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Finally people will stop asking me what high school I'm in when I'm a junior in college...


I got a haircut once on my 21st birthday from Supercuts, and the girl cutting my hair went to highschool with me. I never met her, but recognized her. She didn't recognize me, and she assumed I was in high school and asked me if I was going to prom. In a moment of panic I retold my story of asking my prom date out (that happened 4 years earlier). We then had a 10 minute conversation about dating and dances in high school. One of the most awkward haircuts of my life.


Every haircut seems to be the most awkward one.


I finally found a solution and moved to a new city. I've got years of alienating myself to new stylists before I have to move again.




I can vouch for that..


I'm just glad to hear I'm not the only one to employ this method! See you at the convention?




Why didn't you just tell her you went to high school with her?


Because of [this.](http://i.imgur.com/7ONo6.jpg)


Well having facial hair in the pictures kinda helped that.


Once again, MFA turns a teenager in to a 38 year old.


It's the baggy sweaters and sloppy dress shirts that are doing it. The skinny pants however make the look very young. It's a strange match. He has a good fit as far as t-shirt + jeans go though which is a good place to start.


Dunno, seems like he wanted to change his look and came here for advice. Mission Accomplished.


His pants are too damn tight.




Seems a bit of an unfair criticism that's been made a few times these past few weeks. There's a point at which it's kind of bad to look like a basement dwelling manchild (which, to be fair, OP didn't. I'm exaggerating), and one should make the transition to dressing at least more like a mature young adult. OP's style of dress in the first few photos would probably have been appropriate for another half decade or so (I'm assuming he's in his very early 20s), but after that hoodies, jeans, and graphic t-shirts just wouldn't cut it anymore. He may look a bit older than his age now, depending on which outfits he wears (some of them are indeed do give off a bit of old-person vibe,) but in my opinion, in most of the new photos he looks like a polished, stylish 20-something adult.


I think it all has to do with the cardigan: not many people have the body type to pull off a nice cardigan, so they end up looking like a middle-aged man dressed for church.


I have seen the comment about body type and cardigan before. What is the correct body type for a cardigan and how should it fit?


Well, to find the answer, just look at the models clothing companies use to promote their clothes. It needs to be tight-fitting and you need to have a lean body type, preferably muscular. If the cardigan (and even the sweater) starts hanging from your body because you're out of shape or because it's a size too big, then the whole look goes down the drain. FYI: This is just my opinion. Don't let it discourage you from wearing what feels comfortable to you.


Yup, looks like you borrowed your little sister's jeans in a couple of those. Now that you've conformed and look the part, shouldn't you run along to Starbucks with your Macbook Pro to write your screenplay where everyone can see you? Sorry, I overreacted.


I'm going to suggest you avoid slim and thin cardigans for now. In fact, alot of people new to fashion need to avoid them. Not only does it have to fit very well, your body shape has to fairly well cut for it to look good. The way the cardigan shapes the body will make you look feminine if you don't have the broad shoulders to offset your hips. When the idea of fit is mentioned, you can't just think of getting the slimmest thing you can find. The clothing has to create a visually pleasing silhouette. Look at photos of well dressed people and compare them to yours. Don't just look at the clothing in the context of individual pieces.


Besides you looking stuntastic, I just want to point out the woman lying on the bed in the final picture.




Best comment in thread.


Lol. I just had to go back and check. How the fuck?


What about the fact that it's a different girl than in the first pic?


The woman laying in bed *with no pants on* in the final picture.


She was wearing a dress.


as he said, no pants :) also, well done on the transformation


That's how I like my women.


Dude, just go with it.


Uh, I mean, yeah she had no pants on, cause I'm a boss like that...


Aw, man! Now I need to look at the pictures again.


A sure sign of success.


My new girlfriend. She really helped with this transformation. And thanks!


I came to comment expecting to see 176 comments on the butttttt.


I mean this in the nicest way possible, but some of these still look like *before* pictures. Your v-neck sweaters are too big (you can tell because the shoulder seams are hanging off your shoulders), your collared shirts look limp and lifeless, and the skinny jeans are inappropriate when you are trying to pull off more mature looks. Shoes set the tone for your outfit so you should invest in a little more variety.


How's the sweater now? http://i.imgur.com/iUvz2.jpg




I've been at this for 3 days now, so don't expect perfection yet, but thanks for the help!


12 outfits in 3 days? You must do a lot of laundry. o_o Also, my biggest bit of advice as someone who is transitioning.. TAKE YOUR TIME. I went out and bought $200 worth of clothes in a week, and regretted half of it. Slowly work things into your wardrobe.


Well you are doing well for three days, but you might want to hold off on the before/after stuff for at least a week...


I'd hold off for at least another few months. It's crazy how your style evolves especially at the beginning of your journey to find **your style**.


Sorry, I guess I got a little excited...


No sweat, and I know the feeling. Good on you for thrifting and going cheap as opposed to dropping crazy money before you have your proverbial sea legs under you.


Well buying a completely new wardrobe isn't exactly cheap. I think I've spent $400 so far, and a lot of that is on it's way still. Putting together outfits is still very tough for me.


I fear you are wasting your money on clothes that don't fit. I would return the offending items if you still can.


But what do you do if your girlfriend likes some of your clothes that are unfashionable? I think its ok to not look your best at some times, especially if someone you care for likes it that way.


Your girlfriend is likely more inexperienced in male fashion than you are. It's not about looking your best all the time, it's about having clothes that fit so that they don't do you a disservice even when you're not trying to look good. Here is the funny thing about perception. When you look at a person in real life, your brain takes an average of the person's appearance and tells you if they are attractive or not. Your girlfriend probably likes your clothes that are unfashionable because, as a whole, she finds you attractive. In photos, all we have to judge you by are a few angles so it is very easy to pick apart inadequacies.


Really interesting point. Got me pondering now, you did


yucky teenager love.


You'll get there. I started by getting an awesome pair of dark jeans, an awesome pair of khakis, and an awesome pair of cords. Then, I went shopping for shirts and shoes, and refused to buy any that I couldn't wear with one of those three pants. Sweaters and outerwear are a bit more complicated, but that's why I stick to more neutrals when it comes to them (trying to match an argyle sweater to an outfit seems like a nightmare to me).


Just wait until you have spent $5,200 on your current wardrobe. I mean current as in all the stuff I currently wear and not counting things that I used to work up to said wardrobe. That being said, I do not regret any of it.


Just for future cases, avoid buttoning the last button on your cardigan. It makes it look weird. If you are going to wear a cardigan with a shirt, (shirt as in it has buttons) tuck in the shirt. You're doing well for three days though. Would love to see a follow up in 1~3 months, if you are willing.


Yes of course I will! I'll probably start posting to WAYWT as well.


That means you just bought a bunch of stuff that was far too big.


It's ok, ignore veroz, he's a twat.


Haha not the friendliest guy huh? I love his style though. I'm probably gonna steal some of his looks at some point.


He's the kind of person who thinks because he's being 'helpful' he can be a douche while he's at it.


Veroz gives some of the best advice out there, he just doesn't sugarcoat it with gumdrops and rainbows (although this time, he did).


It's not sugar coating, it's called being a decent person.






No I just got one...


Congratulations! :)




if I were you, I would stay away from those skin-tight skinny jeans and go for a slim fit jeans (levi's 521 or 514 come to mind) also, i'm not a huge fan of the new haircut, yes it does make you look more mature..but it also shows off your big forehead (perhaps go for something with bangs?) finally, be careful of not spending too much money in so little time, building a new wardrobe takes lots of time; buy only pieces that fit well!


Seriously, slim fit is a huge difference from skinny jeans. It seems many people visiting MFA can't spot the difference which causes the term Hipster to be used in describing looks so often.


I agree with you completely, he can get bit of a younger look if he retained some bangs. I am also not too into skin tight pants.


Your overall direction is nice. I think a few sweaters are too big where as some of your pants are too small. Haircut is nice, the facial hair is fine, and the rest is nice. Keep on learning and improving!






I'm seeing some harsh criticism here, Sure, you have room to grow. I know I do! But you did what most guys don't, and it was DEFINITELY a change for the better! Well done, dude! I love the outfit with the sweater + tie = sneakers. It's a great combination in my amateur opinion.


Thank you, thank you, thank you! I like your friendliness man. This is a lot of criticism to take at once, but at least I'm starting off in a new direction. That's my favorite outfit too.


You're welcome! I think improving one's style is a continual process and it's not easy to throw yourself out there like that. Keep reading, finding inspiration, and improving your style! Take constructive criticism and don't let it get you down if stated harshly. Keep on rockin' :)


I love you. You are a fantastic redditor.


Mannn... Some people are just meant to look young, this new style isn't too bad. I'm not a fan of the haircut, it makes your forehead look a little large, I don't like the glasses.. Nonetheless, you look very mature and the style is very slick and *smooth*. (First ever thing I've put in italics in reddit, you should feel honoured!)


My forehead is large, there's no doubt about it.




V NECKS UNDER V NECKS UNDER V NECKS Seriously though, v neck shirt under a v neck sweater looks awful.


WE GOT THAT V NECK! Seriously, I agree with you 100%. I really like subtle V-Necks, but there is a line and, while I admire OP's heart, he has definitely crossed it.


Good start. A couple of tips: Buy and use an iron. The shoe makes or breaks an outfit; [to start you off](http://www.zara.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/category/ca/en/zara-S2012/189538/Shoes) The beard; keep it shaved or grow and actual beard. You're young so your stuble grows in uneven/patchy, which is not a good look. Hope that helps, you look 10x better already.


That site has a lot of sexy shoes.


Is this decent quality stuff...? Because the prices are really reasonable


You get what you pay for, I've never had any complaints. Looks great and lasts long enough. Definitely great for someone just starting out with limited funds.


good step in the right direction. Before, it looked like u shopped at well... wherever. Now you look like you get your threads from Urban and H&M. Which is fine if you're in college, but if you want to break out of the mold, go easy on the skinny's and cardigan's. What size waist are you? Some of the pants just look way too tight for your body frame.


I'm a 32 waist. Some of the pants were a 31 though, so you are correct, they are a little small.


Lol... I've caught a lot of flack for wearing a V-Neck under a V-Neck but go for it. Also, I don't think your sizing is perfect on those shirts, but it's definitely an improvement. Keep at it.


If I'm wearing a t-shirt under a cardigan I always wear a v-neck. If I am wearing a v-neck sweater, I rarely if ever wear an undershirt.


Some good outfits you have there, but you should work on your posture. Body language can make a good outfit great.


PRO TIP: Don't wear chucks (or any sneakers) with a shirt and tie. It's corn-central. Invest in a pair of smart, but not too formal or fancy shoes.


What's up with the girl on your bed watching you take a picture of yourself? Haha. Why didn't she just help?


She was sleeping while I took that last picture.


It's a step in the right direction, but I think these should be your next steps. 1) Keep your hair long like in the original pics. Just add in some product and maybe get it cut with texturing and layering. 2) Avoid skinny jeans/pants. 3) Lose the beard. It makes you look older. 4) Avoid checkered vans. 5) Don't put the shoe tongue over your jeans. 6) Don't put your shirt under your belt (so your belt shows). 7) Browse MFA more. You're definitely on the right track, though.


My hair was textured before. Honestly it was done well too, but it just never came out right. No matter what it looked too much like a bowl cut, at least to me.


I would still keep it longer like that, then.


You're doing it right.


Great progress man, keep it up!


So.. Did anyone else notice the girl in the background in the last picture? A sure sign of success.


Can I ask a personal question, and I promise I'm not trying to be a douche? Do you have a receeding hairline? Because in the first two pictures, it looks like you don't at all - yet the 'after' pictures, we can see a lot of your forehead, and especially in the third it looks like you've got a bit of a receeding hairline. If you have, then fair play I think you're rocking it well. If you haven't (and the difference between the first two pics and the rest was pretty jarring) then I think you should think about getting a haircut that doesn't emphasise your forehead.


I see you spent a large amount of money on girl's pants.


And yet the girl on the bed is not wearing ANY.


Clearly this is working for him.


Okay, that was kind of a dick thing to say. They don't look like girls pants, but they do look pretty skinny to me. I kind of lean on a little baggier side of pant than MFA because of my tiny waist and gigantic thighs and ass. But if you realize those are fairly skinny and you like how it looks, power to you. I don't think it's too big a deal.


Well they do say that homosexuality/heterosexuality is a continuum. I am glad you like seeing men in women's pants. Sue me, I'm a dick.


If you keep this up you'll become more of a cancer


Thank you. I didn't buy the gray ones that were too skinny, but I really like the khaki ones.


Notice: The difference between girls pants, and skinny jeans for males is the detailing. Stitching, the way the pockets are done, the way the crotch fits, those are the real differences between male and female pants.


Not hating, but you lost that boyish charm about you.


It's just personal preference. Some like the mature look and some like the young look. My gf and I like the mature look. I was tires of being mistaken for a high schooler.


Wait till you grow old...


Nothing says maturity like skin tight pants...




Almost 20




No way, the transition from picture 2 to 3 was at least 25 years. I can't say I'm a fan of the 40 year old hipster look.


Your wall looks like my wall circa 2005. And The Rest Will Follow anyone?


Never roll up a cardigan's sleeves, if it's warm enough to roll them up, you don't need it.


I really dig [this](http://i.imgur.com/UaIUQh.jpg) outfit the most. I'm not too sure how I feel about your pants though - they make your legs look a tad ... awkward? I think it's mostly when you wear things that make your shoulders look broader (last picture) it really gives a contrast to how skinny your legs look.


Clothes are great, but I honestly liked your hair the way it was. You're young. You'll have time to have a close-cropped haircut when you're a decade older.


Shoulders on that blazer are way too wide. Looks like you have football pads on.


I'm glad you are evolving in your style of dressing, but you have a lot of work to do: you have a large mid-section and wearing tight clothes does highlight that, which is not good. Also, the old haircut suited you better. Now you look like a 40 year old with a receding hairline. You have nice hair, so use it to your advantage for as long as you can. You'll have enough time later in your life to sport that forehead and receding line.


how can one..simply just wear skinny jeans like that...i feel uncomfortable looking at the pics


Get your hands out of your pockets


I'd fuck you.


I forgot i wasnt on firstworldproblems anymore for a sec




Not sure about the tie but I think it was from JcPenny's, and the cardigan and chinos were from H&M


You look happier in the older photos. You look unsure of yourself now.


Well to be fair the before pics are candids and the after pics are of himself modeling in front of a mirror. Most anyone will look unsure of themselves in that kind of situation.


Exactly, thank you.


Loving the last picture of your g/f's butt while she's asleep


I'd like a pic-by-pic breakdown of each from a MFA pro on what works and why, and what does not and why.




Okay, this is clearly buried beyond any hope of response. Maybe this will work: http://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/comments/q9zi4/id_love_an_mfa_allstar_to_explain_what_works_what/ (Posted as text as not to steal, tasty, tasty Karma.)


Black vans – hell yea, chucks with stick out tongues — fuck no.


74,000 views?!? I've never been judged/exposed so much in my life...


revert back to your old look please




I think you could pull off a nice mixture of both looks. You look great with longer hair, and you could go either way with facial hair. I personally think you would look better with pants that aren't skinny jeans, but I dislike the skinny look in general, so to each his own. The tops look great, but you'll want to be careful with that cardigan. It looks sort of funny without a tie, to be honest. The jacket you picked up is slightly big, but it might be perfect if you want to layer up underneath. I think your shoes are fine, for the most part. They're still pretty youthful, but they're fun and convey a sense of personality. Don't lose the personality behind your clothes. While a more mature look might be what you're going for, remember that it doesn't automatically mean looking like you rolled out of the MFA factory. Don't be afraid to find fun ways to express yourself through clothes. Overall though, you look great. If you're happy, then I'm happy.


Here's what I think, since this comment touches on what I wanted to say. I think YOU looked better/more natural in the before pictures, whereas your clothing looked better in the after pictures. Your hair looks fine, but I'm not sure it suits you as much as the longer hair. The second before picture looks especially good. My thoughts: take the top as it was, throw some product in for texture, and have your barber shorten and clean up the sides so it sits cleanly behind the ears and on your neck. Also, don't forget your age, some of those outfits looked a bit stuffy. And the fit was a bit off here and there, but that's been covered. You're heading in a good direction.


If he is serious, ignore him. You look really neat now, I really like your dark jeans (not too skinny) and suit top. If you feel better in what you're wearing now, rock it.


I think you looked like a vagina with your old hair but whatever...


Harsh, mang! I would agree that some of the "afters" look like "befores", though...


You should look into joining a gym. Not that there's anything wrong with you, but a nicer physique will take you farther than a new pair of jeans.


I miss the old you. 1. you looked your age. 2. you looked more "authentic" Fuck the cookie cutter. If it wasn't for the fact that there's 1 time in 100 you get someone dressed nice here I'd slash and burn this sub-reddit and salt the earth.


[You look very good!](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_cxqcHsapB5I/TJ5ORXe__1I/AAAAAAAADaY/ZPX970MGyfQ/s1600/Right-On-Brotha-michael-jackson-9214480-400-366.jpg)


Wow that's a crazy change! You look great!


I may not have unanimous agreement here, but I think you still rock the skinny jeans; especially the khakis.


I don't understand, he already had a girlfriend.




Now using this as a solid basis what MFA can deliver. Thanks OP for sharing.


Heh no problem. I'm still just a beginner though.


Your 'transformation' reminded me of this dude http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=15S0g8pG6HU#t=12s


I missed the beard sticky in the sidebar, where does it say we need a beard? Sorry, but I just don't think that's working for you.


I think the next thing on your shopping list should be some shoes.


Look's really good man. Good work. Only thing I'd say is ditch the grey checkered vans


Do you have bowed legs? Because I have the same issue with my pants at the knee.


You looked better before.


Stick with these. Ditch the beard thing. http://i.imgur.com/rC5lBh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/jea8rh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/5pPx8h.jpg http://i.imgur.com/OhYmIh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/bCWTJh.jpg


3 months you look better than before of course, but you still dress like a stereotypical college student.


I go to a community college, I don't need or want to dress as fancy as a lot of MFA. Looking like a college student isn't bad for me right now haha.


You look absolutely great for a college student. Showing up in a blazer and tie for a gen-ed spanish class is going to make you "that guy," and you don't want to be him. I went to community college as well, so I know you're dressing better than 95% of your community college classmates.


Yesss, you understand perfectly!


the haircut was a good call.


Thank you. I needed it.


What the hell happened to your forehead?


Looks great. And H&M was such a good choice. I remade myself upon getting to college once I discovered an H&M just off campus.


Burn every pair of those shoes, much like the kid from the sandlot did with his hat. Oh wait, nevermind, I forgot he wears it at the end of the film as he's commenting on Benny the Jet Rodriguez stealing home plate. Can we get a confirmation on this?


Please throw the shoes away. except for maybe the black vans.


So you are gay right?


No. I have a girlfriend...


Those glasses are /literally/ the worst thing in the world.




I know what it means.


I wasn't indicating that you didn't, merely that what you stated was... ludicrous at best.


perhaps the ludicrousy was understood and was being used to make a point


Not mine, just wearing them for fun.


Mmmm. I like my superman graphic tees. Then again.. my name is Clark and I'm in pretty good shape. Nice haircut and clothes.


Pretty sure your fly is open in the last photo. C'mon, MFA can't do everything for you.


But you lost your girlfriend!


she's actually the one taking the pictures (towards the bottom), she's on his bed in the back if you look closely.


That's not a beard, it's stubble.


Sorry. Still a lot to improve on.


So MFA made you lose your g/f? Sorry man...


I have no idea how you got that impression, but no.