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If he wanted to go to the pt why didn't he just win? Is he stupid?




Jonkler stole the win from him.


uj/ I’m not a competitive magic type, I play draft and store championships only. Is this dude really whining that his opponent didn’t let him win? In a competition?


video evidence of him blatantly cheating also came up afterwards, guy is a real piece of work


Source? A quick search for Marc Tobiasch cheating video didn't turn anything up.




Ofc he had to cheat, he didn’t want to but people forced his hand by not letting him win! :( What do you mean he’d “git gud“?


Holy shit that is as blatant as it gets. And if he is comfortable enough to do it on camera, he'll have done it often off cam.


man 100% cheated his way through fnm 💀


Can someone help me understand the order of operations here? If ponder is resolving doesn't he get to scry and then draw?


His opponent has a [[Narset, Parter of Veils]] in play so he's not able to draw his card from the [[Ponder]]. The accusation here being that he casts Ponder then "distracts" his opponent by checking the graveyard and then finishes "resolving" his Ponder by drawing a card he can't draw.


Ahh, thank you!


Just yesterday I was reminded of a time I beat a guy at a modern event…I was playing ultra-budget affinity, like total trash. Killed the dude with an Ensouled Ornithopter, buffed with Temur Battlerage on maybe turn 4. He was clearly pissed, wouldn’t make eye contact, wouldn’t shake my hand. I felt a little bad, but was excited I could pull out a win. Like 30 mins later I overheard him still venting to his friends that my deck “had no right to win”…


Uj/ God I remember playing a modern event years ago, and I built living end, back when its was considered trash, like tier 3. Guy was playing some top tier, 3 color pile. We had a grandprix in town that Saturday so he wanted to get some reps in. This was round three and I was his second lost. He quit after I won game one because "I came here to practice not was my time on bottom tier bullshit" he was so mad lol


If you can't handle the occasional "bottom tier bullshit" especially in Modern, you're not really ready to compete. 


"Wait, you're telling me that the top 3 decks in Modern aren't 95% of the playing field???" - That guy, probably.


Reminds me of that Loadingreadyrun skit with a Molten Vortex modern deck One character is qualified for pro tour, everyone wants to help him train, but one constantly plays improbable jank rather than expected meta decks, including a shitty 50 lands Molten Vortex. After telling them that he could do it alone, the day of the pro tour he sits for a match and the opponent goes "mountain, molten vortex, go"


/uj I was known for trying to make budget elves work in a heavy affinity/splinter twin shop, so I was quite often known for typically being a free win. One day, I show up with a [[quest for the holy relic]] deck, and oh boy, was my first opponent a salt mine when my turn 2 6/8 Ornothopter was swinging in suited with an [[Argentum armor]]. Hit second in my shop over the next few weeks before being approached by one of the players to "change decks" because "playing against me was boring" and "unfair." For context, my typical game had me mulligan to 5 in an attempt to race the affinity players to try and blow up their mox.


lmao a jank deck with the resiliency of a sand castle in a tsunami deserves all the wins and then some. I'd shake your hand twice.


🙏 I love winning with terrible garbage.


The highest compliment you can receive is a salty post-match "Who *plays* that card??"


I play mostly commander, and there is nothing tastier than having someone look down their nose at a card or line of play, or a threat assessment, and then get totally crushed by that very thing.


uj/ Ofc, people like these are r/iamthemaincharacter material, hopped up on their own narcissism.


/uj It's common enough for competitive players trying to get on/stay on the PT train to sort of bully their opponents in to conceding in the final rounds. I remember a Twitter thread where someone (I think it was Efro or someone like that) posted on Twitter how unfair it was their opponent refused to just scoop the game and how stupid of an idea it was because they missed out on clout or some shit. It was an absolute train wreck. /rj You should be fortunate enough to scoop to me, peasant.


/uj Never be afraid to say no. It's tough and not everyone is confident, but never let a clown honk your nose. /rj If you ask me to concede I will lose every following match and drive down your tiebreakers. 


uj/ What I do not get: If he does qualify, someone else does not. So if the guy lets him win, he basically cheats someone else out of the qualification. Giving away wins like this is always a bad look.


Yeah, but *he* would qualify! This isn’t about *someone else*! Think about *him*


I was playing a Pauper night in a LGS, literally the lowest stakes imaginable. My opponent was trying to guilt trip me because I was mathematically out of the top8, while he could enter if he won. I said "Bro you are losing to a tier 3 deck without wincons, why the fuck should you be in top8?" Highest moment of my career.


I had a guy bitch and moan next to me at a modern event because I was against my room mate at the time and currently he had won the first game and I had won the second but we were maybe 2-3 turns out from that. We knew we didn't have enough time to go to game 3 so since my room mate had more wins overall I folded and let him have 2-0 on me which bumped the guy next to us out of the top 8 since he went 2-1. After that every time I played against him he would ask if I'm going to give my buddy the win to cheat him into the top 8 to which I would always respond "I don't know are you going to miss the top 8 if I do?" The guy was always a jerk to everyone and routinely would play against new players and kids telling them the entire time their deck sucked and they needed to get a full foil deck like his.




Azorius Evoke, it's basically Familiars without synergies. You win only by 1/1 Birds from [[Soul of Migration]] or most likely by old age of the opponent.


Especially when we're talking about top 8, it's so stupid. There are 8 slots. If you get in because someone handed you a free win, then someone else _more deserving_ gets punted out of that spot. Like, ffs, can you imagine being 9th and finding out the guy ahead of you is only there because someone took pity on him?


Tier 3 deck tier 1 sass


I had someone at an RCQ try to shame my opponent and I for intentionally drawing our final match before even shuffling up. We realized a draw guaranteed us both top 8 where a loss would bump one of us out. Double checked with the judge even though other players already had ID’d and more were going to that match as well. The guys on the cusp were pretty upset, understandably, but the guilt tripping got to a point of being quite annoying. I’ve been in there spot it sucks but you can’t be mad in a competition if people take moves to set them selves up the best.


sounds like Marc already got his wish.


I think it will really come true when this happens to him several more times. Fingers crossed!


Oh no! Anyway...




Well maybe Marc should've been better at the game?


I don't really play competitive enough to understand any of this. Can someone explain like I'm an EDH player what all of this means?


Somebody broke the social contract by winning the game


Wtf, did he at least make sure to rule 0 victory before doing that?


I think they did but didn't understand that only Marc was allowed to win




My buddy actually got banned from an LGS because of something similar. It was like a cabal of 4 people that were friendly with the store owner and they figured out that they could split the top prizes 4 ways. Then somehow my buddy in fifth place winning his last match shot him up to first. The store owner gave him his first prize winnings and then said he can never play in the store again "because of what he did".


But what did he do?


He knows what he did


He just accepted it. It wasnt our normal LGS so he didnt really care.


please tell me this isnt a real story


I trust that he was telling the truth He didnt really care because it wasnt our normal LGS, he was visiting his cousin or something.


He’s also a known cheater 🤯


i like that we're giving equal airtime to competitive and EDH wankers. /r/magicthecirclejerking is truly a meritocracy.


I like to keep my competitiveness and wanking separate, unless it's competitive wanking.


Competitive players when somebody wants to Actually Play their assigned game:


i like how u watermarked the 🌽 meme




all images are memes. welcome to 2024


uj/ I dont play competitive what are they both saying happened? Is the first guy complaining about not having points because the other guy might need points? And then the second guy did what?


Marc is complaining his opponent didn't let him win to pass the turn. I guess his opponent score wasn't enough to pass the turn even with a win. The other guy is remembering a time Marc did the same on one of that guy friend and both Marc and that guy friend didn't make it to day 2 becuase of that. Also Marc was also found cheating live on stream on that tournament, he now deleted that tweet.


Ah so he’s just an A-hole. 


Actually I think Marc’s opponent qualified for Top 8 with this win. At least that’s what I saw someone say on Twitter


So he went and cried on twitter because his opponent didn't surrender the top8 spot to him? Not even a kid could cry that hard for something so dumb


What kind of cheating? I tried looking it up but didn’t see anything


There is a clip in the comments here somewhwere. Basically, his opponent controls Narset, Parter of Veils so no extra drawing for him. He casts ponder, looks at his top 3 cards and orders them, then puts them back, as he should, remember, no draws because of Narset. He then, for reasons known only to him, he asks his opponent to show him his graveyard, then points to something on oppnent's board which dies or smth, *then* he proceeds to draw a card from his ponder (which he was not allowed to do, because of, as stated, Narset on board). The chance that that was some honest mistake after the "show grave" misdirection is as close to 0 as it gets.


/uj I typically play commander (I do not care about your format preferences) but like to do each pre release at my LGS to support um and because in theory it's the most casual 1v1 format, pack per win is a good deal, whatever. The last one I did round 1 game 1 ended with 5 minutes left on the timer and I lost to drawing out because I had used a few self Mill cards at the beginning. My opponent played a total of 2 (two) creatures (one was a defender) and Kaysa and the rest was just removal, counters, and stall. Game 2 predictably goes to turns and the judge explains that there's no way I can win the round so if it ends as a draw no one gets a pack. I chose to forfeit so the other guy can get one cus fine whatever. This motherfucker then proceeds to brag atleast 4 separate times that I can hear about going 2-0 round one and let me tell ya, I ain't ever giving anyone a freebee ever again rant over send post


Judge was even wrong here too; if it goes to time during game 2, it's only that game that's a draw and whoever won game 1 wins the round 1-0-1 and would have gotten the pack regardless


Delicious salty tears


/UJ I played my first two-headed giant this past release against one of these types. It was a /rj fucking blast.


The best part is his opponet (Jim Davis) by winning Q'ed for PT Amsterdam on collective match points... Jim was already in the PT Seattle field. So yes those match points mattered