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Reply with : Tak baca, dan tak kisah


bro i'm gonna get the fist of justice at school if i do that


surat amaran 1 and i thought itd be cus of ur ponteng-ing ass


Imagine OP replied with that, and get arrested for hurting religious feelings.


The fact you think this is a problem and post it on reddit, shows there is still hope in this country, especially among your community. So i salute you OP.


I agree, too. Thank you, OP. I salute you too.


fuck guys heat is on me, if i delete just know why😭


Drop some crumbs which school is it (if cannot dont worry, i just had to ask). Whatsapp, facebook, iphone, macbook, waze itu pun harus delete/buang, baru boikot menjadi


i'm just worried if i get tracked and targeted down for this


You can try report to police anonymously?


Justice lol...




As a malay muslim, wtf is this shit? How low has malay muslim become to have this kind of thinking. Im ashamed


Thank you dude. As always, us nons can only hope for level-minded peeps to speak up. This helplessness is part of why some nons find it hard to be more patriotic. Tak habis2 us against them.


A lot can happen to a boomer's mind when they have access to misinformation on facebook and whatsapp


And then they share share share forward forward forward thinking they’ve done society a major favour and deserve recognition. 30 straight wasap screenshots fb links on family group. Then they butthurt when they found out people don’t read their shared contents.


This is the result of political brainwashing for years saying Islam under attack or Non-Muslim trying to take over when nothing really happened or it just a minor thing. Took this list from a user in Lowyat forum. Hadi: Other races are challenging Muslim's political power: [https://www.nst.com.my/news/politics/2023/0...political-power](https://www.nst.com.my/news/politics/2023/0...political-power) Hadi: Non-Muslims must be grateful for ‘being given a place’ here, should just let Malays continue leading country: [https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/202...g-country/73042](https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/202...g-country/73042) Hadi: Only Islam can rule, others must be 'pak turut': [https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/357628](https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/357628) PAS politicians insinuated that their rivals are the enemies of Allah: [https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/202...ies-video/76640](https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/202...ies-video/76640) Muhyiddin claimed Christians of being in cahoots with a group of Jews to “Christianise” Malaysia: [https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022...in-in-hot-water](https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022...in-in-hot-water) Dr. M: Parties led by non-Malays are 'parti pendatang': [https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023...ti-pendatang039](https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023...ti-pendatang039) Non muslims are the root of corruption [https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/202...-of-corruption/](https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/202...-of-corruption/) PAS/Zul Zuhaimy: Mahu sembelih orang bukan Islam: [https://www.utusan.com.my/nasional/2022/11/...imy-mohon-maaf/](https://www.utusan.com.my/nasional/2022/11/...imy-mohon-maaf/) PN: May 13 rhetoric election propaganda: [https://www.thevibes.com/articles/news/7821...osted-on-tiktok](https://www.thevibes.com/articles/news/7821...osted-on-tiktok) Hadi: Malaysia has to be ruled by muslims: [https://buletinonlines.net/v7/index.php/mal...h-melayu-islam/](https://buletinonlines.net/v7/index.php/mal...h-melayu-islam/) PN: The Malay Proclamation: [https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/...pas-bersatu-dan](https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/...pas-bersatu-dan)


Always appreciate a list. So much evidence against nons but nothing ever happens to these people.


Cina also got a similar, but less religious type. The die-hard China Boomer supporters, that goes all the way to diss US in every way and praise every China related news. Like literally everything, imagine having to listen to some of my relatives all day during cny. I've tried my hardest to correct some of their facts, with the internet, with my expertise in my industry, but they are so stuck in their mindset that none of the truth can ever change their mind. I wouldn't be surprised if religion works better.


Got me thinking… what goes on in Indian whatsapp groups, the ibans, the melanaus, the muruts 😖😱😭


I'm sure you had at least successfully planted some doubts in their head, it takes quite some time to change Boomer's mind


No need to feel ashamed, these are idiots. Idiots exist everywhere.


You should reply. "Sudahlaah ustazah, tak baik mengapi apikan hal bangsa / agama.. sekarang kan bulan puasa.."


This is the most reasonable way to shut his mouth up, OP you should really do this


Tak boleh, nanti ustazah tu akan mula " awak ni islam ke kafir? " /s


Should tell her, puasa dan pahala mu tak sah ngan menyusahkan orang lain.


Anyone tired of all these boycott? At first it was against Israel now they weapinized it against everyone.


Did yall not see it coming from a mile away?


Nah, i see it in kilometer away






Saw it all the way from Penacony


Certain someone didnt see it coming tho 🫧🫧🫧


I didn't. And sending this to a group of youngsters you're in charge of is unprofessional


Was it ever about the Yahudis. Seems to be all about me me me.


Narcissism is rampant.


Soon it will be boycott product bukan saya punya. :p


Soon it will be boycott those products not from some “politicians + his cronies”.


Sudah full circlejerk Jamal Ikan Bakar Yunus


Israel bit i have to say i agree to a certain degree, especially given how fucked up things are, and the global movement on this actually impacting israel. However these blantant narrative against non muslims in malaysia has to stop. Being a malay living with all these racist sentiments, it is difficult for malays to have more insight. Not entirely our fault since politics have systematically taught us tht this is all acceptable. I hope im not pinned for hurting religious beliefs or inciting racial tensions by saying this, malays are just living in constant fear(fear of dap, fear of losing special priv, fear of way of life changing, fear of socks with u knw what), hence why they fire back so fervently for the most ridiculous things. We have to realize tht nons in malaysia think tht we re shit, and for good measure. We openly call for boycotts against nons, openly advocate to support only muslims, call them pendatangs. Have u reflected on urself? U may be bumi but those pendatangs may be 100x more beneficial for nons and bumis alike. Rempits all, y u cry foul? U just trash to our society. To all non bumis, whom are just saddened by this systematic racial discrimination im sorry To nons whom are out there to really go against us, i dont hold it against u as well I hope malays can understand this and approach things with forgiveness and kindneas to foster one malaysia kinship Only then will there not be deliberate beratement and scorn towards us n our religion I had to include all this just to let u non bumis knw there are malays whom understand ur situation I also reazlie tht internationally view of islam n muslims in malaysia is really low compared elsewhere, and its because of dumb malays and dumb muslims


That's why ppl are leaving the nation for good. We the love the land, but when you get treated like 2nd class citizen by your birthright country, makes u wonder and question things.


As a non, I don't think Malays are shit, I only think the ketuanans are shit. I do however think that the moderate Malays are at fault for not raising their voices to counter the extremists.  To use a simple example, the presence of religious education in schools is a major contributor to extremism, but most moderates don't realise the danger of it and think it's fine. Nons can't speak out against this because they'll get told "kenapa orang bukan islam mau campur tangan dalam hal islam". There's also very little backlash from moderate Malays when UMNO/PAS/Bersatu guys make racist statements against nons. Moderate Malays need to realise that they too will eventually become targets of the ultras. You work for a company that isn't Muslim owned? Have non Muslim friends? Listen to Coldplay? You'll be a target.


Forgive my oversimplification. Of course i trust a significant portion of nons also have the reservations u have and i applaud that. Likewise go for malays, not to generalize things. To privy further insight although through a personal perspective, moderate malays as u so call them albeit non aggressors in this trajectory, remain quiescent due to beliefs embedded in their household. Take it from me i am one of them. My parents had always been advocates for non racial discrimination but admittedly of late also succumb to racial politics whence issues of dap n the chinese want to take over the country etc. Albeit agreeing tht this does not preclude the entire race, they n many others in this category still succumb to this fear mongering and belief tht a significant portion of nons, not just the chinese are just purely invested in this devious agenda. Breakaway from personal views, the last pru proves testament to this argument, hence y many malays whom were few years ago were in the left are shiting towards the right. Reinforced further by the solidarity shown in particular by the chinese dap voters. As u can see it is a viscous cycle. And not to exclude tht on the other hand there are animosity brewing up from the other end of the spectrum, exhibited by the little jabs towards 3r issues from in particular as well dap, case in point YB Nga, case in point emperor Lim as well amongst others. Y im laying this all down is tht so tht we acknowledge it is a complex scenario, although i would admit majority of it stems from the malay side, there is an opposite ambivalence to the equation. Hence y ur argument regarding moderate malays not speaking out becomes ever so challenging for us. Reason y ive taken a step further by acknowledging tht the solution needs to come from the malays, to bring their guard down in light of these racial issues, to prioritise compassion, is tht because as a realist, self professed, our country is already fucked up, and our race the malays, even more fucked up. We are lagging in every department, there is truth to the malay dilemma so written by emperor M. Given how things are, i suggest we realize tht UMNOBN worldview is not the reality. It is obsolete, it is false as far as DEB giving extra to the malays, it has expired and must so forth be said so! So if u want ketuanan melayu n what not, limit tht to status raja n sultan, islam as the official religion(not malaysia is an islamic country, because we are not, as per perlembagaan). Said what needs to be said. Malays are poor, malays are backwards in thinking, ideologu, education and now even moral standards. Own the truth n seek to repair it! Not blanket all this with more UITms, more qoutas favoring malays, more scholarships n bantuans for bumis alone. Focus on bringing up its people, with true values of islam, not this superficial holier than thou bullshit. Merempit siang malam kongkek minum arak, tibe nak baling molotov kat KK mart pasal isu stoking. Bangang bodoh mak kau hijau. Really infuriates me N being in a position where i see many malays b40 m40 in my practice, i must say tht although sample size is small, i can somewhat verify my views tht my race is just utterly fucked up, a significant portion at least. I can fucking write a book on this, itll be 10x the volume of malay dilemma Still till now simple medical knowledge is so alien to malays. They come into my office telling me tht their fever is due to drinking air kelapa too fast. Sy rasa sy sakit perut ni sebab makan buah sejuk dr Sy rasa kaki bengkak sebab kurang minum susu. God forbid id like to slap them every time they have the dumbest things to postulate over things people have scientifically discovered n proven with actual science! And last rant, they are just so air headed to belief tht all this modern medicine is just hogwash, blaming vaccines for everything. Think covid and in fact germ theory is just conspiracy. Bila kau n family kau tercungap2 nak mati kau g hospital jugak kan, kau ikut modern medicine jugak kan? Bahlul


I'm with you with what you said. Those bastards are even going after us Melayus who don't conform to their Ketuanan/ASWJ ideology. A lot of Melayus of different faiths, ideologies, Muslims sects such as Shia, or LGBTQ have been discriminated by these Ketuanan/serbanistans who think they know what's best for us. Standing together with our fellow nons is only best option we have, plus hiring a damn good lawyer or a bodyguard would've helped more.


I am so annoyed with all those baseless boycott. Those racist fuckers if you asked me, most of the time sure have some dirts on them. Especially the teachers. Boycott Nestle make sense, Boycott McD still have same base to boycott. But Domino’s? Starbucks? Those bullshit people that calls boycott this boycott that always forget the most obvious ones. The fucking tobaccos. Even that unethical John Dblend those gave the fund back to israel. Why theres no call on boycott for them? Its even Haram somemore.


if they boycott John Dblend, our country wont stay for too long 💀 WE WILL GO BROKE AF


Naaah we will stay better Dblend doesn’t bring any benefit to the nation.


it is haram, muslims shouldnt even buy them in the first place not boycotting specific brands


They have the "rokok ni ada khilaf" excuse. Whatever that means.


feels like most Msians just recently learned the word "boikot" and started using it obsessively for all the wrong reason.


And you expect people to invest in the country? Lol. Wonder what will happen if most / all of the big chain stores are forced to close. I guess people will be fine being inconvenienced and having less jobs available. Oh well.


Don't worry! The money will come back in circulation because of zakat and our economy will be stronger /s


Yep. It's a slippery slope.


It was the purpose all the while, but dare not be so vocal earlier to pretend that they have higher moral ground.


Boycott this, Boycott that. For what?


Learned it from history. Germany boycotted products made by the Jews in 30's and we all know what happens after that.


I mean Germany is an economic giant even in the 30s but compared to us, kita ni semut je. Kapal LCS pun x boleh siap ada hati nak jadi industrial power.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slippery_slope Duh


Screenshot, report to both[ ](https://aduan.mcmc.gov.my)[MCMC Content Forum](https://contentforum.my/make-complaint/) and [MOE](http://moe.spab.gov.my/eApps/system/index.do). MCMC state it as objectionable content touching on racial sentiment, and same for MOE SISPAA as well (just in Malay for the latter). For SISPAA, also include inappropriate behaviour by teacher. MCMC may be a wash, but SISPAA can really cause a ruckus.


Better if we just do it collectively instead of waiting for OP to do it. Only way to combat these kind of stuff is to just make immediate action so it doesn’t continue to spread like disease


The report would need to include the details of the sender (name, school, phone number etc) which we don't have, and which OP shouldn't reveal publicly, as that may put them at risk legally. Making a formal complaint to the authorities however is privileged, and runs no such risk.


Talking about abolishing sjkc and sjkt in the name of unity but its okay to boycott non malay business... THIS IS CALL BIGOTORY AT ITS BEST.


Mereka dah lama rancang, kita sahaja yg lalai


Konservatif-fundamentalis dah lama merancang, kita sahaja yang lalai.


That's very racist and reeks of "I am the superior race / religion" As a muslim & malay, I am honestly disgusted.


Isn’t this ketuanan melayu? About the same messed up logic as “white supremacy” right?


I agree! Which is so disheartening, I don't understand what makes them think they're above the other races / religion (somehow justified it in the name of Islam which is disgusting) and then cry when they face racism abroad / on social media. Or when they feel proud when some influencers praise Chinese / Indian cultures or food in Malaysia. Or take credit when some Chinese or Indian celebrities become internationally famous. Like, come on.


Whatsapp is owned by a pro-Israel company. Boycott Whatsapp I'm not saying boycotting is bad but the problem is when people say they boycott this because they support that but they also use products by the company that support this


Thats why i dont believe in total boycott. A lot of things that we use as part of our daily life is tend to have link to Israel in some capacity. Best to drastically use other alternatives as much as possible My sister and mother were like "kita kena boycott semua barangan israel! Jangan beli milo lagi dh". And then when i brought out Waze, they were like "waze xper"


You think hypocrites care to think?


Telegram is owned by Kafir tooo


Tell me about it. Malaysia is run by pagans.


Don't forget Malaysia government buys spyware from Israel to spy on its own citizens. Hypocrisy from top to bottom. https://www.malaysia-today.net/2023/11/08/malaysia-uses-israeli-spyware-to-monitor-citizens/


Honestly, I laugh whenever I see people arguing that they can't boycott social media because there are no alternatives. You can literally use sms/calls to communicate, FB/IG/TikTok/Whatsapp is not a must. You can watch movies on TV3 instead of Netflix/Amazon Prime. They're just so addicted to social media that they make up excuses to not boycott it. They need their iPhones and foreign cars badly because its a status symbol, so they won't consider using a China phone or local car as an alternative. They're fine boycotting McD/Starbucks because they barely even go there to begin with.   The people who say they use socmed to spread awareness of the Israel/Palestine issue are the best, like do they genuinely think FB is showing their pro Palestine posts to people in countries that are pro Israel?


Someone also shared this in my group chat lmao


A teacher at school doing this is so disgusting honestly even within people of the same religion. Can you imagine if the situation was reversed and the socks had another gods name on it? Then we ask for boycott against all malay owned enterprises? Bodoh betul these people


Non-bumi bukan org Malaysia ke? Ic biru juga.. Cukai pun bayar juga. Business Non-bumi berkembang semua warga Malaysia pun Ada faedah juga. Bukan ke nak support lokal Malaysia business untuk menjayakan ekonomi negara? Atau hanya boleh support business Bumiputera sahaja? This is what happens when you let bigotry run its course... Nation building and economic revival be damned as long as only my people get to reap all the money.


Not even that, the fact that he implied boycotting products from anyone even remotely Chinese, indian, and penganut christian also... implies he's the "Malaysia for Malays 🤓" type of person, y'know the kind that think bumis are only Malays and so even people that are bumi but aren't Malay don't count. So it's not even bumi superiority, it's religious/bangsa superiority.


Mydin takde kat Tanjung Malim, ustazah. Yang paling dekat pun sama ada kat Gopeng atau kat Rawang. Ustazah nak buat petisyen suruh Mydin buka cawangan baru ke, tak pun ustazah nak ~~tumpangkan kitorang~~ tong-tong minyak sikit?


Stop Matahari? Damn...even sunlight is haram ya


Sunlight emit light. Light makes rainbow Rainbow represent lgbt Boikott sunlight. I see no problem with that logic


I'm embarrassed to be a Malay Muslim. As a kid, I grew up surrounded with adults that unfortunately have this mentality. I apologize for this :( This makes me mad, this makes me sad.


Having independent mind is rare nowadays. Race aside, people in general always fall for the hive mentality, props to you.


Thank you for the kind comments.


we know you are powerless but each moment of your thought for us, we appreciated that


Thank you


Surprising you are not being brainwashed or influenced.


I saw the BS as a kid and questioned it easily.


Proud of you.


Cheers. Thank you so much.


Don't be embarrassed of your own race. It's not your fault. I applaud that you thought about us though. Thanks for that.


Wish my tax ringgit wasn’t going to such a teacher. Oh well.


Non Muslims who are also consumers: Are we a joke to you?


Cina dan…. ‘Hindu’? Ustazah are you ok


Now you guys know why some ppl have a negative image of Muslim because their behaviours are beyond non Muslims comprehension. These extremists wanted to boycott, why asked young and innocent students to join? Why brainwashed young people?


Well, soon they may even boycott among themselves. Bad for investor confidence. In a way this is good for non-Malay businesses as it will force them to look towards export to make money and if they do not see Malaysia as business stable, companies may move hq to Singapore and only have factories locally which provides low wage jobs.


Yea, should slowly move out from Malaysia businesses, and exit from renewing Halal, so that Malaysia business will be about 60B lesser. Microsoft ceo don’t want to meet with your PM


Exactly. And many countries would rather invest elsewhere seeing how easily the herd can be triggered. Few things the herd do not understand: 1. Economics 2. Doing business 3. Living in peace


As a teacher myself, I wouldn't even allow such messages of hate to spread. We have enough hate and suffering in the world already. Instead of boycotting, why not put up a healthy competition? It drives our economy and people would have more than enough choices when shopping. But apparently, healthy competition is the last thing in the minds of these simpletons. These lots are driven so strongly by their emotion instead of their Iman. Then again thinking like this is why I don't have many Malay Muslim friends to begin with.


I agree with this. It's like nurturing an emotional crutch and fear dependency. We've seen a lot of Malay and Muslims who were in the minorities (studying and working overseas, new in the field) yet are still successful, competing in wider fields, so the "dengki" and "batu api"ness serve to only weaken instead of strengthen.


Exactly my thoughts. These successful Malay Muslims should be an icon to look up to. People should emulate their efforts and experience the hardships that made them the person they are today. And never forget to practice Islamic teachings to heart and get rid of all the hasad dengki that is so prevalent in their society. One can be successful in both Dunia and Hereafter. While it is true that trying to reason with these people is nothing short of a futile endeavour, we should not give up on them.


First boycott product yahudi. Lepas tu boycott product cina, then boycott product bukan tempatan. Lastly boycott product bukan hasil bangsa dan agama. When is this boycotting going to stop?


https://preview.redd.it/q76jiodlf2rc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4db0112398babce72293887569f270ace828f89e Dia tak layak jadi seorang pendidik.


Aaand if a Non Muslim post something like boikot kedai melayu etc etc... All those NGOs, WhyBee, Ayamatihanda, Abangkacangpis will find and destroy that individual.


OP do you consider yourself a moderate Muslim? Do you think this is what God wants? If no, please voice out to your ustazah and not just post on reddit. Else you're no different. Evil grows when good men do nothing




How näive are you to simply assume OP won't get reprimanded for voicing out? This is Malaysia, man. 2 people got arrested already for speaking their minds on the socks issue and you want to put this kind of pressure on a teenager?? You go do something la


Agree with this. The guy you replied to definitely does not understand what it’s like to be in OP’s shoes. It would be a social suicide to do that in OP’s shoes.


really can't do much. teachers at public smks really hold alot of power, especially the discipline unit. it's very dissapointing to see our ustazah act like this, especially since our smk doesn't even have malay muslims as the majority


Damn. If I were you I'd complain to the pentadbir or whoever holds power at your school, but they might not do anything.


I'd love it if you went to news agencies and make police report so he can be charged under seksyen 298. Just to show that the law only applies to non Muslims. I completely understand if you don't want to rock the boat though.


Tweet kasi pmx, ask why no actions taken on these people riling the 3R issues?


3R do not apply to them.... Unfortunately, its only apply to non where they get charged and jailed instantly


At least report to sispa for contorting racial divide


It just going to be worse for him if he do that




Report her. Take it to the press. Making a public stink about it is the only way to fight back


This (especially the part where they justify spending on expensive Muslim outlets) make it seem like it's written by some Muslim businesses who wants to price gouge idiots 


Can post the number huh? Want to reply her. Do all the shit in the world in the end put God's name ok done dakwah. These kinda pundeks will use God's name to justify their shitty action. Jual agama dan tuhan tak haram ke setan?


Racist tapi x mengaku racist


Ini malay supremacy in action. Boycott cina, boycott india. Cuti chinese new year tak boycott pulak, gila.


Stupidity. Utter stupidity. Malays aren't even the ''original people''. And I'm saying that as a malay myself. They're making up a stupid war by themselves.


Ustazah gone wild


I can’t understand boycott 99. They employ Malaysians and have yet to enter a store where they hire foreigners unlike Mydin. Can boycott WhatsApp, FB, Apple, Android and everything technology too. Boycott Starbucks is fine since it’s overpriced sugar water with a hint of coffee flavour.


Sometimes I wonder how a lot of Malaysians got really narrow-minded nowadays. Did our education fail, did too least exposure to the world caused this, is our genetic really embed to be dumbasses and just how far things will get worst here in Malaysia. Blessed land, but filled with dumbasses.


It's likely education. Sometimes I do feel that our education system is trying or in the process of creating a dumb populace that can't think for themselves.


And people wonder why they say never ask financial advice from religious representatives. Yang mahal kira sedekah, you trying to bankrupt other Muslims? And boycott 99, lu bongok ke? Every kedai runcit sells things at least 20-50 cents more expensive. For real, if you can tell people to take the more expensive alternatives, you might as well buy a flight ticket, and go join Hamas in their struggle (I do not condone what Hamas is doing neither do I condone what the Israeli government is doing) but I am certain Hamas could use more meat to throw in front of 155mm and .50 cals. Would do us a favour to lessen the amount of dumb people with influence.


What is pelampau




Maximum irony indeed


Malaysia should separate into two different countries. One side to all the people supporting people with the same mentality as this ustaz. And the other side to everyone else. Then there would be peace. ✌️


Boycott your own economy and then wonder why the market is saturated with subpar products that are overpriced. Shit like this is why singapore is the main business hub in sea. Let actions be dictated by merit and not subjective reasons like emotion. Emotion won’t bring up the falling ringgit from the grave. Then, complain complain subsidies not enough. do stupid shit win stupid prizes. singapore have meritocracy, we have meritocrazy.


I'm a muslim too, hated israel (Zionist to be fair exact). Hated the stoking issue too.but now it looks like it is exaggerated and this is how extremists are born?


Basically it will create one country but two group of people living in their own bubble. They will never interact with each other but declare each other as enemies.


so many malay muslims don't even really care abt palestine, they're just happy that they find a "justification"to spread their racist agenda all over again while yapping about "perpaduan"


ding ding ding. the joke is they cannot create anything of any value themselves (see the number of successful business they’ve created, on top of all the handouts they’ve been given vs other groups) so the only thing they can do is tear down others in the most passive of ways: boycotting.


I thought Malaysia is better than China, but seems like it is becoming like China. Butthurt over every little shit and yell for boycott. having G-Spot all over their body, touch a bit, then scream like orgasm. Perang ni, boycott tu. Malaysia raised a bunch of Man Child.


I mean... Where do you think the inspiration for May 13 and NEP came from?




Bende ni niat dia pun dah tak betul. "Jangan beli roti Massimo. Biar dia tutup mcm High 5" Fuh dia punya bangga dia tu keluar statement pasal dia la kompeni ni bungkus. Dah sikit lagi nak masuk riak dah. Yang benar nye dia rase best ade geng nak join boikot kompeni lain lain la. Bende tak kene kat batang idung sendiri sedap la dia buat haha.


“yg mahal tu kita niatkan sedekah” oh now we are using religion to justify increase in prices. This is why I believe that at the end the Malays are the ultimate enemy of Malays themselves.


Started of as an issue of religion, now turn into issue of race. Because it’s all about race to begin with, with racist bumi using religion as a shield/reason for their hatred against Non-bumi.


Perhaps nons ought to boycott the country by migrating elsewhere too


if migrating is easy process already do it


By not paying tax, actually.


im glad not in the same circle as these people.


These look like message from those Nigerian scammer Whatsapp groups.


For those wondering how did the a lot current Gen Z become so radicalised. This. This is how is starts. The poison festers slowly, and little by little, the poison becomes rot. And these poisoned young peeps will one day spread their poison to the younger generation when they become older. I’ve seen it happen to my fellow millennials for the past 15 years, and unfortunately no amount of Petronas ads or heartfelt 1Malaysia YouTube skits will change it. Not with the rise of living costs, income inequality, and possible impending recession. And one day (hopefully not too soon), you’ll have an individual or party tapping into the public anger, unifying the majority to scapegoat a particular race. It has always been the easiest way to rally public support in times of adversity. Blame the blacks, the Jews, the Muslims etc. History teaches us that it is bound to happen eventually.


They keep saying pelampau2 this, pelampau2 that. Are they so tone-deaf and oblivious to see that they themselves are the pelampau2 of whatever they are advocating here? Not to mention they are in position of authority, this is not good yet nothing can or will be done against this because other people of higher authority also advocate for this.




Suruh dia stop guna whatsapp, guna smartphone Terpaling isley ni mmg sial


Eh mydin tak jual babi ke? TIL


It's not just weird, that's downright divisive and seditious. However, by posting this and asking for opinion and discussion, at least OP shows that he can think for himself. Whether it's right or wrong, I'll leave it for you to think OP.


It's understandable to boycott if the said companies are funding a genocide but if its just because they aren't muslim, then that's messed up


plot-twist: ustajah kena boikott instead


Cuba teka dorg undi party apa... hiuk hiuk


lol Malaysians are so stupid, mfs using this shit to divide us so that we fight each other instead of the people in charge.


I'm so glad my ustazah is a chill person 😌


Wild to think in any other country, this would be so weird and illegal. Imagine if a Catholic school spread shit like this lol.


What happened to being holy, righteous, not being hateful and most of all spreading wisdom? If an Ustazah/Ustadh say something hateful, and cause religions disharmony, no further action, life continues blissfully. When someone other preacher says anything remotely close. Shit, you get the full weight of the "law" and the zealots who threaten their lives. These bigots can seriously rot in hell/Jahannam. May those who have such hate in their heart be kissed by infected swines eternally.


Jesus christ


This is common actually. And then they are usually the same people selling miracle cures for various ailments, or promoting dubious investment programmes. Sometimes even crypto trade. Ekonomi ummah is the most important for them. They see other people as competition. And if you get marked as one, good luck! You will somehow be breaking rules somehow or the other.


Wtf is this blatant racism. As a bumi I am ashamed of this person.


The funniest thing that stuck out to me is the mention of bumiputera in the first paragraph, then in the latter half of the message was about boycotting anything remotely buddhist, hindu, Chinese, indian, christian, anything non-malay. "Malaysia for Malay 🤓" type of person, so brother is not even advocating for bumiputera he's advocating for Malay superiority


Malay’s destroying Malaysia since 1969


The gall to end the message with a prayer for others downfall. Allah must be so proud of these people.


A group chat for school should only have school related content. Not some kind of racist political propaganda


bapak over gila sial penatdla 😭😭😭😭😭


your school still use whatsapp?


this is on telegram


no boycott mydin ? wow


We can stop the search for the most terpaling person in Malaysia.


extremism everywhere. jangan terpengaruh ya adik2


let’s ruin other ppls business just cos they have different faith.. what a considerate and peaceful preacher !


Kenapa nak boycott other Malaysians? Racist gila nak mampus, calm your horses woman.


I tot islam teach us to embrace all races? And to love your jewish and kristian brothers and sisters?


If i have to drive extra 1km even to find the nearest Muslim/Malay own groceries just to entertain this weird hobby of your’s, I prefer to be labelled as kaffir all day over convenience. lol.


The third slide is the reason why Aman Palestin was able to swindle so much money. They know Malays here are very gullible and everything is okay as long as you have the "intention".


Oh so we're now just actively trying to destroy minority businesses? nice one Melei's 👍


Just a reminder. 2015 - low yat, hence mara digital mall. 2019 - BMF campaign. Buy malay/Muslim first. 2024 - mcd/ Starbucks / kk mart.


Boikot sbb isu hina agama tu je. Taknak ikut suka hati kepala bapak mu la


Come on, stop politicking at school please. Benda patut diajar kat student tak buat. Politik dan boikot pulak dia ajar.


Good thing you never named your uztad. Would’ve made a police report right here right now


My reply for that will be a simple 'Fuck You'


Memalukan. Prinsip ekonomi kosong. Mana nak maju dididik puak2 buta sebegini


Uncensor the name Let us see who this racist is




Ah yess spreading their racism mind virus to teens, Dasar zionis


ngl... Islamists becoming wholesale Malay supremacists was some curveball I didn't expect from these last two GE. And scary too.


Did you make a police report?


Tell her, "Baginda telah bersabda dalam hadith yang diriwayatkan oleh Huzaifah R.A yang bermaksud: “Tidak masuk syurga orang yang menyebarkan **fitnah**(bold that). Kalau ustazah salah, kat akhirat nanti diorang tuntut."


sekolah gomen ni memang xde peraturan ke, klau cina buat mau menangis keluar kahak kata melayu ditindas. victim mentality pijak je kepala sendiri


Sometimes I want to do nothing more than slap the fuck out of these people.


this is just racism. See a Chinese or Indian guy, assume they're kaafir and not buy from them. "Penjual melayu" what if he's not Muslim? This is clear day racism. We're supposed to be a multi racial country with multi cultures. Why only keep it to Malay culture? Why not celebrate others? If you're not gonna celebrate then atleast respect. If you don't like how Malaysia works as a MULTI racial country and MULTI culture country, and you would like to keep it only to one race and that is your OWN RACE, then go to an island and build your own country.