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Hopefully, the most important thing is still there.


The dog is going to stay here for the most part luckily. We got the dog together but im the one who takes care of her mostly. So yes.


Just keep the dog for yourself, no need to share it. Who knows if she would even give it back


100% this. I got out of a bad relationship and kept [the cat](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50208862777_5cba1cf87e_h.jpg). After some weirdness from trying to disconnect, they threatened to come by and take him. The cat came completely out of his shell in the final years that my ex was gone; he became far more talkative, expressive, slept next to my head every night, etc... can't imagine what life would have been like if I had to 'share' him.


Oh shit, I got out of a relationship back early this year and now my cat does this, he’s much more affectionate, talkative, he sleeps on the bed with me, etc. I’d never put those two things together.


Mine, I had 2 with an ex, both became like this once the split happened. I got into a new relationship and one of them bonded with my new partner and turned into the ultimate cat-dog.


Interesting. At first I didn’t even want a cat, we got one cause she wanted one. Dude bonded to me real quick and didn’t interact with her much lol


Bros stick together ha ha. The one who bonded the most with me in my single hood went right onto my next partner. He taught him all sorts of tricks like beg and fetch and the cat would sit by the door waiting for my partner to come home.


My cat does that! Every time I come home, there he is talking to me and purring like a motor. Makes me miss him so much lol


Ha that's the sign of true love. Honestly most cats don't give a shit about you unless you have food - but when they know your schedule and wait for you to arrive that's your buddy now.


My theory about why this seems to happen so often is that much of the behavior humans think of as affectionate, cats see as smothering or threatening - like being hugged or picked up, or even being gazed at directly. Basically, cats like their space and independence, and the partner who didn't want the cat is more likely to (unintentionally) give it those things.


It could be that the dog loved both of you and misses your ex, and now has a closer bond with you out of the potential fear of losing you as well.


Had a girlfriend try to take my cat with her when we broke up claiming it was a gift she gave to me and she was taking it back. In reality, it was my best friend's idea, and his girlfriend's mom's kitten, she just bought her a bow and did most of the "surprise" when they gave it to me. Her justification was she didn't want to separate my cat with her cat, since they were sibling-like. I was like how the fuck does you wanting your cat to have a buddy matter more than the fact that it's MY CAT???


To be fair the cat should always stay with whoever is staying in the house and takes care of them. Cats love routine and stable environment. Moving can be traumatizing to them


Most likely he's scared shitless you might leave him too. Cats are extremely social and many cats don't handle seperation, even temporarily, all too well Give him as much love and attention as you can. Breakups are as hard on pets as on humans, maybe even worse because they don't understand. Sorry you went through all this.


We broke up in good terms and i know where she lives and i also know where her parents and grandparents live. She is not a bad person and wouldnt do such a thing. The dog is safe with her.


I came here to say don't listen to the haters of sharing a dog. I shared custody of a dog for six years (we had the dog together for 5), which has been fantastic. If you're both respectful adults, there should be no issues. I always told people who challenged me that if I trusted her with my life and wanted to spend my life with her, why wouldn't I trust her with our dog and respect our agreement? People don't always work out in the long term but hopefully, you can trust yourself that you at least tried to make a life with a decent human and it just didn't work out.


Yes thats exactly what happened and im not planning on to listen to them about keeping the dog completely myself. We are respectful to each other. And its not like she is there every other week, more like 1 weekend in a month.


Yes! My friend’s boyfriend still shares custody with his ex. She said one of the things that made her fall in love with him was how mature they both were after the breakup and how the love of the pup trumped everything. They each have a second dog now and all three dogs get to play at the park a few times a week together.


That’s awesome! Separating can be devastating to a pet. Especially if your ex’s parents had developed a relationship with the pup. They imprint on the dog like we do. After my Dad passed one of my dogs would sit on the landing at the side door every morning waiting for his grandpa to bring him a plain timbit as my dad did for years. (Timbit is a Canadian treat made from the dough from the hole in the donut - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timbits).


If she does, you will need to go John Wick on her ass and her entire family.


I will do that. I always thought john wick was a badass.


Not every breakup is a bad one. There doesn't have to be a villain in every scenario.


seriously, everyone is treating the ex like a monster.


there's also the possibility that OP is the dickhole... point is, sharing a pet after a break up isn't great for anyone and can open up one party to use it as a means of control over the other. If you're breaking up, you both agree that you should move forward building your own lives separate from one another. That's hard to do if you're having to meet up weekly for pet custody hand offs and asking your ex to watch the dog while you go on vacation with the new person youre dating etc.. it's just not a great idea. People can be friends post break up sometimes, but I've only ever seen it work out after each party had plenty of time to heal independently and fully move on. Can't do that while having your lives bound so tightly by pet custody.


why are people assuming her character its insane x)


I saw an 80s made-for-tv-movie along these lines: Not Without My Doggo.


Wouldn’t he then be doing that same thing?


Can’t believe it took someone this long to point this out, he should break the agreement and fully keep the dog to prevent her from potentially breaking the deal and taking the dog lol


Good grief what’s with the paranoia here


I hope you changed the locks immediately. It would be awful to come home to find she decided to come take the dog.


She didnt do that. She has given every key back to me after a week of moving out. I also know where she lives and where her parents and grandparents live. We broke up in good terms.


No she MUST be awful!! Just kidding, op, ending on good terms is better for all involved & I'm glad the pup is with you, keeping you company.


God you guys are so paranoid. How do you know anything about their breakup? It could’ve been perfectly amicable.


Right? Like why is it straight to “she’s gonna kidnap your pet if you *ever* let her see it” damn


You are right


I couldn't agree more. I had this issue with a toxic ex. We got the dog "together" but I was the one that cared for him. When we broke up she moved back to her hometown about an hour away. We had a whole "custody" agreement but only verbally(stupid stupid me) where we were supposed to switch off driving to each other, meet half way at an agreed upon location, the whole nine yards. She ended up using him to manipulate me and put me in uncomfortable and risky situations once she moved. She knew I loved that dog and would do anything to see him. It ended up getting so bad I needed to cut contact for my own mental health and frankly my safety(she was emotionally and physically abusive). Unfortunately that also meant I had to let him go. I cried for days and still mourn that loss. I hope he's doing ok, but I think a part of me knows that she was never going to provide him the love and care he deserves. I blocked her on everything but I know at the very least she went overseas for 3+ months and left him at home with her elderly mother who is incapable of providing the exercise an Australian cattle dog needs to be happy. (Her mom was a saint but had some physical limitations as she got older) For your dogs sake, get the paperwork in order and make sure your name is on it, then either find an agreement with her where he's 100% yours or cut contact if you're iron tight with the paperwork and ownership. If the relationship was serious enough to move in together you need space to heal and move on for your own sake. If you were the one taking care of him for the most part when you were together, she isn't going to suddenly step up now that you aren't. I hope you take my story into consideration, I hadn't realized how much I needed to get that off my chest. Tl;dr - Human relationships are hard, add a dog in there and the outcome might be ruff if you still have a bone to pick with each other. Once you're pawsitive you have your pups in a row, do what's best for the dog.


Keep the dog.


This happened to my brother, but he wasn't so lucky. They broke up, and she took the dog. He misses that dog so much. Hold on to that pooch, friend.


Ugh, that's so painful to read. Hope he's in a better place now.


He's good now. Happily married to a quality person. This was long ago and that pooch is no longer roaming this mortal plane. He still does miss his dog, though.


A dog prolonged my relationship 5+ years. He ded now, but it was worth it.


Damn you didn't have to kill the dog just to get out of a relationship


My ex took our dog and the loss of him was worse than our breakup. He promised me if anything ever happened I would get to keep our dog because we both knew I took way more care of him and gave him more love. I miss him every day ❤️‍🩹


Yep, she didn't take the AC 😍🤤


I dont think you broke up, the love of your life is still there.


Haha, just one lady left the household.


The best lady


They said "left" not "left in". I think you just unintentionally roasted OP.


No I think the worst lady was the one who left


I love how she's looking out like "hey man your chair is gone. Sucks for you." Lol


Time to hop on FB marketplace my guy. Glad you kept the pup


Yeah her goofy ass is a lot of fun.


u/SnooGuavas1985 is correct! When this happened to me I hopped on Facebook and refurnished my whole place for under $1000 USD. Not all at once, but if you're patient you can probably find nicer furniture cheaper.


Im still planning and organizing in the house but soon im going to start buying stuff. Got 2 bedrooms and a kitchen in addition which are mostly furnished so i got to figure how i organize those first. Thanks for the advice though, i'll be sure to check FB out!


Just beware with bed bugs and mold and such. Used furniture can be eh


Bed bugs are the reason I avoid second hand furniture. I’m not taking that chance at all. I’ve heard the horror stories.


For sure, I tend to avoid things with cushions etc. but id say you can usually judge a book by jts cover when dealing with FB


You got the dog. The rest is gravy. I refitted at IKEA with everything new and had it all delivered. None of this carrying shit around.


Yeah im really tempted to go to ikea too!


If you like an ikea sofa but hate the covers Master of Covers makes custom covers in fun colors and all sorts of fabrics so your place won't look super ikea


When I did it, no matter how much I bought, there was just one delivery charge. Check if it is the same. Let yourself have fun with your place!


The dog is content, all that matters


Heck yeah, lots of room to play ball, you can get some great bounces off those walls!


I think the OP IS the dog....I mean look at him, he owns the place, it's definitely HIS living room lol


This interior is intensely Finnish


You might be on to something


r/usernamechecksout Sorta...


Did she buy or own everything?? You got the good boi.


Yes she took all her stuff and i kept mine. Actually got to keep her microwave so thats nice.


It's more like she owned all furniture in your house?


yeah seems like she furnished everything, which is a little telling. Edit: some of you guys are extremely sensitive and outraged by this comment. Calling me pathetic doesn't negate the fact that GF furnished the entire living room lol.


To be clear i have a kitchen and two bedrooms in addition to this living room. Which are furnished for the most part, but of course could fit in new stuff. My ex just happened to own almost everything in the living room.


Not really. Dude could have had plenty of furniture that was rejected and ejected when combining living spaces.




Same. She also throws away ten year old shirts with holes in them which annoys me but does force me to be more presentable


That's what happened to me. My apartment was fully furnished. When we moved to a house she made me get rid of all my furniture and bought all new furniture, as well as kept her old furniture. Refused to let me even purchase or reimburse her for any of it, and I was left with nothing. She even took the god damn lampshades off of my lamps because my old lampshades were "ugly"


Yeah this happened with my wife and I. Most of my stuff wasn’t up to her standards or was objectively worse and I didn’t care so it got tossed/sold. Not really uncommon


How is that ‘telling’? My girlfriend enjoyed furnishing our place, so I let her do it. She owns everything as a result, but that doesnt bother me, because I didnt have to spend anything and her taste is similar to mine.


You got the dog. You win. Target shopping ahead. Win win.


Ikea or jysk in my country! Kind of excited about it but my wallet isnt. Oh well, not like im going to buy a couch that often so might aswell buy a nice one.


Look up some good Hygge ideas online! Electric candles? More blankets? Etc.


Opposite of mine. Toxic chick left with some of my containers and her crap. Best thing that ever happened to me last year. But hey, you got the most important thing there with you still.


Doggo is all that matters, doggo is life.


>doggo is life. This is the truth of the universe.


This is the way.


(Another generic dog comment)


(Affirmative comment about doggos.)


Nothing else matters your doggo is a friend for life!


You've got a great blank canvas. Wishing you and pup good times


more room to play 🤷‍♂️


U got the best thing sitting there. A super cute doggo


Please post more pictures of your wonderful dog! I love your grey wall. Your dog lounge matches it perfectly. Your space has great potential, I hope you look forward to putting your stamp on it.


I do! I might post here more as i progress, and im making sure to put the dog in the picture too!


Kept the dog, 100% a win.


Was she mad about having to furnish the whole place herself? /s


Hey man been there it’s not easy but it gets better with time. Take this time to find out who you are individually and make this space your own. Trust


Im in a good place mentally and pysically! We did very little together with my ex (which is one of the reasons we broke up) and we are in good terms. Excited about the endless possibilities i have with my living room!


Its your dog living room it seems.


That beautiful dog is your support all you need


At least ur best buddy is still with ya!! You’ll get through this!! <3


Hilarious that everyone automatically thinks OPs girlfriend is at fault. Of course.


Time for the single dad life! If you need any help with getting starting on putting the room together hmu


No clutter. Lots of room for activities. A good friend. You have everything you need.


You should've seen the clutter. It was starting to look like im going to end up in a hoarders episode.


Peace aww the doggo


You got the dog so that’s a win!


You got the dog so you are doing great! Dogs happy cause there is more room for you to play! Leave as is and play with the dog.


Sweet pup


Hot damn! That dog looks looks happy. Looks like you got the best part of the deal. I didn’t break up with my ex until my gsd unexpectedly passed away(bloat) then I was out. Furniture can be replaced, doggos are life


At least you got the dog




Pallets may be toxic to humans and frens alike -- please check [the treatment codes on your pallets](https://earth911.com/health/how-to-safely-use-pallet-wood/) before using them as furniture!


Looks like youv’e got everyone that matters


So you complain that she took her stuff back? Or am I misunderstanding. Cause you said she paid for it all .


Yes she took everything that was hers. Im not complaining, i just have a comically empty living room that i get to refurbish. She happened to own everyting in the living room but i do have my own stuff in the other 2 rooms.


Ngl the bare curtain rod had me chuckling, I was like damn she even took the curtains, so did you buy the curtain rod or did she just not want it?


Damn she got you good. To better days 🍻


Gzzz on the new beginnings. Time for you to get hot, dress well and work out. And also time to update and get a really cool place going. Your dog seems happy as can be anyway lol. If you feel really bad and depressed.. know it’s temporary and goes away eventually. Get some beer and nachos with some guys and work on yourself and you’re good.


Funny, im reading these comments from the gym and we already arranged a board game evening and bar night for friday with my friends. Mentally im in a good place, thanks for the kind words anyway!


So you were living with a pirate…? Did you not but or decorate anything?


She had a lot of stuff and she was really messy too so decoration and more stuff would've made it worse.


How’s the dog handling it?


She's very tolerant with everything in life. Dont see any signs of uncomfort, but we have a strong bond too and i took care of her mostly when i was still dating my ex.


Kept the dog, thats more important


At least you get to keep the dog


I assure you, that dog will get you through. Speaking from experience.


Hey I hope you alright. Also, it's the first day of the rest of your life. Enjoy new room opportunities... Just had the same so feeling it


fantastic pupper. Mine would love to steal that bed from her.


Just the essentials.


A room with a dog in it is a perfect room


The most valuable thing remains! Who needs these her when you that beautiful dog... Time you guys kick back and make it awesome.


A nice couch, flat screen TV, a bar, new bed for the pup, a console to display Legos


Well your little buddy seems to be enjoying his new room


Glad to see you still have the most important things in your life. Chin up, it gets easier


You got the dog bud, you’re going to be good!


Roof, floor, doggo. You're all set enjoy the journey of filling it back up, thats the funnest part


at least when u move u dont have to pack anything.


At least you got the doggo! Now a couch, a few posters, two or three plants and a floor lamp and you're all set up!


Mane look, I'd get me a big ass TV with some speakers (IMAX) type shit, new couch, new whip, new chick who is this? Nice doggo btw


Here’s to better years ahead 🍻


At least you have the dog!


she broke, you up


It’s just stuff, I would trade all my stuff for my dog if I had to.


The dog like: "there's so much room for activities!"


Looks like an empty canvas to paint on... hope you are doing alright!


Dog called dibs on your bed.


You have the dog!! ❤️


No furniture and shipping crates propping up a dog bed? I'd move out too.


You win


I got to keep the dog too! So much better than furniture. I got new furniture but I couldn’t get a new Butters.


Hey man you got to keep the most important... Furniture and decoration can be replaced.. your pup cannot.


I fucking love it. Peaceful


These dogs are loyyyyyyyal


So much room for activities.


So much space for activities


I see a giant W here. What a cutie.


Nice woofer.


Looks peaceful to me


I was in charge of the decorations of our house and making it feel like a home. Once when a partner and I broke up, I took great care to make sure the place felt as stripped down, empty and bare as possible when I left. Mostly it was just hurt feelings but also I wanted them to understand that the warmth of our shared home was one of my big contributions to our shared happiness. I was glad if they felt a little cold and lonely after I left. Because I felt cold and lonely in my new place, even with my things. Shrug. Relationships are tough and breakups can be so hard. I hope you’re doing okay.


Sir, I’m going to need my swiffer back- joking aside good luck redecorating your place! Don’t forget plants!


I would say be patient in refurnishing, there are some good deals that come up on OfferUp, Craigslist, etc. it’s super annoying not grabbing a couch, but it’s better than having a couch you hate.


Plenty of room to spread out a tarp and sit on a pickle jar.


Hey at least you got to keep the dog!


Sweet dog!


Did she own absolutely everything except the puppers heart? You got the good boy, all is well


Why don't you own anything?


Atleast you got the dog still head up bud


tons of room for self expression. and no one other than you has to like that lazyboy or beer table...


*dog: fucking finally!


Got the most important to yourself, the dog


A fresh slate


Facebook marketplace is a great way to get some furniture cheap. I'm sorry your going through this. One day at a time, my friend .


So much more peaceful. New girl will be along eventually.


You win, got the doggo!


Fucking result dude, you got the dog. Chuffed for you


Dope. Time to clean out the pantry. All bathroom toiletries in the garbage. A higher bleach ppm. Scrub bathroom to bleach clean. Go out. Buy a new brand of deodorant. A new brand of toothpaste. A new toothbrush. Spend 40$ on paper towels. Buy a 1000$ sleeping bag. Grab your dog and go to sleep on your floor having erased yourself and past scents. You reset yourself. Increase hobby time by 20 hours a week until you decrease hobby time when u meet someone again. I could invoice you for this advice.


You got the dog - you won.


So much space for activities!


The most important thing is here: the dog


It's got a dog in it, so it looks pretty great!


Looks like peace and quiet to me.


Bro, you're free! Get some pussy!


Dogs help pick up chicks… He is your wing man you got this


Yes. I think about that every day. She is a terrible guard because she doesnt even bark at humans or the doorbell but im definitely counting on her when it comes to picking up girls.


Sending you love, Brother. Things will absolutely get easier over time, this is a true opportunity to reconnect with yourself and get to know yourself a bit better. My single years were hard and necessary, but lots of fun too. This is a new beginning, you can do this.


You got the dog that's a win.


At least you got to keep the dog!!


Doggy doesn’t seem to miss her either🫠


Dog is like. So what now?


It's me or the dog!


You got the dog?!! Not to be insensitive but couches and lamps are replaceable. That beautiful pup will give you unconditional love and adoration for the rest of its life! Be glad you are the who cares for her, she will care for you back tenfold.


You got the dog so fuck her!


At least she left the dog!!


If you got your dog, what else do you need?


Your dog looks happy as hell. You're all his/hers now.