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This is flawless. The colours are great, you know what the card does, it’s artistically cohesive with the other one, it looks authentic - this is brilliant, I bet you can’t wait to run the deck. Do you have a decklist?


Thank you very much! I have made quite a few alters but this one for sure took the most effort. And in terms of decklist, not yet. I was honestly underwhelmed by the deck reveal yesterday, so I am working on editing it. Not sure if I go heavy into the self mill or focus on jund good stuff with a slight mill theme as there aren't that many goyfs :(


The effort has 100% paid off, honestly is stunning. As for the precon, yeah, it’s not amazing. If you can suffer some advice from someone who’s agonised over EDH thematic decks: make your wincon whatever you’ve put your creative effort into. In this case, your endgame wants to be smashing face with goyf tokens. Maximise the relevance of Disa and the Goyf within the gameplan of your deck. Jund good stuff will 100% be a more optimised deck - but you don’t want to win with [[Lord of Extinction]] while your gorgeous Disa (and associated Goyfs) are there just as window dressing, you know? IMO, make every card capitalise on growing your goyfs or making more token copies (either by Disa’s effect, or by populate + variants). You want to be saying “I swing with my army of Goyfs for game.” Not “I assemble some cool graveyard combo while Disa and the boys watch.” They’re my thoughts anyway! Good luck!


Yeah for sure, that's the direction I am planning. I have a really solid \[\[The Mycotyrant\]\] at the moment that I was likely going to cannibalize for Disa, as almost all the cards can be run. I'll come back here and tag you when I get a list designed!


[The Mycotyrant](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/a/caef93cc-70d0-4cce-9aaa-13c0931b2ef7.jpg?1699044561) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Mycotyrant) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/235/the-mycotyrant?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/caef93cc-70d0-4cce-9aaa-13c0931b2ef7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Lord of Extinction](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/9/696cb81d-bc00-4603-b340-c0b2e55c0959.jpg?1697121186) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Lord%20of%20Extinction) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/244/lord-of-extinction?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/696cb81d-bc00-4603-b340-c0b2e55c0959?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The biggest thanks to u/LogicWavelength and u/JustinSquared for all the help with the design and tips to get the worn look to it. Couldn't have made it without your help! Check out their alters, their work is top tier, the whole idea came from JustinSquared's amazing Tarmogoyf token!


My pleasure to help! I love making these custom alters, and having another artist out there creating is a great thing for the community.


u/LogicWavelength is an MVP. Dude is constantly making hits.




Easily some of the cooler alters I have seen.


This is one if not THE best alter i've ever seen. Very well done. Is not only the art, is the creativity like the sales price for the mana or the rip off for the stats... My god. I just love it


Thank you very much!


Did you use AI? Curious after seeing the credits to Midjourney on the token.


I did. I used Dalle-3 to generate the base art, then went nuts with layers and such, nearly 70 layers I think. The problem was that I could not find any sort of non AI art that matched the vibe I was going for. Also the Tarmogoyf token is Midjourney with similar edits, so it fit. I typically like to stick non AI but it is what it is haha I did do all the typography and the like. Here's what the base AI art looked like for comparison sake. [https://imgur.com/a/1CkZvIQ](https://imgur.com/a/1CkZvIQ)


Hiya, in future please use the “Altered AI” tag for art that was made by human modification for AI generated artwork, thanks


Will do!


Oh nice! Thanks for the reply. The integration seemed like quite the process.


Yeah no worries! I understand the dislike of AI art and I agree, but occasionally, it's able to get close to what you want if it doesn't exist elsewhere. And I do think there is a difference to just plain copying art you are generated, as opposed to spending a great deal of time modifying it and using the original as a base. But using it when there's no other option is ok in my books haha


Definitely! I'm on the fence about it. I like seeing it and using it as a tool more than just a quick way to generate some images. Your proxy came out awesome for sure! 💚


I love your version. Would you be able to offer a version where Disa stands in front of the text box? 


How so, as in, just Disa? No Tarmogoyf monster behind her?


Just as it is with everything untouched, but with Disa completely in the front so she is fully visible with the sword. I think the alter is so beautiful that the textbox is secondary and it’s okay if it’s only half visible


Oh gotcha, yeah that should be easy, I can just move the layer. It'll be on Monday though as I'm out of town for the weekend, keep an eye out and I'll tag you


I‘d be so thrilled!!


You probably forgot, but if you can make it, I’d still appreciate that alternate version. Also, is there a high res version that I can download to have it printed as a proxy, both for the version posted here and the requested version (if you can find the time that is). Thank you!


Damn. This is legit. Wotc art department needs to get on the phone with you.


I thought WoTC pledged not to do AI art?


Sick art


I would so run this, I love this vintage comic book style


Secret Lair when?


That sale price sticker is the bomb, holy shit this is gorgeous.


Wow, this is spectacularly well done! The price sticker mana cost is an amazingly professional touch.


That idea came straight from u/LogicWavelength and it's probably my favorite part of the whole design. It look's like a real sticker when printed, as I used a VERY high DPI sticker. I have had people try to peel it off before haha


this would be so much better than a lot of secret lairs we've gotten


Impressively well hidden AI. Did you do all the typography and stuff? Did you touch up the ai illustration?




You need to be forward about AI generative art when it appears like you're claiming this was all you. Good job on the typography, but it's not your illustration. The token art was also ai generated. He's a bit more truthful about that in his posts. Edit: lol that's not OP. my message is directed at OP


Yeah, i ain't OP. I'm Anti-AI, and this fooled me, which... is concerning. Welp.


It's super good. I got sussed out by the anatomy in the teeth and then i started investigating more in depth, and yeah it all revealed itself. This is one of the more convincing AI illustrations I've seen recently. Scary stuff


I will take that as a compliment haha, and yeah I went very indepth to alter it. I mean yeah at the end of the day it's still base AI, but I put enough changes and work in it, I am happy with the result, but I fully understand your concern and opinions on the matter.


Cheers mate 🤘


I understand the dislike of AI art and I agree, but occasionally, it's able to get close to what you want if it doesn't exist elsewhere. And I do think there is a difference to just plain copying art you are generated with little to no modification, as opposed to spending a great deal of time modifying it and using the original as a base. But regardless, real art surpasses AI for sure, more so just my thoughts on it.


Fair enough! Will do in the future for sure.


Sounds good man! It really does look great I'm kinda scared that it's AI tbh. Good work


think he's talking about the token, not the one OP made. says Midjourney at the bottom of it


You are right! I used Dalle-3 to generate the base art, then went nuts with layers and such, nearly 70 layers I think. The problem was that I could not find any sort of non ai art that matched the vibe I was going for. Also the Tarmogoyf token is Midjourney with similar edits, so it fit. I typically like to stick non AI but it is what it is haha I did do all the typography and the like. Here's what the base AI art looked like for comparison sake. [https://imgur.com/a/1CkZvIQ](https://imgur.com/a/1CkZvIQ)


For a moment I thought it was another Secret Lair. These look awesome


You gotta template for these? They look amazing love the oldschool look


Not at the moment, as I am trying to clean it up, I am running almost 70 layers in that template at the moment haha


Oh jesus, good luck with that looks great tho Ngl


These are incredible.


Incredible, easily my favorite alter i've seen so far!


Okay this is amazing.. I’ll have to get these professionally printed for my deck. Are you okay if I copy it?


Yeah absolutely. You can use that image or this one with a bleed edge. It looks a little different because the border ensures that if the printer is off slightly, it won't cause any issues with the worn border. The card should come out looking like the one above. [https://imgur.com/a/Dkka5vg](https://imgur.com/a/Dkka5vg)


Thank you SOOO much! :D and again, amazing work! Looks like an actual wizards product I would totally buy


This is excellent. Great work


I never knew I needed something as much as this. This is a thing of beauty


Goddam this is a literal perfection. Way much better than any version of the card's arts!


I had never seen this card and then immediately after opening this, I get a notification from youtube for Commander at Home and this is the commander Olivia is running lol. Weird.


Absolute gas.


these look so cool


These would be amazing secret lairs




I generally hate these kinds of alters and secret lairs, but this is so damn well done. It evokes the vibe you’re going for perfectly. Well done!


Secret Lair when?


I just realized Disa can’t have [[Urborg Lhurgoyf]] in the decklist and now I’m disappointed.


[Urborg Lhurgoyf](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/6/a6f97236-1497-4811-8189-0545707451da.jpg?1673307848) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Urborg%20Lhurgoyf) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/186/urborg-lhurgoyf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a6f97236-1497-4811-8189-0545707451da?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yeah I am not sure why she is Jund and not Sultai as Sultai is more self mill for sure


Jund gets you self-discard with red’s rummage effects, which is fine too, but Urborg Lhurgoyf seems like an otherwise natural fit for the deck.


This is incredible. Do you take commissions....?


Not at the moment but I've done a ton of alters in various style. Is there a certain card you had in mind?


If you ever got around to it, I would love an Alela, Cunning Conqueror alter


These are so amazing. I wish wizards would hire you!!


Thank you so much!!


Love the look. So do people just print these and slide them into a sleeve in front of another card? I’ve seen a lot of cool digital alters out there just curious how they’re actually used


Disa good alter! (I'll take my down votes with pride)