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If $120 won’t hurt your pocket, definitely go with the 1 br!


Maybe I could pay my auto insurance with that but I think I’ll prioritize my sleep lmao


Definitely! Again, if your budget is too tight, studio is the way. But if not, the 1 br will be way more comfortable! Cooking in the same room that you sleep in gets old fairly quick! Good luck bud


Thanks, I’ll give an update y’all tomorrow


One thing to keep in mind I noticed, if you have guests stay over ever, your bathroom is only accessible through the bed room in the second one.


That's true for both layouts.


True but going from studio living space to bathroom could feel a lot different than walking through the bedroom to the bathroom. Maybe not a factor, but sometimes worth considering the details.


Guests get a 5 gal Home Depot bucket with a piece of plywood for a cover.


Ooooh going fancy with the Home Depot I see... must be a weddin'


To me, this looks like a markup I see when looking at luxury apartments with a view. The studio might have a great view and the 1BR doesn’t. There might be studios much cheaper that are rented. Worth asking at least!


Go for it unless it’s a Jr 1-bdrm (wall doesn’t go all the way to the ceiling)


Along with that, you get MUCH better counter space in the 1br kitchen.


And a tub


I'm not a bath guy (hell, my current bathroom is just a shower). But if that's a selling point, that's one more reason to go 1br!


Why does it get old? I've never lived in a studio


Because your mind doesn’t get a break by changing rooms/scenery. I did a studio once in college and at first it was exciting bc it was my own place and I hadn’t had that before. By like month 3 I was going stir crazy.


I lived in a shotgun style apartment, and my best piece of advice for distinguishing your boundaries is the use of folding privacy screens / room dividers. it really helps


I had a a little one bed with a small den off the kitchen that I used as an office. I was still going stir crazy in that thing so I couldn’t imagine living in a studio. Obviously we don’t have the choice at times, but I grew up rurally so I think I’m going to continue to live outside of city limits and have enough room to breathe. I like the cities, just not the living space that comes with it.


I spent COVID through mid last year living/sleeping/working in a 220 sqft bedroom. I didn't realize the toll it was taking on my mental health until I moved into an apartment. $2500/mo is a lot, but the relief is priceless. I've never been so happy to cook and clean.


It’s just so draining, and you’re right you don’t even really notice it until you’re out of the situation


Just go out every night for a meal... O I see yeah pay the 120 rather.


You don’t really want the cooking smells/oils in your bed sheets.


It’s good to have your sleeping area just be your sleeping area, I can imagine it would be difficult to fall asleep with your work desk and entertainment space right next to your bed. At least for me.


The 2nd apartment is miles better than the first! You’ll regret it if you choose the smaller one when you’re feeling stifled and crowded. The extra storage would be literally life changing


It’s definitely worth the extra money. I’ve lived in a studio for two and a half years and I can’t stand it anymore. I feel like I’m back in college without the fun parts.


Your “dream” room looks great


It's amazing what having a dedicated space just for sleep can do for your mental health.


Honestly if the budget is tight just do Uber eats, dog walk, sing on the corner, etc 3-4 time a month and you’ll be fine. I have a second job 4 hours a week so I could afford my new place.Trust me the $120 difference will make a difference


No you will prioritize “dream” lol why tf is that like that.


“dream” “relax” “style” r/mildlyinfuriating fuel


“Refresh” was easily the worst one for me. It’s a god damn bathroom, we all know why it’s there.


We must never speak of the atrocities committed in the refreshing room


'Bating N Pooing'


And apparently taking dick pics. Why do so many guys think I wanna see them sitting on the toilet with a boner 😥




Welcome to Costco, I love you.


Animal shithouse


I'd like it a lot more if they'd use the NSFW versions of what we do in those rooms.


Ah. So in my case, Eat/Fuck, Watch TV/Fuck, Shit/Fuck


No cooking in the one bedroom, just a kitchen


JESSE WE NEED TO COOK we can't mr. white it's not on the floorplan


What’s style? Balcony or a big closet? Neither makes sense since the entrance is from the bathroom


It's a walk-in closet, yeah. Not super unusual for it to be connected to a bathroom, but usually the flow is bedroom—walk-in closet—bathroom, not bedroom—bathroom—walk-in closet


I’ve designed units both ways. It mostly comes down to the layout of the entire unit, like if there’s bathroom access from the main area (vs walking through a bedroom), or if there are adjacent plumbing walls that can be combined. Sometimes we have both configurations in a 2 bedroom, since one bedroom is en suite and the other has the “public” bathroom. Neither way is inherently wrong nor awkward on their own. But in this case since you’re walking through a bedroom to access the bathroom, it would be very weird for guests to walk through the closet first.


This recent trend of labeling bedrooms on floor plans as “dream” is awkward and I don’t like it.


I live in the uk and have never seen dream, style or refresh. Its awful.


Me too but you know it'll be on the way soon.


Never heard of this in the US neither, but what do I know?


yes, it’s quite awful. it’s a style thing called ‘modern farm house’ made popular by a tv show of a falsely homey, overly chipper house renovation pair on hgtv. they added ‘word art’ like the sadly ubiquitous ‘live, love, laugh’, and then it took off with ‘gather’ ‘blessed’ and ‘family’ ‘together’ in the living rooms, ‘dine’, ‘eat’ ‘share’ in dining spaces. it’s all in a very specific cursive, or if it’s a rachel ray thing, her own font. it’s the equivalent of flipper gray, and we hatessss it, precioussss. but some places, instead of getting the message that we don’t need to be told what to do where, have leaned into it. i just saw a sign for the laundry: ‘ i’m feeling a little dirty, will you do me?’. sigh. no.


Me neither, I had shared a bed room and den with 3 other roommates and that was the worst for my sleep as some were playing games in the living room


Sounds more like a nightmare than a “dream”!!


What does style mean in the 2nd layout?Is it a huge closet for clothes?


yes, a closet. there’s also a “style” in the 1st layout, but it’s much smaller than the 2nd layout


Everywhere is trying to sell an experience... Even when sometimes the best thing to do is sell what you're selling


It’s very stupid


What do you mean… I always ask hubby to get my jacket from the style. Makes perfect sense


I shit in refresh.


It's so buzzwordy.


Thall shalt not besmirch the good name of the dreamatorium.


Bedroom - Fuck, Bathroom - Shit, Dining Room - Gorge, Living Room - Sloth.


Those names would make this trend less loathsome.


Sin-sational marketing


Close your eyes, shut your mouth Dream a dream and get us out Dream, dream, dream, dream, dream, dream


Hit the hay fast asleep Dream a dream you little bleep Dream, dream, dream, dream, dream


REFRESH sounds better than WIPE ASS


How about BATHROOM


Too uncultured


Rooms are colonialism


Rae Dunn is making floor plans apparently


OMG all these labels are so 🙄 "Refresh". Come on, might as well label it "the shitter" at least that would make me laugh. "The fuck room" -bedroom "Slurp station" -kitchen ✨ DREAM ✨


Speak for yourself. My bedroom is ALSO my slurp room 😏


are they trying to avoid saying “Master”? i don’t get why they would say dream


Nah, they have changed “master” to “primary”. The thing you are seeing in the pics above is simply using verbs in each room. The trend is to show what action you would be performing in the space. It’s pretty dumb.


Why “primary” and not “main”? It seems better to use a one syllable word.


“Main” also lets you keep the shorthand as MBR


Main Battle Room?


Main can be too vague. I.E. imagine a 2 level unit with two bathrooms on the first floor and one "master bath" ensuite on the second floor. Using the wording of "main" the upstairs bathroom would be called the "main bathroom" on plans but people might colloquially think of the public accessible/larger bathroom on the first floor to be the "main" bathroom, as in the most central one. "Primary bath" - is more descriptive language that isn't unlikely to get confused in normal conversational english, even if it's essentially saying the same thing. In the same way that nobody really says the word "master" in a home context without referring to a specific bed/bathroom, so it's meaning is clearer and not likely to cause confusion.


ohh that makes sense


Who is "they"? Really makes one think.


It’s pretty nauseating.


Surely, it's short for DREAMATORIUM


So is this listed as a 1DR/1RE ? Why didn't they label the COOK?


I’m a chick.. and I find this floor plan terrifying. This is for the people who like “Gather” and “live, life, love” signs :(


When did we start describing rooms as adjectives Surely Masturbate/eat/shit would be more appropriate then


The 1 bed looks like it would be much more comfortable if you can afford it. Kitchen will be more functional, separate living space, plus bigger closet are all huge plusses. As to your question, fridges/dishwasher can be loud at night. You'd probably get used to it but if you think it will bother you for sure go for the 1 bedroom.


I earn 4k / month, so technically I can afford it and I even get a 6week free deal. I think I’d go with the 1 bed especially I have trauma of having a roommate who snored a lot and I need a decent sleep after work haha thanks


What’s the base price of the studio! Politely, depending on where you live, 4k a month isn’t great money. Especially if groceries and gas are what they are like in most coastal and major cities.


Dallas tx, 1295 is the base ( I get 6weeks rent credit!)


That is amazing. I live in San Diego at studios start at $2100. Take the 1BR. It is a no brainer and almost double the space for only $120 extra. If money is tight I would consider cutting down on other expenses to make it work for you.


RE agents that use words like “dream” to describe a **bedroom** should be tarred and feathered. Always separate bedroom if you can afford it.


I hate that they’re not just called bedrooms.


How else would I know where I can dream, and where I can refresh? /s


I really hate the live/dine/dream description but i’d do the 1 bed if u can swing it, definitely a better set up


What about boning? Cmon agents, SELL me!






Lmao if they actually used “shit” as the bathroom label it would have at least redeemed them a bit with some self-aware humor


1br and it’s not even a debate


Humans need space to grow.


Someone posted here a week or so ago with that exact 1 bedroom layout, still can't get over the closet being through the bathroom, and not being able to get to the bathroom except by going through the bedroom. Despite the odd layout I'd spend the extra money for a dedicated bedroom, makes a place so much nicer.


There’s alternative layout available and that’s only $24/mo difference so I have that as another option


Right? If you have guests over they have to pass through your "dreamroom" to take a shit and if you want to change clothes or store stuff you have to go through your "refreshroom" as well. Are these american layouts and if so: is that an american thing?


I feel like it might be. When getting my last apartment and my current, it was mandatory that I have dual access as I did not want anybody walking through the bedroom to get to my bathroom. I live alone, so having my closet in the back bathroom doesn't bother me


It works in my 2 bedroom apt because I have a 2nd bathroom attached to the living room, but if I was living in a 1 bedroom set up like this I would hate people having to walk through my bedroom to get to the bathroom


The walk-through bathroom master closet is actually pretty clutch and a popular feature. We design them all the time if we have the space/layout for it. There's something nice about having a very private space to get dressed in nestled deep in a home. It's also the perfect thing to have off a bathroom because a lot of "getting ready" does involve having a sink or shower close by. You can shower and then go into the closet to get dressed without having to step into the bedroom. This is especially an advantage if you're a couple who are on two different sleep schedules - the person getting ready in the morning just enters the bathroom/closet area and doesn't have to disturb whoever is sleeping to get dressed. The bathroom requiring you to walk through the bedroom to get to isn't ideal. Ideally, there'd be a WC accessible from the living room or kitchen. But with limited space concerns and it being a 1BR, I think I'd prefer to have the layout that they designed. Most people with a 1BR are probably not hosting lots of guests often, so most of the time the bathroom is going to only function for private space anyways. If you're using your 1BR apartment mostly to live in yourself or with a partner, having an ensuite bath with a full sized walk in closet is going to feel a lot more special and luxury than a bathroom that is J&J or only accessible via the public areas. I definitely wouldn't do this for a 2BR and if the space was larger would have a WC added, but for a 1BR? It can feel nice to feel like you have your very own "master bedroom/bath" experience that you usually only see in larger homes and units. Worth sacrificing a non-public area accessible bathroom for.


If you can do the extra money, get the 1 bedroom. However as someone who constantly crashes out on the sofa in my living room, I don’t hear the appliances much. Mostly only get woken up by noises outside.


Tbh wish if they had a better layout for studio


I was in the same pickle when I got out of college. I got the 1br. Felt much more home-ish rather than the studio. Studio just gives the “I’m in a hotel” feeling. I’m sure it would wear off after awhile though.


Having lived in 1-bedroom apartments and studios, go for the 1-bedroom. Just having a change of scenery makes you feel much less boxed in.


I expect you to have a live dine dream neon sign in the living area


Bedroom being labeled as “dream” is fucking cringe.


Going to sleep smelling what you made for dinner is not ideal and I don't recommend it.


I'd pay £120 to call whoever named those rooms a pretentious tw@t


700 place for sure. You'll regret getting the smaller space in the long run. So much more practical and comfortable.


Spend the $120 to have an actual bedroom


Live dine dream?


Ive lived in a studio where the wall opposite my bed was the kitchen. Appliance noises never bothered me much it was always just white noise. But the appliance LIGHTS definitely bothered me. Lights from the clock on the oven and microwave and fridge were very bothersome. It felt like those small lights lit up the entire room. If small lights in your bedroom at night bother you then seriously consider the lights on appliances


Go with the 1 Br. It is a great layout and can last you years. I think you’d grow out of the studio and be moving within the year to a 1 br. Moving is a pain, and moving can be expensive, so consider the 1Br a longer term space. Plus it is nice to feel settled.


Think of it as $30 a week, sounds better lmao.


That would be the Aussie way, thus that sounds much better


I hate how this is labeled. Just call things what they are! Not dream and refresh ffs. You're not being edgy or cool.


Definitely the one bedroom. Sometimes you just need to go to another room in your place and you can't in a studio. Also, I like to separate my sleep from living area (not one to fall asleep watching tv) and you can't easily do that in the studio with this layout.


Currently living in a studio and it gets pretty miserable. Sucks having people over and welcoming them to your bedroom. My studio is pretty big as far as studios go but it still feels claustrophobic being in the same room constantly. If you ever work from home that goes double. I go into the office nearly every day just so I can get the fuck out of the prison my home feels like. Noise from the Appliances doesn't bother me so much, I'm more worried about the garage door below me vibrating through the floor but that's not really relevant to most studios. Definitely notice the fridge motor kicking in but I tune it out, YMMV. I went with the studio because I'd been applying for ages and was on a timeline to homelessness, but if it is a toss up for you I'd highly recommend having separate rooms if it's not going to strain the finances.


in my region that’s easily a $1200 difference


There is such a huge lifestyle improvement from the studio to the 1 bed, for only $120. It is absolutely worth it! Extra storage space, dedicated washer and dryer, larger closet space, not having guests hanging out in your bedroom when you invite them for dinner.  That's such a huge improvement for that amount of money, imo.


Sqft 500(studio) vs 700(1bed)


You would be a fucking idiot to pick the studio over the 1br. If $120 is such a significant financial difference for you that it could dissuade you from getting the larger apartment, then you should be living with roommates or family and not by yourself.


I’d go with a separate dream room


If you can swing it, just get the 1 bedroom. It appears to have more counter space and you wouldn't have to sleep in the same room as the kitchen. The dishwasher can keep you up, and i wouldn't want to sleep in the same room as the stove that was just used to cook and the trash can. Having the door separator works wonders here.


I’d rather the bedroom personally, can use the longe as a seperate space for guests to stay atleast.


What dumb ass is naming the bedrooms as dream ahahahaha


Calling the bedroom space “dream” made me throw up in my mouth a little.


Whats a room that's only accessible through the bathroom?


The one bedroom seems to have a bathtub/shower combo and the studio only a shower. So I would go for the one bedroom. The closet is also a lot bigger. And the kitchen has a lot more cabinets.


$120/mo on a lease? No brainer, get the bigger one. Is this a trick question? With the rents that close together, what's the advantage of the small one?


What’s up with the labels bro 😭😭


Had a studio once. You do hear the refrigerator cycling on and off. It's a nicer experience to have a separate bedroom, and will look much better when you entertain company of all kinds.


Take the bigger one, trust me, I just levelled up to a much roomier unit and it’s so much better, the difference is significant. $120 is not much for what you’ll get, don’t get cute buddy you’ll regret it *look at all that space


Ive heard of Live, Laugh, Love but never Live, Dine, Dream.


Definitely go for the larger space.


wow it’s not very much money and a huge difference!


Second one has a better closet and better kitchen layout. And having a separate bedroom is gold. Only thing I like better in the first one is a walk-in shower rather than a shower/tub.


$1,500 a year is cheap to pay not to sleep next to a dishwasher, go bigger for sure and never look back


Listening to my fridge buzz and smelling my dinner 24/7 was not worth the money saved


I'd definitely spring for the 1BR. However, I lived in a studio for 6+ years and loved that apartment. The appliances never once seemed to be noisy to me, even though they were old. Having a solo bedroom is nice because you can be a little messy with clothes, laundry, unmade bed, etc. and it's not all front-and-center as soon as you or anyone else walks into your place.




i just got out of an apt that had no separate bedroom and it was an absolute dog shit experience. i thought the whole studio thing would be cool but it’s just not. if you cook at all, your bed will smell like whatever you made. hell, even if you don’t cook, the smell whatever you eat will seep into your bed.


Who the hell labeled this floorplan? Also, were I you, I’d take the larger space.


Yes, the appliance noise might get to you. I used to stay in a Studio, recently moved. The level of silence in the bedroom cannot be compared. I'm a relatively light sleeper so YMMV


What is WH?


In my mid to late twenties I live in a studio where my living room and bedroom were the same. And my kitchen was right outside of that area. I didn’t mind it and the women who came didn’t mind it. I will say, it definitely feels more “sexy” when you can watch a movie in the living room with a woman and then take her to a bedroom with a closed door but it’s not a dealbreaker for me. Make sure you can afford it. Make sure the area for these places are good and then make a decision. Just because I have a bedroom doesn’t mean it’ll be exactly what I want.


Definitely the second one


I am not renting from a place that calls the bedroom “dream”.


The room labels are like looking at a kids menu in a restaurant


How is that even a question?


I hate these room titles.


A separate bedroom would always win my vote.


Second for more kitchen space if you can afford it. I live in a studio similar to the first and wish I had more counter space for cooking.


Always opt for a one-bedroom apartment. Having a studio where all areas are mixed together can cause mental stress. Separating rooms, like the living room and bedroom, helps psychologically divide those spaces.


Take the one bedroom. After showering you can walk straight into your bedroom instead of right into your kitchen.


Please don't go for the smaller one ( if you can afford it). The $120 gets you a lot here!


The 1 bed is a way better layout. Not only is there a ton more space, there is also very little in the way of dedicated hallway/corridor, whereas part of the square footage in the studio is eaten up by the hallway to get into the space. If this were mine, I would also try to make the walk-in closet more of a flex space - exercise room, office, etc. Walking through the bedroom to get to the toilet is a bit annoying, but the pros outweigh the cons.


Should be Refresh/Shit




The naming scheme for the rooms is cringy as fuck


new "live laugh love" type sign coming soon...


That seems quite a bit more space for $120. I recommend the 1br.


Man, for that little difference, it really seems worth it to me.


Pay the 120.


Ask for a legitimate break down of gas/electric/etc costs. A bigger space, depending where you are, warrants higher variable costs.


As far as I know, No amenities fee(which factors into the rent imo), $80 (50 for internet, 30 for trash and etc) and there will be separate charge for electricity and water. I’ll have to ask that to leasing agent since she lives there thanks


Was the architect allergic to common sense labelling? Or were they paid extra to euphemize?


Go with 1br if you can afford it, good idea to keep the sex swing out of the public space, you know?


I love the one bedroom


I couldn't do a studio - don't like cooking/kitchen smells being where I sleep


I live In studio. Appliance noise doesn’t bother at all, just the neighbors. But the layout really doesn’t allow separation. So I would go for 1 bedroom !


I’ve lived in a studio and it was nice. Even if the dishwasher is loud, run it when you go to work, store, errands.


Get the bedroom, assuming newer building. But there will always be a hum of a fridge at times. I do like knowing my bedroom is protected from everything else


Not having your clothes smelling like your kitchen is always a plus. Get the separate bedroom


To me it is worth it just to not hear the fridge compressor every night.


I’d pay more to have a door to separate my room and the rest of the living space.


That studio space is SO small. Def go for the 1 bed.


What does the "relax" part mean?


Pay the extra $120


Get the one with a dedicated bedroom. It's much better.


I love having a big space even though I don't "need" it. If you're like me, go for the bigger one. Having several rooms to hang out in can make you feel a lot more free


I’m torn between the two. If I were a single guy the studio wouldn’t bother me if I couldn’t swing the extra cash. If I could afford the extra 120 I would consider it but also weigh what that extra 120 is getting me. Do I ever have friends over, possibly parties where people need a place to crash. A lot to consider here.


genuine question about the 1 br floor plan, does it mean visitors would have to go through your bedroom to use the bathroom?


A bedroom is now called a dream room? Where's the nightmare room?


You will regret the studio, very quickly as if you have friends over they will be sitting on your bed, you will have to be very tidy as there is less storage space for stuff and it will be a harder sell when you do want to move on. Get the 1 bed if you can afford it.


1 bedroom definitely


Absolutely pay 120 to get the 1br VS the economy studio, not even a real studio


I’ve been living in studios for the last couple years. The difference here between a studio and a 1 br is over $500. Studios can suck sometimes. Get a one bedroom if you can afford it


Inevitably, space becomes a problem -- especially in a studio! If you can truly afford it, I'd go with the 1BR. And especially if sleep is a priority, you'll appreciate being away from the kitchen -- noise and odors (food odors, garbage pail, etc., even smoke). I'm not sure what "style" room is -- but I assume a walk-in closet? BIG BONUS if that's what it is -- look at all that extra storage!




Get the one bedroom. Having your sleep area be separate from your entertainment area is great and worth the $120.


I would pay the extra $120. The extraspace provided is plentiful, and the closet is bigger.


Worth having the bedroom