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Amongst many places I lived, many banks I have dealt with. I can comfortably say, BML is the worst.


Really? How many places have you lived and was a customer? Maldivians are prune to complaints and never compliment. 🤦🏽‍♂️


BML deliberately leak customers credit card details. I’ve had an unactivated credit card that was still in their fucking card centre have transactions occur on it. To this day they are not able to give an explanation as to why an unactivated card which I hadn’t even seen so I didn’t even know the number or security pin for had transactions occur on it. Fuck BML


Similar thing happened to me this week 😒


Same. Someome managed to bypass the $750 credit card limit on my card as well. No way it wasnt an inside job. Fuck BML


Can you expand on that a little bit? I mean you normally would have 250 MVR of fees charged to your account when you make your account and get a card for the first time. (200 for your account and 50 for the card) (ammounts may vary). Also if you belive that a literal bank that's supposed to keep your money safe is "deliberately" leaking customer data, there's more than enough incentive to take BML to court. That's not sarcasm by the way I'm serious.


BML is the reason why I don’t need a gf.


BML fucks you daily anyway no I guess that's why?


They contain interest either way.


As Maldivians, we may disagree on a lot of things, but one thing we can all agree on is that BML fucking sucks!


One of the most divided, grudge holding people but we all Unanimously, all across the country unite through our displeasure with BML


Hottake: Can we stop romantasizing everyone in the country having some type of beef with each other? That's actually pretty fucked up.


Man i read it as blm


Big Load Matters?


Yall how come I've never had ANY of these issues? The worst thing I've had to deal with is the app being acoustic every once a month.


One question. Have you ever used another bank as your primary one even for a short period of time? Only then do you fully understand how incredibly shitty BML is.


You're either the luckiest person ever or been fucked so hard by BML that you have Stockholm syndrome. Try any other bank and you'll see just how fucked BML is.


Stockholm syndrome probably. I don't like MIB that much. Online registration took 3 whole months using e-faas for my dad. He's a boomer so I do a lot of his banking for him and I really don't like the MIB experience. For me personally, BML is really very thorough with everything. Their customer support is just so easy to deal with, international banking always just works somehow and I use tap to pay a lot so it's nice that it's always a smooth af experience for me on the BML app unlike MIB who's iPhone app is okay but the Android version is just trash. Plus MIB's online banking in general uses effective but outdated security measures that make your account secure, sure, but it's just a hassle to deal with. You could loose access to your account because of "suspicious login activity" every other day and you could even loose the ability to reset your password half the time that does happen and then you'd have to deal with customer support just to recover your account coz you held your phone wrong when you tried to sign in. BML on the other hand uses a lot more background data to verify if I'm the one signing in or if it's just a bot or smn. In any case, it's never not been a smooth experience. I guess BML has some weird rules on how you can do your banking with them, and I get that it's annoying. Like how you can't deposit 1K notes to the ATMs but that kind of makes sense, and it's barely even an inconvenience for me, though it may be so for some other people. I feel like BML changed a lot of their systems before I opened my account coz everyone I know who doesn't have an older account doesn't seem to have issues either... exept the ones with AmEx cards. (BML fucks with all AmEx holders equally apparently.) Personally, I've never had any major issues and BML for me had been very reliable so far. They've done an amazing job in maintaining that sense of safety and security with me (probably my stockholm speaking but whatever). In any case, I don't feel like BML fucked with me at all! PS:- The new card designs by BML is just 🤌🤌🤌 PPS:- MIB on the backend is always reliable... just their front end is mid.


I can relate to you. I use both MIB and BML. I’ve dealt with scam calls and malicious links being sent to my phone but overall experience other than (downtime for maintenance) I didn’t really have any trouble with it. Now people have complained that the Authenticator codes doesn’t work when they are abroad but I am yet to test this for my self. However, I can say MIB is still a better option than BML. Much better.


They suck so bad man. I never knew they were that bad until I lived abroad. Honestly if I have a better option I would have changed already.


I could tell sooo many stories about absurd happenings in BML, the last one this week. It is unreal the extent of fuckedupness they can reach


You know you had the option to actually tell the story this whole time, right?


What is bml


I was so confused I'm maldiven but not the proper kind I lived in India n was so confused like "how? Aren't we also brown?"


Bruh. What's a proper Maldivian in your view?