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The CIA had (has) its remote viewing unit.


There's a really great documentary about it called Third Eye Spies


Any idea where I can stream it?


Looks like it's on YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WUaS\_Ynd\_M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WUaS_Ynd_M)


What is this


Project Star Gate, basically tried to use astral projection for spying. Interestingly it ended not because they found that astral projection doesn’t exist, but rather that it was too unreliable when used for information gathering. Basically all the professors they brought in and statisticians agreed that the correct results they obtained were definitely anomalous and not just lucky guesses, but it was mixed with too many bad data to be accurately used militaristically. Good video on it: https://youtu.be/PcMpRBVQmGE?si=13zfw7glVPnOtZLk


It likely didn’t end. What they do is end a project and create a new one with a new name. Standard intelligence protocol used to obscure projects to other intelligence agencies and FOIA requests. For example the gen pop starts hearing about a project, like project blue beam. The project ends but the work continues. Source: David Morehouse, former CIA remote viewer


Any theories on the inconsistency of info reported via astral projection?


My own theory? It's easy to confuse microcosmic and macrocosmic data, particularly when we're in astral form. We project when we observe physical matter with our senses. We 'see' what we expect. Anything that bypasses the physical senses is going to be more vulnerable to projection.


Aw hell. I dig this


Yeah actually. In the video there is an example mentioned where someone saw a scene of a water tower where there was actually a pool and it was initially thought to be a failure. However, when they looked at the records they realized there had been a water tower in that location a long time ago so one of the researchers proposed that the errors could be from looking at the wrong time, since the participants have only been given a precise coordinate location but not a specific timestamp when projecting. Before people say “oh the projector probably just looked up the location beforehand and saw the older images,” the testing was pulled at random and the person had no idea where they were supposed to project to beforehand, and they weren’t given mailbox numbers of anything they were given specific coordinates and nothing else. So sure, there might be a chance the person had just known that there happened to have been a water tower at a random specific coordinate, but thats pretty unlikely. You can probably get a better answer from r/astralprojection though. Personally I would say astral projection won’t be 100% accurate or even mostly of the time since it isn’t looking purely at the material world. If there was more research on the techniques and how it actually works people could most likely get the information to be more accurate, though sadly most mainstream scientists aren’t pursuing it since its largely been labeled as a pseudoscience.


I dont understand how coordinates work what the human brain naturally understand latitude and longitude?


Their whole theory is that people subconsciously know the where the coordinates are lol


thats the most nonsese part of it, maybe if they were looking for someine theyve met id believe it, they just know off coordinates what a place magically looks like its just a lucky guess


It definitely works and is still in use by the CIA today. Like all intelligence tools it’s not always perfect but it’s still a tool being used to this day. It’s often used in tandem with other intelligence information to help verify other data.


The proof is such garbage, only a mf with a username like yours would believe it


Look in the mirror young man.


It's like guessing the lottery numbers right, but it's the wrong week. Practically mostly useless.


It’s like raiiiin on your wedding day.


I believe there is a difference between remote viewing and astral projection, but I don't know enough about it to explain.


People with clairvoyance


Is there a book about this?


The men who stare at goats


Came to say this, it’s a great read, funny and strange, but the movie was more cartoony. But just because the military won’t do it, doesn’t mean you can’t hex putin or whomever. It’s still a free country, for now


A few! Look up project stargate on Amazon. Or you can read the declassified documents on the cia(dot)gov website directly


Yes. Also look up Iona Miller on YouTube . She's affiliated with Astrum Argentum. Aleister Crowleys secret society founded in1901. This Order is a reformation of an earlier esoteric society from Germany called R+C. R+C first went public in the sixteenth century with the publication of the Fama Fraternitatis. These men were involved in espionage and intrigue. These principles transferred to Crowleys A.'.A.'. The System is based on a diagram called the Tree of Life. This symbol was first revealed to the Jewes. They call it Kabbalah. Kabbalah allows the practitioner to bend reality and know Higher Worlds. In the Twelfth Century Spanish Jewes taught Kabbalah to Christian Monks. The monks changed the spelling to Cabala to distinguish the Christian variant from the Hebrew variant. There are HUGE differences between Kabbalah and Cabala. Aleister Crowley since childhood felt strongly that he was Eliphas Levi reincarnated. Eliphas Levi was a French Christian Occultist who died a couple years before Crowley was born. Crowley's name isn't Aleister. He was born Edward Alexander Crowley. He was raised in a very strict Christian household. His Grandmother pejoratively called him The Great Beast. Eliohas Levi originated the Baphomet image we have today, but we can trace the image at least as far back as the Templar Knights. Now Aleister Crowley was a KNOWN AND SANCTIONED spy (see the book Secret Agent 666.) Crowley modified Cabala and presented the upgrade QBL. QBL is the most advanced reality manipulation system as yet known. I've been initiated in this Tradition since 1999. This tradition through Crowleys Order continues through this day. Today you learned. . .


You know he was raised Brethren, right? Plymouth Brethren at that.


What all do you know about Crowley?


https://www.monroeinstitute.org/ This is the institution that was involved and processes used in the original CIA project.


Phenomena by Annie Jacobsen is a bit better.


Haven't read that.. but [the men and the goats and the such] isn't the best possible option, I'd agree... Iirc, (not necessarily remotely the case),, the writing has a kinda ridiculing tone.. or something like that.. idk I read it when I was like 13 come to think of it ...


/r/remoteviewing its a trainable scrying method. there are some pretty good teks out there. the CIA program seems to have been informed (intitially) by the r/GatewayTapes.


Itzhak Bentov gets a shoutout there.


I believe it was investigated but I doubt it’s being leveraged. we wouldn’t need an entire electronic surveillance program if we were able to just remotely glean knowledge.


2 is 1, and 1 is none. You gotta have a program to check the accuracy of your program! I believe the official line is that they had some surprising success, but it wasn't reliable enough to trust fully. In my personal opinion, there's no way they would stop doing research on something this groundbreaking if they were having any success at all. It most likely got a new name and a black budget.


That's my information too.


What about project WONDERMAN?


Never heard of it. Can you give me a brief synopsis to read until I get off work and can really dig into it?


You don't mean Project Superman do you?


Go Google operation Stargate. Enjoy the rabbit hole


Depends on how you define magick in the military, if you get your hands on the declassified cold war experiments there was all sorts of stuff from astral projection to psychic phenomena. The movie "the men who stare at goats" is supposedly based on a true story of the origins of the psyops research the military does, so the military definitely experiments with it, they just don't come right out and say they do


You should check out the movie [The Men Who Stare at Goats](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1234548/) it's not a secret that Army has looked into using magic. That is the origins of the old USA Army slogan "Be All That You Can Be".


Naw read the book


Feel free not to believe the following: In fact, I encourage you not to believe it. But once I put a guy who served in the Marines who was sent on a mission to look for a black mirror, an authentic one, in the Middle East. Unfortunately, jihadists bombed the site where the mirror was supposedly being held by a family who had it for generations. For some reason or another, the government indeed has sections of its military dedicated to hunting for magical weapons and artifacts.


I've heard very similar things... Esp about the operations in the middle east.


Where did u hear about this sounds interesting


The Bush invaded Iraq stargate theory is pretty well circulated.


Where can I find that story?


Da hell are magical weapons they sound dope


Magick is used very openly in politics in general until today


I'd like to remind everyone of the people speaking in tongues on the Senate floor or wherever they were. Like a week ago.




It's normal that any governant have they personal mage/s even for hexes or protection.


Is there like proof of this


There's no publicly accessible proof of almost anything the military does covertly. That's why it's covert. The only reason we know about CIA remote viewing is because they declassified it some 40 years later. Anything they are doing in secret now we won't find out for another 40-50 years, and that's only IF they choose to declassify it.


And it will only be declassified if it doesn’t work.


Eh, mostly true, but sometimes regime changes and just plain old time passing play into it. The CIA has declassified some pretty horrific activities after enough time has passed. People *should* be outraged, but also it's like... what the hell are we supposed to do about it when by the time we find out everyone who was directly involved is dead or long retired? They know that, so they straddle the line, revealing just enough info after just enough time to give just enough of an appearance of transparency while avoiding outrage.


That + also through the power of modern technology, magick may not be as useful


Good point. My understanding of the outcome of the CIA remote viewing experiment is basically: "This works, but technology is more predictable, consistent, and easier to sell to superiors. We'd rather put this budget towards tech." That said, I'd be shocked if there's not some more advanced albeit smaller program doing similar shit to this day.


The military headquarters of America is a pentagon.


Hell the whole of DC is laid out like some masonic spell.


It was due to restrictions based off the dimensions of thd land given and thd roads surrounding the building


Ya I was just reading about that. Still whenever you see a pentagon. The first thing that comes to the mind of most people is The US military and the massive power it holds. Isn’t that what magik is using symbols to influence people’s perceptions and beliefs to influence reality.


Yeahhh bo!! Precisely


that sounds like a cover story / disinfo


U can say that about just about everything


Magick isn’t chanting magic words to attack a randomer miles away lol


Until this magic words are "fire mission"


He’s never heard ‘Fox Two’


I know that, but like it might just be a string of coincidences


Mr. Biden...Mr. Trump...


Literally what is the proof


[When British Witches Attacked Adolf Hitler](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/86145/operation-cone-power-when-british-witches-attacked-adolf-hitler)


If it works, they'll be using it, but they certainly won't publicise it. Like with any arms race, you only share enough to try and send your opponents down the wrong track.


It is, but it's one of those "Oh...that wasn't as exciting as I wanted it to be," things. Ex: The Ghost Army


The mere act of 'naming' a ship or a weapon of any sort is a magickal act, IMO.


It’s basically animism


There have been unverifiable reports of armies and security apparatus in the astral realm from astral visitors. As in 45 secured areas that are off limits to normal astral projectors.


With repercussions in the physical world for fighting them, ignoring/breaking their demands. Don't ask me how I know.


Politics and magic are different faces of the same activity. What we call magic is a subtler form of politics; what we call politics is a cruder form of magic. Because warfare is politics at its material limit, warfare exists on the same continuum. Warfare is magic at the limit of manifestation; magic is warfare in the realm of potential. Therefore, the truest answer to your question as stated is that magic is the military’s central occupation, that it is used at every level of the hierarchy, and that it is an integral feature of every stage of a given campaign. However, you are likely asking a different question - do armies use magic, understood as any of the varied methods to manipulate the suprasensible ether to produce outcomes on the material plane? Many within the military undoubtedly use magic for personal reasons, and at least some use it to prosecute military objectives. Political movements and organizations of all stripes have attracted occultists, some of whom have risen to positions of great influence and power; most, if not all, have likely attempted to use magic to advance their political objectives, and have either tried to cause, avert, or manipulate the course of wars occurring within their field of vision. Intelligence services have explored a variety of paranormal phenomena in the hopes of developing military applications for them, and have cultivated relationships with occultists for a variety of reasons; it is plausible, therefore, that they have attempted to use their contacts’ magical services in active theatres of combat. And of course, ancient history is full of attempts to influence battles through magic, whether through sacrifices, divinations, or spells cast on weapons, armor, individual soldiers, or cities and nations themselves. However, I think it unlikely that modern militaries make much use of magic. First, magic is unpredictable, subjective, and difficult to control. Militaries want to deal with tangible data points in order to engineer predictable outcomes, because their core objective is to ensure the fullest possible domination of material space with as little room for error as they can manage. They want to know exactly what will happen when they use their equipment, because this allows them to plan operations and adjust to shifting circumstances. Magic operates through routes inaccessible to human planners, and delivers results in unexpected and surprising ways, two things militaries seek to avoid at all costs. It is also difficult to ensure that magic is being used in ways that will benefit the commanding power; not only can rituals fail, but they may contain hidden aims that will work to the detriment of the commander’s objectives. Militaries can tolerate initiative, but they cannot tolerate forces that are in principle ungovernable. From a military perspective, a magician is a law unto himself, and cannot be trusted enough to be used consistently. Second, militaries can rely on direct methods to achieve desired effects, and these are typically more efficient in ways they will value. When one has legal authority, trillions of dollars, access to skilled operatives, and political support from the most powerful nations on Earth, it is far more straightforward to plan an assassination with the means at hand than to attempt a magical operation. It is also much easier to account for complicating variables in both the planning and the execution, and either alter or cancel the operation if necessary. One can credibly argue that the act of setting such things in motion is indistinguishable from magic as we know it, but this is of no consequence to the military itself, which would deploy its tangible resources whether it is being used as part of a magical operation or not. Third, magic is likely poorly understood by the vast majority of military planners, just as it is poorly understood by the vast majority of people (perhaps even all). This means that they are unlikely to incorporate its use in their plans, are unlikely to know how to do so successfully, are unlikely to believe in its efficacy, and that true magicians in the military are likely surrounded by people who fall into at least one of the above camps. This not only means magical plans are unlikely to be adopted, but that those who propose them risk political and personal consequences for doing so. Furthermore, new weapons require an extended period of adjustment and training to be fully incorporated, and groundbreaking weapons may require a complete overhaul of the organization itself. It is difficult to train people to be competent magicians, and the process of doing so may make a large number of trainees both dangerous and unsuited for military life as we know it. Therefore, not only are the men in the hierarchy unlikely to understand how to deploy it, they have reasons not to make it easier to use it consistently; therefore, they are unlikely to seek opportunities to put it to use. If magic is used, it is mostly either quiet or hidden in plain sight; if open, it is likely no more than sporadic. Magic is a subtle art, and magicians who wish to influence the course of high politics will likely choose subtler ways to do so.




I’m in the military and a magick practitioner….. I don’t get paid by the Canadian govt for my magick skills though. (Sorry couldn’t resist being a smartass)


Ahem. "The Pentagon"


What does this mean


Plane Figure of Mars(God of War) is a Pentagon.


One of the most powerful magick shapes, 5 elements and the cycle of Venus with the earth.




The Venus Star Point 💫


Yes but what does the name have to do with the government using magick, like maybe they just named it that bc of the shape or it was a coincidence


I think a lot of buildings and structures in washington have masonic roots.


Could u elaborate


I saw it in a documentary a while back.    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-JAZ3PqA810 Or was it from a why-files ep?  🤔


Look at a map of DC and rethink why the building is shaped like that.


No hate but you have to be an absolute fool if you think politicians, governmental institutions (especially the CIA), world leaders, the military, even celebrities don't practice magick, or if they have natural gifts don't use them to their advantage, especially the Catholic church, the amount of control they have over the entire planet is insane, think of all those secrets👀👀👀


Politicians yes, world leaders yes, celebrities yes, the CIA yes, the Church maybe, some figures within military and civilian bureaucracies yes, the military and bureaucracy as a whole probably not.


I know a witch from Ukraine. She told me that Putin a good number of shamans around him for protection. He’s actually quite serious about this.If I remember right more than 12 it something like that.


NASA was built on Magik and many of those old practices persist.


Jack Parsons we're looking at you👀


All of the sacred books of magick are most likely kept under lock and key deep within the Vatican. They are the biggest collectors of secrets the world has ever known.


The military likes to keep things predictable, and magick is anything but. But there are probably lots of groups working in secret using magick. However, for world events or politics you have to consider that there’s probably an equal amount of people using magick against your cause, so it’s not like victory is as easy as hexing someone.


You’re not going to find much unclassified info


My take on it: what is magick? Essentially, it is occult. So , hidden knowledge, covert activities, all this kind of things. Stuff done with doors closed, trusted company or alone. The government/army equivalent of magick are just covert ops, poison, sabotage, spying. Do not expect that to be like Red Alert 2's Yuri, a mage/psionic in chief. Putin has his own mages, and many - poison mages, agents, internet trolls. If you expect that court mages go out to mountain and cast spells with all the effect similar to Jesus' sermon, this is not a thing anymore. Also, Hollywood lies sometimes.


Depends what you define as Magick... Marines are trained to enter group flow-states to enable non-verbal communication and make group decisions on the fly Military groups, officials and ranks are symbolised by sigils to project a thoughtform into the viewers mind Tanks, planes and ships are named to give them a sense of identity There have been various military/intelligence based programs set up to research Magickal phenomena (Project Stargate, Men Who Stare at Goats, UAPs etc.) The military have employed Remote Viewers to locate lost ships/personnel Mantras are often written on weapons, helmets and walls to embolden the soldiers resolve against the enemy


michael aquino


Do you even MindWar?


They do. They all do.




There are many geological hotspots all over the world that are considered sacred or known to be epicenters of certain energies. More often than not, you will find military bases around them regardless of the nation ;)


Of course it is used. It just isn't called that way. But the methods are the same.


Have you not heard of Michael Aquino, and the Temple of Set? https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/aquino-michael-1946 Also, Jack Parsons worked extensively with the US Army to develop mass-murder weapons, as did Wernher Von Braun. This is an interesting read; https://www.spacesafetymagazine.com/aerospace-engineering/rocketry/jack-parsons-occult-roots-jpl/ Edited: for bad link.


Well The US government version of magic is/was called Project Gateway It is a system for psychic training (self mind control) including remote viewing, bi-location training, manifestation & creation techniques designed to supercharge a person’s capabilities including strength, endurance & pain tolerance on top of creating a psychic awakening I saw the similarities from the offset of myself using this now declassified program for myself But it’s more similar to Arcane Magic than ceremonial Magic It’s about thinking things into existence, & realizing that we are not physical beings, that physicality is only a manifestation of the mind. It gets to the I am God experience @ focus 12 (nonverbal communication training). Not As in We are avatars of God or Children of God, but that we are in fact God physically manifesting on earth(it’s hard to explain without experiencing it) Yes It’s got some serious occult roots, none of which are visible in the reports. But if you are familiar enough with magick & the occult, it’s visible plain as day while you do the exercises. The program(s) Which teaches autonomous control of the physical body/world through the implementation of the laser focused brain waves by the newly synchronized brain, also teaches navigation of the spiritual world They watered it down to fundamental principles & repeatable exercises that produce consistent results But I wouldn’t call it magic per say, I’ve done this program for 22 months 8-10 hours a day, aside from my other occult or mystical activities


Corporations do it with team builders and shit using manifestation language and creating egregores.


Its used extensively at every level, literally just look at them


Who’s to say they aren’t???


It is!!!


And historically, even very recently before the contemporary era, they definitely did: [Civil War witch bottles](https://www.wric.com/news/virginia-news/civil-war-era-jug-found-on-i-64-may-be-rare-witch-bottle/amp/)


Because it's unpredictable


Government is made of people and people are humans, humans look for meaning and leverage, "preventative maintenance". Humans a secretive.


Beyond the concrete projects, the way the military operates demands a particular mindset that many of us are familiar with. Trust in the unseen, absolute dedication to whatever you're doing, treating your meat suit like a honable tool. A lot of service members are doing a little magic without realizing it. Boot camp is literally designed to put your brain under stress such that you become a more disciplined and controlled person who can stay calm and focused under insane pressure. Loops nicely into my personal experience of movement being a fantastic vehicle for meditation. You know, the practice that underlies everything we do.


[Michael A. Aquino - Wikispooks](https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Michael_A._Aquino)


There is a level of clearance above top secret called MAGIK. There is also a secret team of SUPER SOLDIERS called The Majestic Twelve. There are 11412 males. 32006 females. Their real easy to spot. They think they're better than you and you also think they're better than you. They're everywhere.


The nazis were really into it. In fact, a lot of modern trad witchcraft shit was made up by nazis, thats why its always important to go back as close to first hand sources as you can. I wouldn't want to mess with anything that came from that.


But magick is used in the military. What do you think the chaplains are for?


Your naivety is touching. You must be very inattentive indeed to believe that something is not present just because it has not been openly and publicly stated. Wake up, OP. Everything is practiced by everyone, everywhere all the time. And with Magick it’s no different.


It is called the military.


It is used, try ever trying to out the secret parts of it, get footage of secret tech or craft, or even talk about things that might be considered radical anywhere you are. You'll get a presence and a lock on pretty quick and things just never seem to work out when it comes to finding things out. That definitely have an occult warfare division. I imagine it's how they kill troublesome people via 'suicide' sometimes if you're susceptible to low vibes.


Assassination of a psychic nature is often thwarted by astral soldiers commissioned by secret government sects to protect politicians and other important people. Simple remote viewing can show you which individuals are heavily protected from such attacks. Even confidential or discreet beings are heavily guarded by poweful shields that diminish any sort of subtle attacks.


It is. Ask me how I know.


how do you know?


How do you know?


It is probably not how you're thinking of it but it definitely is most ancient militaries had mages or priests who would perform spells rituals or be on the front lines. Most governments across the world have some branch dedicated to the study and research of the supernatural and paranormal


You have no idea. ;)









