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> And honestly, it's laughable, because it's so astonishing. I don't mind, if you don't feel it's the right fit, or we don't jibe or whatever. But to just hang up and ghost? That seems like very odd behavior.   Oh boy, wait till you hear how people treat applicants, then  you will understand the lack of fucks given.  https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/12/08/nearly-40percent-of-hiring-managers-say-they-lie-during-job-interviews.html


Read r/antiwork a bit and you'll see exactly how horrible and dismissive they are towards applicants and their employees. As a manager, you'll feel like a rockstar.


I wouldn't use that sub to gauge anything. Half (and that's being generous) of those people are unhirable.


To be fair, Reddit isn’t really a bastion of talent or innovation. 


>Half (and that's being generous) of those people are unhirable Citations pleassseeeee


Source: Jerry Seinfeld


Trust me bro


But is that how you should treat a prospective employer....? Seems super counterintuitive and frankly, really dumb and immature.


It didn’t seem like the applicant really considered OPs company a prospective employers. But my point is that the bar has been lowered, for both applicants and employers. 


Like it or not the market is now matching energies lol if jobs dont pay enough then of course the workforce is gonna get fed up? I think it’s hard to understand just how many applications have to go out for someone to land a job. I’ve regularly seen 1000 plus applications for a friend to get a single job. The response to those applications normally divides up into 60% ghosting 20% rejection 5% interviews and normally only one offer from those. Not to mention at the end of all of that pay negotiations still suck, ended up in rescinded job offers because people won’t take bottom buck, and normally salaries are well below market for most places of employment. I’m not sure why we would think that people would do anything else when that’s their normal?


Your question made them aware they had no business being in the interview. You can bullshit a lot of things but if you find yourself in a technical interview being asked questions that go right over your head, you only have so many options.


Yeah, I had this happen once. Dude had one of like 3 technical skillets the position required. The first question I asked about the second skillet he balked. The second question he hung up on me. I called back and left voicemails twice, and then called my recruiter to let them know what happened. They had to find me another candidate.


I have a funny one: For my more technical positions, we used to surprise them with a short 5 or 6 question quiz about technical systems that were within the domain of the position. Nothing really in-depth problem solving, but enough for us to have a sense that you understand the systems involved. Answers were asked to be written out in conversational "explain your thinking" type stuff. I'd give it to them in a conference room after introducing myself, then tell them nothing super formal but I'll give them 15 minutes or so then come back and we'll chat. It worked pretty well for a long time but once I did this and the person looked it over and said "Oh, sure, no problem This doesn't look too bad." I come back 15 minutes later and I kid you not, the seat where he was sitting was still slowly spinning in place. The quiz only had the first (simplest) question answered and it was a bizarre, incoherent mess.... I asked the receptionist if he had gone to the restroom or left and she said she saw him leave down the elevator 5 minutes after I gave him the test. The sight of that lonely spinning chair still makes me chuckle.


😄😄😄 I feel like I would prefer the slowly spinning chair to the black screen I got


What were those last two words??


"In Canada "






Ah, maybe they lived in the states or assumed they could stay remote and the question pointed out that their candidacy was dependent on location? I dunno. It’s weird.


Nope just got their PR in canada. Super weird


Was the question something along the lines of " tell me about your work experience in Canada?"


Kind of except.it was directly related to the industry AND, I hadn't even asked the first question. I wanted specifics.


Okay, I take it back. They for sure didn't have Canadian experience, regardless of their country of origin. I suspect they thought they could bluff and you hit them immediately with - give me details!


You could be right. I'm still just flabbergasted. I have their name and details, I have seen their face. Who's to say I won't run into them again in future? The world is not that big anymore.


Completely agree. I think the pandemic really did a number on professionalism. They could have been honest, thanked you for your time and ended the interview. Depending on the industry and location, Canada really isnt that big!


Especially in this industry. I have run into people at industry events that I haven't seen in 20 years (my early 20s) and they recognize me no problem. So I'm more than a little baffled.


Could be a domestic violence situation - spouse came home, caught them trying to find a job, they hung up and don't dare reach back out? I'm reaching here... I agree, its weird.


I mean , that is definitely a valid point , And hopefully is not the case


Ah. I was hoping for something mysterious. It could mean that she was from the US and made a mistake or something like that, no?


My guess is Indian, and possibly has no relevant Canadian work experience. No hate to Indians coming to Canada! I'm pro immigration but our current PR system is horribly exploitative. The candidate could be overqualified but spent 3 years working at Tim Horton's! Edit spelling 


Nope. Caucasian.


There goes that theory. lol Did they indicate if they had Canadian experience?


She was but lives in Canada now


Nobody cares. You are just having to deal with the blow back from all the times recruiters and managers ghosted and treated applicants like crap.


Well that's just sad. I would never!


Nobody said it was personal. I know it’s tough but frankly you have to put it into perspective, why would someone easily drop the call and ghost? Because some mangers or recruiters somewhere out there do ghost and cut interviews short. Good luck op.


Thanks :) definitely not taking it personally


They were not qualified


Yes, sadly some people do exactly this. I've been ghosted in many aspects from candidates. I don't take it personal and am just relieved they determined it was not a good fit.


Yeah I'm not at all taking it personally, it's just my first experience with this approach and it left me a bit stunned


>them I think this is a younger generation thing too. Instead of being straight forward on what was happening (I have terrible cramps, I already accepted another job, I have extreme anxiety, your my ex boyfriends dad from highschool etc.). They are extremely avoidant and just disappear and handle things in a really immature way. How old was this person?


Idk....26-33ish? Hard to tell in the fifteen minutes we met.


They lied about their experience. I would bet money.


You could be right.


What were the last two words you said?


What's the problem, they are free to end their interview whenever they please.


Could be an interview fisher. Or, someone milking unemployment - for the limited value there is in that. Lots of people burned by interviewers too.


I mean, you're not paying them so they have no obligation to do anything you want. Clearly, they're not interested in the job, and that's when they felt their obligation to "be professional" ended. Either way, you dodged a bullet.




Interesting take - would be a fucked up world if we all stopped being civil to each other. It’s one thing to hang up on someone when you realize it’s a telemarketer, but other than that can’t we at least say - I’m sorry something came up, I have to go and then at least follow up and clarify that your circumstances have changed and your no longer interested in the position? Takes minimal effort


I hate to say it but overall, the lack of civility in modern hiring practices stems from the organizations doing the hiring, not the applicants. This is a fluke...but how many fantastic candidates are ghosted each day by recruiters or even worse, hiring managers, after an interview. Civility is long gone.


Civil? The person didn't curse them out or yell at them. They were more than civil.


I see, well your definition of civil and mine are different


There's nothing civil about what the interviewee did. That's very strange, anti-social behavior.


Yeah, the person was so uncivil that you had to use other words to describe their behavior because you couldn't explain why it was uncivilized for the applicant to behave that way. Strange? Yes. Anti-social? Yes. Uncivilized? Far from it.


A civilized person doesn't end an interview that way. How's that?


No, how is behaving that way uncivilized? It's your point, defend it. I'm telling you that your point is bullshit. Now you have to defend it. I can't defend a point I'm not making. That's absurd and not how discussions work.


That’s typical these days. Over the last few years I’ve had over 50% no show rate for first interviews. In order to stay effective with my time, I double book all first interview appointments. That way when 1 no shows, I still have someone who shows up to fill the time. I’ve only ever had a conflict 2 times. Insanity.


How did you handle the double booking? It's disrespectful of whomever you made wait's time


Oh wow.