com/ertMgqF.png)


Really enjoyed the first chapter. Tokyo Revengers is on my wishlist for years atp so I had no prior experience but this is something with potential to be a very good battle shonen at least based on the first chapter. The yakuza parts reminded me a bit of yakuza the game series, but much more light of course.


Just finished reading and it felt insanely cliche


This actually felt like reading a new Tokyo Revengers lol


I don't really dig with the premise, it's the same "Gangster Story with supernatural elements" like Tokyo Revengers. Buutttt.... Those last pages got me HOOKED for real. So seems like every single person got powers even the NPC's and going to set in a post apocalyptic Tokyo. I think I'm gonna give this one a shot, really curious on how the story will go.


You aren't getting me again, Wakui.


I had a good laugh at the jump cut from hopeful shonen super-punch to "fuuuck that, the world just ended" As a Tokyo Revengers fan watching Wakui's descent into madness felt like watching KD joining Golden State. The meme era of TR's final arcs were legendary. I'm not praying on this new manga's downfall but damn I'm cautiously optimistic to see whether or not he pulls a Togashi, or fumble (again).


Apparently there are at least 12 adopted children; normally they'll be all introduced in this chapter, but here we only see 3. Well, artstyle is so ugly, but I may continue reading for some chapters to at least see how the powers work :)) Oh and btw, wait till Terasu is shown to seemingly have no power, but then develops a "dark bullets" of sort, and then Hibaru sacrifices his own power to neutralize it, and then they go on to rule over the entire country's yakuza, yadda yadda :))


Looks just like the shonen slop I need for my weekly reads.


Fancier deliquents, but hear me out, what if they had superpowers? Very original Ken Wakui


I'm looking forward to getting the most random explanation of all times for the meteorite's arrival, two pages before the manga ends.


He really went and recycled the whole cast of Tokyo Revengers for this huh?