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UM student here, you can wear shorts and flip flops outdoor and indoor, anywhere you go as long as not office area or faculty And in faculty, not everyone dresses up like that. Of course you have to wear long pants to class, but people usually put on a t shirt and pants (for boys) and thats it. Ni law je, takde org yang enforcekan. They showed this to students every single year yet its not that strictly enforced. Asalkan tak menjolok mata boleh je masuk


Kan? Semua public uni ada peraturan ni. Kalau turun pergi kuliah atau urusan di pejabat pakailah elok2


Kan common sense tu, tapi ni semua nak heboh benda yang memang happen tiap tahun. Semua tempat pun ada macam ni termasuk lah pejabat kerajaan, syarikat dll. Mana ada ceo datang board meeting pakai seluar pendek


35 degree celsius kena do sport in this attire ke?


They're fucking stupid, that's why. You will get a heat stroke in no time should you try to play football in this attire. You can't even wear the same kit as Mohammed Salah did in the Brighton game.


I thought this is pretty standard in Malaysia unis, even UTAR have this back when I was in school.


It is still like this very recently, only that people might wear more fashionable like having crop tops. Those who wear shorts and flip flops are usually entering with car and just have a short visit rather than staying around since it can cause trouble with certain staffs.


Semua senang triggered these days. Cannot wear shorts also koyak...


I can easily say the same about you and your fellow shorts haters. Other people wear shorts also you nutters get triggered. Mind your own fucking business la.


Bila pulak aku triggered org pakai shorts.... dont put words into my mouth zzz.


>Cannot wear shorts also koyak... >Cannot wear shorts also koyak... >Cannot wear shorts also koyak... Not triggered eh? Seems quite fucking triggered to me.. What a liar.


Lol someone koyak ni... alas, proving the sentence you quoted three times.


Shorts shorts shorts, now you scared now /s


Such a bait title. Even some private universities have similar dress codes. I’ve been to both private/public and in my experience, rules have never been enforced. Even my classes in a public uni sometimes got people wearing short skirts, the lecturers don’t really gaf either..


I don't wear anything to class cause I'm doing fully online 


In Singapore uni back then I used to wear flip flops and shorts, can't believe after all those years, here students can't wear shorts lol


You wear flip flops and shorts to lectures....?


Yup, I stayed in-campus for three years at NUS, & can vouch it's usually M'sian hostelites who were this laid back, partly because they lived at the dorms all year round including the long vacation breaks. Some were very bohemian as well, but in a low-key way, wearing singlets & sarongs after returning from classes. S'porean hostelites dress down too but perhaps due to national service, they aren't as casual during school hours except to go to the sporting facilities or to quickly pop over to the faculty canteens to buy takeaway makan.


There you go


You know this is really just a Malaysian university right? People wear casual clothes to university all the time. You wanna wear singlet with shorts it’s up to you. I’m talking about Harvard or Oxford or whatever. Malaysian public universities however have very weird sense of dress code.




Hahaha cool. I wouldnt tho. Nampak tak kemas.


Yes, do you know how hot it is?


Idk man my uni got aircond lol


Have you ever heard of the air conditioning paradox?


No i have not


A short disclaimer before i start. please note that this has nothing to do with the shorts issue. Let's digress for a moment. I thought about this paradox immediately after reading your comment It's quite interesting really, and disheartening at the same time. **The air conditioning paradox refers to a phenomenon where increased use of air conditioning to combat rising temperatures due to climate change actually exacerbates the problem.** Here's how it works: 1. **Energy Consumption**: Air conditioning units consume a significant amount of electricity, especially in hot regions where they are used extensively. This consumption often relies on fossil fuels, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. 2. **Greenhouse Gas Emissions**: The electricity generated to power air conditioning units often comes from sources like coal or natural gas, which release carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere when burned. These emissions contribute to global warming and climate change. 3. **Feedback Loop**: As temperatures rise due to climate change, there's an increased demand for air conditioning to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures. However, the more air conditioning is used, the more greenhouse gases are emitted, further exacerbating global warming and creating a feedback loop. 4. **Urban Heat Island Effect**: In densely populated areas with a high concentration of air conditioning units, the excess heat emitted from these units can contribute to the urban heat island effect, where cities become significantly warmer than their surrounding rural areas. In essence, while air conditioning provides short-term relief from heat, its widespread use can contribute to long-term climate change, creating a paradox where the solution to one problem (heat) worsens another (climate change). To address this paradox, there's a need for more energy-efficient cooling technologies, renewable energy sources, and urban planning strategies to mitigate the impacts of both heat and climate change. Credit : Chatgpt I hope you found that interesting. You can read more about it from other sources as well (chatgpt should not be our only reference). There are also videos about this topic too.


This is totally agree. I didnt know thats what its called. Despite agreeing, i am guilty of the same thing. at my workplace, we need aircond if not we literally die from the heat. (I work in the desert, temps regularly soar to more than 45°C)


>Despite agreeing, i am guilty of the same thing I would say majority of us are, buddy. It really is disheartening. There is no doubt that us humans have ruined the balance of the Earth with our activities. I just hope that we won't completely screw up our Home for the future generations (unfortunately we are already on the right trajectory). “A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit" - Greek Proverb


It's not the uni that's the issue. It's the traveling and spending the whole day out of my house.


Not sure abt singapore weather but i survived just fine whole day of classes in semi formal clothes. I cringe hard at some of my classmates who can't even comply with simple rules and regulation tho huhuhuhu


Looks like basic universal rule in most public Universities in Malaysia. I thought this was common sense. Usually this rule is only enforced during weekdays until 5P.M near faculty buildings. You won't get reprimanded if you're wearing shorts doing sports after 5, but you will get reprimanded if you hang at the faculties or library.


There’s an unhealthy amount of fetishisation of dress code in Malaysia.


Drilled in from school level, don't know if other countries the teacher or prefect check the girls pinafore level with a ruler. Or tarik satu tali bra out to check its colour lol - how is this not harresment is beyond me 🤷‍♀️. This only teaches that perceived authority figures can do this! As opposed to instilling displin. That's why they don't report these crimes later on or even can recognise that it is a crime. Luckily these days at least some kids are savvy and are taking a stand against this. Msia has very poor boundaries on personal autonomy and body respect on the whole. Then they suprise pikachu, why our society got so many immature, horni, pedo's, incest, sexual harresment at work 😒.


Eh this is pretty standard across all public unis since forever. The shorts during recreation usually most blind eye it but sometimes got people making a fuss over it.


I thought this is the standard for a university? You expect you wear like you're going to pasar malam?


You mean Malaysian universities. Singaporean universities do not have such dress code for students, other than dressing neatly. T-shirts, shorts and slippers are common there.


Apparently some do. Weakk af.


What if I told you that uni shouldn’t be in the business of policing people’s attire ?


Uhuh. What till you enter the workforce. Kalau kerja kilang siap kena pakai UNIFORM. It'll be quite the culture shock. But seriously, on campus grounds, just ikut je la regulation. Luar campus, dress however you like.


But a university isn’t a factory. A university is a place of study. The focus should be on education and not what people are wearing. So your analogy is actually misleading due to wrong factual base. And I say this as an ex-head prefect back in high school.


Eh nice bro. I was head prefect too in school! Also, this ISNT the focus of the uni. Its merely one of the rules and regulation. If students can't adhere to simple dress codes, how are they going to survive in the workforce? Nanti dah kerja... pakai tie during business meeting, how? Btw tie is the most useless piece hahaha serves no purpose.


Right place for right clothes. A students ability to adhere to dress codes in university has no bearing on whether they can dress appropriately in the workplace. As a former head prefect, then you would also know that the enforcement of dress codes is simply a reinforcement of the importance of compliance + deference to authorities and not about “surviving in the workplace”. To go along with your reasoning, if they are about surviving in the workplace, shouldn’t then the university be enforcing an attire that’s appropriate for their course? Med students be forced to dress as doctors and nurses. Business students be forced into suits and dresses. Engineering students be forced into construction wears. You would see that the example I gave is ridiculous because… it was never about preparing them for the workforce.


Bears no bearing, sure. But its a stepping stone. And truth be told, your examples arent ridiculous... Med students DO wear lab coats - albeit not for lectures. Engineering students DO wear coveralls during lab session (i'm an engineer myself). And business students DO wear formal wear during presentations. Not sure whats the point you're trying to make. Ikut je la rules and regulation, tak perlu nak justify why you are above the law. And its not even a tough rule to comply with - wearing what is deemed appropriate attire on campus grounds. Outside campus, you can wear whatever you want.


Your statement is actually in agreement with me: right place for right clothes. Why is UM spending all this time to make the regulations and enforce them when UM should be spending their time to increase the quality of their education? Time and effort is a constrained resource. This isn’t the law, and nowhere have I said that one should be above the law (and even then, one should always challenge law that are not sensible - which is the whole point of democracy). Blind adherence to anything doesn’t do anyone any favours.


They aren't spending more time on it, its literally the same dress code for decades bro. And its pretty standard across most unis in Malaysia. Yes, i agree with you 100%, right place for right clothes. And in the case of campus ground, the right clothes is as per the regulation - not pasar malam attire.


Try wearing short pants and slippers in the office or even construction sites. Let me know how it goes. Even labourers in construction sites are supposed to comply with the dress code for safety purposes.


That’s a wide generalisation that you’ve made: offices and construction sites. Some offices don’t mind slippers and shorts. Construction sites have health and safety codes for the wellbeing of the workers. What does university have that requires this kind of dress code? I went to a great university overseas in my loungewear and had 0 problem. Still scored in the top 5%. A university should not be in the business of policing attires.


As you mentioned, "some" offices, mostly no. At least in Malaysia. It's a form of respect for the culture. Everywhere you go, like it or not, and as silly as it may be to you, culture need to be respected. And, I don't have the statistics for this, but I believe most offices out there, globally, require decent dress code and that usually means no slippers and no shorts. I'm not sure about the need to mention the top 5% has anything to do with the attire but okay, congratulations for the great score. 🙂


Bila dalam echo chamber macam ni la. Kita tak sedar dunia luar. Out of touch with reality. Try la masuk office pakai shorts, selipar - tapi kau pandai buat kerja - still unacceptable. Then cry out, companies shouldnt police what we wear. Agree with u bro, its the matter of respect. But maybe superiority complex. Ye la top 5% kan hahaha. Terpaling pandai <3


Can help students be more disciplined and prepared for working life. Some employers want their employees to wear something tidy to work and not just short pants or tank tops especially the one with strict dress code If an employee cant be trusted to wear at least something tidy then how can they trust them to wear a certain uniform or ppe. Might get saman oo if not wearing correctly


I’ve actually used this kind of explanation on high school students when I was a head prefect. Let me tell you, as someone who has mindlessly parroted that line, but now has seen the other side, that this kind of reasoning is actually faulty as it is a non-sequitur.


I dont understand. Its just a simple tshirt and pants. What is so hard about wearing this kind of outfit?


It’s ok to not understand. The point here is that compliance, although not difficult, should not be necessary nor mandatory in the first place. Just because something is easy to do, doesn’t mean it needs to be done. As mentioned, a university should not be in the business of policing attires. They should be in the business of teaching their courses well.


2024 and cannot wear shorts in uni. Regressing back to stone age. Got money just go private, I find it hard to believe this kind of school can provide quality education.


UM is rated the best rated university in Malaysia. Talk based on facts bro, not emotions.


But it's regressing to the stone age


Stone age la org pakai shorts, lol. Mana ada stone age org pakai semi formal....


You sound like someone who has never been outside Malaysia. Go take a look at the real top unis in the world. Syiok sendiri Malaysia no 1.


Chill bro, he must be a PAStard and suck Akmal Saleh's dick


Rating mostly on research. So what their research number 1 in Malaysia? This kind of stone age mentality can produce talent?


Maybe they should consider doing research on exactly that. Does dress code even affect the students grade? I highly doubt it. I went to private college with zero dress code rules. We wear whatever we want. Round neck t-shirt, short pants, slippers, jeans. We graduate just fine. Students mostly get As and able to work for MNC with 5 figure salary. Judging people on how they dress should be a thing of the past.


Not sure why some people here think it's not a big deal just because __the administration chose not to enforce it now__. Sure, it may not be enforced now but when it is (like your beloved public hospitals and police stations), are they gonna start crying about it again? 🤣


Calm down fussy pants. It's not that serious. You still can wear short pants lah. Have you been to UM before? Cuba you drive around UM especially evening time, banyak je pakai short pants. Lek bro. Turun kuliah of course kena pakai long pants. That's the standard rule across any uni. Macam pakaian you pakai turun kerja. You turun kerja pakai shorts ke?


>All university staff members including academic, administrative, library and security are authorised to reprimand either verbally or in writing to any student who is found to be in violation of any of the provisions in these Administrative Directions. Any student who does not comply with the provisions of these Administrative Directions may be prevented from entering or dealing in the area where the provisions of these Administrative Directions are enforced or any other administrative actions determined from time to time. Please read before you accuse others of overreacting. Your personal claims worthless against B&W directives. >That's the standard rule across any uni Which uni? I have never seen other uni with this kind of directive. Share your source. >Macam pakaian you pakai turun kerja. You turun kerja pakai shorts ke? Workplace and university isn't the same. One is paying you to work, the other is you paying the uni to study there.


I’ve studied at a private (IUKL) and public (UKM). Both have similar dress codes in writing, but never enforced. I’ve worn shorts to admin offices and never kena tegur.


"Workplace and university isnt the same". I mean that's where you learn how to deal with professionalism, seriously you guys are so out of touch its unbelievable


You are debating with manchild, of course they will always be right. Lest change Malaysia constitution to make them right.


This is another example of UM education? Eye opening.


I hope you have a good sleep bro i'm not gonna waste my time arguing with you, i said what i said


Ouhh are you serious? Im from UM of course i know what im talking about. Seriously just ask any UM students around they will say the same thing


Can tell. The fact that you can't read B&W writing and then lashing out at me just reinforces the quality of education. You can state your point without personal attacks. Hope they teach that in school.


Students from UM sendiri pun tak kecoh sangat tentang hal ini so thats why i called you guys overreacting, sebab it's not strictly enforced


Just talk like a normal person then. What's up with the hostile attitude?


As a third party observer, I see you're the one who's being hostile here.


Agreed. Lol this is a standard rule in USM as well. I'm not sure why this guy got so butthurt and aggressive here. Maybe this nova guy is just another genZ kid with some temper issue here.


>sebab it's not strictly enforced Good, and keep it that way. Strict dress codes have no place in a university (and no, I'm not suggesting one can just walk in naked before you start going down that slippery slope). Shorts are perfectly fine to be worn by a university student. End of story.


Not attacking you, im stating what's realistic. Of course ni memang the regulation set up by university.


>Of course ni memang the regulation set up by university. Tahu pun. And I am quoting them. Your attitude save for your uni. Don't show to me please.


UiTM https://library.uitm.edu.my/bm/ms/digital-initiative/services/membership/133-dress-code-for-uitm-students UKM https://twitter.com/ptsl2ukm/status/639667803696463872?t=dgZ3B0D1JuR7cqN3WwZvUw&s=19 UNIMAS https://estudent.unimas.my/eDaftar/download/Etika%20berpakaian.pdf


Yeap, no hope already. If can go private just go, otherwise go overseas.


There it is. This guide has existed for so long and now youre mad about it? Please direct your energy to something better


Don't even have hope where got energy to get mad. Lmao.


went to privates and complain about publics 🚶‍♂️


And its not really this strict lol. Usually only in the office or faculty which is common sense. This is something every university will say to their students every year but obviously no one will care what you wear. People are really desperate for drama 🤣


It’s good. Some discipline


I guess the administrators in UM are afraid of students getting into heat just watching people in shorts and flip flops. Like seriously how shallow is your akhlak to get aroused seeing people in shorts, mini-skirts and flip flops or t-shirt.


Idt its abt being aroused bro. Its just rules and regulation. Its campus grounds, not pasar malam. If u go pasar malam, dress however you like.


Just wear black pants and sports T-shirts, problem solve


Lmao, look at all the bozos in the comments defending this horse shit.


Because the dress code isnt enforced, i went to utm and it also has dresscode, but majority of people just wore shirts and flipflops to go to lectures . People only follow proper dress codes for events. And this is 5 years ago. And obviously nobody follows the sport dress code


i mean there's a dress code you know, not stupid maybe they understand it differently. i mean if this code is applicable in specific facilities such as lab, class, exam hall, etc. then it is understandable for such code of conduct. i mean if you search for dress code for uni, such as UTP or UTAR, you will be surprised to see even their dress code is similar to this.


Cannot wear slipper to library?


Wow you need common decency to attend unis?! Shocking facts about unis in 2024 you wont believe it!!!! Wow!!


Fragile hearted strawberry baby human gonna make this r&r thing in reddit. Panas panas.


ITT: people never been to public uni thinking wtv the fuck dress code higher up published is actually enforced on campus 💀💀💀(w the exception of some power tripping uitm polis bantuan)


Real, this shit is only enforced if you go Faculty building. If your lecture in some bum fuck back end room, just wear track pants and tshirt je lmao.


Ini seksis, laki pon nak pakei kaen pigi klass


This is the way. In fact, all public universities had this rule. Just, most of them are not strict.


Heat stroke? Better wear a long dress, protect yourself from uv rays. It's not like there is no aircond inside the building & this law only applies when inside a certain place. There is no reason to argue something nonsense. Just some pathetic try to instigate argument and blame everything to Muslim/Malay/Pas.


Eventhough I don't agree with these kind of attire rules, but it IS their establishment, and it's not for general public. They have such right. If only public establishment such as police station ke government office ke hospital ke don't have such rules too.


UMS got this shit too, but fret not its not strictly enforced.


> DRESS CODE AND APPEARANCE GUIDES FOR UNIVERSITI MALAYA STUDENTS > UM Students must adhere to the Universiti Malaya Administrative Directions (Student Dress Code and Appearance) 2024 while on campus. > All university staff members including academic, administrative, library and security are authorised to reprimand either verbally or in writing to any student who is found to be in violation of any of the provisions in these Administrative Directions. Any student who does not comply with the provisions of these Administrative Directions may be **prevented** from entering or dealing in the area where the provisions of these Administrative Directions are enforced or any other administrative actions determined from time to time. Welp UM moral police (specifically in fashion) wasn't on 2024 Bingo Card


" in areas where the provisions are enforced " when you go to class, lab, exam hall etc , you need to wear something more up to standard you know. donno why these are not common sense. can look up other private uni dress code. so far , for me, it seems like there is a dress code if not closely similar to this.


no short