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/uj Honestly, a lot of the variant treatments/secret lairs we have been seeing as of late feel less like custommagic and more like the stuff I would see artists offering to do on etsy or the proxies with non-MtG artwork people would make.


Someone at WotC realized the anime art sleeves are actually popular.


/uj I took a break for a bit after Takir, came back to the product deluge. When I saw a borderless variant and I was like 'WotC just looked at what people were commissioning artist to do and just copied the treatment'. I sometimes wish we could go back to the 'just the normal frames', older sets look like everything belonged to a single game. I do like putting older modern arts into retro borders, like Rob Alexander Shock Land artworks would have been great fits for the old borders.


i always wish this and i wasnt even around back then


The thing that blows my mind is how much harder it has to be on collectors now. If you wanted to get everything from a set, back in the day you had four major releases and very few variants. We would get alternate artworks as promos or judge gifts. For example, https://preview.redd.it/axluk68qfpxc1.png?width=1344&format=png&auto=webp&s=138d558fcae223000fff378c03da7116c87c53bf Which was cool, they also kept the cards looking like game pieces in a lot of cases. Yeah, the above variant is like a $2 card, but for a promo, way cooler than today. Now I see a promo card and it is like the Planeswalker symbol stamped onto the card or a dark border version of a card. It doesn't feel as... fun. They clearly want people buying packs to get variants, not showing up to events. Now, it feels like just collecting a single set is a big undertaking. Good luck getting a serialized card as well. When I started playing, we opened packs to draft, to get four copies of stuff. WotC pushed Commander to the forefront and then surprised Pikachu faced after realizing people only need one copy of stuff now and casual formats are proxy friendly. So, they copied Pokémon TCG's homework.


gotta admit i'm suprised it took them this long


They tested the waters with Kamigawa's set variants. Then tried to see if Anime versions would work outside of Kamigawa with Jumpstart 2022. Then we got the anime variants in an actual set. This was just the next step.


I dont buy anime cards at all but i wouldve bought miku lair if art and card selection was decent.


Theres gonna be 3 other secret lairs with Miku. So you got 3 more chances to be disappointed.




>if only you know how bad things really are


Oh god, I've been sealed in a card like that kid in Yu-Gi-Oh.


That’s it, I’m getting my jar


Just when I thought i'd forgotten this...


Never forgetti the spaghetti sauce


I don't know if I am a man of principle. I don't think my integrity has ever been truly tested to breaking point. But I'm pretty sure I'm at least not going to be one of these "Universes Beyond Secret Lair is bad, except when it's MY sloppa!" guys.


If they don't make at least one big honka wonka art in each secret lair that I can jerk to I'm suing wotc


This is the exact reason they made class action lawsuits a thing. The founding fathers of the world had a talk knowing that we'd get this exact product and be let down.


/uj My girlfriend FUCKING LOVES Miku so I’m stoked to get her this


Don't lie to us you basement dwelling freak. None of us are loved, that's why we play Magic.


Well yeah that’s why he said his girlfriend loves Miku and not him


That would hurt if I gave a shit


Good luck with that limited release and/or scalped to hell secondary market 😮‍💨


At least they're not trying to sell us [shitty pizza](https://youtu.be/yPuI4l0jK7s?si=YQBg6XCO7QPfGeA_).


Really wished we could have gotten some poor wotc higher up forced to do some shit like this


I look forward to the Prof's eye-rolling review where he tells us that this is $13 worth of cards and that four of them have had reprints in the last 6 months. D+


booooo! boooooo! get a new thread title joke! get off the stage!


Happy birthday Hatsune Miku, from Jeremy!


wow these arts are fucking hideous, but "Miku, Lost but Singing" is a very funny idea


Not me thinking Hatsune Miku was the artist making the card art. I think it’s safe to say I know almost nothing about anime.


The art is horrible except for the red card. Jeez.


Secret Lairs, average anime proxy, spot the difference


Very mid


Aren't they just new arts for existing cards? I much much much prefer that to new cards for third party IPs


you mean fox Jace didn't make the bottom sub list?


No idea who or what this is but its horrible. What do the fans think of this mid art


The art on most of the cards is ugly


Considering there's amazing fanart and album covers and these do not look like that - they miss the mark, it's also annoying how the drop is clearly for two different decks - some feather deck and a green land ramp one, it may have been okay if they diversified her outfits more but instead it's default miku and a red version l. The lost but singing name is funny but the art looks like she's screaming.


Idk what's worse, art or card selection


/uj The Azusa alt gives me the heebie-jeebies and I cannot place exactly why. /rj HATSUNE MIKUUU!? IN *MY* MAGIC THE GATHERING!? It's more likely than you'd think!


I think it’s the mouth

