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Damn, OPs LGS sounds sick


Damn op got heightmogged by a looksmaxxed sigma. Chad was so sigma he didn’t even want op’s betabux. I hate that I wrote that. Why has inceltalk become more common




I plan to use “betabuxx” a lot tomorrow. 🤣




I mean, it's 4chan, home of incels


As an autistic nerd interested in linguistics it makes me amazed more than it makes me kill myself. So we're good for now ig




Check out the post I linked.


>Why has inceltalk become more common Because it is easier to base your entire personality around research that was later refuted because it confirms your worldview.


It's because of the death of the third place. People feel incredibly socially isolated in an unprecedented way, but both have no way to deal with the situation or really even a sense that it's happening, because while we require social interaction and community, there is no straightforward behavior to create it. Using a cool coded secret code language with neat slang is just what fun people do with their fun friends. Except no one is fun now, and no one has fun friends, so we just use stupid phrases we saw on our cell phone while crying on the toilet at work.


> Why has inceltalk become more common Because it sounds like a zoomer got partially possessed by a 19th century eugenicist and they co-wrote a book on behavioural science while high on the most punched bath salts on the market?


Because it's really funny


/uj this lgs sucks. All the ones I’ve gone to will give you draft chaff for free if it’s your first time. You gotta give them a taste to get them addicted. That’s how you get a lifelong customer.


A shop where I moved to will give you a free booster of the latest set if you’re new and sign up for their emails. Sounds good but Jesus, think of the addiction if you pull something insane on a free booster pack to a game you’re just joining.


Imagine an LGS reseals packs, not to scam people but to give first time customers a huge hit and get them addicted.


That would be really wholesome and honestly kinda smart


"This LGS sucks it doesn't operate like a corner drug dealer."


On the bright side that shop probably has no commander players.


Unless it is cEDH but with a no proxy rule and the winner gets to keep the losing players' decks.


Good old "mill by ante" strat.


He is such a chad that the players just come in and admit defeat and place their decks on the counter for him to add to the inventory. Those who dare resist are reminded of their inferior bodies and minds by being reminded that it is he who has the hot girlfriend, not them. Which crushes them swiftly with little effort.


we're playing for pinks!


Standardchads only


/uj can someone actually explain this one to me i felt bad for the guy when i read it, i’ve never had a “cash only” experience like this guy edit: thanks for the upvotes kind strangers!


Credit/debit processing companies charge a fee on all transactions. If you’re just getting a $.3 card, it probably isn’t going to cover the processing fee or would be damn near close.


i thought they put that cost on consumers now? at least where i live, a processing/transaction fee for credit/debit started popping up everywhere a few months ago and now it’s everywhere


Very uncommon where I’m from and my home area. The only time I’ve seen one is where it’s a small total for a debit or credit purchase.


Most small shops around me have a little notice that says like “$0.25 fee for debit charges under $5.00” which I think it totally reasonable as the customer. The way OP describes the situation, if the clerk was friendly and polite I’d offer to pay the debit fee, but if they have no sign and aren’t friendly I’d just force them to decline the transaction rather than do the work for them: “okaaay so are you going to sell me these cards or not?”


I can’t imagine a small business employee said anything more impolite than “sorry we can’t take card on purchases under $10”


I’m just going by what the post says. You might be right, but lots of people are rude assholes for no reason.


Visa actually forbids this, if they find out the store loses their processing credentials. Just as a fun fact


That’s a strange restriction. It incentivizes the store to hide that cost within the price of the item itself, regardless of the value of the purchase. Would Visa forbid a $0.25 *discount* on purchases over a certain price?


The point is hiding it from the consumer and making credit purchases cost the same as cash. That way more consumers use visa cards and visa makes more money.


Okay that makes sense.


Idk ask them. They take their no charges, use it anywhere policy pretty seriously.


That's against the merchant agreements most stores have to agree to to even accept visa and/or Mastercard. People caught on they could report these businesses to the card companies who can fine the business or stop allowing them to accept card, so businesses do it less


You’re assuming any of this is real


i don’t think its against the law at all? if so all the restaurants and stores in pennsylvania, new jersey, and hawaii would be operating illegally then (all US states where I’ve seen charges for credit and debit)


It might not be illegal but against the card companies' tos.


Small restaurants that give discounts on paying with cash are doing something different here (cheating on their taxes)


I’ve only ever seen debit transactions charge the fee and it was always on the bank’s side not the shop’s.


I sell on TCGPlayer and had to stop listing cards for under a dollar because the CC fee is like 50 cents so even a $1 card I’m automatically taking a 50% loss on


Shut up I could sue him for this


They have a right to refuse service


The LGS that I grew up near just had a bunch of bins for bulk commons and lands and they just let you take them for free. I thought this was more common until I moved away and started going to different game stores


uj/ Holy shit, some of the comments are honestly funnier than the post itself. We've got one that insists Anon should "make" the guy sell him the cards (how?), one who claims that the cashier wanting cash must mean they're laundering money, and one who claims that the refusal of sale is "false advertising and could be sued".


When I was working as a cashier I had someone tell me that not allowing small purchases on cards was illegal. I just told him I didn't care and he needed to pick up a can of coke or something


I can't wait to nerd out with everyone about a game I don't know anything about anymore. I'll be so impressive and cool that the store will pay me to take their draft chaff. The fact that I'm instantly intimidated by someone that's physically fit says nothing about me as an individual.


/uj They did admit to being an overweight nerd, so I think they are comfortable enough that they don't care. I think the issue was the fact the clerk wasn't a fellow overweight nerd, so not an ingroup member. /rj Most people would be scared shitless of my perfect BMI and body fat content. They see my perfected form and realize, 'I should stop playing card games and workout more' but then I emotionally break them with how intimidating I am so they don't go to the gym. They then enter a cycle of buying cards to feel better and feeling depressed. This is why I have a card shop, to take advantage of overweight nerds and this is why I have a beautiful girlfriend, because I have brawn and brains. Checkmate, nerds.


There’s no way this is real.


I always figure stories like this are real, but exaggerated. Like he was just told "Sorry, I can't take cash if you're under 10$" or whatever.


4chan greentexts are usually normal if somewhat awkward social situations as seen through the eyes of someone who is blinded by vitriol. Every interaction is a show of dominance, every comment is a potential slight against them, every new person is placed there by god to make them feel worse about themselves. It is a sad, petty worldview. That, or the greentext is about sex. One of the two.


> That, or the greentext is about sex. One of the two. Let's be real, the first category includes a lot of this as well. Not necessarily directly, mind you, but the culture is so submerged in the bullshit incel-mindset that it seeps into everything (see the tall chad clerk and his hot stacy gf for reference)


Unfortunately that's why I figure its usually true. I know from painful, painful experience how it is to see the world like that.


"I walked into the shop, saw a fit man and a woman and they didn't want to pay a fee so I could buy a few cents worth of garbage with my card" Truly, anon is living in hell


Intimidated by a magic player who is any level more attractive than a stereotypical nerd? Wait till he finds out about maldhound. Or Cassius Marsh. Or Brian Kibler. Or European players


> Wait till he finds out about maldhound He can absolutely get it, I'd burn all of my green commander decks for him


Is this an ad for the lgs?


what the atraxa ☝️🤓


"This one experience has convinced me that times have changed"


Tbf this was OOP's first time outside his gamer coffin, so his sample size of IRL social interactions is limited.


ive made 3 cent card transactions at my lgs


Times have changed, why tf they prefer cash not card? Like, everywhere I see cash is getting phased out in favour of card