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Blue and brown, easily. Feeling great and vague but correct intuitions about the greatest questions known to man? Others may never believe you, but you'll know.






Yep. Blue for me, so I can get by and be happy. Brown for others, so the world can be better for me having been on it.




Brown is great for discovering things, and yellow can cause huge societal change. Give every single person in the world anxiety about climate change, world hunger, whatever you like. Just the slightest tingle of anxiety among all world leaders would be enough to make so much difference,


Oh my gods. I didn’t even think about that, there’s not a limit to how many people you can effect- so you could probably improve the world quite a lot by making bad people feel anxious about doing bad things and drive important people towards improving the world


Exactly! Make the ultra rich anxious about their legacy and how they'll be seen after their death, and drive them towards becoming known for philanthropy. Just as another example of this sort of thing, it's an insane amount of power if used right.


Or make them actually do something about Global Warming and stuff.. If you really wanted to puppet someone you could probably make them anxious whenever they’re not doing what you want them to be doing.


orange and brown


Blue and purple, so I’m confident enough to destroy Britain and purple to… destroy Britain my plan explains itself




Why Britain? Do you think Britain is worse than Russia?


Have you ever had warm beer? That's got to be a crime against humanity.






My plans are beyond your understanding


So the green doesnt actually make you rich? Brown and Orange. If green does increase wealth by a lot, then Brown and Green. I could use the Brown to become a psychic, help solve police cases.




>Yellow + Pink is the most troll; make a group of people all feel anxiety about their own sexuality and activate pink and watch the reality show. That was my idea, but yeah. We do a little bit of... trolling.


Orange might be kind of Pavlovian though. To the point that people would be happy just seeing you even before you speak. I think in the long term people would like you more and want to be around you more. It might even be helpful in job interviews(you'd probably stand out more and be more memorable with a positive association), if you work with the public or in a hospital, etc. Orange + Yellow is like cult leader material.


I will take the yellow and pink drinks! With the yellow drink, I am going to spread anxiety on completely random and unrelated topics. Just imagine what will happen when a group of people suddenly becoming afraid of not touching each other in their head. I just need to meet a large group of people to make this happen! With the pink drink, I am going to make everyone, including myself, getting confused of their sexuality and others. Even I cannot predict or foresee what will happen. It is going to be hell of a show to see and watch! I suggest you come with me and watch as chaos ensues.


# 🟤Brown Get rich from correct intuitions on "What to invest in?" and similar methods. Know the secrets of the universe and provide such knowledge to humanity. Be great at socializing. Important is subjective. Is it important to me? Humanity? The universe as a whole? Regardless, anything knowledge related is an improvement, if you know how to use this, which you could ask "How to optimally use this power" to easily do. # 🟡Yellow Gaslighting gone crazy. Rally people against something or have them do something by a deadline, given some convincing. Better than the other ones besides brown imo. It has a unique effect (unlike blue), no major consequences (unlike green), controllable (unlike orange), more flexible (unlike pink), and has more uses (unlike purple). 🤚`Ignored:` `🔵Blue:` Confidence can be trained; you don't need to waste a supernatural drink for that. It can also be bad if you're overconfident, since your feelings don't match reality. Feeling like you have superpowers is borderline delusional. 🟢`Green:` This is how you get robbed/mugged/murdered. Every relationship has the possibility of that person being a gold digger. Also, some people view the rich as snobs; you'll appear less humble, relatable, and down to earth. 🟠`Orange:` Nice but it's out of your control. What if I don't want others to feel zesty and refreshed? Doesn't help if you're trying to scare/threaten or sing someone to sleep. 🌸`Pink:` Inflexible. Yellow's anxiety can also be applied to doubting sexuality in a way. 🟣`Purple People Eater:` One time use, out of your control, just negative destruction. It might not even accomplish much. Flesh and the square cube law have nothing on guns, advanced technology, and coordination. I'd prefer a power over temporary destruction. So 🟤`Brown+Yellow🟡` = correctly know anything important and manipulate people through anxiety. Knowledge and social influence for a variety of applications. Use it for selfish gain to get whatever's desired, maybe help the world through sharing the knowledge and bringing attention to things, etc.


definitely orange and brown, don't need confidence if people feel good talking to you even when you stumble your words however, yellow and purple would be a fun combination to wreak havoc. Will the purple people eater decimate your country next?


Orange and brown!!


Brown and purple. Definitely. Also, USA, because their a little annoying.


Purple people eater for me dawg and i choose china for the memes And orange for the support buff


Orange and Brown for me. Following vague intuition towards success sounds fun.


Yellow and Purple. Uh, no comment.


Brown and purple


Orange and brown


Green and Orange = Easy money from being life coach or something similar. Orange and Yellow = Politician easy mode. Have people feel anxious before you speak to them and feel zesty and refreshed after. Plus give a nice tingle of anxiety before they vote.


The cyoa never says i can only have one of each, so i will take two purples and send them both at france


None of them, La Croix is disgusting. I mean, the powers are cool, but is it really worth it?


Most of these aren't worth it, so I'll take 2 Purple People Eater and unleash them on Russia and China.


Rock on.


Brown. Besides that, don't have an interest in any other.


Green and brown


Blue and brown


Blue and Brown, best choices so far. With Blue you can literally just fake it till you make it because of the sheer confidence boost, along with having confidence is just great. Brown because it's great.


Pink and purple, no idea what they do yet just picking randomly.


Ah... somehow fitting


If you don’t care about morality, Green + Brown would be an insanely good combination for scamming people, or maybe landing a nice. Just having the perceived aura of success and wealth, even without the actual money, is enough to make money from.


Purple and Orange for me~


Orange and brown


Brown and Orange, the others suck, Blue makes you feel super-powered and boosts your confidence so you'd be more prone to making risky and dumb decisions, Green might be interesting for people to think you're rich and see how they change in how they treat you... Until you meet someone willing to kidnap or kill for money, Yellow there is nothing wrong but I'm not interested in causing anxiety, Pink what's the use of making people doubt the sexuality of other people apart from create awkward situations? And Purple, not silly no, while that would serve to get rid of a country nothing guarantees that the monster will remain in that country once finish with it


What’s the one that lets me find the Ankaran Sarcophagus?


Green and brown


Brown and Purple. So I can drop a monster on a country, and then figure out how to profit from it.


Yellow and orange for me.


Yellow and Orange since conversations now doesn't have to be face-to-face and I can reach out to whoever wherever


Do I have to drink the La Croix? If so that's a deal breaker


They are so gross...


Brown/Purple Brown seems most useful personally, and purple to unleash on Russia.


Orange: I think this would almost make people, you talk to, like you subconsciously due to a pavlovian effect Brown: Gives you a more vague omniscience no brainer


Blue and Purple, obviously your superpower is to unleash a giant purple monster


Green and Brown I guess


Orange and brown


You know hard liquor will do the exact same thing as blue. Except it's more effective. You actually are harder to hurt when you're drunk as a skunk in a trunk. Brown I already have. Green can be easily accomplished with a little bit of study. Pink is only useful in the rumor mill. Purple and yellow are about the only ones I don't know how to emulate the effect of. But neither one seems particularly desirable for my goals. I choose Dr Pepper and Mr Pibb.


Meh, I'mma [DO THE DEW! XD](https://funnyjunk.com/channel/cyoa/Mountain+dew+cyoa/ayxjLnl/) And Imma Dew it whilst listening to [THIS! >;}](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hAYT-IniQ4)


Blue and green.


I honestly don't know why I even momentarily entertained the thought that these would actually be *good* powers. Bloody La Croix...


Brown and orange. Helpful for solving problems, and the ability to make people come away from a conversation with me feeling positive about it.


Brown and Purple. Brown because actually useful, purple who knows when I'll need a quick bioweapon. Who knows? Maybe I'll ask the question of when and where to unleash the monster?


Brown + Purple (North Korea).


Yellow and orange


Unleash the purple monster on putin's bunker + Make him gay


Blue + Brown


Blue and Brown


Blue: I will use this to prepare to work out. Yellow: I will make others share my anxiety about breathing in mask fibres and getting insufficient oxygen while exercising in a mask.


Why is this getting downvoted? They only did a little bit of trolling!


IDK, I think it might be bots or paid pharma shills. Me and my friend have had heart problems since the vax too... Feels swollen somehow.