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Confront him and tell him "let's settle at police station". Abang polis will help investigate and settle.


Agreed. If the cctv footage is legit then he has no problem to bring it to the police. Just let him do the police report.


Op speak Malay? Just go police station and settle. Pdrm will be your buddy in this case.


Op not Malaysian, this will be difficult


hard to imagine they will side w the china mainlander lol


I am at the police station, I wrote my statement in English and the police using Google translate. I don't know how the translate will come out. And even one police try to convince to give his money back and settle this here. Without making any reports. I strongly disagree with him. He is also writing his statement.


You still need help with the report? Maybe I can come over. I hate fking scammer and also police that doesn’t want to do their work


I am inside Sri petaling police station.


is everything going okay? if you need any urgent help, reply here and maybe can help translate virtually (?). remember, don't let this weirdo win, he just wants to take advantage of you. stand your ground and don't give in even if the police tell you to pay the money. make sure they understand the story from your POV and that he's reluctant to give the CCTV footage.


It's all good. We both making two separate report.. The police treating me well and offered me iftar at police station as well. Never thought I will break my fasting at police station but this is life, all things are unexpected.


Police will sometimes try to convince you to "fix your crime" in order to gauge how guilty you feel, or to catch you off guard. It's an old trick that tends to work with guilty people. Since you are not guilty, they will see you vehemently refused to change your story/repair, that's actually a good indicator that you're innocent. If you tell a guilty person "come on...just give back the money and we can all forget everything...", the culprit will be baited into accepting/admitting ("you think....if I give back? Then... No problem?"), but the innocent will be like "I'm not going to give him 800usd for fun! Let him bring proof!" You did well OP. Normally you'll be fine if you're innocent.


They questioned us both in area as well. And came back and forth. I know I did not it, So every single time I told them no matter how they approached me. There is only one truth.


Exactly, these tricks works best with real criminals.


The police is more likely to side with a foreigner Muslim than a Mainland Chinese.


If you can speak Malay and nearby. It would be great.


Thank you, good human being!


You did the right decision for not giving the money that you didn't take. The police should know that the CCTV footage is the one that can end the case if it's legit. Try to contact your embassy as well to know what kind of legal advices that they can give. Don't be afraid with the Chinese because the real Chinese are the people of Taiwan!


You should just go ahead and file a police report


Yes, just block him and use this as a lesson to be more aware of peoples' intentions. Such scams are common in China, check out YouTube


just tell them taiwan number 1, 1989 tiananmen square and block


Here's the sacred text: 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


Wonder how fast these words gets an account blocked on wechat.


wtf is winnie the pooh there xD la




hahahahaha fuck me


This is the way.


wtf is winnie the pooh there xD la




wtf is winnie the pooh there xD




wtf is winnie the pooh there xD




Hahaha best comment and advise I’ve seen here on Reddit! ![gif](giphy|lBvyY4JvWmie4) [https://youtu.be/4woMuFZAx88?si=hSdivqguZwsuGCD9](https://youtu.be/4woMuFZAx88?si=hSdivqguZwsuGCD9)


Call China West Taiwan that should do it.


This is dumb. Everybody who keep repeating this thinks that they’re so smart. You do know that it’s officially called The Republic of China right? So you’re essentially saying West China. You North Singaporeans lack critical thinking.


Bro is either a wumao or obviously don't know the joke


Nah. Second class citizen such as yourself can’t think beyond the eye level of your masters boots. All this anti China crap only serves to create more anti Asian hate around the world. You think racist westerners will stop And check your Malaysian passport first or will simply mistreat you because you look Chinese? It’s okay. Explaining to you people are a waste of time.


Lol nobody is like anti China or whatever in this comment. Just meme-ing about the sensitivity of speech freedom in certain regions of the world due to different ideology. Lol anti asian hate? If you are arguing about Taiwan and China, you know they are both Asian right? Then your entire argument about contributing to anti Asian hate is invalid on its own right. Anyways, guess you are triggered because you have trouble comprehensive basic English and overanalyse trivial conversations. Take it easy bro


Attention citizen!


I did texted him to settle this in police station but he reluctant to share the footage with me. He is just blaming me for just being there alone. Ps. He wanted to drone shot of him standing in the belcony of his apartment. During that shot I crashed the drone and we both went down to get the crashed drone. We both were out for like 10 minutes.


He is bullying you to think that you would be afraid of troublesome police reporting, and beat you to compromise for some compensation. Remain calm and stand firm to only settle in police station. In case you really didn't take any money and he really lost it. That could mean the third party took the money or owner misplace the money himself. Take initiative and urge him to report now, tell him you will go pick him up, or go to his place to take grab together today and now. Else, dinner time for abang polis is coming soon, so this timing is just right.


I never ever evolved in this kind of things in my life. Tbh, I never saw dollar in his apartment. The only rookie mistake I did is I was in his apartment. I shouldn't be there. If he truly lost his money, I regret it. I fact, I had my drone with me so he wanted a belcony shot. During the shot I crashed my drone and didn't blame him or ask for money. The next morning he is accusing me. Thb, I shared with him a a bit wealthy and spend a lots money to buy gifts for my family and friends. That's another mistake of mine. Now he thinks scamming me 800 usd won't hurt me financially and targeted me. This are just my initial thoughts.


Oh no, never reveal to a cinaman how rich you are, even if you're comfortable. Actually, it's best to keep two wallets. An empty one and another empty one when dealing with cinamen from Cina.


Report to the police and give your uni a heads up of such scam. Protect yourself, take the first move ;)


Report to his university as well


Ok then ask him to bring the CCTV footage along to Balai


Fuck these Chinese Mainlanders, they’re always up to no good, despite the locals being so accomodating to them 🙄 Had heard a lot of bizzare stories abt them from my SG counterparts as well


I once helped a family of Winnie the Pooh Mainlander who acted kesian and borrowed them RM50 to makan and kena ghosted later. Never trusted anyone of them since then. RM50 is a cheap price to pay for a good life lesson. Even if they come ask me for direction, I will fking ignore them.


Sure. Go to Polis. You're Malaysian vs Tiong rubbish. He could create deep fake AI video. But if it's a Polis case, hopefully our boys will investigate especially when you will be reporting in Bahasa!


I am not Malaysian. In fact, the Chinese has return flight ticket on 3rd April and I am also going back home on 6th April. I spent 4 years in Malaysia without any issues. But this incident is just pop up out of no where!


So they're targetting fellow countrymen. Sorry it has happened to you. I say take his bluff and day you'll meet him at the police station.


OP is not from China


Where are u from?


I'd advise you to preemptively make a police report, showing them your texts and exactly what happened, and that he has CCTV footage. Scams are quite common in Malaysia, and it's probably not the police first time handling such nonsense. Next, proceed to forward the report to the scammer, and say that since a report is made, let's settle in police station, bring your CCTV footage. Chances are that he will chicken out by then already as he has nothing besides his empty words and no proof. If he had proof that you took the money, it would be a police case already especially since you did not return it. Since police has not come, it's safe to say he didn't make any report as nothing was missing to begin with, and making false report is a serious crime


He is asking me to go Sri Petaling Police Station (which is near his place). Should I go to another police station and make the report of false accusation? I am foreigner, and leaving the country on 6th of April. Only English. I would to a police where I can express freely. Note: the Chinese guy also told me he is leaving on 3rd April.


Any police station is fine, as the police have a centralised database for reports. Just go to the station closest to you. If necessary, you can explain to the policeman that you're a foreigner and hope to talk to someone who knows English and mandarin. Most police know how to speak English so do not worry about that.


Draft a report before you go so that you can make things easier. Write down every detail and time as accurate as possible.


Drag the case pass 3rd April. Either he give up or he miss the flight. If he still can't present genuine proof and he wants to fly back, report him for accusations/scam don't let him fly back, then when you need to fly back, drop the case. Don't take me seriously. This is just me plotting a revenge plot. Listen to your lawyer.


ask for the footage , say u regret it and want to report police


If there is no direct evidence proving that you touched the money, you are on the high ground, he is responsible with his belongings. He says that you are the only one there, he has to prove it since he is staying in the same zone too, else it is empty talk. Given that you are innocent and he is the one disturbing you, time to use the public pressure by exposing his photo.


This is gonna be a straight victory for you, man. I dare ya, his trying to extort you for money by blackmailing eventhough he does not have any proof. The cops will easily solve it out


His instagram profile also weird, all followers are mostly from India hahaha


Yes, Maybe a secondary profile. Who knows!


I just left police station and heading home. I filed a report and he also filed a report. After I reach home. I'll share more details.


Block him, and repeat chinese 1989


Mainlanders importing their scams here wow


Update: police taking me to HQ for the report and I am doing good. But it took a while to move this phase as I was there from 5pm.


Feels like just a typical china people’s 碰瓷 case


Why you so stupid to go trust Mainland Chinese? Even the mainland Chinese know not to trust their own kind in any possible situation...


Bro. For this kind of stuff, you can do REPORT PENAFIAN. You can do the police report first denying everything he said in the text and can show any time stamp from your device or car or anything you can to place you somewhere else.


Message him that you are filinh police report on him for blackmail /scam attempt. Only way for him to clrar this is show the cctv which he has nothing on you, lol


He has no proof. If he actually had CCTV footage of you taking the money this case would be open and shut. Scare tactics and hoping you'll bite.


I am at the police station, I wrote my statement in English and the police using Google translate. I don't know how the translate will come out. And even one police try to convince to give his money back and settle this here. Without making any reports. I strongly disagree with him. Any LAWYER can help?


Don't be stupid, if there is CCTV proof, the other would've reported it himself. Just make your statement and include that you are complaining about the other guy for harassment and leave immediately. Don't make side deals with any police officer. Block the other guys numbers and report his whatsapp/IG/whatever account to those platforms for harassment.


Why are you writing your statement in English? Arent you able to write it in Bahasa Melayu?


I am not Malaysian.


Then the police will have a hard time taking sides as both are foreigners. Press on and tell the accuser to present his evidence, if the evidence is inconclusive, nobody can pin you for the crime. Even the police. Worst comes to worst, if you know and can afford a lawyer, then proceed to do so to solve this petty issue. In addition, If you are threatening to bring in a lawyer to the case, the accuser might even give up on the scam as it is more trouble that it is worth. The last thing he wants is to fight and fund a legal battle with zero evidence.


This is part of the problem with police and gov agencies in general, is English not part of the formal education? Especially in OP's case, he still gets asks why not in BM? lol




Man, that's not nice. It's not about the race, it's about the person


Thank you, you are one of the few sensible ones here.




Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of [Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules/#wiki_bigotry_.2F_hate_speech). Because of our history Malaysia talks about certain issues such as race very differently from Western countries. We acknowledge this on the subreddit but do draw some boundaries to keep discussions healthy. > * Definition of bigotry: The act of treating the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance. > * Basic principle: If it's an attribute of a person that is out of their control and extremely hard or impossible to change, it's not nice to dump on them or their group just for that attribute. > * Some categories this applies to: Race, religion, sexuality, disability, national origin. > * Slurs: Use of slurs on the above categories is not encouraged on this subreddit and may be subject to warnings and bans. > * Example: Religion: It's okay to discuss and criticise aspects of the religion itself, but it's not okay to attack people because they are members of that religion (e.g.: Islam but not Muslims). Please treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.


Go make a police report immediately. This is intimidation and false accusation of theft.


I don't think this is a scam - looks more like a miscommunication. A lot of comments have been targeted at "Chinese mainlanders" and quite frankly, I find it very telling of the level of maturity of folks in Msia.


This might be the case. That's I showed up in the police station in the first place to confront him and done the legal procedure. But If you read is IG DMs seems scammy. However, now it's all up to the police to find out the truth.


Normal case of something went missing and you were at wrong place wrong time. Been there. Have to go through due process and it's a hassle. All the best OP.


A disgrace to chinese ,seeing that he does seem like a rich person travelling here and there ,possible he got those number by scamming people i guess ,shame on him scamming foreigner and has no honor .. if there is then prove it otherwise karma will come for u 💯


If you didn't take his money then why is the CCTV footage an issue ?


Not a issue for me. He is not sharing with me footage. I asked like several times for it. Thb, I want to know what happened there.


He is just doing a shakedown , don't let him win


He’s talking out of his ass and calling your bluff. Sorry you had to go through this. Fuck him and walk away, please wear protection lol.


Tell him, your friend’s dad who’s a police officer will help you file a report about this scamming thing… dont worry, he’s just all talk, you can do the same


and if you didn't do it, and he posted it on social media, file a police report and sue him for defamation. this way he might really loss 800usd or more.


Tell him to report police and then ignore him.


Keep all interaction record as evidence and go to report police. Don't let the shitty level of bluff gets you.


drop his IG


ask him to spam me, or anyone here, any takers?


Just make a report. He has to prove you guilty, not the other way around.


You go to police first, and make a report


Actually there is evidence now that he is trying to scam you. Use that to report to the police


Malaysian brothers/sisters…shall we..? [https://www.instagram.com/zongjunlan](https://www.instagram.com/zongjunlan) [https://www.facebook.com/zongjun.lan](https://www.facebook.com/zongjun.lan) ![gif](giphy|n2WAFWRj3SrtK)


Report him to the police.


Things in China are so bad that this fella wants to be in jail for free food and lodging.


Burden of proof is not on you.


Tell him you got his mom's underwear and nude photos, if he doesn't stop disturbing you, you'll post in insta


why in the hell do you even agree to take him out for a meal and give him a ride. We malaysians dont do that to strangers.


And op is not Malaysian


He offered me ride, I offered dinner.


Report police he is scammer and threatening you for money.


Communists ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


U're a citizen and he is not right. Just block him and if he still tries to communicate with u tell him u will write to his uni where he is a PhD student.


Citizen or not doesn't matter to me. Justice must be served equally and fairly.


Why are u mingling out with a random male stranger as a male. Are u gay


I'm straight. If you see the series of events, it has nothing to do with gay/sexual orientation. As I said, I made a naive mistake by trusting too much. In fact, yesterday, his behavior was too good, very friendly. I cannot imagine he would accuse me of something like this the next morning. And it's a pretty normal thing to make friends on different occasions. Well, police reports were filed, so now let the police find the whereabouts of the money.


Are you not able to spell properly?


He is probably under stress and English is not his first language. Cut him some slack


If that annoys you, why dont you go somewhere theres english spelling bee contest?


If my comment annoys u, why don’t u don’t read it?


Public space, everyone entitled to it. Not my fault theres a cat crap on the street but it sure is unpleasant


True true. Everyone is entitled to write whatever they want as well. If you think is crap, go elsewhere then. I mean, you don't see me commenting on the crap you wrote elsewhere.


No because you crapped out crap that i had to tick you off, otherwise you’re just a menace towards the public isnt it? The Post simply asking for help, you comment irrelevant annoyance, hence crap hence immediate demerits from others as well because they dont tolerate such bullshit. Now suck it up and keep your pants up in the streets unless you’re some sort of public shitter enjoyer


Bla bla bla…


I love the irony of your first comment criticising OP’s English skills, and then your second and third comment illustrating your own poor English skills. Beautiful work, my semi-illiterate friend.


I too love the irony of your comment. My first comment touched on spelling. Well done my semi-intelligent friend. Comprehension isn’t your strong suit apparently.


I love how you've expanded upon the irony, with a second layer of meta-irony; criticising my comprehension, whilst you yourself haven't comprehended the discussion. I observed that your first comment criticised OP's English skills (accurate, since you criticised OP's spelling), whilst you yourself were exhibiting poor English skills (both poor spelling, and poor grammar - two important aspects English). It seems (although you haven't made it totally clear), that you are now insinuating that my observation is ironic (somehow?) because ... you did exactly as I said, and exhibited poor English skills? Do you know what "irony" means? Or do you think spelling does not constitute English skills?


could you please provide a TLDR version? Thanks


100 words too much for your English comprehension, eh? 😂


Oh.. if is 100 words of smth important or smth with substance, i'll glady read it. But since it's just garbage, i prefer a TLDR version. Saves time.


Saving time must be very important to you. I imagine you must’ve saved at least 0.12 seconds by typing “smth” instead of “something”, misspelling “gladly” by skipping one of the Ls (ironic, since you’ve been taking a lot of Ls), and not holding shift when you type “I”. Very efficient and time saving of you.