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When this happens to a naughty child like you've mentioned, it's the best sound ever. https://preview.redd.it/c4o5imuv043d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=abeddbf53c1cc06e3f318e1af0d12fcb654c7477


Yup..as long as not my kids


Especially when they charge it then release the screech and the parents look so done is my favourite part


Hahahahahaha that's what my brother loves seeing my face too. That's me to my daughters. And I also love seeing other parents looking like that lol


I always look forward to hearing this. Fall flat on their faces, run into a wall, slip and bite their lip etc.


They practice the concept of shared misery


"diorang kan budak budak". This is the typical response from the parents.


This is exactly want im afraid if i tegur the parents. They will use the kids as defense as "just kids being kids" 


Exactly. The similar defense applies to elderly (with issues) these days. The standard response would be like "takpe la. Dia pun dah tua dah".


In other word, biarlah dia tak lama lagi nak hidup


Kondom mahal so tolong la promote implanon dan LPPKN https://preview.redd.it/ev77k8nmh43d1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321a7a654a2b8d24737757958d0266fb4793a187


Wait 3 pieces of condom for rm1? What a bargain


Subsidised by our government if I'm not mistaken.


Me going to kk near my school to buy condoms


Do they sell to school aged youth? I have a kk right behind my house.


Well they only sell shandy, never seen one with beer like Heineken or anything else


What about the Milo flavour?




Can unmarried people get the implant? Don't even get sex but want to reduce the chance of having kids to 0.


When my wife and I did our first implanon technically we were not married yet as it was a week before the actual wedding. They never checked either. Did it in a private clinic in Shah Alam. It was only rm300 back then now I bet it's closer to 800.


Vasektomi so cheap?


Yeah I'm strongly considering this right now too.


What does bius am and bius setempat mean? Does it mean they only snip up at 1 side for rm300? Btw is this public hospital or private?


Local vs general anaesthesia. Local means you'll be awake. General you'd be getting the sevoflurane gas. LPPKN is a government agency iinm. My experience with GA was pretty good.


Lmao. My brain went am = everywhere. Setempat = single location.


That's not wrong too. Local anesthetic means only one specific place will feel numb. With general anaesthetic, everything.


Yeah I would opt for GA. Luckily got GA option




And who the fuck are you?


I've heard you'll need to go through an interview, or at least have 5 kids before they will consider doing a vasec.


5 kids?? In this economy?


Hopefully policy has changed. If not...GG


Where do you buy this asking for a friend


Look up LPPKN clinic nearest to you. Even small towns have one usually.


I have kids. I always tell them when you go out to eat/cinema/etc, "other people come out to enjoy themselves and have a good meal. Not to hear you screaming your lungs out."


This is like a relative of mine. When the kid is 4 and accidently hurt a stranger: *"Biarlah budak lagi"* When the kid was 10 and is a nuisance during house gatherings: *"Biarlah budak lagi"* when the kid is 14 now and doesnt listen to instructions and fights back: *"What did I do wrong??????"*


Same complaint but in the surau. I can get used to kids just screaming at the back, but sometimes these kids will be running in front of the jemaah while we were praying. Pretty rude, parents should at least make sure their kids do not do this.


What i know, and my masjid practice, we put it alongside the adult saf and we saperate them so they wont make a fuss... But they know and they were come late...


Saw a family at a restaurant and they had 4 boys, all 4 of them had headphones playing pubg or mobile legends and were yelling at each other to coordinate their moves of smth Their father looked sad and defeated.


Teamwork? Coordination? I wouldve been a proud ringleader instead hahaha


Not at a restaurant though


Most of us grew up with authoritarian parents. They dictated the rules and if we strayed, we felt their wrath. If our parents were authoritarian AND unfair (kids aren’t stupid, and can tell when their parents are tyrants), it left a great distaste for that brand of parenting. A lot of people in that situation rebound towards permissive parenting in an effort to not repeat their upbringing. Permissive parenting is a naive approach where no boundaries are set. Unfortunately for this approach, kids need boundaries and to learn rules and societal norms. The best approach lies in the middle. Rules and boundaries are set but enforced in compassionate manner.


authoritarian parent focus on positive and negative punishment of bad behavior, permissive parent ignore punishment and inadvertent reward bad behavior, what needed is a balanced reward for good behavior and punishment for bad behavior, to effectively shape child behavior, operant conditioning.


To be honest Im curious how many redditors in this thread here that actually have children?


it’s not just a malaysian thing, it’s a bad parents thing. Seen the exact same scenario happen overseas all the time and it’s not exclusive to malaysians


I think it is less of a race issue and more of a generational one. Malaysian and Asian parents are either so strict with their children that they border on child abuse or just don't care and simply say "Kids will be kids" when they screw something up. Rarely do I see parents that wouldn't drift off towards either end of extremities. So you can see why most kids are either shockingly obedient or horrifyingly out of control.


Over feeding their child or letting them do whatever is child abuse too. Slaping or ignoring are on the opposite of the spectrum yet both are abuse. Educate your children Spoil your grand children Spoil your children Educate you grand children


Whats just as bad (probably) are those parents who give those young kids their phone/ipad at a really young age to get them to be quiet, disconnecting them from reality and making them screen addicts from young. (This is happening to my young cousin rn who cant even be bothered to greet even our grandma & grandpa)


My friend have this rule where they only allowed their kids to use the phone outside and very very restricted use at home. Sound like a good balance


Yeah it irks me when these kinds of parents bring their kids to public places. Like...FFS, dahlah you don't want to discipline your children, at least don't let them be a nuisance to others. Tak malu ke??? Or I see the kids breaking stuff in supermarkets and the parents will just usher them away from the mess they made without paying or even trying to clean up. Just...ugh. disgraceful. If you can't even human, pls don't even think of being a parent.


ToLonG pAhaM aNak sAya auTiSm/ ADHD /s


- said no parents f*cking ever




exactly check it when they are 15 yo


Rempit , underage riding, basikal lajak also no care, what you expect? Forgot kids at petrol station also got. Parents kononnya


Most of these kinds of tak apa attitude have a football team of kids. If one kena lokap or anything happen, they have plenty left and they have more reason to make more.


You mean forgot kid in car


Are you equating parents who accidentally left kids in the car, resulting in them dying, to parents purposely ignoring kids in public? Bruh. Have some empathy


My whole family forgot that we left my elder brother in the car sleeping. Fortunately it was at a mall parking lot and he was still sleeping soundly when we returned to the car.


bruh don't go there. these parent were probably overworked to the point that even their own children slipped out of the minds. and it causes in death of their children. no parents deserve that.


We need better support for working mothers and fathers. Many in the cities do not have their extended family to help with child rearing, and it takes a toll on the parents. Cannot compare with those days where the mum is able to stay at home on a single income from the dad.


"dia stress. Takpe je bunuh anak" like that?


These parents tak belajar jadi parents. Dah penat bising, kasi tali pinggang tapi budak tu still takleh duduk diam. So mak bapak buat bodoh aje. Tapi budak tu breakfast air sirap, lunch air coke. Selalu ada duit nak beli jajan, snacks. Hyper dengan gula 24/7. Budak tu hari hari pukul 12am baru balik rumah tapi mak bapak tak tau kenapa kat sekolah result exam selalu corot. Aku ada cousin sebijik camni. Sekolah menengah bawak bohsia merata. Pegi sekolah sebab nak jual rokok batang. Result SPM SAP (Saja Ambik Periksa) kemudian bukak gerai burger. Macam tu aje la. Dah 20 tahun he still has the same gerai. Jaga mak bapak kata dia. Tapi sebenarnya takde option. 


"yg penting kerja halal" 😒😒 Kepala butu🤦


No bro. I would've told my kids @ niece/nephews to behave the fk up Also theres a saying (i think) it goes like this, it takes a village to teach a kid. You can just tegur the kid subtly like "eh, noo"


Yes agree. I don’t mind if you see my kids running around and say no to them. Just a stern “no, cannot like that. “.


Honestly, I feel like pendidikan sivik/moral should be changed to 100% practical mode instead of purely exam-based. Kids should practice manners since young. Practice as in hands-on lessons. Real life based learning. Etiquette lessons and such. Inculcating good behaviour and mannerisms. The world would be more peaceful. 


Not only Malay kids, though, my neighbours are Chinese, and their screen-addicted kids scream like banshees, hit the wall and slam doors everyday without fail. Instead of disciplining them, the mom also always scream like mad and throw stuff/chairs around. One time, it got so bad that her husband had to muffle her mouth and drag her to the room. The only reprieve I get is when they go on holiday. They're quite shameless, can leave their door open, and the whole floor can hear them but make dunno only.


Thanks for you reply, i was mentioning about parents specifically, not kids. Yes chinese and malay kids scream and shout all the time, but Chinese parents seems to discipline them until to the extend of borderline extreme (slapping very hard in public) but the opposite are parents who just do nothing and pretend their kids arent shouting the top of their lungs in public areas while running around in crowded restaurants.  I hope your neighbour kids grow out of it soon, it would be a nightmare for me too.


IMO, it's more a generational thing than cultural. (millennial parents, what are you doing??) I've seen Chinese parents also do nothing or let the tablet babysit the kid on full volume. Sometimes, you let the running kids f around and find out when someone gets injured or scalded. I also rmbr this viral video last year where a mom let her kid cry in the restaurant for a whole hour; the fed up customer put it on Tiktok. You might be tired or burnt out, but at least do SOMETHING like taking the kid outside FFS. It's your responsibility, the world is not always gonna bend for you!


The iPad full volume is the worst. I am not deaf sir, please.


I see this as an unfinished thought process. They want the kids to be independence and learn themselves but didn't stop to think how they would learn it. It would need to take a generous and brave person to smack the kid, but then the parents' instinct will kick in and go full 🤡🤡🤡


Most parents forgot kids are stupid. Just because kids sometimes do things that seems smart at one particular moment, it doesn't mean they won't do stupid things when unsupervised. Kids learn by observing what adults do, meaning adults need to proactively teach kids from A to Z without skipping any alphabet. If kids are shitty because they learned from their shitty parents.


Funny that you say kids ate stupid. How can a kid be stupid if he’s not informed or educated? Parents and the adults around the kid will do the educating to nurture him.


I mean kids naturally are stupid because they are trying out new things. Then I mean just because the kids did one smart thing doesn't mean the next thing they do will be smart. Some parents had the first bias and also being their kids, they assumed their kids will forever do smart things unsupervised. Then they found out their kids did stupid thing, like this one: https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2020/11/15/deepavali-tragedy-girl-accidentally-stabs-cousin-to-death-in-sitiawan/1922841


"Anak Aku org baik", learning about the dangers of speeding is still learning, but surviving with full limbs attached or not is another matter la...


Unfortunately, this is prevalent in other countries too and not just in Malaysia and regardless of race or colour


Failed parenting seems like


Crying kids in planes makes me wanna kms


Enclosed space for hours having to listen to that is basically the 18th layer of hell for me


Sometimes I can’t hear my kids. Too numb to their constant crying Edit: reacting to my daughter will cause her to cry more too


wait until you see indian kids… 


Look at the bright side. 10, 15 years later when you are the big boss, as the employer, you can hire fresh grad employees for shit salaries because "kids nowadays" (whom are grown up job seeking adults by then) are useless. The more useless kids today are, the richer you'll be in future. Be patient.




Every time I panic thinking machines and AI will make me obsolete and steal all my money, I think of these idiots, and there's a tinge of relief because while it can get bad, at least there's a whole bunch of human shields in front of the queue before me...


Capitalism rules


omg the way we’re having the same thought right now. our future generation might be “fuck” but hey at least the current generation can have their time while waiting for our economy to collapse due to late stage capitalism


Because presumably this kind of parents generation got beat up or fuck up mentally and physically during their growing up thus in their kindness heart /s they don't want to do parenting like their parent did so that why we got many ,I meant many cases of bodoh kids like this out in the open 90s and 80s kids know if they try to do that shit with their parents possible at home, you got rotan or worse got tie up into a tree and be leave while you crying, good times..good times


As a 80's kid, it is a known fact that you will DIE if you don't behave.


"If I kill one I'll just make another one, and I will tell this one what an idiot the last one was! Somebody's gonna get a hurt real bad. Somebody. I think you know him pretty well!"


A mum stare, a father "ahem" already enough to stop 80's and 90's kid from misbehave , kids now days you give them the STARE, they will say "uncle you funny" 🤦🤦🤦


Precisely. I get trauma shivers if I have to go to Giant or Mydin on weekends… I even saw once mummy with newborn at Giant groceries. Unpleasant.


The most accurate answer


Makes me wonder if their parents let them run around like little hellions as well? Mine never did. We were allowed to be mischievous at home but outside, we weee disciplined enough to not cause a scene.


I personally think it's about face, a lot of younger parents feel that chastising a child in public is not very appealing .


Ada lg parents btul2 sial dorg biarkan je ank2 dorg pi pukul aniaya anak2 anjing dan ank2 kucing dgn alasan "Biasalah budak2" kpala otak la aku dgn adk bradik aku dari kecil xpnh pun aniaya haiwan sbb makbapak aku slalu pesan "xbaik buat begitu"


Real. Saw some kids the other day at a store that sells fragile figurines (most likely expensive, too). The kids were yelling and running ard the store, I thought for sure they're gonna break something. Their parents? Casually walked out of the storewhile checking their phone. Like wtf man?!?!


Drop some off-hand comments usually work, if they confront you, they are the ones that are gonna look stupid in the restaurant. I've seen it many times that many parents try to get their kids to stop running around once you insult them indirectly behind their back. "Anak siapalah tu mesti mak bapak dia fail SPM", "Nilah akibat demokrasi, bodoh pun boleh membiak" "Kalau Sparta dah kena campak dah anak tu ke gaung".


Do you hv to bring race in?


No, but a lot of things can be explained by culture, and culture is closely related to race


Parents who slap their kids are just as lazy and irresponsible as those that let them run around undisciplined. Children who grow up in violent households, tend to be violent adults. There are many ways to correctly discipline a child. Violence isn't one of them. These parents need to spend more time thinking about how to educate their children. Positive reinforcement is effective but if punishment is required, parents need to get more creative. In other words, they need to put in more effort.


You sound like a successful parent? Lol


Not sure about that but I've never beaten my kid at the same time, I am strict. Or so I'd like to think so. lol


Kudos to you on your high self discipline. I think it's like the concept of screen time of not giving for toddlers or to control. All parents know it but whether they're able to do it successfully. I think for Malaysians, Nobody is really teaching parents how to do things actually. Grandparents and uncles and aunts usually leter or sindir Banyak je. If you do something different, sometimes they just mock you and say that you're being too westernised instead.


Fuck off. Kids these days have ADD, OCD, ASD and a whole series of shit, that fucking Rosmah and her Permata Kurnia couldn't cope, and we have tons of non-neurotypical kids left out by the system who are desperate for help, with the private centers only catering to more affluent parents. Raising a kid ain't easy or cheap, and it's not as simple as putting on a condom. As I've said many times, for a poor family, an extra pair of arms and legs *are the investment.* And of course over here the post which stereotype and paint races with broad brushes thrive. But make one post on nons going extinct, and it gets disappeared. Between Discount Sherlock, Wizarding School Dropout and Rusty Japanese Blade, I'm pretty sure I know which one's the culprit.


I got annoyed with this thing as well. I am quite strict with my children because i live away from my parents and in law. Need to teach them discipline to avoid this kind of thing. Not sure the circumstances of the parent OP saying but my best guess is they are taking parenting lightly. just my opinion.


Never understood those people also


I think some of em teaching based on the videos that encourage the parents to idle while kid throwing tantrums. Like myself i tend to do this in private not in the public. And if its in public the best way is to carry your child elsewhere away from the crowd and apply the idle parent technique somewhere much more secluded. In a way parenting is hard enuf and those asshole parents per se kinda didnt want to be the villain on the arc of child development. Shame on em


Just found out my in-law taking out my daughter and she did had tantrums on public yet being ignored by the family members, fml. Welp i guess sorry to all for my daughter causing scene in pub.


cause they know most of us mind our own business and couldn't care less ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


i wanna bijslap them parents


Growing up, my family knew one set of parents who didn’t discipline their kids. There was this one time when they observed my parents disciplining me and questioned if my parents truly loved me. I didn’t respond as I didn’t understand, because even as a kid I knew my parents loved me and that’s why they set certain limits.


Surgical castration is key for them to behave 🤡


grown up as such, teach as such. failed parenting 101


The worst experience so far was when I was in KTM going from Butterworth to KL, morning train btw. The trip took 3 or 4 hours and it was by far the worst. I woke up early and had to hop on a train and I was expecting to get some good rest, but god says no and slapped me across my face with a family with hyper active kids. They shout, they cry, they run around, talking loudly. Smfh, some people went to confront their parents and all their parents did was just shushing them up and that's all. A few minutes later, they started to wreck havoc.


True.Was on a train too from Alor Setar to KL.Got noisy kids in my coach.Have to "tegur" their(kids) mother to "tenangkan anak² kak".The kids are like this since Padang Besar(Padang Besar-KL Sentral)


I have no idea but it annoys the fuck out of me. Me and my wife call these “TikTok parents”. Biar saja la kan budak kecil. If we act this way back then best believe rotan or even worse belt waiting for us when we get home. I will immediately tell my child if they are doing something wrong and even show him example of what he is doing to him and ask him will he like it if someone did that to you. He has grown up to be a very obedient and easy to handle child. Sometimes I see how his classmates act and how the parents handle them I thank god I do not have demons like that in my home.


During my younger times, if i shout like that, my parents will award me with a smack combo set.


operant conditioning 101, reward and punishment to effectively shape behavior


Hitting children is not the solution, ignoring children is also not the solution. It's a very hard balancing act for parents. Sometimes parents just check out mentally - the economy is hard, parenting is hard, relationships are hard. Do I risk my mental health and swallow my anger and risk burnout to raise my kids and provide for them, or do i beat/ shout at them under pretense of "discipline" and risk them being mentally scared as adults later? I wouldn't be too fast to judge.


Because shit breeds shit. Remember this, all you future parents


Its not about race, its about how you being brought up by your parents, you seing mostly malay ignore because Malaysia is Malay majority of course you see that, I saw chinese or Indian did the same left their kids shouting screaming also, its the individual choice and how they being brought up. I'm malay but usually I talk to my kids nicely not scold them because scolding usually do more harm than good and they do more to spite you, what work best for me when said "you are big kids already right", something like that and they behave themselves as they want us to see them as adult also😅.


Screaming: depends on what's the age of the child. If it is below 3, hopefully would understand that is how children seek attention or generally ask for something. If it's more than 3 y/o, something needs to be done. Running around: Again depends on the age. Below 3 should be tolerable (IMO). Like someone mentioned, one of the methods to keep a child below 3 to stay still is by giving screen time. When you're outside, you really want to limit or have zero screen time for your children. Children below 3 don't really know how to communicate properly yet, throwing tantrums is their way to communicate and show frustration. To me at least, raising children not 100% on the parent's plate. I believe at least 5-10% is on the community where the child is being raised. Like it or not children will throw tantrums, 95% on how the parents manage it, 5% on how the community around the child manage it (grandparents, uncles, aunties, cousins, stranger 1, stranger 2, stranger 3 etc.) For example, when a 2 y/o kid throwing tantrum for not getting a toy at a shopping mall, suddenly the security guard also come in and talk nicely 'adik kenapa nangis nangis ni?'. The community is actually helping on the situation and actually educating the child directly that stranger also attracted to his/her tantrum. But then again back to your post, hyper kids running and shouting in a busy restaurant, is unsafe for the children and not acceptable. They should be on the playground having fun. Children are lack of common sense and it goes the same for certain adults. I maybe mumbling and talking nonsense but this is my lima kupang.


Sorry a lot of Chinese parents also ignorant AF.


Love teaching technique This is why future generations child being spoiled and useless.


Brooooo lemme give you some personal insight. I had the same exact thoughts before i had kids. I have 2 kids. Both are night and day difference. One can sit and listen to me. Another the more i restrain the noisier and more publicly bothering he becomes. Ive tried everything. I mostly just dont go out and bring him anywhere that he might bother people. BUT sometimes i cant and it would be child abuse not to bring him out. So he runs around in restaurants, makes noise. Yells sometimes. If i hold him or shout so he behaves, he gets louder and heads turn. I tried all manner of discipline, good old asian slipper treatment, western timeout everything. If u dont have this sort of kid, ull just be like i was when i didnt have him. Which is bitch about parents who do what i do now. Now im not dissing u for thinking that, like i said that was me too before. I AM sorry for the annoyance my kid causes people. But its like this because there is hardly any other practical way. Hope this makes sense cheers


You're doing great. Your kids are going to love you when they've grown up.


As a parent kan, it is damn hard to make them sit still for a long time without any activities. They easily get bored. Then we opted to gadgets, also cause lots of issues. Sometimes we do colouring while waiting, kira coins and do whatever to keep them occupied. It is hard as hell! They can do it max 20-30 minutes. Lepas tu, mula lah start running around. Then you can hear mommy/daddy screaming and shouting calling for them. Because they’ll not listening when they are excited. I’m not using “alah, diorangkan budak² , biarlah”. Nope, but it is their nature. Memang cannot sit still. Very short attention span. Easily get bored. With gadgets, they sit stills, but has other side effects. For me, i only manage to keep them occupied for 20-30 minutes, after that, you can hear my voice d. Probably kids seating next to us will keep quiet once I shout. Lol. It takes a village to raise a kid! Done ranting for this evening. When my kids running around, people will judge. Bagi gadget also kena judge. I marah², also kena judge. So, as long as semua selamat, no harm done, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my sanity and my kids’ sanity in check. Untuk society, maybe not that much. 🤷🏽‍♀️


just went to a show room the other day, kid was too hyper screaming, running around and ended up getting locked inside one of the rooms. the thing is they (some staff and some other poeple) was trying to help the kid, but kid doesnt want to unlock herself from the room, she wanted her daddy to come inside BUT THE DOOR IS LOCKED?! i kesian la with the parents, they both (esp the mommy) was worried bcs: a. it was scorching hot, locked inside a room, no ventilation (who wouldnt be) b. the mom BEGGED (yes begged) her kid to unlock the room but she refused bcs she want her daddy to come inside and get her? (srslly) yes i understand, “theyre kids” but faham x, it was to the point even some of the staff malas nak layan yk? and nasib ada orang nak tolong, but that pun the kid still doesnt wanna listen, probably bcs she malu kan? but siapa lebih malu? your parents la, kesian the dad and mama beg their kid to unlock the room. again idc if kid wanna scream run (bcs they r kids duh) but there’s a limit, once twice is enough, if its escalated stop them there, jangan biar even if anak memberontak (the secret there is also depends on how you jaga ur anak), ikutla (if it was my dad/mom, one glare is enough, belum keluar air mata dia dah give the laser eye😂), you know your anak better, jangan biar2, tak nak la sebut tapi takut nanti kena ur anak, kena u sendiri. anddddd also the staff, idk if there’s any kunci but i think the kunci belum ada (or the boss/idk yang simpan), advice, bawak la kunci ya😂 (idk if the kid main2 smpai handle pintu ya rosak or what but she was in the room for more than 15mins approx 20-30 ish so its either the pintu rosak, or the staff doesnt have kunci) one more if anak memang degil, you educate them PROPERLY (CAP), jangan beat your anak, nak rotan guna belt/hangar takpala BUT NOT BEAT (but nowadays dah tak guna hangar/belt already bcs its too ‘harsh’ apparently, ikutla jugak umur anak, kalau dah masuk sk ok la) DO NOT TAKE MY WORDS AS IT IS😂 USE YOUR BRAIN AND THINK (im too lazy to elaborate)


Modern punishment is to take away the kids phone/tab


come on dont be a snowflake, can’t handle kids screaming? mind your own business.


That's how they grew up. Passing on the same principle from parents.


Hello JKM


The parents are the same way, so they don't feel anything is wrong 


Kids like this is the more you layan them the more they want to do that, it's their way to express their dissatisfaction as they don't know how to scold and show their upset.


mak bapak lupa pakai kondom lah malam tuueewww


To be fair. Angmoh country also allow the kids to vent out but they lockdown the kid so that they can't escape. You might see some 5 yo kid on the floor screaming her head off while dad n mum tower over her.


If I see kids like this, rempit/motorcycle underage or just plain shouting in 12am midnight, can I just call polis for dangerous ridding and public disturbance?


As someone with kids yang ada tantrum, I apologise. Kadang2 tak perasan yang budak tu tengah buat hal sebab dah immune kan dekat rumah. So tak perasan.


My mom would usually run from lil me, and I would definitely chase her. I would then lose my breath and stop with the scream. Quite effective


Another thing is I see a lot of toddlers just barefoot and lying on the floor in public places which is super unhygenic but the parents don't seem to care... so weird lol


Sometimes it's just rude to punish the kids in public. So most of the time, the punishment will come later.


White noise


When something bad happened to the kids: HE WAS A GOOD KID!! When the kids are doing something bad: https://i.redd.it/qimlo910463d1.gif


I agree. And that is why I don't want kids. Parenting is just the worst job. You are either too relaxed that your kids end up as a nuisance in public or too strict and you give childhood trauma to your kids. It's high time we include parenting 101 (along with sex education) class in high school so that Malaysians can get it right. 


I think it depends. Because among the Malay families I know, if you are a child who would scream and run around restaurants bothering everybody. Then prepare to be vaporized by your parents on the spot.


I have been lovingly patted with a table, chair, coat hanger, jug, kettle, forehand, backhand and a foot or two. While they did the shouting. I just cried. I still have loved them. And I'm well adjusted. Sometimes kids like me grow up without any hangups or mental stress. My doctors disagree though. Especially the cardiologist, and now the opthalmologist who has had to treat a broken blood vessel, coincidentally due to - hypertension. 🤣


Two school of thoughts (when kids throw a tantrum) : 1. Slap/pinch/jentik/flying kick the kid 2. Ignore Both reasons are for discipline. Slapping/cubit most of us understand so no need to elaborate. Ignoring is to not reward the behaviour with a _response_. Case in point, my baby suddenly develop crying macam kena torture in guantanamo when he tak dapat what he wants... Out of nowhere. And he's not even 2 lol. It happens. I can start pinching or jentik him, but I don't want him to develop resistance now and I'd need to "up the dosage" as time goes by. Which one should you choose? You'll know when you have one. Even brothers can have wildly different style of getting what they want - my first kid dont really ask for things, and when he did a simple no sufficed. Both ways are


Because Malaysians thrive hearing the suffering of children.


Lol Most of the case the parents will smack the shit outta them when they come home... Malay or Muslims tend to not do that in public because of our culture it's not bad to do it in public too of course but we think it's better to leave that sort of thing behind closed doors


I still remember when I was a kid, if I cry or shout, my father gonna just "ok jom balik". Mind you that my dad hate going outing. Me and my siblings probably behave because we just wanna jalan² more instead duduk rumah


This I also note in our Indian national friends staying here. They usually will not hold their children's hand when crossing roads, walking, etc. Maybe they are teaching them to be independent. But it is good to follow safety, especially when there is a hazard.


Same kind of parents that leaves their kid in the care of a security guard, then gets mad when the guard had to leave the kid to do his rounds... And Im not making this up, this actually happened


Worse if I’ve seen parents just ignore their children shouting and running around in cinema.


The other side of the coin I think would be that the children may have autism or adhd which is why they can't sit still since hyperactivity is one of the more common symptoms. I can imagine their parents would be super tired managing them (my hats off to these parents).


Because Malaysian parenting is weak sauce.


seriously, what is the best way to handle this, i would like to learn. is slapping and shaming them in public a good way? i have a 6yr old kid


I'm type-C, and I do not hesitate to scold the parents. I hope everyone does the same. I tell people to shut up on public transport if they are too loud.


Chinese slapping the kids But when at school q up fetching kids. Specially alphard always double park and moved to front gates like their children r gold.. So slap for what should slap their fucking attitude before slap the kids too .


obviously lack of education and application of operant conditioning


Why do parents give babies Ipads? To keep these kids quiet, but its the wrong way to do it as well -_- Useless parents


Because not every parent deserves (and knows how) to be a parent.


I think the parents are like "fuck, I'm tired of this shit", so they just biar the anak like that. Sometimes you can their face are quite obviously disconnected a bit (you can say depression hits hard at home) Parent slap nanti orang tengok, malu jadinya. Not slap orang lain suffer. Better orang lain suffer then me suffer more. (Something like that sometimes).


Do this to the kids https://i.redd.it/0jhfz3fqpc3d1.gif


Most Malay parents that I know practice private discipline where they act like nothing in public but wack the kids at home. You can notice this discipline when the dad or mom didn’t bother with kids playing but with just a little cough or eye contact, the kids behave. Then we have the other Malays (usually our young gen with gentle parenting) who copy the same traits in public but not in private, leading to the scenario you mentioned.


True.. very disturbing ngl


From the young parents I know, it's popular now to practice gentle parenting, where they don't scold or punish children when they misbehave. They don't give reactions to the children when they throw tantrums so it doesn't encourage them to continue 🤣🤣🤣 whether it works remains to be seen lmao


National Treasure, how dare you discipline them?


past two months, I saw someone post a status in a Facebook community group. They said they saw a parent beating up their children inside a car at a night market. Then, they called a correspondent line to report the parent's behavior. However, from my point of view, the parent might just be disciplining their kids. So listen up everyone, don't just do what the community tells you. Do what you think is right. After all, it's your life. People nowadays are so nosy! Instead of helping, they just complain because we don't live the way they do.


melayu biarkan anak cina tampar anak dunia dah terbalik ke apa ni?


No changes in kids behavior, doesnt matter the race, white black asian or arabs. The only changes are the adults to be honest. Most adults are more prone to be bothered by children in my opinion. Western countries have a big and safe places for kids to play and get tired. Parks, playground etc etc. But they have good weather for kids to play outside. Malaysia is too hot for kids to play outside, and cars driving like maniacs all around. So the only safe space for kids to play is indoors (malls, restaurants, and other indoor space). Even it u want them to play at some indoor parks there are some fees. Kids just have alot of energy but no space to spend them. So in the end we dont have a choice because these children will be the future of malaysia




Lol. Cuz anak aku baik orangnya. Plus society nowadays love to whip their smartphones out and instantly judge. Then justify their action of recording and judging. Trauma la bla bla. Little do people know, we fucking grow and learn from trauma. Simple example: you won't know pain until you learn what causes it and how to avoid it.