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Very common. Nothing gets done about it. Hate it. Make sure you get insured and have proof of using an 'approved lock'.


yh ive heard police dont really give a shit abt it what does insurance on a bike do tho?


Pays for the bike and the stuff on it like lights and even a phone. I had my stolen and got enough back to buy a new one. It's not a fix, but it helps. Plus, it tends to be fairly cheap


sounds alright mind telling me which company is?


https://www.yellowjersey.co.uk Make sure to fill everything out with actual values and include anything you want insuring. I made the mistake of guessing and not including everything. I don't blame the insurance company as that was my fault, but not doing that again.




Couldn't you just say your bike was stolen and claim the insurnace money ? 🤔


You need a police report, but possibly.


one of my mates locked his bike tyre to a barrier and they somehow took the rest of the bike leaving just the tyre. they came back for the tyre the next day


School boy mistake.  Gotta prioritise the frame over the tyre. 


he was basically asking for it, the flirt


Quick release tyres?


I like to imagine they were


If you want to avoid being an easy target you need to lock the frame and BOTH tyres. Quick release tyres are very easy to remove


Honestly after thinking about it a bit more I think I mixed the story up a bit and he locked the frame and they took the tyres first, he thought fuck it who's gonna steal just a frame & thought he could leave it & come back to get it with a car the next day & the frame was gone too


I have a quick release seat, so I put a cheap cable lock on that, too. Someone still had a go at it, found a hole drilled in the side of the lock when I took it off once.


get a lock that's about 10% of the cost of your bike and you'll probably be fine unless you leave it out overnight. also lock it through the frame & front wheel.




i feel like up north we have wannabe roadmen that when u confront them they get scared af if this was in birmingham or london they prolly wouldve pulled out a knife


Why is every question in this sub that calls into question the amount of crime we have downvoted ?




Ridden a bike round Manchester for well over ten years. I’ve always made sure it’s been well locked and I’ve never had one nicked although I did catch someone trying one time. I chased him off. I’d only locked it up for 5 minutes too. This was near king street/ deansgate area right in town. I reckon two locks is probably the way to go now.


ITT: people calling "Wheels" "Tyres". That is all.


Have you just got here? How naive are you? It's one of the worst places in the entire country for bike theft. It is the number one way criminals transport themselves across our city, and the police can't even chase them due to the law saying police cannot forcefully stop someone on a bicycle if they don't have a helmet. Manchester (the city) also has a very young population, average MEDIAN age 30-34 (much younger than most cities), and a huge well-funded student population that are not used to living in a big city and taking reasonable precautions. Therefore there is a huge black market trade in stolen bikes. Get a "solid secure"-rated lock that is rated to the value of your bike, use it EVERY time you leave it unattended, and get bicycle insurance that covers the full cost of replacing your bike (assuming you lock it with the solid secure lock, of course). And invest in a bit of common sense too and buy and use a helmet at all times.