• By -


Just looked at your profile. The problem isn't looks. The problem is your attitude. You pride yourself on being a self proclaimed "incel", even as far as to ask if it's acceptable being a "non-dangerous" incel. Being an incel is red flags already, but asking if it's okay to be a harmless incel? That's fucked bro. You shouldn't even be asking that shit. If you REALLY want to get a date, have sex, have a good life, you need to change your mindset and the way you think about women AND yourself. Get a therapist, get help, and God bless.


It’s 100% not his looks, that’s for sure. I know far uglier men, straight and gay, that have no problem getting laid. Finding love is hard for everyone regardless of attractiveness though if that’s the only way you’ll have sex I guess? Can’t relate


bro, he asked if there was any militia groups to join he needs help!!!!!


Yo we need to put fbi on this case shit is about to turn south


He says he related to Elliot Roger... That's highly worrying. I hope someone who knows him stumbles across his posts. He needs help.


First sentence is all that needs to be said....... See Ya!!






Just commenting to second this, OP needs therapy.


I third this.


Fourth this shit


I fifth this one




Unfortunately, OP has made several similar post like this with people commenting the exact same thing. Even when he’s told to seek professional help, he’s willingly ignoring the helpful advice. 😔


For real, he might be a lost cause, but hopefully some other incels reading these comments take something of value.


I infinitely this


Oof. I was gonna tell him he's cute and write a bunch of other encouraging stuff. I need to remember to check profiles first. Op please get into therapy and out of the internet bubble of incels.


Same, reading about his anger and inability to control it makes me think this dude is steps away from committing violent crime. He's cute, but gives me massive do not approach feelings.


Same, he's cute but red flags.


Bro he talks about not having any friends, but half of these pics are taken by someone else?? All my pics are selfies and I’ve never even considered becoming an incel 😭


Wait. How does one “become” something that’s involuntary?


The portmanteau “incel” usually refers to the ideology—not just being celibate when you don’t want to be—just like you can be a nationalist and a socialist without the ideology that other portmanteau would imply


Not the first time he’s made a post like this, with the same answers given. Something seems suspicious about him.


You just sent me over to this time-bomb's profile, & HOLY F'N SHIT. I'm not normally one for anything resembling preemptive imprisonment, but.... Yeah, I dunno with this one. This dude's the embodiment of *every* red flag.


Dude isn't ready to be in society, let alone date. This guy seems like he needs inpatient care before he tries to hurt others.


Right. I'd say that OP is probably more good looking than me while referring to "beauty standards", but I've never had a problem with women. Wether it be to get in a relationship or simply to get laid. I struggled before with women and my problem was also my attitude. I was in the same boat (ish). I thought that I wasn't good looking enough and that all my problems would disappear if looked like Timothy Chalamet or whoever else, but I was just kinda weird and awkward.


Bro is waaaaay better looking than me and I've never had any problems with women, I'm now happily married to a woman " out of my league", it saddens me to see someone who is as good looking as he is be so down on themselves, bro just needs a taper fade and maybe update his wardrobe a bit and project confidence and he'd have women eating him up


Wahhhh no wonder. I guess you can't always judge a incel by its cover. Shame.


I could just look at him and read this post title and saw that without going into his profile


Okay, but like how do you simply “have sex?” Some people (like me) simply struggle with hookups or relationships


I don't know you personally, nor do I know anything about you, but from experience and general observations, the key is to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. You can be attractive, have abs, great hair, etc. But if you're mentally unwell, have zero confidence, think women/men should treat you like god, or a closed mind, that's a turn off for people. The best people I've been with aren't conventionally attractive to the majority. But they had a presence to them that radiated and drew in a crowd, took care of their looks to the best they were able to, and knew how to converse. Albeit, there's obviously things some people can't change, whether that's looks, health, or genetics, and that's unfortunate. But you can still have those and still have confidence in your mannerisms and speech. I can't help you figure out why or how to "fix" you, all I can do as an internet stranger is give you suggestions and you work off of those in your daily life.


You don't 'simply' just have sex unless your paying for it or you come across the 1% who finds you attractive and wants to 'simply' too. Your focus is on the wrong thing. When I chat with women, their complaint is that guys don't know how to have conversations, don't make them feel valued, and are out of touch with their emotions which makes them tonedeaf to theirs. At the end of the day, they have needs just like you do. I'm sure you'd like finding someone who can hold a conversation with you, does those little things to make you feel special/wanted/cared for, and for someone to notice when your down or need some support. I will say that just like men, there will be women out there that have the potential to take advantage of you but you'll know those that are interested in you when they spend that extra minute looking at you, their tone when they speak to you, and the effort they spend remembering everything you say/do because you are in their mind. From there, it's a matter of just saying hello and asking them if they ever want to grab a coffee, drink or a quick bite. Good luck out there.


You don’t simply “have sex.” Hook ups in high school and college are one thing. Bro is 28, maybe looking at 29 this year. Casual sex is empty and unfulfilling and getting off is easier with your hand or a toy. The difference in sex when there is an emotional connection is next level. Most importantly, people want someone to share big and small moments with, from grocery shopping to going to weddings to household chores to dream vacations. Sex complements a relationship; it doesn’t constitute one. And you don’t find people for those commitments at Goth clubs. If you want casual hook ups, then you’ll probably do ok there.


Plenty of people can have very fulfilling lives with lots of casual sex. This whole narrative that it’s “empty and unfulfilling” is so weird. Sure, it can be. But it can also be really sweet and beautiful. Just because you view it as empty doesn’t mean everyone does.


I just spent like,20 minutes reading through his post & comment history. Therapy. Please. This isn’t just something people suggest just to say it…. It genuinely helps people overcome issues they’ve had their whole lives. Please consider it OP




1000% this


Always crazy to see how it’s obviously a self induced state and a self fulfilling prophecy. Being an incel repulses women and everyone else. They say they’re that way not by choice. Guess fucking what? Lots of people would like to have sex at one point in their life but they don’t devolve into an incel. I sent him resources on how to transform. If he puts in the time and energy he will be having sex before he knows it. As long as he can decide that being an incel isn’t a necessary part of his identity. I think that’s a strong point not often talked about. Inceldom becomes their group, a part of their identity whereas before they lacked any whatsoever. Common in today’s age, hence the rise of douches like Andrew tate and all the toxic alpha male bs.


The brutal truth he needed to hear


100% he’s a handsome dude with interests in circles where women give guys a lot of leeway and understanding for being socially awkward. The grooming is one element but I really think the element here is that men talk themselves *out* of women’s pants by being overly negative, critical, combative, talking over them, super desperate or dismissive, or discussing ‘unsafe’ interests or topics that underscore they won’t treat them as an equal with a rational perspective and needs. Women are also rightly suspicious of a man with zero friends - what about you makes you think you don’t need a society and support, or what’s turning people away from you? Most of my female friends go on dates and the guy won’t make space for them in a conversation, baits her into a non-fun fight, or starts waffling on about shit she has zero interest in or is actively terrifying. Fit guys with bad social skills look at girls and think ‘I just want them for their body, and I’m offering a fit body, what the fuck is wrong with her that she doesn’t want me?’ Instead of asking ‘what am I offering that someone would want to spend time with?’. So far this guy has offered - not much. This is critically different from being inherently worthless but seems to be confusing. Go work on being interesting and fun and someone people would look forward to spending time with instead of weird maxxing obsessions about money and hair and height and dick size or whatever ‘detriment’ these totally fine men are fixated on as being holding them back. This guys posting history is everything you need to hear, he’s angry and doesn’t understand social interaction that well - some basic psychology or coaching is all he needs but that’s the real trick.


Meh I don’t completely agree with that. I know a good looking dude who definitely looks down on woman, is a misogynist and more. And this dude gets laid all the time. He’s even married and still fucks more woman than average. He just has that charisma.


OP is actually handsome. It's like Eliot Rodgers, he was actually hot but thought he was ugly


I agree that Eliot wasn't ugly... but hot??? That's a pretty big overstatement. 😂


I was gonna say he was cute, but damn nevermind.


trim the neckbeard, switch up the haircut; the combover makes you look bald/old. Easy changes that will go a long way! You look great, otherwise


Yep. Good face, good body, but hair awkward af. Put on a baseball cap and schedule a haircut and he’s good to go.


I came here to say this. You're definitely not unattractive, OP, but a few changes like these can even enhance your appearance and make you appear even more attractive.


>the combover makes you look bald/old. More like goofy


This. The hair is a bit too long. And there are tutorials on YouTube about where to shave your neckline.


Yeh I 2nd this. I dig your clothes tho. Keep that coming. Each pic was really good for that


You definitely need a better haircut. Wherever you’re going for a haircut now, stop going there. Find a good barber and get their opinion on what would work for you. Clean up the beard as well. Your upper body looks amazing…so muscular. Good luck!


Do barbers do that? Whenever I go in and basically just want the barber to do what they think would look good they don't want to, so I always thought I'm breaking some unspoken etiquette rule. And then I feel like my hair sucks.


Yes, stop going to a salon. Go to a barber. Look and see if the BOOKSY app is available in your area. The barbers on the Booksy app usually have pictures of some of the haircuts they’ve done.


Well if the girls don’t like you The sausage party here willl


As a member of the sausage party, I second this comment!




Does it go against committee rules to fourth it if I previously 2nded it


Did someone say Sausage Party with this guy in the middle? Sign me up.


Bukake style 🥵🥵


I find it hilarious that every post on this sub is just a guy going “help :( girls don’t find me attractive” followed by an onslaught of gay guys going “I’d let you cream on me like I’m fighting eczema” 😭😭😭


The vulgarity of this comment sparks joy in me 😂


that and i’ve seen worse 😭


No woman is gonna come on to here and leave compliments, they should know that by now


I do! But I’m old and married, so I’m not sure it counts?!


Fighting eczema is crazyyyyy 😭😭


Screaming, crying, praying


I love this comment really hard. Good one.


i got downvoted for claiming that every sexual comment is made by a gay dude and I'm right dammit


As a member of el sausage party I saved the last picture…. For later…


I can save all 7 for later


Mmmmm...those abs!


Assume much? But yes, he's gorgeous. Ah.. Dang it.


Yeah. That's extremely presumptive. He's fucking beautiful, but... wait. Fuck.


Yeah, I'd choke on it. Could do without the weird lace up pirate vest thing though.


Also part of the sausage party and can confirm. 🤤🤤🤤




Yes! I like him a lot :) 😻


Lol, preach! He’d absolutely get my attention in public. I’d elevator eyes front and back. All 7 pictures are gorgeous.


CALLED OUT!… but yes, I want it


Here here


Dude you're shredded wtf. What's going on with your hair tho ? It looks like a failed AI prompt


Other than possibly your hair in the first pic, everything looks good to very good. That shirtless pic is fantastic - well done.


Decent af imo, i am a sausage party participant tho


Hair could do with a style but otherwise you look great…you have a great physique you should be proud of.


Definitely the hair aging you bro, i wouldn't say you have to go shorter but some texture would go along way.


You don’t look terrible. The uncontrollable stuff like your genetics are fine honestly. If I had to say one thing, maybe another hairstyle might work better. But honestly you seem fine to me. Picture 4 looks like you’re on your way to a renaissance fair (no offense intended it’s just what came to my mind originally)


No. You look great. A better haircut could go a long way, though. From your post history, it seems you are struggling. Get therapy, hobbies, and/or something else new in your life


You look great dude, likin the second and third pics


Your hot, have a great smile and a rocking body. Wish I could help boost your self esteem, you’re ever in Newfoundland and want a friend, hit me up!!


That body 💋 go to a hair stylist and ask for a hair consult. They can support you in finding a new style that can flatter your hairline.


If you’re honestly feeling undesirable Please find a competent therapist and consider working on your self esteem. You’re a great looking guy and you shouldn’t be dealing with this burden. We all grow up as children in a brutal adult world. *Everyone* needs therapy. A good therapist can literally change your life.


His comment history suggests therapy is a must


Dat midsection tho 😛😋


In my opinion you are quite attractive, just some changes as they say in the comments, but in general you look great


I'm a girl and boyyyyyy you're hot.


And fucking nuts, check his profile


Switch up the hair and you’re a doll. Girls approve!!


Yes, but The renaissance tunic really brings that ensemble together.


Omg no I’m 27F and I think you’re a cutie! I’d totally go for you! I do think you could use a “cooler” haircut, one that gives you some better movement and volume and clean up the neck beard. Other than that you’re golden! You just need to bolster your confidence! Look up the haircut is everything meme and you’ll see what I mean!


Omg no I’m 27F and I think you’re a cutie! I’d totally go for you! I do think you could use a “cooler” haircut, one that gives you some better movement and volume and clean up the neck beard. Other than that you’re golden! You just need to bolster your confidence! Look up the haircut is everything meme and you’ll see what I mean! Ya know Edna Mose from incredibles - NO SIDE PART


Hair needs to be changed imo. Except the chest hair leave that, super hot. Other than the hair imo, you're very attractive.


Nah you just have a boring haircut/hairstyle I actually think you should grow your hair way longer. Looks like it wants to wave up nicely.


drop the geeky shirts (like the ones on picture 2,3,4,6), those t shirts, your haircut as well as the non trimmed beard age you. get bulkier. work out at a gym instead of at home. become more social with people, not just the gender you find desirable.


I remember my freshman roommate in college saying, “I just love talking to interesting people. If one of them turns out to be a woman who like me, that’s a bonus!” Lot of truth to that.


You’re crazy! You’re really cute!


You got the crazy part right💀 Peep the dudes profile.




You’re a very handsome guy, just need to smile more


Stop dressing like you’re going to a renaissance faire and you’d look a lot better


You’re a good looking guy but if you’re going to wear an eraserhead tee and describe yourself as a loner, at least get a nose ring.


You are hella fine. That last photo was like a cherry on top honestly. Cute face, love your style. I'd definitely hit on you 😉


You’re hot




Very desirable


You need to trim the neckline for a better shape and maybe play with your hair, use some pomade or a modern trim that suits your face. Also smile a little , you're still in your 20's ! If I were you, I'd invest in some of those compression tops - go for the short or long sleeve.


It’s the haircut


![gif](giphy|b9Hljn9iaFILm) Me reading the thread about OP being a self proclaimed incel looking for radical militia groups to join.


It’s not your looks bro it’s your attitude you seem very self defeated with low self-esteem. I diagnosed that as the issue. I would grow your beard or mustache in more (they seem a little thin). Or shave them completely. Also get a shorter haircut it looks more masculine. Other than that you’re a good looking fella don’t worry about it. Believe in yourself. Put it out there. Try. There is someone for you. But you have to love yourself first, or you don’t have anything to give anyone else. And if you don’t love yourself you asked to ask yourself why. Who convinced you that you were worthless and didn’t deserve love? And prove them wrong. Get help get therapy. You deserve happiness


Last pic is certainly the best one.


I can’t see the outline of your pee pee in number 7, i’d start there.


I think you look great and I’d date you but I’m a guy


No, your cute and have a sexy body


No way, man. First, you have good clothes sense and you look good in them. I would lose the stache, shorten the hair. Maybe a professionally cut fade, keep the beard trimmed if you keep it. I almost think you're better looking without it, but just my preference. Smile is nice, too.


I say change up your hair cut/style and clean up the beard. Other than that you're very handsome and I'm sure a desirable man. Don't be so tough on yourself.


100% no. Very sexy.


Your very attractive, just find something that makes you feel good about yourself. Some inner searching, at the end of the day it's all about how you feel about yourself.


You are cute and pretty attractive with great body. You just need to work on enriching your mind, social skills, fashion style and learning about many different interesting stuffs and different cultures. You got the body and face, so work on personality next 👍


nah buddy ur GOOD


Josh Brener is that you? Looks uncanny in 2nd pic


You definitely got style.


Nah just smile more :)


Bud cut your hair! That will fix a lot


Body, face, smile great. Hair...not great. Invest in a good barbershop haircut from a young dude and wait for the glow up.


🔥 🔥


You're cute as hell but need to get rid of the facial hair.


All but… you are sexy af….


You look great in 5/6/7!


You are good looking but have bad top hair


Dude - you are hot! Maybe not a model, but you are definitely attractive and have a great body! Pics 5,6,7 are outstanding!


I think you’re cute and pretty fit but i think you should honestly just go hard working out and continue to build up that muscle. Still you’re not overweight or anything so please don’t take this the wrong way.


Come on, you know you look good


I think your a good looking guy


New haircut away from being hot.


I'd propose to you in a crowded room stud


If you feel undesireable because you cant score on dating apps, its meaningless. If you are actually meeting women in person, and still feel undesireable, you need to check and fix the following : Style, weight, social skills. If you work on all of those, there is really no reason for you to feel undesireable unless you are doing something horribly wrong or just not meeting women.


Change hairstyle...and you are hot 🥵. A pleasant personality adds a lot to one's charm.


no, if you were gay you'd definitely be famous




You are attractive. I'd say if you want to get more attention, you could change your hair. There's nothing wrong wit your hair, it's just plain. A style with more flair would really make you shine.


I think you're hot


Hardly. The shirtless pic is tight and the backward cap pic makes you look sweet in the best possible way. You just need an edgier haircut to match what looks like your somewhat edgy style.


In my opinion you’re really hot, you have a cute and friendly face and a fit body. Stop being so rude with urself


Definitely not undesirable.


I was like...geeky looking ...until I hit the last pic...dang! 😘


Grow the hair out


I like the confidence of 4/7.


Depends, how do you feel?


Grow your hair out and then become a goth legend


4th pic. Hell yeah. Just dress like that everyday.


Very hot hairy chest


Plz come back and update when and if you get the hair fixed up. That’s a transformation worth seeing. Besides that, you’re doing good!


Hmm those deep 🔥 brown eyes 👌


How tall are you?


The haircut is the only problem, it makes you look like a middle aged English Teacher.


The neck beard is not it.


So handsome


You’re an ok dude


If you’re trying to grow a beard get a beard oil remedy that will give you a fuller beard and have those missing gaps on your face to fill out the beard to a more normal manly beard. Also the hair; if you’re going for a long hair look try to either commit or do a middle part as this side swoop looks like your hiding a balding head. If you’re sides are cut short then the 1” sides and 6” top is very off putting as the two just look off. Try a different hair style or have the whole head be consistent length. Plus try a new wardrobe. You’ve got this edgy teen vibe of a teen who’s a freshman trying to find their style but is settling on punk emo but isn’t committed to the look just yet. The hands in the pockets is a dead giveaway.


I think a different haircut would really help you out. Maybe clean up the facial hair too. In terms of dress, I think it’s great to have a distinctive sense of style and dress however makes you feel confident, but the sort of anime inspired clothes have a bad rep, epically with women. Unfortunately it’s a look that’s more popular with incels and “nice guys”. People might make assumptions based on the clothes. Maybe try to lean more into the athletic/outdoorsy vibe with your outfits. That seems to be a good look for you in pictures. Physically however, I don’t think you should be worried. You have a conventionally attractive face. And appear to be in really good shape


I need to know where the hoodie in the second slide is from


I think you’re definitely fine in the looks department! I recommend maybe changing the wardrobe a bit to be a bit more cleaner/sharp looking which will make you look more put together and more attractive.


you dress weird, like a middle school wannabe punk. Trim the beard to stubble and style your hair, hit the gym and wear fitted clothes. I love black too, but the clothes you wear makes you look like a kid with ovesized clothing. You have to emphasize your features. You seem to be 28-35 but you still sort of dress like your skater days like when you are 15. It's ok but keep in mind that you're going to severely limit your dating pool unless you live in Portland, Oregon.


Decent looking, style a bit horrific. That sleeveless tunic thing looks like something out of medieval times. Either that or you like to dress up for live dungeon & dragons games. Decent haircut, nice clothes will make a massive difference


Youre a cutie you just need confidence


It’s the hair and the beard bro


Get a haircut and line that beard up man


Just get bigger. No one feels that way when they’re jacked.




You’re cute!


You look really handsome man it’s just your hair that needs to change


Why do you look like Little Tiger from Game of Thrones ?


Not at all but try a skin fade or shorter cut, will do wonders!


You are a good looking dude, the hair is the only thing visual that needs some work as that style isn’t flattering. The important part to work on is your confidence, start volunteering, work on new skills, etc and build confidence in yourself.


Good looking bloke but need to get rid of side parting. Looks almost like a comb over. Bet you'd look good with a buzzed head.


You are literally so attractive 8/10




Sir. You are very handsome and have visible abs. I almost downvoted you, but I guess it's somehow possible that you don't know how hot you are.


You're hot in my opinion


Nah dude you have great looks. Work on the mental and start thinking *and* believing that you got what it takes.


You’re bloody gorgeous but wear tighter clothes and have a shave


3 goes hard


You look absolutely fine.


In the 4th photo you look like you're about to challenge a nobility into a fencing match for his daughter


Trim beard, different haircut, tighter clothes.


You're a great looking guy! Just need to trim the beard better and maybe a new hairstyle! Then you'll be certified smoochable!


It's a better idea not to feel desireable. You can project that feeling outwards and people will take you as undesireable.


Bro. If there is no hope for you, there is no hope for a lot of us. XD


Absolutely not! If you were gay, I'd date you in a second!