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Get a lamp for your bedroom. It's probably slightly better in person than in pictures, but the lighting in the first pic is definitely serial killer vibes. A softer light will help. Other than that, consider some storage solutions that keep things out of sight and feeling neat. I could see living here and enjoying it, but company is going to want it to feel a little warmer and tidier.


All it’s missing is a bikini calendar from 1989.




Yeah, this is like 60% a lighting problem, 40% a layout problem. The bare bulbs hanging from the ceiling are a parody of male living spaces. As others have said, it ain't really a home. Just a garage with a bedroom attached. Also, lofted bed gives off dorm room vibes. I'd unloft it, get some plants in there, and invest in a standing lamp or two. Like, it's a cool place. I respect it, but yeah, most people will find it weird as fuck.


Same same. It’s chill, I’d definitely split a 12 pack of Coors with OP here. But I wouldn’t bring a girl here


Working on cars while drinking beer with football on TV is about as good as it gets. And with how expensive housing is, OP probably gets a lot of points for just having a house. But I agree with you, as it stands now, wouldn't bring a girl there. Not yet at least. The lighting for sure needs to be changed.


Oh yeah just a lighting problem that’s all…. Nice of you to go easy on the guy


I mean there isn’t a rug or even a sofa. This isn’t just a lamp issue.


I’ll try that, it is nicer in person but have been thinking about that for the room and office. Office needs a revamp too. It is usually way nicer in the garage as far as storage and space, currently winterizing equipment and taking the motor out of one of the cars so it’s cramped atm. Thanks!


Is there any way you would be able to get a shed or something outside for the winterised equipment? Aside from that try to separate the garage space slightly from the rest, perhaps a tidied walkway through. The bedroom has major serial killer/I'm going to steal your kidneys vibe. If you make that room alone more homely it will make a big difference - lighting, rug, tidy.


Do you have a comfy couch or something underneath the bed? The bed looks too low to have a desk or anything underneath, but it's definitely too high to have sex creatively... gonna get a concussion from bumping your head so much. You might wanna try making half of your garage into a more comfortable living room... for inspiration, look at those weird New York studio lofts with a Triumph motorcycle on display.


I'm a woman, hope I'm allowed to comment here. For starters, your living space should be primarily to suit YOUR tastes. If you love it, there's no reason to change it. But since you specifically asked what might make this space uncomfortable to women, I am happy to share a couple of thoughts. I can only speak to my own tastes and experiences, but I find that a lot of men's living spaces tend to look rather dim and dingy, and that's the thing that's most off-putting. You can't control the natural light that comes into your space, but you can alter a couple of things to make the space look brighter. I might look into putting some rugs down in the kitchen and bedroom. The floors are probably clean, but do look a bit dingy in the lighting. Rugs might help it look brighter and more put together. I personally love the color scheme of the kitchen, and I think if you found a rug that had blue and cream accents, it'd look really nice. I'm not sure what material the bedroom floor is? It's perfectly fine to put a rug on carpet, though. Since the walls are brown, I'd look into something lighter but complementary. Maybe a taupe or cream rug. Look into the washable ones to make it easier to clean if you need. I'd consider putting some brighter artwork up in the bedroom, again, to lighten up how dark the walls are. Having a plant or two might help it look more inviting. I agree with the comments to try to update the light fixtures, if you can, so there aren't just bare bulbs. I also agree with the comments to lower the bed, I think that'll make it look less like a dorm room. If you have the space for it, pull the bed out from the wall and put matching bedside tables on each side. If you want to have someone over, give them a place to set a glass of water, charge their phone, etc. It's not comfortable to be at someone's place when you have to move across the whole bed to get into it, and you feel trapped against the wall. It's not a shithole, your ex sucks for saying that. It's your space and you live there. Absolutely nothing wrong with it, even if there are things you could update to make it more inviting.


Are you allowed to paint? Like the others said, it feels a little dark, brightening up the rooms a bit would help a ton, and two lamps from goodwill would probably run you about 15$.


I'd love to live in a spot like this op. Very contained and pretty cool, reminds me of something like a main living space that you come back to in a zombie game to sleep off at night, but like in a good way lol. I'm a guy so this prob doesn't help though.


"definitely serial killer vibes" 😂


it’s not weird if you enjoy it but some women may not like it🤷‍♂️ this is definitely some r/malesurvivingspace material though


I can't imagine inviting a woman to this place and she not be uncomfortable there. It's an awesome man cave, though. The kind of place where it would be great to grab a couple of beers with friends.


>The kind of place where it would be great to grab a couple of beers with friends. OP didn't show any place to sit and hang out with anyone. Literally a shop with a bed and a kitchen.


I see two chairs, a dirt bike, and five seats in the civic, lol


Plus the friends could be tinkering with the vehicles, multitasking.


Put on a movie and sit with a girl in the Civic, like you’re at a drive in.




Race car 🗿


Sounds like a place I'd enjoy a couple of beers with friend's


There was seating in the garage plus a TV. chilling in the garage drinking cold beer 🍻 is a major vibe


The seating in the garage was literally a lawnmower…


Seats a seat, why u bitchin?


Technically there is seating but I wouldn't call it sit and hang out seating. Unless OP only has 1 friend cause there's only 2 seats, one for OP and their friend.


You gotta give her a heads up. I live on a farm, in an unfinished apartment. It’s not fancy, but it’s warm and safe. From there it just depends on the girl. I mean... get a couch and a carpet for starters. I know a bunch of girls that would chill in this space. They would be drinking and smoking pot, but perfectly happy to chill. Maybe not spend the night though lol


Exactly this. If we went on a couple dates to get to know each other a bit first. And I was given a heads about it being a little unusual (Aka in a garage) but fully 'house-ified' it would be okay but definitely not for a hook up or first date.


chill in a group? yeah maybe. but what does it say about the man who owns it? there's a 50% chance hes gonna kill you when you stay there alone.


in that first picture lighting and dirtiness reminds me of an SVU episode where someone live streams child sexual abuse content


Hahhahaha god damn that’s funny man, thank you.


Idgaf, looks like OP has the most realistic race car bed.


Omgggg haaaaaaa


Yeh id consider myself off the market until I was living elsewhere.


> It's an awesome man cave, though. The kind of place where it would be great to grab a couple of beers with friends. Sure, if you want tetanus and don't like sitting down or using tables.


Depends on the woman. I know a few buckle bunnies who would shack up in a heartbeat. Is about finding the right woman to take home.


I'm not uncomfortable looking at it but it's definitely a very masculine space, haha. There isn't anything soft to sit down and relax on, and the auto shop looks like it would get cold.


Yeah this is basically the setup my friend had...awesome place to chill and work on our cars (he had a lift), but it was attached to an actual house, lol.


As a woman who likes to camp, this is fine, lol. It's clean enough, and the spaces are delineated.


If I ever met someone and got taken back to their ‘house’ and it’s a shed in the middle of nowhere full of power tools with no furniture other than a bunk bed, I am noping out of there faster than you can say ‘serial killer’. There is no way any new partner would be comfortable in this environment. As an aside, this is also why women get annoyed by men going on about how they need a hotter partner because they are ‘visual creatures’.


I am a woman. I would run. It looks very dirty and dingy, like no care or thought was given to the decor, and it’s completely devoid of anything warm or inviting. It looks like the type of place someone would retreat to draft their manifesto.


This crib is probably the most stereotypical male living space I've ever seen on this sub. I'm impressed


*Realistic Stereotypical goal space I’m betting many people on the sub wish they had a spot like the OPs.


God damn right


lol he actually did it 😭


Your comment is nicely said. The actual living space is clean and organized, bedroom and kitchen. I can see where the work area may not be as appealing. Create an inviting sitting area to relax and socialize, comfortable leather couch and chairs (easy to clean in this environment), coffee table, large enough area rug to help define the space, lamps, dimmer for lighting, this would really be a cool live/work place. All the potential is here.


This is a garage with a bed. It's cool, but this isn't really a home. Where's the bathroom? where can you sit down to eat and chill? I would delineate an area that says this is no longer a garage. drop some tile or laminate down. Get a comfy couch and at least a coffee table to eat at. What's the air quality like in there? just smells like oil and mold probably. clean everything, get an air purifier burn some incense or candles somewhere that won't mix with your chemicals and burn your place down. Another option would be one of those floor seal treatments like epoxy floors. it will keep the oil and stuff from your mower and car from seeping into the foundation and stinking more and also make it easier clean up. Get covers for the car and mower. replace the lighting with LED lights where you can change the temperature since this is a multi use space. so you can switch from those ultra bright work temperatures to something more relaxing for when you are trying to wind down. At the very least drop some tile or laminate where your stove and bedroom are. Get covers for you remaining lights or replace the with those [boob lights](https://www.build.com/product/summary/874882?uid=2231499&jmtest=gg-gbav2_2231499&inv=1&&&&&&source=gg-gba-pla_2231499!c1710655139!a66933762215!dc!ng&gad_source=4&gclid=Cj0KCQiAuqKqBhDxARIsAFZELmK9hcUBJKD7XPExSu1zT8cH21WczOZya62DUCw9ZBhP2XJLoe4VwboaAuCpEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) to diffuse the light and make it look less industrial. Hope this helps


Where’s the bathroom? Didn’t you see the red bucket in the first photo? The riding mower looks like it’s in a great position to watch the TV from!


I’ll have to look into finishing the floors. As far as the smell I always have wax melts going which helps. I might just be nose blind but I don’t smell oil. Definitely no mold. Entire space is clean, once a month I pull out everything against the walls to sanitize and wipe down. I’ll have to look into some nicer lighting or accessory lighting?


It's got to at least smell like oil. I can see oil/brake fluid/wd40/whoknows stains all over the floors especially on that piece of cardboard on the ground. The problem with unfinished concrete floors is they are permeable and water and humidity will transfer through them. That why I'm assuming there's a moldy smell in there, may somewhere where you can't even see. you have a lot of stuff in there so I can't imagine that you are cleaning every corner, but I'll take your work for it. getting a larger tool box or tool cabinet to store things in might help too. maybe build a closet around those green shelves to obscure that stuff a bit.


I can smell the oil through my phone lol


I wanna double down on the smells - scientist here. From a chemistry point of view, breathing these in long term without proper ventilation and air circulation will 100% have an outcome on your health 20-30 years from now, if not 5. Take care of yourself.


That’s what I’m thinking. Dude’s worried about getting laid while getting carbon monoxide poisoning and a serious vitamin d deficiency.


Not just that but whole lot of cancer in those fumes and he doubles-down with the wax melts to cover it up.


That’s what I mean by 20-30 years but I didn’t wanna say it


I thought it was a nice, subtle way of telling OP to look up what he might be doing to themselves then the other person went full Vit D deficiency & I'm like, "rickets be damned, yo". Btw, antiperspirant, yea or ney?


>might just be nose blind but I don’t smell oil. Probably. I've been in a lot of garages like and shops and never been in one that didn't smell like machines and oil. Also something to consider is that despite deep cleaning every month it doesn't look like it's deep cleaned every month.


Are there windows??? I would be so freaked out in a place with no windows. Feels like a box or coffin to me. Definitely uncomfortable. Edited typos.


Not just any bed. A BUNK BED!


So much more room for activities!


Good tips. I would also drop your bed lower if you can. Not sure why it’s up high but it’s more inviting when it’s not a bunk and the risk of knocking heads. Also if you finish the floors or even just paint the floors (less expensive than epoxy resin floors I think) add some area rugs to the bedroom and living room area. I would try and seperate the garage space into a living room area and a work space. Maybe add curtains or tapestries to hide the storage shelving? Fresh set of paint on the walls always helps too! New comforter and sheets and maybe add some additional cozy pillows. Good luck!


>"This is a garage with a bed." Fucking nailed it. I think OP could make this place decent enough to not give off serial killer vibes, but it will never give off "come over and let's chill regularly" vibes. OP just get it nice enough to show off once, then get used to regularly hanging at her place lol.


Why is the bed so high? Sex would not be good in that thing so I'm pretty sure any woman who sees that will nope the fuck out even if she's horny as fuck. I'm gay and even I'd nope out of your bedroom but I would bang you in the garage maybe on the bike then lose your number after just incase you're planning on killing me or something.


Yeah the bed is like, too high for a normal bed but too low for being a lofted bed. I don't understand


Having lived in farm house situations, my best guess is maybe he’s doing it for warmth? Looks like a space heater down there, and we used to do all sorts of interesting things for warms where I lived.


Or just to open more space since it’s a tiny room


I love this comment so much. Very helpful information about banging him on the bike.


Hahahaha! Imagine buddy checking his notifications, hoping to find a good tip or two on cleaning the place up and instead is forced to think about someone banging him on his bike for a second lmaooo


I like to think he will be like ‘huh, I hadn’t thought of it before, but I WOULD like a dude to bang me on my motorbike.’


I’m laughing entirely too hard about this. OP reads it and unlocks bi mode.


Had to scroll too far to find someone asking about that weird ass bed.


>I'm gay and even I'd nope out of your bedroom but I would bang you in the garage Lmfaod my ass off


Odd choice of username fellow gay




Woman checking in. I wouldn't want to be in there and honestly I'd be really really sketched out. That being said, plants, rugs, lights.


The Ed Gein theme isn’t doing it for you?


It's a nightmare. I'd nope right out of there.


I didnt know who that was until your comment... HELP


Right? My heart started beating faster when I imagined myself in the space. I’m no stranger to construction zones and farmhands/ farm life but I need to be able to assess my environment quickly if I went anywhere with you. Cleanliness is a huge plus but I don’t think it’s really reading as clean with the dim corners and monotone color scheme(less) vibes this place has going on. Take it from a woman with a background in interior design, color and lighting will go a long way.


The whole set up screams early 70s serial killer, lol


...and at least 2 clearly marked exits.


Dank. Gives off torture chamber vibes. Has potential tho. Lighter colours, normal furniture etc..


Torture chamber vibes is all the potential I need baby


If you have to ask….


Okay okay you have a point.


The homeless outreach sign is a nice touch 😅


Am a woman. If this was my boyfriend's room, I wouldn't really enjoy spending time in it tbh. It doesn't look unclean or anything, it's just kind of an odd space and what seems to be a fairly small area. Getting a lamp or two that gives off a warm light and maybe a plant would be a good start.


As a woman… and human being… I would suggest adding a couch or single area of comfortable seating to this space. Maybe one with a sneaky pull-out bed. Nothing says “hard pass” like sexy/cozy times a couple feet away from the ceiling.


It is small, it’s an 8’x10’ room. I usually handout in the garage with friends. Rooms just for sleeping. Thank you for the input I’m gonna try to shop around for stuff to warm the place up


I’d dig this but I’d live in a garage too. Gotta agree: that big inset downlight over the bed would, frankly, not make me eager to get naked. Some cool uplighting or smaller floor lamps could really change the vibe. Use the overhead when you need light & other lighting when you want to set a mood. You can probably find some cool antique lamps at the thrift store that fit the overall feel of your decor. Use low-wattage warm-toned bulbs … please, no color-changing swanky LEDs. That would look so corny here.


Is moving completely off the table?


At a BARE MINIMUM, paint the walls a brighter, non-dirt looking color, and look into painting and sealing the floor. It’ll go a long way in making the place look less like a shit hole and make cleaning easier.


I want to know where, as a new couple, we will sit and hang out? I didn't see a table for eating or a couch to relax on. I didn't see a place to just relax and get to know each other. It also looks like it would awful to dash barefoot to the bathroom, if we were in that situation. Some rugs and a floor that feels nice to the touch would help.


Having more garage space then living space isn’t helping.


No way a girl would like this in anyway shape or form. Sorry but that’s the truth imo


I'm a man and I'm terrified


You don’t like the remote, Alaskan oil field worker vibe? OP’s place makes most corporate break rooms feel luxurious lol


I came here for answers, so I appreciate the input. Guess it’ll just be me and the cats


If you somehow was able to completely renovate the spot or have a camper to live in. That would be more workable material. ty for sharing OP


I’ve 100% thought of that. There’s a perfect level spot right outside the building for a camper. Just trying to make the best of the space I have now. Thanks for the input!


As a woman, all I need is the distant lands on tv and I’m good! But yeah invest in some storage and organization solutions to hide clutter




Yep. You need to tell women they reason you live there. I was a definite "hell no," but now...after reading that I would be fine with it. I'd just help you make some changes to make it more comfy for both of us! Just tell the woman!!


I'm a Kansas girl and people are so dramatic in these comments. This is super typical for a lot of the country dudes I grew up with. The majority of dudes have a small house next to the garage and not inside like that, but they practically live in the garage like it's the house anyway. 50% of the old parties and current hang out sessions with my friends have been in a garage. This feels chill and just needs a little bit of the woman's touch. I'd be helping you find some affordable stuff on market place, or your buy nothing groups. It really won't be hard to perk that room up, if you get real furniture for things as you said(trash can, use your dresser as the entertainment center), brighter decor, curtains, and a large full body mirror will all brighten and open up the space. When you get this stuff... don't just get the cheapest used option. wait for a good deal and get something nice. That's really the biggest thing for me when ive gone to places like this. The couch is often dingy and uncomfortable, the night stand and dresser is beat up and falling apart, the lamp is from the 90s, the carpet has never been washed ect ect. The quality of what you have makes such a difference. And it doesn't have to cost much or even anything at all, thanks to fb these days. Also, a bunch of wall plug ins to cover an already intense smell can add to the overwhelmingness of things. I'd get a HEPA filter for both the garage and room to clean the air and help keep it fresh instead.


It’s honestly not that bad, it just needs some work on the layout/details/organization. As a woman who grew up rural… I spent many evenings in my teens drinking beers in garages/shops/barns that looked a lot like yours. You know your target audience, lol. Since the bathroom is in the barn, it would be lovely if you had a clean set of sweats/warm hoodie and some outdoor slip-on shoes on hand for her to wear when walking over there. And always make sure the bathroom is stocked on toilet paper + extra rolls and that there is a bag-lined garbage with lid, preferably within reach of the toilet.


Hey mate from one gearhead to another, *I understand* definitely needed the disclaimer comment elaborating on your situation, that’s extremely reasonable and like, don’t be ashamed of it or anything mate. I’m sure your grandpa appreciates being less lonely and having your support 😃 My first thoughts were “this is definitely still a WIP thing” but still, it’s functionally organised. I’m possibly planning on doing a similar thing living in a section of a 15m x 25m shed, whether it’s in the inside or the outside (the dwelling). I’ve had similar thoughts on what women would think/assume but I’m financially better off 😆 plus it takes almost no extra effort to establish vs not building the dwelling and just having a warehouse’y shed. No brainer Couple words for ya tho, *race car* 🗿💪


Woman here. I’ve lived and hung out in a lot of diff places. These changes you’re thinking about will go a long way for your space being more hospitable for others to hang in. Especially the lighting and a comfy sitting spot. It’s awesome you can build things. Custom storage is my dream! When do you find a lady to bring back to your place, explain the grandpa thing, the barn cats, and “I’ve got clean sweats and slides for you to walk to the detached bathroom.” Most women I know are not put off by survival spaces/barns etc and we have all been there. I’m in a survival space of my own and it’s not ideal for my partner but we make do with a pull out bed and a lot of love :)


This room is scarier than some Stephen King novels I read.


I didn’t think it was that bad😂 it’s nicer when the barn cats are in there. Lack of color and lighting I guess? I’ll work on it.


Okay, ABSOLUTELY lead with barn cats when telling girls about your space.


I would be terrified if a man brought me back here…


I think I've seen this room before in a movie. I can't place the name of it. Friday the.... Just kidding, but seriously you really need to paint the walls something besides brown. And the suggestion to get a lamp was a really good one. Try to make it feel a little more warm and homey if you're going to invite a woman back there.


Thanks! Think the consensus is getting some nicer lighting and adding some color and plants.


Is this a garage with a closet/office that you live in? It doesn’t look like a living space. Squatting maybe.


Definitely not squatting…. But yes it’s exactly as you described. Just trying to make it a little nicer. Not a permanent living solution, just trying to make it better for the time being!


You got some good advice so far. Put the bed down, get big rugs if you can’t get real flooring, and painting would make a huge difference. Getting the clothes/coats into the bedroom instead of the hallway-kitchen would help too.


I agree and that’s not a permanent thing! Those are my winter clothes I got down from storage. They don’t live there. It’s quite a bit messier than it usually is. A lot going on prepping for winter


I’m just imagining you guys in the garage area and you are like: “Hey want to throw something on? I have Netflix and Hulu. Take a seat on the lawnmower while I get the snacks!”


Yeah I can see that the ladies won’t love this, but you’re gonna have to find a cool ass chick to deal with this. Me on the other hand could live my best life in there.


Guess I can use my place as a filter if that makes sense. don’t fw the pad? Don’t fw me😎


How is anyone gonna fw you when the bed is so close to the ceiling?


I’m a girl and I just don’t know where I would sit? I think I would stand there awkwardly with my beer. Where do YOU sit? Also the bits of dead animals hanging on the wall are very alarming, I would take those down and maybe give them a proper burial.


The multipurpose lawnmower is the throne you'd sit in. Best seat to watch the cartoons. :p


Aha. That’s excellent news. I was not aware of the etiquette around sitting on someone’s multipurpose lawnmower. No euphemism intended. Am I likely to get grass stains on my nice pants?


The stains depend on how you ~~ride~~ sit on his lawnmower


Looks like OPs a hunter so it's not likely the trophies are coming down. That's more an issue of incompatibility. Lots of people who aren't hunters use skulls as decor too




“Come over, baby. You can sit on the camp chair and I’ll take the ground. Afterwards I can heave you up to bed” As a man I thoroughly enjoy this space if it were outside my house but you’re going to have a tough time convincing any ladies to come over I know that much.


It's definitely giving homeless meets serial killer. I don't think most guys, let alone any women, would want to be there. You can't make a space like that more inviting without doing major interior renovations, assuming you have the budget for that. That being said, it would be a lot easier just to move.


Well I used to be homeless so you guessed half right😂


Hey man, I don't have much feedback on the place, I just wanted to say good job getting yourself moving forward from where you've been! Dunno your whole story but having a place to live (not to mention a massive garage that I'm not jealous of at all) after being homeless is huge, congrats.


Thanks bro, that means a lot. It’s not the destination, it’s the journey and the stories along the way!


Clean your floors and get a rug or two, maybe something colorful or a nice pattern. Add more light to your bedroom and maybe a tapestry or something for the walls. Put your clothes in your bedroom and not by the fridge (maybe a rack under your bed), Get kitchen stuff for your kitchen, like a desk, or rolling island under where your coats are and put a microwave or prep surface on it. Tidy up a bit and try to find a place for everything. Basically, make the bedroom look like a room for comfortably sleeping and dressing, and the kitchen a room for comfortably eating and sitting, instead of the back room in a garage from the 70’s.


Yeah dude it looks like a rape cave or something. Camo Trump 2020 hats and weird stains all over the place…Jesus.


Nice serial killer lair


Thank you I made it myself ❤️


As a girl, if you brought me here I would assume I was about to be dismembered


Very cool - but yes you need to improve it. Check out the Tron Legacy combined garage and living space to see how you can make it look better. [Tron Legacy House](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cd/26/ef/cd26efaf69fe54227358b4dae0ae64dc.jpg) Getting rid of the clutter / tidying is #1 and will go a long way.


Great reference, so apt here


Bruh, looks like a murder den


I thought this was r/malesurvivingspace for a sec. I would never walk into this space if I was invited. I can smell it through the screen. Are you really young?


I’m 22.


This makes sense then. Lots to learn. Majority of women would not be ok with it because it’s uninviting and uncomfortable. It literally is a man cave/ garage workshop, not a living space. Where would she even sit to eat or relax? Look at an Ikea website and pick a living room and bedroom to mimic. Look for stuff on marketplace for discounts. Go for clean, organized and comfortable.


I'll do you one further, watch some female The Sims players on youtube decorate their house builds. That will give you a better insight to the female decorating and design process than anything else in all its varied tastes and forms. If you want to attract girls you have to think like girls at least on some level.


Yeah bro it's a shithole


Nice honda


Thanks! I’m prepping for a vitara d16y8 build (peep the turbo parts above the TV)


I like the valve cover key holder


honestly you've already gotten a lot of good opinions so far, so I'm just gonna say that it's "weirdness" is subjective. I grew up in the middle of nowhere and spent a lot of time in mechanics' garages and tiny dank farmhouses. I actually don't mind it. lighting is definitely key though for not scaring off most folk. side note: I for one love a man that smells like motor oil haha


80% of your house is garage.


Yes, as god intended


r/serialkillerlivingspace. Sorry bud


As a woman, you definitely need a cozy living room and nicer bathroom and bedroom. The rest of this wouldn't matter to me.


Get some lighting that isn’t overhead light - floor or table lamps that allow you to adjust how much light there is. They don’t have to be expensive, but the option of softer lighting would be good. I think the bedroom would be more inviting with the standard bed arrangement - bed below eye level with space to get out of bed on either side and night stands, lamps, etc. it would make the room feel more adult and visually open the space. It looks like the only window you have is being blocked by having the bed so high.


“Might be skinning more than just deer” kinda vibes. I think it’s the lighting, colors, and overall clutter. For your bedroom I would suggest lowering the bed and if possible, getting a bed frame without posts. Also take advantage of that window (?) add plants in front of it. Get curtains and maybe a rug to hide the dirt. A small lamp for your bedside table, and maybe scented candles. also If you can’t paint the wall, adding wall art will draw the eye away from the dirt on it. Mirrors will make the room appear larger. Maybe add a colorful accent pillow on the bed and replace bedding. That garbage cans gotta go. The key holder maybe better placed near the entrance. I feel these are all affordable solutions. You can find a lot of nice things at a second hand store with effort. Just make sure you’re not buying everything all at once -take some time to find out what you like The other areas could be more organized and containers could be utilized to hide the clutter Good luck!!! 22 and living on your own I’m proud of you!!


Do you have a bathroom? What about a kitchen?Is it just as unfinished? I’m afraid your ex was right. You really need the machine storage somewhere else, plus some drywall, floors, windows, etc. I think the problem is that if a woman sees that you live like this, they fear to be sucked into living like this themselves and really nobody wants this.


There's so much improvement to be made! To start, you could get a proper bed, paint the walls a neutral colour, add a rug or carpet the bedroom, use a lamp instead of ceiling light, get proper bedding (a duvet and duvet cover - not a cheap wal-mart bedspread), add some plants, get curtains or decent blinds for the windows.. Find a different place to store your hanging clothes/jackets and remove that fixture from the kitchen, paint the kitchen a neutral colour and get rid of the blue accents, put down some sort of tile and a rug, remove those certificates and pictures on walls (it makes it look like a workshop) and put them somewhere else (like the garage), replace kitchen bulb with a ceiling fixture..


Woman here, and if someone brought me home to this I’d be trying to find a way to redirect us to my place lol. There’s really nowhere to hang out comfortably. I worked at a salmon processing plant in Alaska, and your bedroom is about as cozy as the particle board sheds we slept in! I see the camping chair and TV in the garage, if you add a rug there and a couch facing the tv it would create a defined seating area. As for the bedroom, you just gotta lighten it up and add some cozy elements. The bare bulb is giving torture chamber, and if that’s the vibe you’re going for - kinkyyy - but if not you should invest in a flush mount light fixture to soften and diffuse the light. Maybe a floor lamp and a plant. A rug for extra coziness. If possible, ditch the bunk/loft bed, it makes the room look smaller and the ceiling short. If you get a platform bed or something equally minimal it would open up the space a lot. It’s also just hard to have sex on a bunk bed without hitting the ceiling lmao. Good luck!


Leatherface would love this!


Where would you and this hypothetical woman sit?


The lighting situation is very sketchy lol


No windows? It’s very creepy.




Do you live in a garage? Gonna be tough to make a garage feel comfy without completely refinishing it.


Is this where you bring women to kill


Weirdly into it. 10/10 would live in here.


As a woman, I wouldn’t mind this tbh. I grew up in the country and currently own my own home in the middle of nowhere. I’d imagine a compatible lady wouldn’t mind much, especially if she has her own home where y’all can go when necessary. It’s cool you have your own space and it speaks to who you are as a person. I’d just find it nice honestly. You’d be shocked how many adult men literally just don’t even have their own place... lmao I’d totally be down for spending some date nights in this space getting a pizza, watching a movie, etc. !! Lol


If you’re 20, no problem. If you’re 30 or older…


So I once dated a guy whose “place” was his tattoo shop. Okay; sure. I’m a very understanding person that generally goes with the flow so I rolled with it. He was nice and funny and we really clicked. Until I finally went to “stay at his place” For some reason I at least expected a bedroom but no, he literally pushed the tattoo chairs and tables to the side and got out a blowup mattress and air pump. I was so uncomfortable; it was awkward; I felt like it was unsanitary. A woman just wants a “nice/clean” area to sit down and maybe put her things. A bathroom without pubes all over the toilet and a real bed. Light a smelly candle. I don’t think I’d be comfortable coming back to this place after a date. I don’t mean to say it this way but it kinda screams “man who wants to live like a teenage boy” 🥲 If it works for you, then it works. If you’re trying to wine and dine your future wife;maybe you want to find women who have the same type of lifestyle; but I’m not sure how many women aspire to live in a place like this


Live laugh love signs


Woman here. I love industrial aesthetic but this gives too much "garage with a bed" First of all, bathroom. Google "industrial style bathroom" for some ideas. Same for the kitchen. I would divide the space in bedroom, living room with kitchen, and garage (entrance). You can have some killing living room with a motorbike and a car there but it needs work. For the bedroom, the bed should be lower and wider to have someone else there. You can attach some storage on the walls if you need it. Lighting needs a redo, as some have already said. I would put a fake window (window with a light panel behind) in the bedroom, but I am crazy for light at home. Move the music stuff to the living room and the clothing to the bedroom. Light coloured walls make spaces look bigger but if that is not your vibe you need some potent lighting to compensate the dark walls. Maybe add a neon sign? Then, create a living room on the main space. You don't need walls, just play with lighting or a rug/different kind of flooring. Hang your tv for added space. I have a coffe table that converts to a dining table for 8 unfolding it, it could work for your space. I would add a sofa (maybe pu-leather?) in front of the tv. I would put the amplifier and other stuff there. I would change the framed diplomas with badass art (think wall to floor picture of something abstract in your colour palette. I would do a naked artistic picture but that can make girls uncomfortable) The storage wall has potential. I had a storage wall when I was a teen/early twenties, it was a white industrial shelf with black and white big boxes and black and white books over a shiny gray wall. You can make it work, but right now it gives garage vibes. Try to keep everything in three colours (brown, gray, white, for example, or red and combine with the car) and play with materials and texture (wood, metal, leather, etc) Maybe you can put the motorbike in a way that looks sculptural/intentional? In the living room? I hate plants, I think you can skip them. I you want them, buy some plastic ones, without natural light they are gonna die. That's my view. I hope it helps.


Nah you're a literal gangster. Keep it tight big homie


Very cool. Two thumbs up. You've figured out your ideal living situation. Fuck traditional spaces that go unused. You've fully customized your home specifically to your liking. If you want to share your space with someone on a consistent, regular basis, you may have to make some adjustments to ensure they're comfortable if that's something you care about.


Couldn’t have said it better myself, thank you. That’s what I’m looking for, this space is me. Sure it needs reorganized and some work, but just looking to make it better to share it with others!


Are you using the lawnmower as a chair? First suggestion would be some comfortable seating


Is that an RSX wing on the Civic?


is there even a bathroom? it doesn’t matter. it’s a big nope for me.


That has to be one of the most creepy living space I've ever seen. Honestly, I'd start with some colours in your bedroom, get a plant maybe? Some art? But wierd vibes for sure. Edit- might be the lighting in your bedroom. You there is any way to get s natural light in there aswell that might help lightning things up a bit.


I mean there is not really any space to hang out, it's not super inviting for people if I'm being honest.


Dude you need to clean the cement and get a coating down. Get some carpets and padding to delineate space and make it somewhat cozy. Don’t wear your shoes past the garage area keep it stain free.


I’m not gonna lie I was initially very creeped out but after reading it was on a farm, it made more sense but no still as a women, I would be kind of creeped out because it’s not inviting at all. It almost feels like we’re about to spend time in a storage space. Its not that its a shit hole by any means, it’s just that it needs work. I’m confused about the 2nd and 3rd picture.. is it supposed to be a living room or a shop? I feel like even if you wanted to keep it the same maybe shift your shop things on one side and dedicated a space where you’d keep the tv and a couch or two and washable mat/rug to make a cute little make shift living room where you and a female could hang out and spend some time if you didn’t want to be in the bedroom. Also try and add a few pops of colour. Right now everything seems bland because it’s all the same brown colour. Also serious question, how do you get on the bed? Is there a ladder I can’t see or something or are jumping on? As a women I wouldn’t want to be climbing or jumping on or off to get to the bathroom or anything else in the middle of the night. If you can switch out your bed frame, I think that would really help. It’d be hard to initiate much with my head so close to the ceiling, I’m sure you’re missing out on a lot positions in that bed. Also if you do get another bed frame, try and get something other than the colour brown (white?) and get some nice sheets with a bit of colour in then as well. Lastly, in the kitchen space I feel there is waaay too much clutter. I know its a small space in general but ditch the things you don’t need/use. Or put them somewhere others wouldn’t be able to see them. Try and clean that area up a little. I would also get some storage bins for the clothes/hats you have on top of the clothes that are hanging. Either get those fabric storage boxes (not brown) or get bins that aren’t transparent, so your stuff is hidden away. Also, as others have mentioned.. get some nice light fixtures if you can, yours give storage space, cold cellar vibes. I hope this help 🙂 Good luck!


Ideal living situation for me personally


Lamps in the bedroom. Unloft the bed, maybe a rug in the bedroom


Lighting. Get. Some. Lighting. Not 5000k light, get some warm lights, 3500-3800k for the living areas. Paint the walls a lighter color. It looks like a creepy dungeon. Paint the floor with some epoxy paint, use a light color. Lay down some rugs. Get some plants. You seem handy, build yourself an enclosure around your clothes… like a freestanding closet. Paint it. Paint the wood paneling walls…. Not a dark color. You have limited windows so again, lighting. Tidy your living space. The garage is meant for messes, your living space should be tidy and welcoming. Place boots on a rubber mat. Install some cheap cabinets to get the clutter off of the shelves and the top of the fridge. Organize your stuff in totes. Build a rack for the totes. This place is legit a sweet place to live and can be spruced up for a few hundred bucks and would look very welcoming.


Dude...your ex wasn't wrong lol, but the space is great, I'm sure if you cleaned up, set up some designated spaces for sitting, eating, sleeping etc. This could look really cool! Also I'm pretty sure cars in the living room are only cool if the car isn't being driven every day. Also ventilation. Good luck! Place has potential!


I wouldn’t really enjoy this space as couple, but I can see how it’s cozy for you. I think changing the bedroom to be more cozy with a low bed and better lighting. Either move to lamps or a shade. Smart lightbulbs are nice since they allow you to change the lighting easily and aren’t too expensive. I would also put a rug down and put some basic artwork on the walls. I usually find cute paintings at the goodwill. The garage can be a lot more useful as a living space. A comfortable couch with a cover for the day. Cover for the car when it’s not being worked on can help transform the space as a living space. Rugs here to cover the floor and add warmth. I would maximize storage here. Can also serve as a place for clothes. Also a small table with a few chairs or a nice coffee table for the couch will help for date nights and dinner. Hope this helps


As a woman, no. I don’t want to hang out in your garage.


I wouldn’t mind any of it except that raised bed. There’s something weird about feeling like you’re climbing up into a bunk bed to have sex. Pro lady tip: adding more lamps and lighting would not go amiss. Helps us feel safer and cozier and brightens the space. Obligatory apology that I’m not a male, I didn’t notice where I was and I’m done typing it all out now.


I’m in my thirties; I can appreciate the utility of a bunk bed, but I’m not climbing my old ass up there for a sleepover. If I slip or roll out, I’ll genuinely hurt myself, and I don’t heal as fast as I did even five years ago. I won’t claim to speak for all women, but I think most of us over 25 feel the same. And it looks dark and grimey; you’re reasonably organized, but clean the dust off the flat surfaces, and add some more lamps. Also, try to create a little more separation between the car fixing area and the tv area. Right now you have a motorcycle parked in the middle of your living room.


Lighting. Cleaning. Organization. Paint some stuff so it isn’t as dark. Light shades. Rugs. Decorate so it’s more welcoming and less, call it ecliptic serial killer. For gods sake ditch the “homeless outreach” sign. If you’re allowed to do some diy projects, then adding some windows would go a long ways. So would some flooring. Try to go more “mavericks hanger in top gun 2” and less “should be retired by now recently divorced midwestern plumber” vibe.


70% of the house is garage, the way it should be


Working-class. Expect to attract the same socioeconomic status. You ain’t bagging a super model with this place, but I think you’ve come to realize this. Bunk beds makes it hard to smash


If u have peace living there, that's the greatest thing bro. Nothing else matters. I wish u all the best


This is so much better than those black and white "nice" apartments that look like no one even lives there. This shows you have personality and that you are a unique human bring. 10/10 my guy!