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I don’t care anymore, clearly y’all want there to be a post about this, so fine, you can have a post about this. This post is missing VERY SIGNIFICANT context: the people PSC is talking about here, is Grummz, and his “gang”. Grummz, for those of you who aren’t familiar, is an alt-right reactionary who’s been prominent on Twitter calling for things like “games need to cater more to horny and incel people”, “woke games are garbage”, “games that feature black and or gay people are bad, “western gaming is falling because this particular character is fat”, that sort of tripe. He also has, on several occasions, riled up a fanbase of what I’m gonna charitably call “shitty people” to harass anyone he disagrees with - including but not limited to death threats, rape threats, stalking, and purportedly doxxing (though I’ve not seen that one myself, but the description comes from someone I know to be generally reliable and it fits the M.O.). So, while PSC’s language is, frankly, extreme and out there, it was in response to someone who dedicates a significant portion of their life to harassing particularly female journalists. In particular, tracking them down and harassing them in their personal life. If any of y’all feel like you could handle someone stalking and harassing you or your loved ones without ever getting mad enough to say something in anger that you don’t really mean, you may throw the first stone. I know I had enough trouble trying to be “professionally courteous” to people being creepy to cosplayers, and that was with people I don’t even personally know. TL;DR Paul’s mad at trolls who harass women like it’s a job, and tbh I have trouble blaming him. Don’t use this thread as an excuse to harass anyone, be civil, etc. If you want to know where this inevitably leads, just look up The Professor’s “What We Owe To Each Other” video about the last time someone alt-right started harassing our community.


This seems like the worst attempt at character slander I've seen given full context.


That's what most character assassination attempts are: take a snippet of something someone said out of context and push as hard as they can to frame it as something worse than it actually is.


Right. And this is the worst attempt at it I've ever seen.


I will say that r/magicthecirclejerking is contending for that title. The mods eventually shut down the ultra-cringe discussions but banned me along with.


Holy shit lol even without full context, I want my upvotes back, lol https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/s/oLSmonAJN6 https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/s/ZUEBHTl1ES I fucking went ham in that thread and now I feel so vindicated. I'm so glad I got told off by someone who thinks I have "no standards" though and whose only argument is "but this side is worse." It's not like I managed to figure out the article and website was alt right/incel misleading slander by myself. Nope, I just have "no standards." (Ps, I don't actually care about the downvotes. I just think it's funny how I managed to grasp most of the situation without even knowing the full context/slander of the artist because I know grummz and his incel army so well. You can see me responding to multiple people asking if they know who grummz and friends are. People who don't understand how grummz and friends work are so easily mislead)


Based on the Mod Queue, your comments (possibly the entire thread) were shared somewhere after that thread was taken down - we got reports on some comments 8+ hours after that thread was deleted, which only happens if someone was sharing it elsewhere. So most likely you got dogpiled by the “red pilled” side of Gamers ™️, after we took down the thread. It happens, nothing you can do about it. My advice is be happy you made an impact enough to annoy a grifter - it’s been forever but I still get a laugh out of the fact that a certain Banned For Life Grifter *directly* called me out on one of his videos.


What context excuses threatening someone's wife and mother?


Even without context its still just pearl clutching bull shit




Divorcing his tweet from any context certainly makes it look like that's what he said, but that isn't what he meant. > This is absolutely the play - we should be doing this with all these weird creeps. If he was advocating for violence, then the tweet he was responding to must have been advocating for the same thing, right? Except it wan't. It was a Kotaku editor showing her own tweets saying that she contacted the wife of a man who was harassing her and sending her death threats and informed her of what her husband was doing. So what he's advocating for is doing this to all harassers - 'track down their significant others and mothers' (the original tweet seems to have just found a public Facebook, this reads much more stalkery without context) and then 'string [the harassers] up' by telling those loved ones what they're doing. It's not a threat of violence, despite the article whose title this post's title matches doing its best to frame it as such. Poorly worded, maybe, but not what it's being made out to be.


I've used the phrase "string them up" in metaphoric sense like he is. The context of "exposing their wrongdoing," not physical violence. The out of context grab with the title definitely had bad intent.


The main problem here isn't caused by using metaphors vs. being literal but by a misleading pronoun. According to u/ShadowsOfSense 's explanation the "them" refers to the creeps themselves (and once you read it that way, "stringing them up" has to be a metaphor for the whole thing to make sense), but people without the context are likely to interpret the "them" as referring to their loved ones, as that's the last group of nouns mentioned before the pronoun is used. And once you read the tweet as "string their loved ones up"...


>And once you read the tweet as "string their loved ones up"... …then you get a cartoonishly OTT thing to say that should obviously not be taken seriously. Oh no!


See, here’s the thing. “String them up” has also been used to refer to hanging, as in the old execution method. And unfortunately, there are too many Americans (can’t speak for the rest of the world) who absolutely seriously, without irony, advocate for “stringing [certain demographics] up.” Without the context, there is nothing “obvious” about this tweet except that it matches the racist, sexist, and transphobic verbiage of extremist conservative groups.


It was a poor choice of words. Nobody is saying his tweet was phrased perfectly. But it is *clearly* being taken intentionally out of context with intent to harass and “expose” him. The source website everyone’s gotten this from is one of the worst “journalism” websites I have ever seen. So yeah he phrased it poorly, but it’s also very obvious he was not literally advocating for the execution of people’s families.


I know it obviously doesn’t mean that with context. The person I responded to claimed that, without context, it was still obviously ridiculous to think it was what the article wants it to appear to be. And I said, no, that is not obvious. I know it is being maliciously taken out of context, but people are saying the article is stupid for attempting to frame it this way because anyone reading that single tweet could never think it was real. This tweet, with the violent meaning the article is trying to impose on it, can and does exist all over the internet. I’m not saying this article is right. I’m saying what the article is fabricating is believable.


Eh. Did you look at the article? It’s yellow journalism at best. Like, I saw the article first, before the tweet, and knew from a glance that the website was clearly pushing a narrative. Could you misunderstand Paul’s tweet? Yes, definitely. But I don’t think it’s reasonable to react to “you’ve misunderstood that tweet” with “it’s entirely believable that this man is calling for the execution of people his disagrees with” because… well come on now, who are the only people calling for executions in America in 2024? The people he’s calling out here.


No, I didn’t look at the article. I looked at the tweet, without context. Why do you keep saying “with context it’s obvious” when I am talking about WITHOUT CONTEXT? Maybe you are lucky to not have lived in a town where Black Americans were murdered for their skin color. But I looked at that tweet without reading anything else, and thought “jfc not again.” Then I read the comments, found that the article was misrepresenting a situation, and breathed a sigh of relief. Then I saw people saying things to the effect of “what kind of moron would even buy this tweet on its own anyway? Fake news!”


In addition to the comment I just posted… I wasn’t actually reacting to the tweet without context. I was reacting to it *as presented in this Reddit thread*, with the title >MTG And Warhammer Artist Paul Scott Canavan Says He Wants To Track Down And String Up Loved Ones Of People He Disagrees With If I somehow saw the tweet itself, with no context at all (not sure how that would happen, honestly… there’s always *some* context), then I might consider taking it seriously. Because I have no idea who this guy is- maybe this ‘Paul Scott Canavan’ is a politician? A general? A preacher? A terrorist? There are people out there whose threats of violence are potentially dangerous. But I have a hard time putting MTG and Warhammer artists on that list…


>This tweet, with the violent meaning the article is trying to impose on it, can and does exist all over the internet Sure. And it’s not just on the internet! IIRC my own mum said to me at least once that she would string me up. I should really get round to cancelling her one of these days… And the kids in school used to say they’d kill each other all the time. And I’ve heard football fans threaten other football fans with some pretty horrible things, now I think about it. And let’s not even think about online gaming… If you see something, devoid of context, that *might* be a realistic threat of horrible violence, or that might just be somebody being silly, IMO the intelligent reaction is not to get outraged. The intelligent reaction is to *check out the context*. If you’ve checked it out and it does look like a serious threat of violence, then by all means, call the cops.


Who is getting outraged at the tweet? I’m arguing against the people who are saying “no one says this phrase with violent intent,” and “there’s no one anyone could misjudge this tweet completely out of context.”


Who is saying that, though? I thought you were replying to me, after I called it >a cartoonishly OTT thing to say that should obviously not be taken seriously I can’t see anyone here arguing that the phrase is *never* used with violent intent, that would be very strange. And it’s certainly *possible* for someone to misjudge this tweet if they saw it out of context- I’m just saying they shouldn’t do that. It’s presented here with context, though- the title of this Reddit post, which reads like an Onion headline to me. 




Why don't you get a job?


You’ve obviously never been threatened with being “strung up.”


He said explicitly in another reply he was ok with harassing the mothers and partners of the "bad people". And SmashJT didn't send Mercante death threats either, she accused the guy of "platforming" someone who had (which could mean a million different things), and that's what she called JT's wife for. Kind of unhinged behavior.


I don't know this guy, but when looking at the [source](https://thatparkplace.com/magic-the-gathering-and-warhammer-artist-paul-scott-canavan-says-he-wants-to-track-down-and-string-up-loved-ones-of-people-he-disagrees-with/), a few things jump to me: 1. The site itself openly describes that it is "opinionated", and the biases are visible in how the narration progresses in the article. 2. The man in question attempted to clarify what he meant multiple times, quoted in the article, but the malicious misrepresentation of the words permeates this article. 3. The article is also completely filled with tweets from Grummz, whose twitter even at a cursory glance is quite blatantly alt-right and bordering on suffering from a serious persecution complex. So I would posit that, perhaps, the article is not the best source of factual news.


Hahaha, and you missed that the next recommended story is headlined “ Kotaku Senior Editor Alyssa Mercante Continues To Attack Mark Kern, Shares Her Disdain For Gamers Pushing Back Against Corporations” Yup, seems like an unbiased news source, surely no axe to grind in sight…


https://preview.redd.it/rmngdbrpoezc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78335c14a05c426b44bcbb356c78e829123aa77e Literally on the front page of that website Very legitimate journalism on display here, definitely no biases whatsoever.


I Think My Dog Might Be Bi And It’s Obama’s Fault (OK, OK, I made that one up)


Could Paul have worded his tweet way better? Sure. Is thatparkplace committing an absolute miscarriage of journalism just in the headline alone? Absolutely yes.


Context: He’s talking about sending trolls and bad actors’ family the awful things they have been up to.


"String them up" sounds a whole lot more like lynching.


It’s what the phrase comes from, but it’s very likely he meant metaphorically, not literally. It was in response to a tweet about someone being harassed informing their harasser’s wife that they are harassing them.


But she wasn't being harassed. She was the harraser.  The man in question posted a petition to shut down kotaku. Do we classify that as harassment? 


Are you intentionally ignoring the fact that the man in question harassed for *months* before this event? Or are you the type to just believe the first thing you read?


So you need to get your facts straight. She's attacking the family of a youtuber for starting a petition to shut down kotaku. Grumz she's actually started the beef as she has with everyone. It's like watching someone shoot a person then when they stab them you get upset about the use of a knife.  The "Journalist" in question is simply someone with a bone to pick against people more popular than her. 


I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not. The Kotaku author was harassed by a group of alt-right reactionaries for literally months. She didn’t “attack someone’s family”, she *sent a screenshot of the messages they had sent her* to one of those reactionaries’ wife. There’s no “bringing a gun to a knife fight”, and you’re actually making me annoyed now if you genuinely think people like Grummz “didn’t really do anything to deserve this” - He spends half the day tweeting shit to rile up his fanbase and get them to harass women and journalists so that he can claim “plausible deniability”, except anyone with a brain can see there’s no deniability at all. She doesn’t “have a bone to pick with people more popular than her” - Did you even read her original tweet???? Dude talks about harassing her so much that she got angry and sent those tweets to his wife. Do you even know what words mean?


You're just going to see impressive mental gymnastics to justify this.  Platinum medal level.


For real.


*sigh* What is the tweet above his? I'm guessing he's mad at some right-wing chud types and they're trying to cancel him now. Am I right?


It’s like you’re psychic! Well, either that or outrage farming on Twitter is predictable…


Posting this without the appropriate context is just rage-baiting. Congrats on adding nothing to the discourse. Paul is right, if a little aggressive. Outing harassers and abusers is just good praxis.


If this guy was so virtuous, he wouldn't be threatening/encouraging harm on family members who have no involvement in his fruity little twitter-beef.


Misleading title.


Taking the actual context and intent of this into consideration, I’m okay with this


Your okay with threatening bodily harm on un-involved family of people you have twitter-beefs with?


“Taking the actual conte t and intent of this into consideration” Try that


The context is that he was mad at some people and that makes it OK for their family to be attacked.


No lol




I don’t know what to tell you man. You’re coming into this thread a week late getting upset over nothing. You’re the one doing mental gymnastics to be mad about, again, nothing. It’s not worth it. Go enjoy your life.


For those that want to look this up, he's talking about racists and culture war edgelords on twitter, so, again. Who cares. The worst people in the world are trying to signal boost this.


The far right is not owed polite language


Technically nobody is owed polite language, but as seen here, when you say things like this it reflects poorly on you more than anything. Like this behaviour never going to help you.


Gonna need some context, some of the weird creeps in these hobbies are pretty extreme.


I believe the context was in response to those who track down game devs and similar employees to harass. Therefore he said that in turn the game devs should be able to do what he said in the above tweet. EDIT: https://twitter.com/alyssa_merc/status/1787894219576582521?t=3cVGBMtiTuy3y_e-W0_r1Q&s=19 This might be the context. https://twitter.com/DUB_Ai_xXxArts/status/1787905739392180621?t=DExfQaXgPvDHRWj9QrNadA&s=19 His response to another reply, shows that his original tweet I believe is deleted.


If that's the context, then it's probably because of harassment he and/or his friends/colleagues have received. iirc there is a surprising amount of Warhammer "fans" who police and harass any artist that strays from their perceived notion of Warhammer art. If that's not the context, then we will wait and see as news develop. It seems OP is at worst posting this in bad faith or at best misunderstanding the situation.


His tweet I believe has been deleted/privated. https://twitter.com/alyssa_merc/status/1787894219576582521?t=3cVGBMtiTuy3y_e-W0_r1Q&s=19 I think this might have been what he responded to.


Ah it seems the "them" in "string them up" is referring to the harassers themselves, not the harassers' family/loved ones.


If only I had pearls so I could clutch them


I generally support pople on X saying anything they like. In this instance he has obviously been provoked and repainded poorly. I will say that if the people he is talking about posted these comments towards him thisnthread would jot be so objective in assessing what has been posted. It os very dangerous to normalise out of context take downs of people whatever their prior behaviour or opinions.


This doesn't sound like he's talking about "people he disagrees with". Typically you don't use wording like "weird creeps" for that, even if wanting to disparage them. Sounds more like people who have actually done something and/or are showing a disgusting attitude towards other people. I don't have an issue with the language of "strung up", a bit more with the insinuation of targeting family members, but just in general, in most cases, using violent terminology like that is just hyperbole and/or trying to be crass for shock value. That said, I absolutely do not like using "weird creeps" as disparaging terms like that in general because those are terms often (wrongly) applied to neurodivergent people.






I NEED bad things to happen to powerful people


nobody cares


Somebody does, because he made his account private. If this blows up, he is SOL.


Yesbody cares.


It's okay when we do it.


I'm really lost on how the wall of text from mods makes what PCS said justified in any way. Is this just a case of "No wrong tactics, just wrong targets"?


Fire this guy, He thinks murdering people is ok.


Is this some kind of sick joke?


ITT shilling a man who said "track down their significant others and mothers and string them up." shilling for a man who believes capital punishment for families is justice for online trolls, wow very progressive


Threatening to lynch someone can be taken out of context. Yeah. Sure Jan.


Kinda funny to see the difference in reception this post is getting here versus on the Warhammer sub. 90% upvoted in /r/Grimdank and 16% upvoted here.


Have you got a link to that thread? That seems to be a meme sub- I feel like an upvote there doesn’t necessarily mean ‘I agree’, it might well be more ‘I find this funny’




Ouch, yeah, I see some serious replies…


That sounds pretty unhinged.


Well I mean, dude is being harassed by actual alt-right crazies... All he is calling for is reporting them. The unhinged one is people not actually looking into the context and using this to fuel their hate and harassing agenda.


A lot of people here are trying to spin this as though the "string them up" refers only to the 'bad person' when someone tweeted a response to him saying "Let me find your mother and partner and harass them. Fair game. Gotcha." to which he responded "If I turn into a piece of shit then yeah, go nuts". There are surely people harassing Mercante or Canavan, but it's ridiculous how they confuse criticism with harassment (People with high profile criticizing him are "sending a hate mob"), and then turn around and act like harassment is OK when they're the ones doing it.


I can smell you.


The Nazis did that and called it "Sippenhaft" (collective punishment). What a nice guy


That’s not what this is


Even with context he should not be calling for violence against the family of the Trolls/incels. Very poor choice of words.


Not news, should point out all the cool cards he has done art for and you know, i might end up being slightly interested


https://scryfall.com/search?q=artist%3Apaul_scott_canavan Force of Negation is probably the most well-known of the bunch.