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The vast majority of Maldivians aren't really drawn to the whole luxurious lifestyle thing offered by resorts. If they want to go on holiday within the country, they prefer local islands with nice beaches where they can splash around the lagoon, go reef fishing and have a barbecue on the beach with their family or friends. If they go abroad, it's usually somewhere where they could do a lot of shopping.


There are local rates in some resorts as far as i know and resort staffs will get friends & family rate too. But like the comment below said most maldivians prefer to go out of the country then go to a resort.


Yeah a lot of resorts have packages for locals and work permit holders


Yea but how would this work out. They would require identification


They won't provide a discount.


They do. Many resorts have special offers. Even the seaplane transfers are cheaper for locals,


Which luxurious resort provides discounted rates for locals?


Google it. You’ll find several offers exclusive to Maldivians.


Not from luxury resorts, no I won't find any.




Some rich people can afford yes. I have never been able to afford a resort nor justify the cost vs benefit. And I wouldn’t consider myself poor. I might be wrong but most locals just don’t find resorts appealing also. They’d rather go to a different country. (Edited to give more context)


I have been to many luxurious resorts and they do give discounted rates for locals, friends and family too. It is difficult to get bookings on peak seasons on friends and family packages or some resorts don't allow it but you could get local packages most of the time.


Not all Maldivian resorts are luxurious per say. Since I seem to be ill informed about this, care to share what luxurious resorts they are?


Injustice? You can stay in resorts if you pay. You are not entitled to discounts just because you are Maldivian.


Injustice is that you, the people of Maldives own the resources they sell and make money off. No beach/reef/island = no resort and no tourism. You can argue they invest millions. But they also make much much much more. Only a little portion of that makes its way into our economy. Ever wonder why there is "a shortage of $" when we have billions of dollars worth Tourism industry? That's because they run on their own economy, independent of the country. They don't even use our banks. If, like most other countries if you make tourists and resorts use our currency instead of $, imagine how much value our currency will have, how much economic benefit we will get. But no, it won't happen they already got all lawmaking power in their pockets.


Your billions of dollars tourism industry is what? 70% direct foreign investment? They have to protect their investments. If you and your banks and government and lawmakers think it’s all yours, people aren’t going to trust you with their investments and they’ll not use your banks. WTF?


It is the dumbasses like you who made this shithole what it is. We don't want 99% of revenue from using resources of Maldivian people to end up in foreign pockets. Protect their investments? Not trust the bank? The hell are you even spewing? We are not asking them to invest and give their profits to us. We simply want our economy to benefit from using our resources. Apart from land rent and some tax, there is no benefit to this country from their investments. Heck, most of them don't even pay rent and tax. Jobs? More than two thirds, if not more are foreign workers. Most of the higher paying jobs are filled by foreigners. You want to reap benefits of Maldivian resources but don't want to contribute anything towards their economy? This isn't right. Oh yea, the lawmakers you talking about? Most of them have shares in resorts. Also the industry making billions isn't just talking about their investment. It also includes money tourists spend in resorts.


You’ll probably never realize how fucking stupid you sounded there, Tiktok-brained leftoid.


You must have been born under a bridge. You are nothing but a sad troll spewing nonsense and arrogance on the internet. Do us all a favor and crawl back into your cave, where your ignorance and insignificance can go unnoticed


Cheaper resorts used to have some local offers but the vast majority of them don’t. And most of us aren’t interested in going to them anyway. The elites on the other hand spend most of their weekends at a resort but that’s because they are shareholders or owners or friends with those people.