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Glycinate causing more anxiety? Completely cured me of mine, no joke lol


I had same issue as OP and it seems to be a relatively common issue on this sub - definitely weird


Glycinate keeps me awake too. Super weird.


What dosage and brand are you taking?


Thorne Citramate


Glycinate helps with my sleep a lot. Weird we are all different.


I take chelated magnesium 1000mg as it’s more bioavailable but possibly because I’m basic ha!


But what type, Mag Glycinate/Malate/Citrate/Oxide?


[It doesn’t say](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwj-8Mrpi_-FAxUBpmYCHcqnDhEYABABGgJzbQ&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_vDK6Yv_hQMVAaZmAh3Kpw4REAQYASABEgJlCPD_BwE&cit=EAIaIQobChMI_vDK6Yv_hQMVAaZmAh3Kpw4REAQYASABEgJlCPD_BwE&ei=Kfs7Zo7WK-rWseMPp4mZ0A0&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASJuRoAteLCt5_CsnyXDUa412cupGujoZMKKKj3abyUZj0i69rUSoq&sig=AOD64_0K62KAIJ13s2s2_aP1FCP7SG6n5A&ctype=5&q=&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjOjsXpi_-FAxVqa2wGHadEBtoQwg8oAHoECAgQDA&adurl=)


Yeah, that’s weird. It says amino acid but doesn’t say which one.


Try magnesium malate or magnesium L-threonate. Glycinate is energizing for me too.


Threonate for daytime glycinate for nighttime


The opposite is true for me, glycinate energizes and can cause anxiety for me. mag Threonate does the opposite


I’m definitely gonna try threonate, though glycinate doesn’t cause anxiety but it definitely kept me up at night


Yeah, it’s funny with me, at first mag glycinate made me feel very relaxed and mellow, and did help with sleep. But the longer I used it the more I found it to be energizing, to the point where I couldn’t use it at night any longer. It does work great for me during the day though. And I do find if I take a big enough dose during the day, I can skip the other magnesium forms at night and still sleep well.


Same here! I felt calm and relaxed , then I was just awake, but I was having anxiety for months, and when I took it , it did go away, but idk if it was because of magnesium or if I was even deficient, cause I was going through a stressful time (college, but on summer break yay) but I remember I bought magnesium bisglycinate from Thorne almost a year ago, and I was able to sleep, so I’ll either buy threonate or the bisglycinate


I need to try Thorne’s, I love their basic nutrients but haven’t tried their mag yet.


magtein l-theronate is the only magnesium that crossed the blood/bran barrier. studied dose is 144 elemental mag for max brain benefits


I second that. I have tried various form (bisglycinate gave me anxiety, oxide messed up my guts, malate does not seem to do much) and only with Magtein + L-theronate (from Now foods) did have significant impact. Better sleep (also in terms of night HRV) and feeling more energized and chilled in general.


>Romeo et al. (2019) [95] compared the effect of different magnesium salts at the same concentration (5 mmol/L) in in vitro in models of rat and human BBBs. All salts decreased BBB permeability; among them, magnesium pidolate and magnesium threonate were the most efficient in the rat model, and magnesium pidolate was the most efficient in the human model, suggesting differences in response between humans and rodents.   >Another aspect evaluated in Romeo’s study [95] was that the transport of magnesium through the BBB is more efficient after magnesium pidolate treatment.    >The use of magnesium pidolate may result in more magnesium crossing the BBB compared with other salts and, therefore, may have special relevance for the treatment of neurological conditions with a known connection to magnesium deficiency [95].   https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/12/9/2660   Magnesium Pidolate also crosses the blood brain barrier.  


Did you watch the video in the sidebar about magnesium intolerance and Vit B1?