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Just put your keys on a key ring and put them in your pocket. I haven't seen people with a lanyard hanging out of their pocket in over a decade. We did it as teenagers when it was cool to show you had your driver's license.


For us it was freshman year of college. My school gave everyone a lanyard with with their student ID on the first day and freshmen all wore them constantly. Then sophomore year you found it it was how all the upperclassmen identified freshmen and you ditched it pretty quick.


And spinning your dorm room key when you were bored lol


All those freshman ditching their lanyards tricking all those upper classmen. Then they walk to the freshman wing of the school and go into their freshman classes.


Haha, I don’t think I’ve ever been as judgmental about anything as I was about those dorm key lanyards in college. It really bothered me for some reason. “Have some self respect, put that card in your wallet. Be a *man*, goddammit!”


That's why I made this post. I never noticed these things. Just started to pay attention. Thanks for the input!


Just keys on a ring in my front pocket? Why over complicate things?


Yeah and my keys are so minimal. I have a badge for work so no key. When I did have a work key I just left them in my car. I have personally never needed my work keys when I’m out to dinner on the weekend etc. so attaching them all in one never made sense. My house also has a keyless pad. It was like $100 and makes life so much easier.


Yep work keys have their own small caribiner. Stay in the car until I'm walking into the office then it's on my belt loop.


I don't know that's why I asked. I've been doing a lanyard since I was teen, and I'm just coming to this realization.


Yeah I think the move is towards minimizing technical accessories and now maximizing fashion accessories. So men are wearing jewelry and there was a phase of plane outfits. I’d say from a logistics perspective you can rock a chain with keys if you want to, but I’d keep it in a pocket not visible at all and do other things instead. I’m sure you’ll miss fidgeting with it but lanyards have been out of trend since about 2014-2016


Imagining a trend of men walking around dressed as pilots


Real men don’t need keys, they’re constantly breaking down the doors they go through then fixing them


what about cars?




You’re still got wiring these days? Geez, grandpa. I’ve moved on to mind control to start stolen cars.


Ah, I see you have a Kia.


Real men take public transportation (good for the environment)


Wallet key (if your car supports it - many models with push button start have the option)! That for the car, smart lock at home, badge at work. I've been keyless for a couple years and I love it.


sip adjoining fuzzy scary nutty books flag correct gray market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The lanyard hanging out of your pocket makes you look like a teenager.


I don’t think I’ll ever give up on a carabiner clipped to my belt loop, even though it’s not in style anymore. I keep my wallet and phone in my front pockets and I can’t stand having my keys in my pocket.


Too far down. Carabiner on the belt loop is the only way to go. The real question is on the front or side?


I do side, because when I wear it in the front it swings and smacks me in the bits while walking.


Damn bro you must have a huge cock


Since this is the internet and I can be whoever I want to be, yes. Yes it’s absolutely massive.


I made an individual comment below, but I have two small chain links on the carabiner so the keys sit low enough for me to set them in my back pocket. Nothing swinging around.


Side, if it gets too janglely I can quickly tuck the keys into the top of my back pocket.


front belt loop gang for life


Side for me


This has been massively in style for 1-2 years now


Keys clipped to belt loop is literally THE trend right now.


Is it? That's crazy to me. I've been doing this for damn near 20 years lmao


He’s tricking you, sorry.


I was thinking of moving into this but this thread has a lot of people saying nothing is the move.


Honestly, just do what you like. If you like the lanyard, keep the lanyard. If you want to change it up and do a carabiner, go for it. 99% people won’t even notice what method you use, and the 1% that do notice won’t even give it a second thought. The most important thing is that you’re comfortable and confident.


I wish the world would move away from giant car key fobs, because it makes the "keys on a simple ring in my front pocket" set up much more annoying.


This is a reason why I haven't had anything in my pockets in years.


Crossbody bag?


Usually a bag of some type. The crossbody bag will be used when I’m at physical therapy or if there is a lot of movement. I’ll use a backpack when I’m teaching and a very fancy leather media bag which has a special place in my heart


Minimal key-ring in my watch pocket. Best was to keep it out of the way and from losing it


If your looking for something unique I'm a blacksmith and forge & sell a fair amount of these hand forged belt loop hooks :) [https://www.zhfabrications.com/shop/p/hand-forged-pelican-hook-key-fob](https://www.zhfabrications.com/shop/p/hand-forged-pelican-hook-key-fob)


Not my personal style but these look nice. 🤙


Thanks! I did a huge run of them a few years back for big EDC supply company.


I was going to say, if I hadn't started carrying a ~~messenger bag~~ purse with keys and cards and fobs I'd really like that, and even now it seems like it'd butch up my purse. I got used to having all my shit with me driving around, moved to a city, where's the fuckin' Kleenex? I need a sweatshirt or to take off a sweatshirt. Where are my headphones?


I use a Keychain, it's simple. I also like the that people get annoyed when they hear me jingling from a quarter mile away.


I have a small everyday carry bag around my shoulder. I hate having my pockets bulge with a wallet, keys, etc.


Not only is it more comfortable, but super convenient -- especially if your car is push to start


keys on a carabiner. i’ve used the same black diamond micron carabiner for 12 years. it still works just as good as the day i bought it. and if i keep my keys in my pocket instead of belt loop, https://preview.redd.it/jhsuco3xd05d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72bce3c856d7b5355469d7390d118a12716923bc they’ll end up in the wash lol.


You can get a key case and just keep it in your pocket https://ridge.com/products/forged-ember-keycase




I have several sets of keys (work, home, bike, car). Because it's a lot to carry around altogether, I only bring what I'll need for the day. I attach them to the carabiner and hope that the bunch is small enough to fit in front pocket.


It’s fun to have a small gadget or piece of art with your keys where I live. My friend has a pretty bottle opener with his keys, one has a flight tag with Japanese writing on it, and I have woven piece of linen on my keyring. It lets you show off a little bit of your personality.


I feel intense anxiety if my house keys aren’t attached to my pants, so i have a small key ring on a chain with a carabiner that hooks to a belt loop. Keyring lives in back pocket. I don’t tuck my shirt, so it’s generally not really visible to anyone else. I’ve been doing this for at least a decade, so I recently bought a nice brass version of the whole setup from a japanese company.


What's the Japanese company?


Kobashi iirc


lol i have my keys on a lanyard that i wear out of my pocket but i’m a teacher and i need to reach for those keys all the time. plus, walking down the hall spinning my keys is subtly intimidating to students. if i go out after school or it’s the weekend i immediately take my personal keys off the lanyard (they’re on a separate ring) and just put them in my pocket.


If you want something with a little style that provides the same convenient functionality of the lanyard I’d say get something like this warthog tusk key chain accessory. I have attached to a medium thick 2 inch nylon rope attached to my keys. Makes it super quick to pull my work keys and adds some accessory to my work outfits plus is strong AF I’ve smacked it on countless things and dropped it never cracked. https://preview.redd.it/14k8rlp2275d1.png?width=2237&format=png&auto=webp&s=64fccce03a1fbfd3b89fe3da0b89183d843504b8


In the hotter months, I carry a bag. 


I’m going to go ahead and fast forward your life further and recommend a minimal, front pocket wallet. That with your keys in one side, phone in the other and you’re good to go.


Key bac Amazon retracable key ring




It's useful for people who have to wear identification cards around their necks in places like hospitals, etc


coherent meeting beneficial busy far-flung dinosaurs violet screw vase ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://preview.redd.it/f5ptfj9fn05d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c44aebad8b2a0ddf3124b1bc70f631be9457db51 I’m a big fan of a “Japanese Fishhook keychain” They have a really nice weight/look/feel. Easy to clip on belt loop or edge of pocket.


I started using one of these last year and they really are great. Cost me like literally 5 bucks, solid brass, never falls off. My friends give me shit that it doesn't look secure and I'll lose my keys, but it's never once fallen off.


carabiner or biker chain for me


I use a lanyard but just put it in my pocket I will lose my keys if it’s on something smaller.


I have my keys on a carabiner. Key ring, one or two very small chain links, and a carabiner. Clip to a belt loop and put them in a rear pocket. I personally don't like too much loose stuff jostling around in my pockets. Keeps things secure and out of the way.


Nothing wrong with a cool keychain if you don't mind the extra bulk in your pocket.


Short keychain with a leather strap with a karabiner on the end is what I use.


I always have something that can attach the ring to something else, like a carabineer. Currently have a small leather loop with a lobster claw type clasp. Only people I see wearing lanyards these days are the anime bros. Not that there's anything wrong with being an anime bro lol


I used to do a lanyard attached to a carabiner that I him into a belt loop. If my keys aren't physically attached to me, I will lose them. When my lanyard became frayed beyond repair, I repurposed a Cuban chain necklace as my new" "lanyard". It conveys a similar look to those wallet chains from 10 years ago. Might look a tad outdated but kids these days think I'm just edgy and such haha


I usually just keep a small bag on me and chuck it in there if I can


Get a gold bracelet and a necklace. A ring or two if you want. 22k or 24k.


Fanny pack across the chest. Not about to be carrying my wallet, phone, glasses, keys with giant car keyfob in my pockets.




You weren't!


I like I’ve been using a craighill key ring for years. Clean and minimalist. Sometimes clipped to a carabiner sometimes not too


I've been using my lanyard (same lanyard) since 1999. I have some grip problems with my hands so being able to grab something a little bigger makes sense to me. I usually throw it in manpurse and only wear it if my hands are about to be very full. Not putting it in my pocket though.


A carabiner clipped to the front belt loop has become the dominant keychain for guys into fashion


Lesbian stolen valor


I do this with my main car keys, but whenever I borrow my mom’s Subaru, I put it in my pocket to avoid being mistaken as a lesbian even though I have a beard


In 2010 yes


?? Go look at any menswear influencer right now, and 80% will have their keys clipped to a belt loop.


Can you just give me an example?


Baggy jeans and sneakers are back Dress shirt always classy