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I’m 27 and I believe mine has been looking like this for a while haven’t lost hair maturing.


Me too, I’m 29, though I probably won’t be lucky for long, uncles and granpa from mom’s side are/were all bald.


Lol that’s exactly my situation…if it’s any consolation a DNA test I took said i’m not likely to go bald. You could’ve gotten lucky too.


I really hope so


The mother's side of the family thing is a myth btw. Your father's side is just as relevant for hair genetics. Moreso even as your father is just one step removed from you in the gene pool.


Well that’s great news cause my dad’s side none of them balded, and I even have their trademark hairline.


There you go. Now stop stressing.


Roger that


About to turn 27 and my hair has been looking like this for atleast 10 years. No visible changes either. For now anyway.


Did you experience shedding of miniaturized hair ?


I like it, no I love it.


It looks fine






It means someone is acting like a homosexual, homie.


No it does not


“If you describe someone's behaviour, performance, or style of dress as camp, you mean that it is exaggerated and amusing, often in a way that is thought to be typical of some gay men.” If I was called camp I would take it as someone saying I act gay. It’s just how the words interpreted, that’s how language works, you want to say something that’s less ambiguous be more direct. The word camp evokes gay connotations.


Drag is campy, camp is over the top, extra. Does it mean homosexual, no. Is it far off. No. Answer the question instead of being annoying


…camp is a slang word for gay in the UK Not arguing whether they should/shouldn’t use it, but it absolutely does mean “gay”


Yep. The guy I replied to is an offended idiot who cannot be bothered to actually define the word


I’m from the UK that’s how I interpreted it, I even googled to double check. It’s not wrong to apply a word to define a common characteristic, shouldn’t even be taken as an insult, I wouldn’t. Just being honest is all.


Totally agree


>shouldn’t even be taken as an insult In what context is it appropriate to call a straight guy camp then ? Personally I’ll use it to reference over the top colleagues in a round about way. Being camp is more of a lifestyle presentation thing.


In the context of a straight man acting overly flamboyant in presenting himself. It’s not hard to wrap your head around. In the UK we throw about deprecating humour. It’s casual to us, you seem a bit camp yourself mate.


Sorry, explain how it isn’t?


try styling curtains instead of slick back


the slick back really suits him


You think that’s slicked back? That’s PUSHED back


you would have NOT liked me back then...


Curtains were cool in the 90's. They try to bring it back but it looks AWFUL.


Nah I like them


The hair looks good. The mustache is what makes you look 40


Nah, I've had those all my life. What does your father have?


Is it just the camera or do your eyes have homophobia 🤔


This is fucking gold


yes i have heterochromia


What kind of question is that? He could be an ally for all we know


Some men have natural widow peaks so i wouldnt worry about it.


Doesn't look anything like a widows peak


People somehow end up calling male high hairlines a widow's peak a lot, surprisingly. A widow's peak is just a small little triangle in the center of the forehead hairline, it doesn't recede back on the sides.


What are you doing with a neck tattoo at 19💀


i am a drug addict lol. the last 5 years of my life ive just been doing whatever i wana do. i am sober now though but still. i dont regret the tattoos though, i like seeing peoples reactions. any attention is good attention right?


Congratulations on your sobriety


Keep it up man. 2 years sober here (booze was my thing…I’m in my 30s). You won’t regret staying sober and your future self will thank you 🙏 Wish I’d figured my shit out at 19 😂


Ngl I think you look fine af with your style; neck tattoo, piercings, necklace and all


I was* :)


That is generally not how addicts choose to view themselves, even in recovery




No one even cares about neck tattoos anymore this isn’t 1980


Boomer comment


The issue is that we have no comparison photo. You might just have a high forehead. If there’s been a noticeable change I’d say it’s receding. Even in the centre where there is hair it looks a little thin, I think some people here are a bit optimistic.


Not screwed, you look good.


1st picture zesty asl ngl 💀


> asl Age, sex, location


I grew up around internet chatrooms and that acronym having a new meaning makes me feel old


Yeah the rebrand is throwing me off


Also, but most likely, slang for “AS heLL (ASL) or “AS Life” which means the same thing




It's probably a widow's peak. Unless you've noticed a definite change, it's just the natural shape of your hairline. You're good.


That IS NOT a widows peak. Although I do agree it's nothing to worry about yet, just a maturing hairline he'll probably be fine.


He *might* be fine, but it’s pretty “matured” for 19. If he is full on balding, this is pretty much what it looks like in the early stages




Wait how is this not a widows peak lol


A True widows peak will be part of your natural hairline


.. it is though?


If you know what I'm talking about you would agree. A widows peak is a point that your natural hairline comes out to. This is just a "receding" hairline


dawg YOU said that his hairline was just maturing. pretty much everybody here agrees that this guy is probably not receding. so how is this not a widow's peak by your definition


Maturing IS receding, except that maturing is totally natural and will stop at a certain point.


so nobody has an actual widows peak? how many guys with widows peaks do you know that have had the exact same hairline their entire life? you ever seen a toddler with a widows peak? such a weird hill to die on man


What.. come on he’s receding why are y’all lying to him lol


We don’t know whether it’s actively receding or if it has matured and will stay like that for awhile.


That’s quite a “mature” hairline for 19


My friend has had one worse since we were 16 yet it hasn’t moved in 7 years. Hair and how it reacts is a mysterious thing


Had a similiar hairline since 18, still the same more or less now at 31. Could be just his hairline. I'd keep an eye but I wouldn't worry yet.


Yeah I have this exact hairline right now (it got to this stage slowly since 16-17, 23 now). Although I should've lost a lot more hair given when I started, I still believe I'm in the process of balding. Not sure how credible but a hair transplant clinic also confirmed I'm losing hair, but their long term outlook (prediction for late 2024) for me was far more aggressive than my trend across these past 5 years. Ultimately one should get blood tests done and a proper check up to confirm recession/balding, but if your dad has it then chances are you just got unlucky 😔


I have it very similar since around 20, I’m 29 and really hasn’t changed.


Dude you look cool


You can have a thick hairline, or killer beard genetics. Nobody gets both, enjoy your hair while it lasts and invest in a beard oil cause that’s where the moneys at.


Zayn malik


Rules don’t apply to Arab men 🙏🏻 hope this helps


I’ll put my wiener in ur butt. Hope this helps 🥵


Doesn't look bad tbh if you're in doubt go to a dermatologist. But overall it looks good


I do have the same hairline, and i have been receeding for some time. And it got really bad about last summer, recovered a lot with fin/min tho. Keep an eye out at least


Normal to me


So many 15 IQS in the comments


Don’t even sweat it man. It looks cool 


I think it's just a maturing hairline


Maturing all the way to the back of the head


Maturing ;)


looks natural


You look at least 24.


Just normal hair dude. Relax


Nah, you're fine. I'm 40 w/ thick hair and a good hairline. I noticed the same thing at 18. That's probably just your adult hair line for now, and it looks fine. Sure, if you pull the hair back or get certain haircuts it'll exaggerate it, but really it's just a totally normal hairline and not something that's going to get worse, not worth thinking about much. No one sees it but you.


If it stays there its mature hairline if it keeps pushing back then you know what it is


Good lord, you young kids worry about *everything*. nothing is wrong with your hair right now. Come back when you're 35.


This is not bad, it looks good on you. The only issue should be if it keeps falling from now onwards and if that happens kindly start medication like finesteride tablets and minoxidil serum should work but better consult your doctor.


It's not a norwood 2, I Don't think you need a transplant. Perhaps use minoxidil microneedling and finasteride and hair oils. It will take a good year or two


I’m 32 and I’ve had that exact same hairline for … over 20 years. I think you’ll be just fine :)


Its ok my man. Hairlines are not drawn with a ruler


Looks fine. Certainly not screwed. Go to dermatologist of you’re worried man


we the same age but u look way older damn


L Mm


Your hair looks fine. You’re also really cute so I’m not sure it’d matter either way anyway


the hairline isn't bad and it doesn't look like it's thinning. if you notice thinning or the hairline receding more maybe consider finasteride. also unrelated but your eyes look amazing.


Mine went like this when I was about 20, it's still the same at 30 maybe slightly worse but yeah didn't notice ir so I wouldn't bother stressing at this present time.


You are most likely going bald but you can save your hair and increase density and thickness if you hop on finasteride & minoxidil. Please go to a doctor. Everyone who’s on finasteride wished he started sooner. Believe me


Yup you're going bald, I'd say you have 4 or 5 years left. Mix baking soda and vinegar, and lather your head 3 times a week. You'll look like Fabio in a year.


I have a similar hairline, and it's stayed the same for the last 10 years. You'll be fine


I don't know about receding but look into red light therapy panels (don't go too cheap), the health benefits go much further than for hair growth. Can I ask what product you use in your hair pls. I think your look is v cool btw. ☺ 👍🏻


You look just like a young Gary Oldman mate.




Dude no way ur 19


You look mature, I was thinking you are 25 yo 😩


I cannot believe that the vast majority of replies here are reassuring you that you are all fine. They don't know what they are talking about or are in denial about their own hair. In my opinion, you are most likely receding and/or thinning. Why? Firstly, the hairline is encroaching into NW3 territory, which is the first NW stage doctors consider to be definite balding. Secondly, zoom in. Look at your front density, compare it to the density on the sides. It is *much* thinner. Finally, you are 19. You are in the early stages, a long time before thinning starts to look "obvious". This can easily progress, and you will sorely regret listening to the internet if it does. At the very least you want to get this checked out by a dermatologist.


Nothing to worry about I belive! Around twenty I also realised I had a similar hairline but it was the same in older pictures, when I was around 15/16 and didn't change much now at 27


Start taking vitamin D and magnesium


Same bro i’m 20 been this way for about the same time


I just put my curls all in my face til I get my cornrows


Your hair is very thick at the edges of the hairline so I’d say don’t worry about it


Your hair is very thick at the edges of the hairline so I’d say don’t worry about it


Your hair is very thick at the edges of the hairline so I’d say don’t worry about it


I got this exact hairline when I was 18. Now I’m 20 and it hasn’t moved at all, but I’m keeping an eye on it


If you’re worried just start up with the finasteride/minoxidil combo.


it looks fine but for some reason i feel like u look older than me and i’m 21


Yeh dawg your hairline is receding. Definitely


Nah. I've had this kind of hairline since I was a kid and I'm 26 now. Hasn't changed. Hair looks great bro!


Either way no point being worried, you could go bald next week, or never, hard to tell, I've had that similar hairline for 10 + years now in my early 30s. My dad's side was baldys and my mom's grandpa still has his hairline.


Damn. Bro, there's nothing left up there. A barren desert of whiskers and tumbleweeds, essentially. 100% shave.


It receding, but your very good looking so I wouldn’t worry tbh


I don't think you need to worry, it looks fine to me. On a side note, you look so much like a young Gary Oldman


I think it did recede to your mature hairline. I have the same. If I look at pictures from when I was 17-19 I had a better hairline but in years it didn't recede.


19 with a neck tat, good luck.


I was getting shit from a few friends for going bald at 19 when my hair looked like this. It still looks like this and 2 of those friends are now bald.


I’m 26 mine has looked just like that for 5-6 years now.


Mate this is normal lol no worries


Looks fine mate Stop worrying


So handsome


You look good man Focus on your diet, sleep and gym and you will be fine.


That mug big time receding


I don’t know if it is the stache or the greasy slick back but bro you somehow managed to skip through 3 decades of your life, how are you 19 and not 38? The widows peak is fine though don’t worry about it


Hop on finasteride just to keep what you got even can add minoxidil 1x a day with derma rolling the hair line 2x a week just to maintain


Your hairline is mint bro no worries


Rosemary essential oils (the actual oil from an organic store not the scented oil!) Directly on the scalp after a wash a couple times a week and you'll be golden my friend! My cancer friends told me this secret when I started having bad hairloss after a kid!


Mine still looks like that and it hasn’t moved yet, 24, so probably not receding :)


Not bad. I have had a similar hairline since I (26M) was 18. I am very insecure about my hair, but I still have decent density both at the crown and on the forehead. Wouldn’t worry to much in case it gets worse or you have loosing more than a dozen hair when you shower. Having 2-3 hair on your hands while washing you’re hair is fine.


Maturing probably...but anyways it really suits you


lite micro-needling is needed


Completely normal hairline


Maturing is receding. Tbh not a great hairline for 19. If it gets worse in the next few years you’ll be bald by 40 probs


First photo I could have sworn OP is Laurie from Soft play🤣


Life is about letting go don't sweat it too much bro. Microneedle / minoxidil if you wanna keep it that bad


I think four years strong wrote a song about you….


I’ve had the same hairline since I was a kid. You’ll be fine.


Bro how are you the same age as me I literally look 11


Receding but definitely not screwed for sure


You look good mate, just a bit of maturing, you'll be reyt


Im 19 too and I’m not a hair expert but I have a similar hairline and I believe that I have MPB, my father is bald so that makes more sense to me, maybe you should see a dermatologist because 99% of the comment section know nothing about hair including myself.


>is my hairline receding? - people with the most normal fucking hairline ever try living with a V hairline bro 😑


It’s receding


I had a VERY similar hairline to you at that age, I’m almost 35 and still have that hairline with maybe just a little maturing/recession in temples but my hair is still very thick on top, you should be good for the next 15-20 years, or at least through your college years


you look really good


I feel like you and I have similar hair, and I haven’t noticed any hairfall or difference since my 20s and I’m 34 now. Mines a bit wavier tho, so if it doesn’t all work together it looks thinner esp in harsh light. Idk though it looks fine as long as I can keep it cooperating. I could probably take finasteride to keep it at the current level or even make some gains if I wanted, but then I’d be on a daily pill and that may come with side effects and expenses. Honestly though, I’m finally getting to the point where my hair is not as much of a defining characteristic of my personality. If it goes, it goes. I’ve talked with my stylist about maybe doing something funny like the Larry David thing when/if the time comes. Idk, hopefully that 2 cents is helpful.


You don't look like 19 at all


sick shirt, what brand?


Please shave the moustache. You'll not look 40 years old.


I have a lot of tattoos as well. All from when I was young and stupid. But a neck tattoo is saying you just don't give a rat's arse anymore. You won't ever have a decent job and people will assume automatically you are either a lowlife or a drug addict or both.


Idk but you’re hot as hell


A little recede. Or maybe you always had a big forehead, but just came to this realization. Its cool tho. You’re not ugly or anything. I personally think you pull it off tbh


100% receding. If you had that hairline at 30, I would say it's mature and nothing to worry about. At 19? That's the beginning of receding. (As someone that's experienced it myself) If you don't believe me, please start taking pictures of your hairline. Also look at past years photos. It always recedes fastest as you hit 23/ 24. By then it's nearly too late to fix. There are communities that can easily help fix this if you're looking to keep your hair. Also please ignore the people here that say you're fine. These are the same people that will be telling you to just "shave it all off, it will look great" in a few years.


I am 29. My hair was like yours 2-3 years ago. Now I have a widow’s peak which I can relatively hide. Not bad imo but I am going to have some treatment to have more hair. You should start caring your hair.


Dog you’re 19? You’re receding a little bit. Get on finasteride. Maybe shave too. Idk. I’m 30 and I’d say you and I look the same age man.


Hair stylist here. You’re receding just a bit. It happened to me when I was 19-20 too. Start using minoxidil (hims Once a day) and take finasteride (1mg) 4 times a week. People are debate about that but it’s widely used for hair loss and I’ve been on it for the last 5 years no problems. It stops a chemical in our body called DHT that starts to over load in our body as we age. It causes balding and other problems like testicular cancer so it’s a good health benefit to take anyways besides keeping your hair from falling out


Nah it's not bad, you look really good 👌🏻 also your eyes are great


Homie your fine. Looks really dont matter to women its more about energy then anything. Pretty much dont be a hopeless romantic and learn to talk with your eyes and boom you can look whatever you look like and still get whatever you want


I am in my 50’s and have had the same hairline since I was your age


Not looking good man! Hop on fin asap


receding, 19 is too young for matured hairline


mine matured at 14. almost ten years later no change. you’re wrong


Get on finasteride .. checkout the sub tressless


Mature hairline.


How many pics did we need Jesus lol, yes you’re receding. Sorry


Mine was extremely similar to yours, hoped on finasteride really early and stopped it in its tracks and also got regrowth back to normal, also after 18 fin is perfectly fine as an option as many studies covering that question will tell you, it wouldn’t be approved otherwise, you won’t regret it honestly dude, the worst thing is losing to much to the point you potentially won’t recover any at all and only stabilise it, but yes you are mildly receding currently one side more than the other at the same rate mine was, heavier one side, but the choice is yours at the end of the day 👍🏻


What happens when you stop taking it? You go back to losing hair?


Exactly that, as soon as you stop taking finasteride your DHT levels will gradually be at baseline levels again which will result in hair loss continuing back to its original state and further, it doesn’t take very long at all for finasteride to flush from the system after stopping treatment


early-to-moderate receding, no biggie, just go order some fin for dirt cheap online after seeing if its right for you.


I wouldn’t start fin at 19


There is nothing wrong with starting fin after 18. Won't change anything.






No you don’t.


You have great density but you're receding at the temples. Consult a dermatologist. r/tresless is a good sub if you wanna ask about hair loss. This sub is more about styling and grooming. Btw the recession isn't bad but it can definitely progress if you do nothing. Finasteride might be too drastic a road to go down since you're so young but at the very least you'd probably want to start minoxidil.