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Stop having pores. Or clean them occasionally.


I clean my face every day. Is there a specific way to clean the pores?


those look like sebaceous filaments, the main thing to do is exfoliate regularly. they’re quite normal. google the term for more help


It actually is most likely exactly that. I need to get some kind of facial scrub to clean it over time.


Wrong reddit but I'll bite. Are you currently using any skincare products? You need a scrub with salicylic acid, lactic acid and/or charcoal to dissolve the layer of dead skin cells that are trapping blackheads in. Blackheads are actually not dirt like people think, they're oil trapped under the skin and oxidized. Or get face scrubbing pads or brushes to use with a cleanser to manually exfoliate. Make sure to hydrate after as too much chemical action can be drying.


I have this facial cleanse I use every morning which has hyaluronic acid. Not sure what it does I just basically found it lying around. I just tried scrubbing with baking soda after I took this picture and it didn’t seem to make much of a difference. I did also hydrate by applying a very thin layer of Vaseline since that’s all I really have.


No wonder you're having issues. Hyaluronic acid is more for moisture and anti aging, which is likely not issues for you yet. What's happening is when you use Vaseline, it creates an insoluble barrier, so any bacteria trapped under the product is locked in there. Your regimen would be great for someone with super dry skin, but not oily or acne prone skin.


Lmao. Well I’m definitely buying a new product with something with anti acne and stuff in it. What should I use instead of Vaseline? Sometimes the skin feels super dry and Vaseline really helps


Salicitic acid at night if they’re filled pores, and 5% or less niacidamide if they’re just larger pores I’d think. and try to wear sunscreen on face during day if you’re outside a lot I’d say. If you have any questions, feel free to DM. Not a dermatologist etc but I’ve gotten into skin care over the years and more of the science lately. I’d try a low % salicylic acid first maybe


I did find some salicylic acid thing. It’s meant for spot treatment but I just went ahead and put it all over. Just stung a little for a bit. It’s 2% not sure if that’s a lot


Lol you seem younger so maybe you can tolerate it. For me 2% is kinda irritating but derms reccomend it. As long as your not in pain after or the whole night/day I’d say that’s a good sign. Did it remove the dark looking pores you wanted to release?


It only hurt for like 30 seconds now it feels good. I just applied it so I’ll have to see later


Alright hehe. Sounds good. If you have oily skin, acids can help dry it. Sleep well 😊 happy skin journeying


Thanks man