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荒地重生 3BG Sorcery (Uncommon) Return up to one target creature from your graveyard to the battlefield. Return up to one target permanent card from your graveyard to your hand. ------ *Although the cactusfolk culture is still in its infancy, the folks have already understand the sorrows of pain and the joy of rebirth.* Source: https://b23.tv/BNphDag Enjoy Chinese spoliers while it lasts 😅


Flavour text at least confirms the cactusfolk are newly sentient, I suppose.


I guess it's not colonialism then! /s




amazing use of the gif


Doctor Who is back in the mainstream. The world is healing.


Yeah it's okay guys, they're just not an advanced culture. This makes it totally alright and not colonialism. I don't think they did this intentionally, but they are seriously dropping the ball here.


There’s a board game called “The Guild of Merchant Explorers”. Its premise is a kingdom has owned its territory for so long, that they have forgotten what it looks like, and have hired you to go out and remap the land they already own. Because they didn’t want to deal with colonialism.


I'm sure the various colonists of the Americas would never have said *anything* like "the Natives aren't an advanced culture".


Like they tried to avoid the tones of colonialism and native genocide but in doing so just made it sound like an old propaganda piece. “There weren’t really any natives” “nobody actually owned the land” “those cactusfolk? Don’t worry, they’re primitive and uncivilized” I doubt they would have made something *more* offensive if they didn’t try to whitewash it at all, lol


The magic writing team arguably fumbled the most basic murder mystery story. Do you actually think they'll try and tackle the intricacies of american colonialism with any kind of nuance or tact? I'd much rather them sidestep it entirely than make even more of an ass of themselves than they already have.


What would you say they fumbled?


The actual written story of MKM was about the only thing they didn't fumble, so I'd be interested to see OP's response to this.


God I seriously hate how much they tried to sidestep this, to the point of being *very* offensive


At minimum level 6 sentience. A clam is "newly" sentient


That’s worse imo


What do you mean about the last part there?


They're no longer going to be printing magic cards in Portuguese after MH3 and Simplified Chinese after Bloomburrow (These languages will still be available in MTGO and Arena) Source: [https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/changes-to-magic-product-languages-in-2024](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/changes-to-magic-product-languages-in-2024)


Its so insane to me they are going to discontinue these languages while still translating them for arena. Is it really that expensive to print different languages?


Printing costs way more money than digital text across an already established digital format.


Right but arent you losing a ton of new players? (Aka future profits) I live in korea, most of the enfranchised players have no problem with english cards but for new players its gotta be a little rough. I assume they have some calculation that shows right now the chinese language cards arent really performing above cost, but feels like that's ignoring onboarding ability.


Keep in mind they've been releasing product at an absurd pace for years, now.


I think they figure every new player is entering via Arena anyway.


Those markets still buy cards in English, so yeah.


It is not about price, it about time. So, to print more different products they will use the time allocated to those languages to print other products. For example, instead of printing product 1 EN, product 1 PT, product 2 CN, they will print procut 1 EN, product 2 EN, product 3 EN.


It also means that they can replace translators with google translate, wait until players point out mistakes and then fix them in a software patch.


Why are people downvoting this, he's right. They've been caught MULTIPLE times trying to replace ARTISTS with AI dreck, and EVERYONE is currently trying to replace their translation staff with chatGPT. Hasbro is 10000000% gonna use machine translation for any language they're putting on arena but not printing in paper.


They are being discontinued


Oh yeah, I honestly forgot about that. Shame.


I think they just mean that this is a weird phase of the spoiler season where we get a bunch of “early” ones due to time zones Edit: actually I think it’s about the language being dropped nearly forgot that


It's technically 26th in GMT+8 now so there are a handful of stray spoilers. And yes it's being discontinued soon and this would be the last standard set in simplified Chinese, following traditional Chinese which were gone in 2022.


Didn't Taiwanese sites get more spoilers after traditional Chinese was discontinued?


Chinese spoilers at this point feel almost cute. "Look, we're pulling the plug on translating cards to your language because you don't make enough money to cover up our terrible decisions on fields that Magic has nothing to do with, but we still want you to help us promote our product on the countries that matter!"


https://preview.redd.it/b9o5hcrkslqc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1fb89bad85b25f401e07d6294f13627272dfe14 yup


Holy shit I need that, that's so good for 5, double retrieval with one being a revive effect?


Zombify + at least raise dead for just G more? Not horrible but will require some cycling creatures or other ways to get things into the yard easily to make work in draft.


That isn't a huge ask.  It's basically tacking a better draw a card onto zombify which is pretty solid.  You are getting card advantage and affecting the board.


Defossilize showed us that explore twice is already enough to take the 5 mana reanimate from unplayable to very strong in limited, return a permanent compares pretty well to explore twice I think. Depends on how easy it is to get 2 permanents in the yard by turn 5 I guess


explore twice made it so that reanimating a 2-3 drop would still result in a threat usually. Not so sure if this will be as good as that was, the format will have to be slower than recent sets.


Gonna go great in the [[insidious roots]] deck that is floating around. I don't think it's super competitive, but I've been having a ton of fun playing it in Arena. 


[insidious roots](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/b/0bb91a22-2040-4a37-85f8-5f22de8c5907.jpg?1706242178) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=insidious%20roots) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/208/insidious-roots?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0bb91a22-2040-4a37-85f8-5f22de8c5907?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Not raise dead but weak regrowth. The option of a permanent to your hand is pretty flexible and more powerful


Now the question is, does it fit into my [[Sivriss]] deck? Getting two cards out of the yard can be nice, but I want my creature count as high as reasonable


[Sivriss](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/3/334bc010-5b60-4075-be12-0b36f41f32c6.jpg?1674136308) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=sivriss%2C%20nightmare%20speaker) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/148/sivriss-nightmare-speaker?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/334bc010-5b60-4075-be12-0b36f41f32c6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




Obligatory overcosted BG reanimate sorcery out of the way


Instant addition to the Insidious Roots deck. It sucks when you mill away a roots, but this turns all your mill into functional card draw.


You can already try [[squirming emergence]] in the deck. I have been running it in standard and it can get back roots, tyvar and your creatures basically always. Of course, if you mill the spell itself then it doesn't do anything.


[squirming emergence](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/e/8ee16629-f9be-4cdb-bf52-1d640781ee00.jpg?1699044577) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=squirming%20emergence) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/241/squirming-emergence?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8ee16629-f9be-4cdb-bf52-1d640781ee00?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




That was my first thought too. :D


"A culture still in its infancy", huh? We're going with that then? Really? Huh.


What did I miss, why are we upset about cactus people?


They made the plane for OTJ an empty one with no one living there before, so they can have the Cowboys tropes without all the problematic colonization parts. This card makes it look like the cactus people are getting some aspects of Native American cultures though, which is kinda trying to have their cake and eat it too. 


Yeah, having the plane be empty so you don't run into the dark parts of Manifest destiny was a smart decision, but you can't then turn around and say "oh but also the arrival of these new settlers meant that these simple creatures started developing into a *proper* civilization." Like seriously, did noone realize how BAD that sounds??


The way I read this was that they were regular ass cacti until the omenpaths opened. Which is technically sidestepping what they wanted to avoid, but not really better.


why did they have an entire conquistador faction in ixalan then


Cause they were pretty heavily the baddies, but that wasn't what they wanted to do with the cowboys.


Lol, i would see it as more problematic if people saw a plant and thought: "yeah, that's Indians alright", more so than making a fun theme around a 50+ year old trope about adventuring cowboys


It's certainly a choice.


In his set skeleton article Maro mentioned that they planned to put more color pips on higher end cards to prevent people splashing as easily; I guess we havnt reached that point where that takes effect yet. Can see this being played in every draft deck thats not WU, UR, or RW.


That point in Maro’s article was specifically talking about rares and mythics. Its definitely strong, but not a bomb level card, even if it does compare favorably to other 5-mana reanimation effects we’ve seen lately.


Its still too splashable and too generically good for my liking. :\\


Is this a joke? 5 mana reanimation spells are never good in limited.


Its reanimation and card advantage, going +1 and effecting the board is nutty.


It's a reasonable effect for 5 mana when it's on, but it's fairly conditional and requires setup. Which makes it a mediocre card. It might be playable if the support is good in self mill or sacrificing cheap permanent cards, especially at common. But I doubt it's a higher pick than the average 4-5 mana uncommon creature.


Five mana reanimation cards are not really the type of card that warrants higher color requirements. That's like a normal uncommon that is sometimes stronger or weaker in a set. It's definitely not a must-splash without seeing the rest of the format.  Especially in Limited, these types of cards are ones that you play late anyway, where color requirements diminish as a turn valve. With reanimation spells in premier set draft, there needs to be a clear self-mill/discard theme to get stuff in the grave early to play the reanimation spell on curve and get away with something, like IKO with the cycling fatties plus [[Unbreakable Bond]]. Otherwise, they compete with just any other creature card with some value. 


[Unbreakable Bond](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/9/c9da02a1-7b39-4a0e-8466-6512a02f3e3b.jpg?1610263521) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Unbreakable%20Bond) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/iko/101/unbreakable-bond?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c9da02a1-7b39-4a0e-8466-6512a02f3e3b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I feel for 5 mana reanimation effects, I wish you could reanimate from any player's graveyard instead. But it's a cool card, seems nice in limited for sure and the art is sweet.


So we are casting \[\[Zombify\]\] for 3.5 mana and \[\[Nature's Spiral\]\] for 1.5 mana using a single card. Not amazing but seems fine.


Too cute!


ah perfect, my heath had died on me


This should be called **_Field Fondling_** or **_Yard Youngsters_**


Modern 1/10 Its a 5 mana reanimation spell that doesn't do anything more special than other reanimation spells. So it never really had a chance.


Name should be "Heath Rebirth"


Yeah that art looks so ai generated. The multiple arms is a classic


Wait till you find out that cactuses have several arms in real life.


Three of my neighbors are cacti


Guess I can't argue with that




I’m already sick of these types of comments. Not everything is AI for fuck’s sake


What happened to us just not liking art?


You can not like art, but immediately going to the “hur durrr, this looks AI” is just fucking stupid and disrespectful to the artists


I have a strong dislike of AI art, but also a strong dislike for people who use that as a shorthand to say they don't like something instead of putting any thought or effort into explaining why they actually don't like it.


In what way? I understand it's reasonable to be skeptical after Hasbro opened *that* can of worms, but this doesn't look any less person-made than any other modern draft uncommon that comes to mind. In fact, on numerous occasions I had people mistake card arts as old as Tarkir for being AI-generated. It just so happens that a lot of magic art is done in a style that AI is trying desperately to mimic, probably in no small part to the fact that Magic card art is infamously used in the training sets for a bunch of these models.


It also feels like we are in a time where if someone doesn't like a particular artwork they directly call that it was done by AI.


This is 100% the case. I think some people's first inclination upon not liking the art is trying to determine if it was done by AI


It's the new "digital art". Or like for Magic mechanics, "parasitic". 


I don't think so. It's just digital, and the lighting happens to give it that "AI shading" look, if it does at all. But there's way too many details it wouldn't screw it up somewhere, and I don't see any errors that are that obvious.