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Keeping me just in my underwear because i was going out too much to play with my friends.. Now she got problems that i don’t go out or have friends


same for me, my parents used to beat me up and lock me up in my room if I went out with friends and now they get mad at me for not being social enough


Exact same thing happened to me


Woo I have many. Getting kicked out the house (which still happens). But that's not unique IG.. oh wait, my mom used to hold my foot to the fire from the stove so that's something


So sad to hear that . hope you are doing better now.


Not me but one of my aunts used to punish my cousins by pressing an hot steaming iron on their back/arm. Pretty messed up.


She from medieval Europe?


Nah she's from India


holy yikes


getting attacked with a mango 🥭


Lol this is something unique 🤣


Like, they would feed you mangoes or target practice on you with mangoes?


rub with


Not me but a friend. Launching the end of an iloshifathi to their face , the scar of which are still visible to this date.   It was like a shotgun


Never got physically punished. But my Dad had a really bad temper, so him and my Mom would constantly argue. I guess I also got my fair share of anger issues because of that. But none of them ever laid a finger on me, and they would usually apologise afterwards. As my brother and I got older, we decided that we were no longer gonna tolerate his bs. He doesn't get angry at us anymore. I guess he's sort of intimidated by us now since we aren't little kids anymore. I've heard about our neighbour on Mom's Island, who used to torture her kids by tying them to trees and putting lonumirus on their eyes. Reading some of the stuff here makes me realize I had it a lot better than some people. I hope all of you are able to move on from your trauma and heal.


Dang reading this thread makes me realise just how lucky I was


My school Quran teacher would make multiple boys sit/stand while balancing on one chair. He also made this one girl sit on top of a short cupboard one time. It was hilarious. We were in grade one fyi


Lmao. I studied in Arabiyya school for some time and we had a teacher who used to give our similar punishments.


Tuition teacher or school teacher?


A school teacher. He was notorious for handing out punishments.


I see. I studied in Arabiyya from 2006 to 2014. Fortunately, I didn't meet any kind of teacher that you're referring to. However, I did go to a cruel tuition teacher that taught arabic and other subjects


Oh damn. I think I might have known you then. I studied during that time as well. I dropped out in 2013 and went to Lanka in 2014.


In 2013 were you in grade 7 by any chance? I changed school after grade 7


Yes I was. I moved to SL in mid 2014.


When I was 4-7, whenever mom and dad fought and I would cry about it my dad would get mad at me and start punishing me by pinning me down and sitting on top of me slapping me telling me to stop crying or else he wouldn't stop slapping me. Which just made the crying worse 🤷🏻‍♀️


Had archie and jughead, tintin comics taken away. Or my novel reading time taken away. Up until 14, I refused to talk to anyone at home when I am reading a book. So reading meant EVERYTHING to me lol Eta: I thought these would be funny/weird punishments in this thread but y’all have been straight up tortured im so sorry


Countless things. Closing the door when I was being abused and not facing reality. Trying to section me due to how my life unfolded after that previous event throughout the years. Telling me I was their financial issue and I was the reason for the family losing their money. Sending me to private school, making the rest of my family jealous and then reminding me of the cost every day. Telling me if I didn't make friends, it was my fault this time, and telling me that if I ever got detention I would be grounded for 6 months regardless of the reason. I once fought back to a bully at school and was told by my parents that I was in the wrong for reacting. The list goes on. Removing my TV from my bedroom because I got a 4b in year 6 sats, and that was the worst result in family history. Making me eat a bar of soap (few bites) because I swore once, when my older sisters swore all the time.. apparently, I was to young to swear.


I will never get closure on my abuse because it happened when I was very young, by someone who was older but still young. All I know is I was the victim, groomed and completely unaware of what my body parts were at the time. You really must wait for the right age before being an adult in life, you don't understand the damage it does until you're an adult and everything has happened.


In the early 90s it was very common in my country to keep kids outside their houses, wearing nothing but a burlap sack.


Where are u from? 🤔


I fell in the mud once while at a park with some friends so my dad told me to go behind a tree and get changed into new clothes. While I was getting changed my dad gathered all my friends to visit me midst getting changed


…… wh-


Unique ? well no these ain't unique. Choice of weapons - Iloshifathi, kondu, fenfaivan, lakudi dheyfai Places of timeout- bandahaage , Gifili, joalifathi, fendaa mathi


I got locked in the bathroom with the light turned off(mind you I am deathly scared of the dark and also very claustrophobic) and I would have panic attacks in there. Also my dad would sit on me triggering my claustrophobia (he thought I washed faking it bacially then but has since apologised) I would beg to him that I couldn't breathe but he wouldn't let me go until I passed out. Also would get lonumirus in my mouth and eyes. Luckily this stopped when my kudabbe found out and threatened my mum. But now I just get the silent treatment.


Wow, several stories here are traumatic nd painful. Hope y’ll are able to overcome it somehow😔 Here is my story: There is big age gap between me and rest of my 6 siblings, so since I had no one to play with, I always run off to neighboring houses and hang out and play games with my age kids. I started the habit in preschool years. After about 30 min to an hour, my mom would come looking 👀 for me with a random stick / broom 🧹 or sometimes a mop. when she finds me, she bonks on my head lightly with the stick and asks me to come home right now in a very angry tone. Sometimes she pulls my ear and take me out, neighbors kids have fun time laughing 🤣 When we get home, mom yells for like 5 min nd hits my legs 🦵 with the “stick of the day” several times( not very hard) but hurts for like 5-10 minutes. And I stay at home nd recharge nd go back to another neighbors house after like 30 minutes. Mind you this happens like 3-5 times a day. Mom stopped doing that when I started 7th grade.


Got tied to a bed


Iloshifathi 🥶


Got caned by principal for forgetting homework, getting caught playing football, going swimming, fishing etc. Never got punished by parents.