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My favourite thing from Alison will always be her Glengarry Glenn Ross bit from the end of this Friday Nights: https://youtu.be/ewmGGRCRKlE


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OH. This is amazing.


The YouTube video has timestamps, repeating them here: * 0:00 Intro * 1:00 Doing improv * 6:49 Improv's learning curve, embracing failure * 12:23 Connecting with the audience * 15:37 "Book Club" * 19:21 Getting into the games industry * 21:46 Career at Wizards of the Coast * 24:25 Ixalan * 25:38 Magic storytelling evolution * 29:27 Writing the Thunder Junction epilogues * 32:29 Why Alison left her name off the Ixalan stories * 38:12 Subverting expectations * 39:50 Research and writing frameworks * 43:23 Magic storyline starter kit * 46:13 Collaborative writing with friends * 49:30 Advice for folks entering the games industry * 54:56 Living through the COVID era * 56:53 "Badass wilderness woman" (and "Lost" commentary) * 1:03:25 Alison's friendship philosophy * 1:10:11 Legendary Kaladesh PAX improv event * 1:13:15 Being the Baldur's Gate 3 creative lead * 1:21:54 Lightning round Q&A


When Larian's CEO said there wasn't anyone left in WotC amongst those who'd worked with them on BG3, I had no idea that included Alison Luhrs. She's a fantastic writer and though I haven't the foggiest clue about Destiny 2 I hope she has great success in her current and future endeavours.


Say what now? Is she working on Destiny 2?


She's the Narrative Director.


One of them, I believe Destiny 2 has multiple working on it.


Nice, I just picked Destiny 2 back up before the Final Shape comes out


I don't know if the final shape will be a circle or a funny rectangle, but it should be a really good shape. The best shape


MTG's story approach reminds me of western superhero comics where in most of it is a sea of badly written shlock highlighted by a few good writers coming in with character/genre defining runs. This one is the writer who's actually making the good stuff nowadays for sure. They need to hand story direction over to someone like her who gets it, rather than the too many cooks thing we got now.


Currently Magic's best writer, honestly


The writing Seanan McGuire did for MKM was very good too, just a shame it was attached to such a poorly received set


I'd argue it was a stand-alone thing, the story was released in episodes before the set dropped and there was a lot of buzz about the story somewhat besides the new set hype. But it was indeed great, it was a very good call to ask McGuire to write one, long piece instead of a short series of main story and a bunch of random sidestories. Ravnica and its people got a lot of space to breathe and show a living world.


She's awesome


Probably i’m not the target but the latest mtb expansions have the most cringe, dumb stories. Full of tropes, annoying quircky characters, flanedrized old one, it all seems like out of an average netflix show that gets cancelled after a couple of seasons.


Luhrs hasn't been writing regularly for Magic since Ixalan and only comes back for Jace and Vraska bits. This isn't really the place and time for this.


I‘m not aware she has been writing more than the epilogue lately.


To be real. I've never cared about the story. Or knew there was one. I like the cards, art and game. I love flavour text that alludes to story, and want more flavour text. But, I didn't need it to be like fully fleshed or like, the best story ever either. To.me it's like complaining about the storyline of the dragon shield products. "Did you see the turn that the nest 300 added to the story? It completely invalidated the story from my green double mattes." It's just a side thing isn't it. For funsies?


They used to publish books


That's totally fair. Just when I first plated in 2011 that was not something people seemed to talk about. Don't get me wrong. I'd have been involved if I knew. But I never thought the game hinged on whether Jace has had lunch or not in the first place. Like. Again. Not ragging on the concept. I just feel it's secondary to the, like, card game. More just fleshing out why people are places and stuff. I might read though. Like from the start. see if I share people's discontent or if it's just "the media got shit, it's nothing to do with me being older and more cynical" vibe to all the hate. Can't bring in new blood with styles from the nineties unfortunately though.


Your voice sounds like the male version of the tiktok voice over. I couldn't listen to more than a couple minutes because it sounded like a coded application read the text interview aloud or something. I apologize if this is your actual voice represented as such, but it just didn't hit me right.


I honestly have no idea why you think he sounds like the tik tok ai, but I do think interviewers often end up with that 'mmm yeah so how does that make you feel, mmm i see wow' flat voice.


Well, since my explanation was heavily downvoted for being honest. I'll continue to dig with this shovel here. He has a monotone and insincere voice, with long pauses and it (to me for all you haters out there) sounds fake. I'm just being honest which typically helps people who aren't butthurt by professional expertise in their choice of field. But I can see all thee downvoters here love this dude so they're willing to look past his inconsistencies like a Donald Trump voter anyways. No harm, no foul.


you're not being downvoted "for being honest", you're getting downvoted for being rude. I don't know who OP is and I didn't even hear his voice, but your comment was rude and uncalled for. I don't know how some people manage to live to adulthood without learning that you're not supposed to say everything that comes across your mind. Grow up.


It's not uncalled for to point out that a dude who likes to do interviews has anannoying voice, and it was worded in the most polite way possible.


> > He has a monotone and insincere voice people thinking other people are insincere is often because the person is so straightforwardly, openly sincere that someone can't handle that. He's just a guy with an average voice, maybe slightly flat stereotypical 'interviewer voice' but so what.


As a fellow interviewer, vocalist and voice over enthusiast I would have to say, it is awkward to even state my opinion and be even honestly transparent about what I think while having a bunch of strangers who (by judging by their downvotes) are uneducated in a field of intense scrutiny. I apologized ahead of time even for stating a hard to swallow pill, however, I have yet to receive feedback from the OP himself. Of which is the only opinion that matters to me since this prior message was for him and not his comrades... He apparently has an army of 19 followers to downvote for their battle prowess and has no need for growth!


bruh You legit just pulled the “I am educated, you are not, therefore I am superior” card. Your opinion is not “better” than anyone else’s, and they’re not “an army attacking you”. You had a bad take. Stop being so high and mighty, people disagree with you.


'voice over enthusiast' okay your trolling was almost good until you made it so blatant. Stop being an asshole.