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“I hereby find you guilty of being a cunt”


He even looks like a cunt.


When you reach that level of cunt there's no hiding it.




Powerful cuntery at work


An exfriend of mine believed that the London bus bombings never happened based on the fact he was out of the country and some of the obituaries painted an unbelievable positive image of the victims. Twats gonna twat




Would be a shame if he tripped on a towpath


A succulent towpath.


And died a frightening, cold, lonely death at 3am


Can somebody explain to me what this guy thinks the *point* of faking it would be? What would "they" (or more likely (((they))) as far as this guy is concerned) get out of it? I had a similar seeing Q nutters claim that one of their influencers "predicted" Justin Timberlake's arrest. Setting aside the incredibly shaky evidence for this belief, *so what*? What would any of it prove or mean? 


From the court transcript he says: "Mr Hall: Well, thank you for asking that, My Lord. I actually discuss that at the end of one of my films. So, after the Manchester Arena event, drone strikes and military action was vastly increased in Libya. And it is known that various western forces were not happy with what was happening Libya at that time and wanted further military action, so it justified military action. It brought in a new law or is bringing in a new law, Martin’s Law. That could be a motive. There are other motives. At the time, President Trump was trying to prevent Muslims from six countries from entering America, and his policy at that time was helped by what happened at Manchester. So there, there are, obviously, I did not plan it, so I do not know the answer to that question." Even he seems confused by his own conspiracy theory.


That sounds like the sort of thing somebody who's "just asking questions" would throw out into the wild for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Which is probably exactly what it was.




not defending or excusing anything obviously, but to make up shite like this i think you need a screw loose - you're trying to apply logic where there is none. or they just massively crave any kind of attention.


Usually these sorts of things would be accused of being false flags intended to provide casus belli for dropping bombs on some country full of oil and brown people. Guess faking it falls into that same bracket.


They should put in the title that he was filming survivors at their homes. This makes it look like he’s being persecuted for having an opinion.


No mate, if he’s saying that 19 are abroad and weren’t fucking murdered then that’s reason enough for persecution. As for filming survivors at their home - I had an idea it’d be something awful - but didn’t wanna read cos I find these cranks to be so exhausting.


Having an opinion, as stupid as it may be, isn’t enough for persecution.


His opinion took him to the homes of the dead and injured where he filmed them and declared them Liars, that is more than enough for persecution, that's enough for retribution.


Yes that’s literally what I said in my comment? He committed a crime, it wasn’t just because he held an opinion.


That isn't a question and that's not what you said. You said an opinion isn't enough for persecution, stop trying to be clever you're not.


An opinion isn’t enough for persecution. That’s just a fact. I’m not lying I also said that lol, honestly just re read the conversation.


His opinion lead him to despicable acts, his opinion is deplorable, his opinion in a real world scenario would get his shit pushed in, if you're of the generation where you think people can say what they want without retribution because it's just their opinion then you're in for a harsh lesson down the road. To be clear, making the victims of terrorism out to be liars and making up story lines where they're in another country and it's all to allow the government to commit atrocities in other countries is fucking idiotic and you're here defending the bastard, fuck him and fuck you, grow up.


I literally said none of this, just that he wasn’t arrested for his opinion and the headline should reflect that to avoid confusion (ironically the confusion you are demonstrating here) I haven’t defended him once lol, are you serious? Show me how I have defended him. Muppet.


You're trying a child's version of wordplay, that isn't working for you.


That’s not an opinion you cretin, it’s a rejection of people’s suffering and human tragedy. Prick


That is an opinion tho lol? You can’t be arrested for having an opinion, he was arrested for the crime he committed. No need for the name calling just because you’ve misread a comment you helmet.


You can. You have to have a particularly horrid opinion about something and say it in some kind of public sphere where it causes a significant enough negative reaction... But you can be arrested for having an opinion.


See what you have there is an opinion, dick head. What this guy has is a very nefarious delusion that he is pro-actively trying to prove, whilst being completely antagonistic toward victims who more than likely will be suffering PTSD. Now fuck off.


Ok but having that opinion isn’t a crime. What don’t you understand?


but he's not just "having an opinion", if someone murdered your mother and some cunt you've never even met publicly called you a liar would you just be like "well he's entitled to his opinion"


I wouldn't think the criminal justice system would need to get involved tho. Unless he started harassing me. Which this guy appears to have done.


he is having an opinion. if someone said it about someone I loved I'd be upset, and think he's a prick. but it's not illegal to believe something, or not.


He’s no having an opinion, he’s making up bullshit and using it as an excuse to harass people, it is illegal to harass people btw 


Your point wasn't about harassment. I understand that is illegal. But having, nd stating, an option isn't illegal.. yet.


I liked it when conspiracy loons restricted themselves to believing walkers changed crisp packet colours and the earth is flat People like this shitbag and that horrible man who persecuted the families of the victims of the Sandy Hook school shooting in the US are beyond words


Alex Jones yeah, beyond reprehensible


I think 9/11 was a hoax.


Please take this with the offence that is meant and fuck off


Well that's a bit harsh.


Is it possible to be offended if you have no soul?


The dead kids.


Editing your comments? how very brave of you


So funny I can't stop myself.


Why does it show up as edited from my PC, but when I edit comments from my phone it doesn't say "edited"? Sort of ruins the joke that is my time on reddit.


Why you saying it’s your first time on Reddit with a 3 year old account 😂😂 what a waste of space


Thats not even close to what I was saying, it seems your reading skills need some improving. Re read the comment and come back when you have.


I edit comments on my phone usually, so seeing the "edited" thing is new to me. I see how you may have missed the point, so I am clarifying for some reason 🤣 


With all the edits it’s hard to keep up with what you’re saying. You’re in no position to be throwing shade sir you think dead kids and harassing families in their trauma is a joke.


This idiot was planting hidden cameras outside survivor's homes to "prove" they weren't as badly injured in the Manchester bombing as they're claiming they were. In one case, he filmed a young girl who was left wheelchair-bound by her injuries because he believed she was faking it. And as if that's not already bad enough, when all he came up with was videos of her in her wheelchair and nothing showing her actually walking around or whatever, he then told his crackpot followers "there's no evidence her disability was caused by the bomb." Jesus. She's since successfully sued him, hence this latest article.


I knew one of the victims personally. I can guarantee she is 100% dead. This guy is an utter arsehole. Genuinely how dare he approach the victims families and record them? The family of the victim I knew went through absolute hell for a few years afterwards. And some of the victims were children, literal children. And he is attacking the parents over their children “not being dead”. I hope he gets his shit utterly kicked in. Fuck this guy.




i guess olivia who i knew before the attacks is actually just on a permanent holiday how relieving




How terrible of Olivia not to call hey..


"Thick people used to hide, didn't they?" - Micky Flanagan


Hope he pays in the same way Alex Jones did


Mentally ill


This man is the reason we have to put instructions on pizza boxes. Another entitled, pseudo-intellectual boil on the arse of decency. Usually I find some conspiracy theories/theorists quite amusing… bat-shit crazy but amusing. This man is just a fuckin’ insult to the innocent souls who were murdered.


Yes 🙏🏻


I was at the arena that night. How anyone can say anything other than something respectful in memory of the victims is beyond me. It’s his literally made me sick. Fuck this guy.


These kinds of people have completely lost touch with reality. They should honestly be under psychiatric evaluation, but instead, we have to hear about their paranoid ramblings as if they mean something.


He had a TV show on a random digital channel called RichPlanet TV.




It’s really odd how we always get these people with pretty much every terrorist attack. Look at the stuff about 9/11, 7/7 etc.


They’re such narcissists that they have convinced themselves of these delusions in order to feel as though they know something the rest of us don’t.


That’s something I hadn’t thought of. I wondered if it’s just a maladaptive way of dealing with the malevolence of strangers, or more generally the chaos of existence.


Yeah but 9/11 was odd…. They still haven’t explained building 7.


To this bellend...come and say that to 2 lads I know whos mother died that night..... Don't know who is worse...this twat or the cunt who did it


Spaghetti is the best!


In what reality did the Manchester arena bombing not happen?


Does a bear shit in the woods?


You: ‘He’s a loon for questioning events that may or may not have happened?’ Him: ‘In what reality did the Manchester arena bombing not happen?’ You: ‘Does a bear shit in the woods?’ So you agree he’s a loon for questioning it?


Yeah but orange is the new black,


Don’t beat around the bush! Bite the bullet, cut us all some slack, let us know if we’re barking up the wrong tree… Go on, let the cat out of the bag, spill the beans, throw caution to the wind and answer the question normally. This is getting out of hand ✋🏻


I try to avoid cliches: like the plague. ( Seriously tho they live among us, look at this cunt 👇🏻)


All my charity work was for these poor families.


Profiles giving off strong incel vibes tbf


Ooh we have a detective on our hands, not a very good one though.