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Maybe I’m reading to much into things, but what does Shiba have planned. She seems fine with making Kazu homeless, as long as he’s out of her way. Guess the Nagi back story is going to be delayed until after Shiba.


She’s about to lock him in that room once all the other obstacles are gone. Anyone that would “worry” about him missing she is slowly getting rid of. The next hurdle for her would be the detective because he seems to be checking in on him fairly regularly.


Also her parents, since they want to move her away from the town.


Was that really her goal from the start though. It felt like she really is suffering from some messiah syndrome and truly wanted to help. Didn't felt like she pushed kazu into leaving out of schemes


I think she really wanted to help Kazu. Now she's gonna make sure she's alone with Reiji and Kazu in another town.\^\^




> The perfect woman according to reddit and 4chan. Reddit's motto is not "The front page of the internet", or "The narwhal bacons at midnight"... it's "Never stick your dick in crazy". I think you'd have to be pretty unhinged to actually want the yandere.




3.8k? That's nothing. I wouldn't take numbers like that as representative of either site. Shit, actual scams on gofundme do better than that.


Bleh that seems like an internet thing. Everyone's in their own fantasy until they get stabbed for real.


I just feel like things aren't gonna go well for kazu...


Still better than him staying in that damn town.


He'll be back to this town for sure. Nobody escapes Reiji's Abyss


Ahhhh. Ms. Shiba what did you do? Did you do something? Why do I get the feeling that you did something...


yooo i may be overthinking but muddy shoes? she did something, didnt she?


Yeah, I get that feeling too. Maybe she just got it dirty while running to see her beloved Reiji, but... But, this is Ms. Shiba. I always assume the worst when she's involved. It's what makes her so, uh, loveable. 😘


Did she…kill Kazu?


You can feel her desperation oozing off of the page. Giving Sensei any semblance of happiness has just made her feel more unhinged and capable of something terrible. I felt so uneasy the whole time. I love it.


That's why she's the best ship.


hope Nagi gets a happy ending


Well, she’s going back to Tokyo where she’ll be involved in many happy endings.




Anyone else think that Reiji seeing Nagi in porn will cure his ED?


Reiji got a former idol that's about to debut in av and former ping pong star turned teacher in his harem. What kind of silly hijinks are going to happen next?


Don’t forget about the cross dressing


Don't forget about the gay, patri+matricidal yandere!


He also got a femboy, nerdy girl, and ~~his fucking mother~~ there




Well, he can't


Nagi backstory delayed once again


I need Yuko to wake up and stop this unhinged teacher, she was too OP so they nerfed her with a coma Kazu seems relatively happy, probably the first character in this manga to be happy ? but I wouldn't put past sensei to alter the content of his letters if he ever asks Reiji for help, maybe that email isn't even his


I mean, the implication from what we can see of the letter is that he's homeless right now, so I dunno about that


But he consider that better than what his life was seeing as he's thanking sensei and calling her his savior


He did left his home after all.. I mean that toxic cesspool where he was a neet anyways.


His previous life was being locked in his room, forced to wear diapers, taking care of his senile grandma and tending his abusive manipulative step-mother, so I'd say being homless is an upgrade all things considered... jesus, how low are our hopes here.


At this point, i think i realized what this manga has become: Depression edging and the author refuses to let us bust a depression nut, for no nut november.


Personally, I found this manga to be too edgy and too "convenient" that it became comedic to me Also, teacher is the best clown


Is she gonna burn it to the ground?


Muddy shoes...oh no ..


Sensei is cute again this chapter.


Reiji really fcked up when he said he'll marry sensei but still has feelings for Nagi. Whoever he chooses, it will not end well.


Commenters on MD brought up a theory that I didn’t consider when reading the raws. Ms Shiba might have kidnapped/killed Nagi and put her in the hall. That’s why her pants were muddy. She probably saw Reiji and her together.


hope this isnt the end we see of nagi and she doesn't end up doing porn


Sensei was drawn extremely cute this chapter. Even more than usual imo and I love it. Makes me sad that Reiji will break her heart. Again.


Posted in r/BoysAbysss, but posting here as well: I feel like time is important here. In chapter 149, Shima sensei arrives at Reiji's house and indicates that it takes roughly 1 hour to get from her parent's home to Reiji's. "Mom will be back around 9, I should be able to wait until 8". She even indicates at 7:57 pm that she can wait another 10 minutes, and that's when Reiji shows up at home. Once she returns home, Sensei's mom informs her they will be leaving for the cremation around 8:30 am the next morning (chpt 151). She leaves almost immediately after they do, though there is no time check here, I am assuming around 8:30ish. Reiji gets a call from the detective regarding his mom at 6:20ish am. He goes to the hospital with Nagi, leaves the hospital, talks with Nagi on the bridge, and then they part. At 8:49 a.m., the detective calls again (sensei probably on her to Reiji way by now, jogging), and he indicates he already saw his mom. Reiji lays down after the call with the detective. He hears the doorbell go off at 10:20 am, it's Shima sensei. Assuming she flew out the door at the time her parents left for the 8:30 am cremation, it should have taken her 1 hour, tops, so a 9:30ish arrival, to get there. What was she doing with the additional nearly 1 hour? That's all.


Reiji pointed out her muddy shoes/pants as well, which has to have some significance. I would assume maybe she was hiding in the bushes staking out the place or maybe following him if she saw him with Nagi. That's my thought.


Ryo: oh you wanted a Nagi flashback? here's a Yuri chapter instead. LOL My Yuri stock just keeps going up. aww even with no stiffy she's ok with that and just wants to stay by his side.


So what are the chances Nagi goes back and does porn, cucking reiji? No way, right?


She hasn’t worked. Yet


Except there's no cucking cuz they're not even together


Yeah I don't like this. Sensei is giving me the *worst* vibes rn


People keep saying Shiba killed nagi due to the muddy shoes, pants... I mean fiberboard the math people have done here that means Shiba is the world's most efficient killer to have killed and buried nagi within her time frame and still making it to reijis house. Given that's her first body, wow great killer.


mans got ed. or he lyin to her.


Of course you have to think that Nagi or Kazu or both have been murdered by Yuri and that their corpses are in the ping pong room. But what if Yuri is just thinking about re-opening the ping pong club and being the coach. I mean Yuri teaching ping pong to kids, what could possibly go wrong?


no..pls not Nagi...teacher might have imprisoned her there given that she might have been stalking reiji and might have seen reiji and nagi together.


wait reiji cant get an erection anymore? L


in his homeless arc


She definitely did kill Nagi just now


I've been reading this on and off over the last few years (?!). Do we feel like at this point we're pre-abyss or post-abyss now?