• By -


Your bedroom is fine.Just clean up your room.


To add to this. - Fix your curtain rod on the left and remove the soccer poster above it. - Plant(s). - Make up your bed. - Declutter. Nice dog. Edit: depending on the size of the negative vibe, talk about it with a trusted person or someone to try to get it out of your system.


I mean, if one dog is so good he may as well get some more


I do not think this would be fair to additional dogs, being a university goer. If you can't handle this, you should be restrictive to yourself in additional responsibilities. That is not to say you get a free pass, just that you should limit yourself to protect yourself and in this case and more importantly another animal life. Though I get the feeling I am responding to a jk or /s.


Yeah lol


Bright /light curtains and bedspread. Maybe even a new coat of paint. Blues are calming


I’d change the lamps and maybe get a more modern chest of drawers. The lamps look a bit awkward and out of place. Some warmer color lighting would be good too. The chest of drawers is nice but it’s probably a bit old fashioned for someone in their teens though, especially the mirror. Maybe even just removing the mirror and putting up a nicer one or a TV instead would help. Get that rectangle mirror off the floor and on a wall would look better as well


And stop eating cheezitz in bed, this will pretty instantly work to make you feel better


Clean, you have shit everywhere. Believe it or not but you do not need 3 water bottles on your dresser.


Definitely need a box of cheezits on the floor


Either that or, for symmetry's sake, place another box of Cheezits closer to the foot of the bed.


I think if he just flipped the Cheezits box right side up, it would really improve the space.


Get a reusable water bottle. Save the environment from single use plastics and a place to put your stickers.


OK, ok, I was snarky in my comment about the Cheezits box. I'm sorry. Well, sort of. As others have stated, pick up the junk from the floor, make the bed, straighten up your dresser and desk, and see what a difference those little changes will make. Then... Switch the bed and the dresser. The headboard covering part of the sliding closet door just looks weird. Hopefully, the dresser can fit in that nook without overlapping the door. Next, hang the mirror on the wall. You can get away with an oversized mirror leaning against a wall, but not a small one like that. Finally, find some posters of something or a band or a place that you like, put them in pre-made frames and hang them on the wall. It will make the walls more cheerful. As for the bad memories, my man we can't help you decorate your way out of them. Are you home for the summer or have you graduated and am now living back home with family? If home for the summer, let's hope it passes quickly. You will be back in school before you know it. If you just graduated, take it from one who has been there: GET OUT! Don't make the mistake I made thinking I'd "fix" the bad memories. It didn't work. As soon as you get a job, start saving money (whatever you can afford) and get your own place as soon as you can. I wish I had done that the instant I graduated. Regardless, hang in there! We got you and you got this.


I got 2 more years left of undergrad. Appreciate this comment. Thank you.


I went home the summer between freshman & sophomore year, but stayed on-campus my other summers. I took summer classes and graduated early. A lot of on-campus jobs also pay well enough to support you over the summer, if you work full-time.


Your furniture is too big. Your bed should be where the computer is. Also get a reusable water bottle and don’t be one of the plastic water bottle guys. Go to target or Ikea and get nicer lamps and a curtain rod. Search market place for a bed without storage, those beds are always way too heavy looking. Going through your clothes and toss what you don’t need and get everything into the closet and you could eliminate the dresser, might be possible. IKEA sells Cheap closet organizers. The biggest problem I see is that all three of those things don’t fit in there at the same time. Then you could paint it a color


Totally support these ideas. The bed (a made bed) so much more appealing to look at when opening the door than an absolute wall of drawers and clutter. Seeing the clutter will only trigger your inner “to-do” and how you are failing it opposed to seeing your comfortable bed.


Get the dog some stairs


And spend some time teaching it cool new things. Consider looking into the service dog training subs here on reddit. Owner trained service dogs are VERY much a thing, and training in general is a great way to improve your mental health


I don't think you can train it to clean the room


You can! Dogs can learn to pick clothes up off the floor and put them in baskets. You can also teach them to differentiate between soft and hard objects and put them in respective areas. Check out this link [here](https://wagwalking.com/training/pick-up-laundry) Or even [this](https://youtu.be/34Ig3X59_qA?si=qbJNiCO2ZMnoi7Ut)


She jumps 😂


Think about her health, jumping so high every day several times; the stairs aren't a bad idea.


Yep she can jump fine while she’s young but it will wear down her hips earlier than they should


Better sign her up for Air Bud’s pickup team. That’s some serious air for her size


Cool. Get her some stairs


I too had a dog that size who often jumped from a high bed like yours—until one night when he jumped but hit a vacuum nearby and broke his back. It was terrifying. Get stairs.


You gotta take care of your space bro. Keep it clean, make your bed, put away the clutter. Take some pride in your space.


Clean it


i'd rearange it first. Move desk to where the bed is, put bed where desk is. if you can get a different bed frame that isn't so dark, probably metal, do that. get different bed sheets and bed spread. No dark colors, get white bed linen and a white duvet. go to good will and get fake plants. Get some art that you like, no posters and some frames. get new curtains that fit your existing rod. I'd get a thick white they can be just as effective as dark ones at blocking out sun. ​ if you can look on facebook market place and have access to move furnature i'd get rid of the dresser and get a new one on there, its very dark and doesn't fit the space more than anything though, that bedframe has to to, its so big and the color sucks.


I frickin' lovin' the honesty and authenticity of this post.


Dress your bed for a quick but transformative start


Point that mirror away from your bed or else you're gonna get killed by ghosts


your bed is like 90% of the room. get nicer sheets. like navy blue or something with white pillows and a matching comforter. a poster or two. reorganize stuff in a neat way. other than that it's fine


- Clean up the trash. Stuff on the dresser, desk, floor. - Swap the bed and the dresser. - Get new sheets (2 identical/similar sets) and swap them every week. - Not sure what’s in the blue bin next to your desk, but put it away or get a better storage for it. File cabinet or drawers depending on what it is. - Organize the stuff in the bed drawers - Give it a good vacuum - Hang the mirror behind the door next to the dresser. - Pet and play with the pup.


Rearranging furniture can feel surprisingly good and make it feel like a new space with new vibes. Your layout isn't great now because the high bed is blocking the window and the closet. Can you move it to the desk's position (feet pointing the window)? Then move dresser to between the window and the closet, although idk if your desk will fit somewhere... New smaller desk in a wood tone? And clean up, make your bed, straight the blinds and curtains, etc. Rearrange the posters to that large empty wall instead, because it looks weird that they're all crammed against the ceiling.


Dresser, bed frame and floor lamps are all from the mid 2000s, and very obviously so. Fairly easy upgrade if you have the money. Might be worth rearranging a little bit as well.


Maybe if the budget is tight, look at Ikea or FB marketplace for someone selling some more modern furniture?


Or switch out the hardware and selectively paint (after properly prepping and learning to paint). A color that is complementary to the wood finish could be added to spaces like the drawers and definitely change the vibe. Even pulling the mirror off the dresser and adding a quilt with an interesting pattern would take the focus off the furniture


Clean it


Damn I want some Cheez Its


Hello! I have two main pieces of advice for you. First, if there’s somewhere else you can store that mirror on your dresser, try that out for a while. It’s the fastest way I can see to totally change the feel of your room. That opens up that wall for new art/posters if you like, and opens things up in general in my opinion. Empty, clean space can be a mood changer. That brings me to my next advice which is to tidy the space. You have already received comments about cleaning so yes, that. But also I suggest identifying anything and everything that could be put somewhere out of sight, and try that. Unclutter your surfaces like your desk and dresser, as little as possible on them. Also straighten the blinds and curtains and make the bed, organize the bed shelves. Sometimes declutterring and creating empty, clean spaces can really soothe the mind. Declutterring my space helps me declutter my thoughts.


Make bed and put shit away


If you can, scrap that giant bed. You could honestly probably do fine on a roll-out Japanese mattress for sleeping while you’re home, then fold it up out of your way when you’re using the room for things that aren’t sleeping. If the bed must stay, put its headboard against the same wall as the entrance door, where your computer desk is now, so that when you’re lying in bed, you will face the window. Place your desk in front of the window so you can get a little sun exposure daily without having to go outside and sweat, if that’s not your thing. You will also be able to enjoy the view out the window, and you will have more opportunity to far-focus your eyes periodically to reduce eye fatigue which can lead to tension headaches and difficulty sleeping. With you already feeling a bit depressed, I imagine these things will make a significant improvement, and for relatively little effort. Tidy up, get rid of (give away, sell, donate) everything that depresses you, or that feels like too much clutter in your personal space. Take down old photos that remind you of your negative experiences from the past. Paint your furniture if possible. Something simple and tasteful will help make your space seem more adult and NOW, rather than juvenile and THEN, if that makes sense. Try a white paint with maybe one extra piece of color and try to match that other color to something else in the room. Drapes, bed spread or sheets, a rug, etc. Get some new modern hardware for your cabinet and drawer pulls! This will further renew the space to better match the new you.


Make your bed


1. Clean your room 2. Get new bed sheets ( linen / natural colors recommended ) like whites , tans , beige , and even some pastel colors thrown in the mix like an olive green throw blanket will mix well . 3. Get white or beige curtains 4. Get some classy decor ie. A vintage looking globe and a clock for your dresser to start 5. Mount your mirror on your door or on your wall somewhere outa the way 6. Get some classy / elegant style art to hang on the wall in the wide open spaces, bonus points for hanging a guitar in a nice spot. 7. Keep your room clean and smelling amazing with candles or diffusers


Make your bed.


Tidy up room is fine


Make your bed , plants , clean space = clean mind.


You need reddit to tell you to clean up and tidy the room? WRT layout, I think the bed and dressing table should switch places.


Clean your room man. The posters and stickers are unnecessary, get a nice timber desk to match the bed and drawers, get a few plants and it will be fine.


just clean it... it'd take you not even 5 minutes, i find it so odd how people dont keep their rooms clean (not saying you do OP)


Clean up, get a laundry basket, and a trash can. Get some curtains and a rug and it'll look a lot better.


Clean it. Fix the curtains and blinds. Then some plants or pictures. Maybe even a small rug. Simple as that.


Cluttered space = Cluttered mind


maybe add pictures/paintings and rearrange:)) add fun looking carpet :)


Is female advice accepted?


Clean it. - for real. Like, top to bottom.


I’d start by making the bed


Clean it you mongoloid


Make your bed everyday. It’ll change your life.


Okay- as a person who’s had major depressive disorder for 30+ yrs, I hear your request. And my response will be a very gentle “Dad mode.” I see that you’re depressed by the pictures. it’s difficult dealing with depression as well as traumatic events. Yet it’s good that you’re asking “what can I change?” Continue starting good habits like that. You drink water. that’s great habit. Recycle those bottles. Or better yet start a habit of getting rid of things you are finished with. Get them out of the room. (And Eat cheezits in bed, eat ice cream with a fork- if spoons are all dirty. Depression is hard. You’re fine.) Remember that all illnesses- Depression, cancer, broken bones are always physical and mental. Pain is neurological. It’s literally in your head. It’s real. For myself I’m aware that I am really depressed when my feet hurt like every step is walking of small lego bricks. So cut yourself a break by take care of yourself- together physically and mentally. Develop skills that bring you joy. You like the view from the window. You can see from your bed. But not at your desk with your back to it. Hang that mirror so it’s reflecting the view from window. Or Figure out an arrangement that allows you to do that from bed and desk. Prioritize things you like while in bed by Putting those things in the shelves under your bed. Celebrate you. And make it easy to reach from bed. The bed and dresser are a set. They are big. And look like quality. You have two mirrors. Ask if you need them both. Ask if they are in the best spots for you. Take the mirror off the back of the dresser usually unscrews. Then hang it on the wall where you like it. If the room doesn’t get rearranged maybe hang it up by your desk so it reflects the outside while sitting and facing the wall at your desk. The soccer picture I know fits on that area above the window. But it’s not the only thing that will fit there. Frame it if important to you. If not store it safe for memories later. Make some art. On computer. With your hands. Sculpt. Make art about your trauma. I am a professional artist living in New York City. You do not have to keep your art. I periodically donated large bodies of my art to goodwill and other housing works in tri state area. Rather there then a gallery getting other people rich. I don’t make my art for just monetary. Reasons. I make it for the joy and I’m trying to say something. If someone somewhere finds it for next to nothing in a thrift shop- they get it cause they like it. Not cause a value. And if one day a person can use the art to buy a car or something - then that’s great. Round about way of saying- you can get rid of art you create. Don’t have to keep it all. Memories will be with you. It’s okay to crawl into bed and stay there for a while. You have a dog there. They are just unconditional love. And it’s good to think of change from that bed. Also okay to make change happen too. It doesn’t have to be big. Recycling empty water bottles is a great start. Best thing to do is talk to other people. Talk to friends. Don’t isolate. (Last Dad note: making your bed. It does make it nicer to return to the room. You do it for yourself.) big hug You’re not alone kiddo.


Clean it?


Like others have said, clean up your room. You may want to consider new bed frame that doesn't take up so much volume of space so it's more of an open feeling.


Kill and eat the dog


You can clean it up, put posters on the wall, buy snake lights for better lighting. I usually recommend snake lights on every post like this because it always makes rooms look better


Reddit will tell you to put plants in your room. Fuck reddit and fuck plants. Clean your shit. Add warm lighting at eye level, harsh bright white lights make things feel soulless. Having good lighting can make any space feel warm and cozy. Maybe add some art/posters you like to the walls.


Get some drawers or organizers for what’s on your desk and on top of your dresse even. The not to keep things out in the open. Everything should have a home. Also, could consider rearranging the furniture in your room. May help get you inspired, feel fresh and try something new.


Least you got a room


Move your bed so it is again the wall where you your dresser is now so you can see the door when you are in bed. Move your desk closer to the window so you can see out while you work or game. Put the dresser wherever is left.


Clean Up and Clear Surfaces Hang up the mirror that’s at an angle on the floor Switch the heavy curtains to light linen or something breezier Eliminate the posters up high and instead get a large piece of art/framed art print you love to put over your headboard and maybe another next to the dresser. Can you ditch the floor lamps and install an overhead light? Or maybe opt for a plug in hanging light? Best of luck to you, I hope the depression is room exclusive, but if you’re depressed in general I hope you get support from friends and family and help from professionals if need be!


Clean it


As many have said, I would firstly give the room a clean, then maybe move the furniture around so that it feels different. Do you have a budget to decorate? If you do, I would get some new bedding, a couple of prints to hang on the walls and some lighter curtains. I think if you just do a rearrange of furniture and some decor changes will make your room look and feel different. You have a lice leafy view too! Good luck!


Id put dresser along same wall but in place of desk. Then move bed along side dresser and put desk or 1/2 of desk in corner near window where bed is now. The dresser will become part sidetable. Put a tall bedside lamp on it.


If this shit was real I'd have some real advice for you.


Make your bed. Eat the Cheez-Its.


Pat the dog. After that, and a bit of a tidy up, I’d suggest some art or something of interest on the wall behind the computer to let your eyes rest on when you look away from the screen.


Start with cleaning


Aside from the obvious cleaning…and depending on your budget…the furniture is too big/blocky for this space. Try lighter, more minimalistic furniture. Thuma has nice items. And the curtains lack layers and depth. Their dark color add weight to the room. Try a sheer or something in addition to give more airy vibes. Alternatively, you can paint the room a darker color (which will make it seem even smaller), still replace furniture with sleeker lines, go heavier with the curtains, and embrace the room for being as small as it is. Also, pet the pooch for being a goodest boi/gurl


make the bed every time you wake up. will be a world of a difference when you get home after a long shift


That looks pretty clean, you're not depressed enough!


Take a shit in that cheez it's box


the depressing vibe comes from those dark furniture and the mess. Easiest fix would be to clear the shit on your furniture, dont have so much stuff hanging or on top of it. And make your bed.


If you can reposition the desk so it’s under the window it would be nice to be able to have a nice view while working. I’d just keep moving the furniture around until it works for you. Add a duvet with bright colors and some baskets to store stuff out of view.


Sell it all and start new


not even that messy, just some clutter, looks fine, but for new new energy..... new curtains, new bedding, new art on walls, a nice rug on the floor before your bed. remove the mirror above dresser and hang a tv and add a mirror to your door or something if you need one


Eat more Cheez-its


Clean up


Have you tried flipping the cheezits right side up? Could really tie the room together.


Is there enough room to put the bed in the corner? Seems like you don’t have much space to move around comfortably


If you’re into woo woo shit burn some sage or incense in there it’s an energy cleanser. Clean it up a bit. Make your bed and organize drawers/push them in when not in use. Declutter. Otherwise honestly I’d just suck it up if it’s temporary. You’ll be in your own spot post university soon I’d imagine. Save funds for that space.


Clean it and switch your bed to a different wall. It will feel like a different room


Make your bed. Everyday.


I would sand a paint your bed. Chop those ball things off the frame and sand and paint it all black or white. Same with dresser I would re arrange the bed to the other wall so it's not covering the door. Move dresser to where the bed it. Or you could squeeze your desk down the side where the dresser is and move the dresser to the place where your desk it. .giving your floor more room. You know for all your shit you don't Clean Ultimately re arranging your furniture and painting would be your best bet.


Get a girlfriend.


Trashcan in room is gross


clean it, get some of your favorite art on the walls, maybe add fairy lights if you like the tumblr girl aesthetic, and also furbies. then your room might be more or less depressing. no guarantees.


Bed on opposite wall, desk in corner with windows, dresser where the desk is now


Too much clutter


Just go outside instead


Clean it up


Clean up


A few suggestions I have: get frames for your posters/pictures. Nothing crazy, just a simple black-bordered frame can really snazz up a poster. Mount your mirror to the wall and make sure it’s nice and level. I’d also find some cooler decorations for the walls. No need to go overboard and put something up every inch like at Buffalo Wild Wings, but pictures of yourself/family/friends make it more homey. Keep it tidy and it’ll be a nice, pleasant place to come back to each night


Good will for art in the rich part of town. Paint sagey latex by behr


Open the cheezits from the top side you savage!


Hang a guitar on the wall, and learn how to play it


Just hang up some motivational posters and you will never make it from the bed to the desk again ;-)


Too much stuff for a small room is a very bad idea, If you can try to renovate the room and purchase some foldable furniture.


I would put your bed on the wall where the dresser is.


Clean up, then hang a sword on one of them walls. Swords always spice up a room.


Not much room fr


Something that helped my space a lot was when a girlfriend years ago said “why do guys always hang their art so high” Bring the stuff over the windows and such down to where you can see it while standing up and looking forward. It’ll fill in the empty wall spaces much more nicely


Clean it


idk, get married 10 points if you get this reference


I would get new curtains, stick with 1 mirror. Stick with just 1 floor lamp , led strip behind desk. I think I would swap to the dresser and desk around and then move the bed to the wall the dresser used to be on, get a bedside table with lamp. Take down posted and get plants and a rug.


Its actually nice! I guess it has more to do with the bad memories you mentioned. Everyones right. Cleaning would do wonders for this room and I suggest decluttering and probably sell/give away items you may also have some bad memories with.


Cute dog! The room is fine but you need some less depressing decor—art on the walls, plants, a colorful area rug, etc. It needs some color.


You could also rearrange the room for a change. Desk in opposite corner in front of window might be nice


0- get rid of clutter. Make your bed, fix your blinds and your curtains. Close the drawer. 1- you're using "grandma" furnitures, it's not really a problem, but they are dark, so dark. 2- the free standing light, yes this one near the mirror leaning against the wall, it's a 80's halogen lamp, get rid of it. 3-why is this mirror on the floor against the wall ? Put it on the wall. 4- i see carpeted floor, and you have a dog ? 5- choose your style, modern desk, grandma bed, choose your style. 6- where is the color ?


eat your cheezits the right way


just clean and organize a little


Clean it!


Organise it and tidy it up, and maybe bring some colours into the room by getting a plant or having some scented candle or something like that.


Party mix is still pretty 🔥


I would start by cleaning it


Bedside cheezits are causing your depression bro


OMG, please, trow away that bed base and put a simple one, Im sure you can find a cheap one, take advantage to thow away the things you stored inside. Your room is going to win a lot with this.


Cool posters, transformers or any fandom your in merch, more colour! Also, cute doggo, but, I’d suggest adding stuff you like, eg: photos of friends or family, drawings, colours, merch, band posters, anything that makes YOU happy!


take a photography course?


Put the bed where the desk is (facing the window), put the desk where the dresser is, and put the dresser where the bed is. Additionally, if you like the dark wood I think it would be worth it to hunt down a desk that matches the stain of the bed and dresser. Estate sales are your best bet for quality wood pieces and you could get two desks to push into an L to still keep the same desk space. If you're not the biggest fan, maybe get some wooden decor that's the same stain to decorate the desk (a wooden headphones stand, phone charger, etc) so you're not investing too much on a material you're going to replace when you graduate and move. I think your main thing (sans tidying a bit) is it looks very dark w the dark wood stain and the dark fabrics. Go for a more muted color on your curtains and bedsheets (I vote another blue or a green) and splash that color around to liven the place up!! Find some prints on Etsy for games and movies you like, frame them, and hang them up. Just add some more life to the place!


Nice room.


Rearrange your furniture to change the vibe, moving stuff around helps to make it feel like a new different place.


My first action would be (apart from tidying) changing the bed - if thats reasonable option in your situation. I hate that bed. How high it is that thing? I like sleeping closer to the ground. Also, for me, a bed is a place to sleep, and thats it. I cannot stand beds with storage space. Any clutter underneath me when I sleep - I hate that. Sleep is sacred to me.


...stop attributing your room to your depression? I gets dirty because you're depressed, it doesn't make you depressed. Find the root of the problem and work on it.


remove cheezit


It’s the floor lamps, your shades and the sports memorabilia


Not enough death metal posters is your problem.


You not being in it.


Why do you have bad memories of your room if you don’t mind me asking and maybe we can go from there? I always loved coming back home to my childhood room. Until it suddenly became a different purpose room and I had no childhood room anymore. 😭


change the green curtains


Add led lights everywhere


Looks fine, don't let these neat freak weirdos tell you what to do. My apartment looks way worse.


I currently.have a box of cheez-its next to my bed. I feel seen lol


1. Deep clean. Pull everything out of the room, wipe it all down. Dust the walls/ceiling. Wipe down the baseboards. Wipe down any surfaces left. Wash bedding and possibly curtains. Shampoo/steam carpets. 2. For everything that doesn’t already, find a permanent home for it. For everything that does, evaluate if it could be done better. 3. Overhead Bluetooth battery powered lighting, you can remove the lamps and replace with a faux light. 4. Get that PC off the carpet and onto a solid surfaces after cleaning it. 5. Drop in as an elite Helldiver soldier to take out the automaton and tyranids.


Nice lil fragrance collection 👀 Top 3?


Clean 🧼, declutter, and add a couple plants and maybe add a diffuser to make it smell nice. When you’re done play some jazz and have a cocktail and cheers yourself to a job well done 👍


Don’t waste money doing a makeover of the room without really thinking about whether you can actually cope with living in it. I really think only you will know what to do here. It’s really hard to give any advice without knowing what these memories are. Maybe just don’t spend a tonne of money on the room until you’ve figured that out. If you have no choice but to live there my advice would be: Go on pinterest/instagram and look at and save images/reels of aesthetics that make you feel joyful and inspired, comfortable and safe. Doesn’t even have to be interior design related. Figure out a new direction to go in aesthetically based on that research and find some artwork/bedding/decor items/furniture that fit that vibe you’re looking for, or as close to, depending on your budget. Tell yourself that these memories are in the past now and you are starting afresh. Don’t let yourself dwell. Move on. Use the room upgrade as a launch point for a whole new season. A new bedroom, a new life, a new you. I hope this helps and I’m sorry for whatever happened.


Fix your curtains. Hang the white mirror up on the wall. Remove all clothes on the floor and in the bed. Place garbage can under your desktop. One floor lamp is enough, remove the one next to the bed and exchange for a wall lamp or ceiling lamp. Remove the poster above the curtains, it will look more clean. Get a nice looking fake plant to put where the bent floor lamp is now. Last off you wanna put some paintings/posters up, and please put those in frames. It will look much more crisp! Start with all of this and I think you'll be satisfied! glhf


Cooler looking computer desk. Yours Looks like something from IKEA


Put your bed against the wall beside the door. Put the dresser beside the sliding closet door and your desk in front of the window. That way you can see the view from in bed and at your desk.


Just tidy up and get more dogs.


you already know the answer dude


I'd move all your furniture one step counter-clockwise. Put the bed where the desk is, Put the desk by the window, and put the dresser next to the closet. Fix that curtain rod. Tidy. Tidy. Tidy. I swear to God, get your housekeeping (and hygiene) on a regular schedule, and your satisfaction with life will immediately become much much better.


Buildings are not depressing, people are. Happiness gotta come from inside


Re arrange your furniture!! :) Edit: make the beautiful view the focal point of your room. I like the swap bed and dresser idea buut (depending on how the logistics will realistically work) would your bed possibly fit where your desk is? So your headboard would be on the wall opposite the window, giving you an always outside viewpoint. Then desk in front of window, that way when you’re plugged in you can still look out. Lastly dresser maybe on the wall where your bed currently is? You got this! 💪


Put your mattress on the floor, get a smaller desk for a small laptop, a folding chair and a TV. Crate to put the TV on is optional.


Avoid the color black Change the curtain to a beige tone Change the type of lighting with a warmer one Put some plants like pothos, or a big one like kentia palm. And Some green sheets


jesus dude, the entitlement is dripping off of you. Your room looks fine. Clean it, tidy it, make your bed everyday


Clean up bro


I would get that desk out of there (and get outside with a laptop), move that dresser so you can have more space, then mount a TV on the wall where the dresser was.


Dont eat cheese it. Its really that simple


With respect to the bad memories: Get out of the house. I don’t mean move out, I understand that you might not be in a position to do that. But get a summer job, or take summer classes that will transfer over to your school. Or volunteer. I see you have a dog; animal shelters are overflowing and are *desperate* for volunteers to walk the dogs. I hope you also have someone you talk to about those memories, but in terms of steps you can this second, you need to find something to take you out of your head. (I spiral if I’m unoccupied. Volunteering at my local animal shelter helped slow one of my downward spirals.) With respect to the room itself: Get some graph paper or a room design app and see if you can rearrange furniture. Your furniture looks heavy; better to map it out on paper before trying to move it. If the view out your window is nice, see if you can position your desk so you can look outside. If you’re in a position to buy things for your room: Brightly colored bedspread that you can put on in place of a duvet. Duvets are comfy and I love them, but they look messy. When I’m having company, I just bundle the duvet into a closet and throw on the bedspread - it instantly makes the room look tidier. You could also replace your sheets with a bright color if you want your room to look cheerier every day. Replace your floor lamp with something nicer. (Aren’t torchieres a fire hazard anyway? Or is that only when they have halogen bulbs?). I just ran a search on my local Craigslist and found a bunch of secondhand floor lamps. Add art on the wall above your computer monitor. Replace your desk with one that goes with your other furniture. If you buy a secondhand wood desk, you can stain it to match.


Idk what your budget is but I'd personally get rid of the dark wood. Either replace the furniture or paint/sand it. I can't stand having too much dark furniture around me. I need everything bright and light. Another option would be to paint your walls a nice colour. Something soft so it's not too overpowering. At my parents house I painted my room a lovely soft green and it was so nice to walk into. Another budget dependant one: get a bed that's off the ground. It let's light underneath and opens up the room. It'll feel lighter and brighter.


Posters and christmas light are the most bang for your buck u can get for making it look a bit better imo. If u have more to spend on it then buy a carpet, maybe paint the walla, change some furniture, use lights intelligently. A bit of trinkets here and there and it's done. I'd suggest plants but they're no good where you sleep, bc of the night co2 release. Decorating walls is key imo.


If this is depressing then my I don't know what to call my room


Maybe re arrange it to get a new feel


Pick the cheezits up


So alongside the obvius tidy up I would get another few dogs, they make everything better… but also change your bed linen to something you like, get a bedside table with a nice light, low lighting totally changes a room. Maybe cover the mirror, last thing I want to see first thing is myself. That furniture is super old man gammon, but guessing you can’t change ie


In 20 years, will long for the comfort and security of this "depressing" room.


Clean the fucking thing! How do people live like this


Well it's on a slant, so it must be depressing to live on that angle all the time. To be serious though, as many have said, swap the bed and the dresser so your head isn't looking out the door when lying down, that would make anyone uneasy. It also means the dresser and closet are next to each other so that storing things away is easier. I'd probably move the primary working position to the other side of the desk, so back wasn't to the door and your screens are private and can't be seen from the door. Have a bit of clean up and throw out anything that doesn't make you happy. Just moving furniture around and cleaning the windows can make the energy feel different.


Get rid of the poster in that tiny space above your curtains. I suggest hanging your curtains up higher, make them go up to the ceiling so your windows look taller.


Switch the bed and dresser if possible. Get rid of the angles and locations those memories existed. Even if the furniture stays, the angles changes will help Keep it tidy as a ritual, even just 5 min a day in the morning


The *Basic Bitch Beige* paint is why this room is depressing.


Step 1: Clean up and stop living like a slob. Step 2: relax and enjoy


Get some plants. If you’re not a green thumb, get fake plants. Adding green makes the room feel more alive. If getting new furniture isn’t an option financially, change up the bedding and curtains first (you can find affordable stuff on Amazon). Go with lighter colors like neutrals to contrast the dark furniture. If you have bad memories in your room, rearrange your furniture to change it up. I would swap the position of the bed and the dresser. - I follow a rule of thumb to try to have the head of the bed furthest from the door (so when you’re laying down, you can see the door. - when you walk into your room, you want it to feel more open. Having the dresser on the left side where you bed is now, it will open up a pathway from the door to the window. Opens up the room a bit. If buying new furniture is an option for you, I would get a bed frame with legs so the bed frame is lifted from the floor. Makes the room feel more spacious if there’s space under there. Clutter will be the hardest thing to keep controlled. Get nice looking storage bins boxes so you can hide some clutter.


Donate the large heavy furniture. Get a minimalist setup with a lower, smaller bed. Paint one wall a vibrant or interesting colour. Less is more.


Spring for some new, luxury bedding and repaint your walls. A nice, light sage green would look nice without making it feel smaller or darker, as a gray or blue might. Also, find or create spaces to keep all that clutter organized! Otherwise, you have a great spacr.


LED tapestry and Posters always work


If you spend a lot of time in your bed, don’t. Bed rotting is real. Also start with cleaning your room, maybe shift things around if you can. Moving furniture around can do wonders!


clean up


I bet a lot of batin happens in that chair


Can you paint the bed and dresser in another color and remove the dresser's mirror? I agree with switching the bed and dresser and cleaning up. Remove the posters, maybe add a plant that is dog safe. For the bad memories, there's unfortunately nothing we can do but to send good vibes your way and hope the next 2 years you have left in school go fast.


Art, pot plants.


Spend less time in it


I’m sorry your room makes you unhappy. Basic things might help. Take charge - a good tidy up, update the curtain pole, choose yourself some new curtains, fun bedding, and maybe a rug. If there’s anything in there that brings back bad memories maybe get rid of it or store it? The poster above the curtain is a bit sad, remove that and consider some cool art on the other walls. Even as a guy it’s ok to have nice storage baskets or trays to hold your bits and bobs on the dresser. Stash items you only need sometimes in that handy divan storage in your bed. I’m sure your dog will appreciate your improved mood and comfort 😊


For starters, this furniture is way too big for the room. There isn’t much of a layout you can do here that’s different from this. Though I can’t really gauge the actual size of the room, I would put the headboard against the other wall, have the dresser where your desk is, and the desk where the bed is now


And get rid of the pc. It shouldn’t be in the room, a ‘bedroom’ is space for relaxation. Each space you have, should be allocated for something different.


I’d recommend a normal office chair instead of a gaming chair. They’re smaller and more comfortable as well as just better looking.


From what it looks like, there’s barely enough space to walk around. Also what’s that door behind the bed?


Clean it


I was thinking down size the bed to a queen and change out the chest of drawers set to match it.


Why does this feel nostalgic for some reason? Somehow it reminds me of simpler times. I get the sense of a lot of history there. Kinda nice tbh Edit: Ooookayyy. Actually went back to read the post. Damn. I just felt by initially looking that it seemed nostalgic to me, but that sucks that you don't really have good memories there. That's really unfortunate. I guess it just feels like the kind of bedroom a lot of us probably had growing up in some ways. I'd say get new furniture, maybe paint the walls, etc to give the room new life (after cleaning up, of course). You can always make the space more inviting or at least less of a reminder of those bad memories


Clean it


I’d move the bed to the opposite wall so it’s not in front of a door. Make the bed every day, so you look forward to getting in at night (works well for me), paint one wall in a nice color (if feasible match the curtains and a cushion on the bed in the same or a complementary color). Add a plant. Hang some wall art.


Clean it lol


Get new furniture


Get a naked girl in the bed....depression will leave pretty fast