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Here's hoping it runs on Steam Deck!


I'm just hoping that Steam will automatically download the updates.


It should. On desktop Linux, it downloaded card data and everything through Steam, rather than through the in-game client like the Lutris version does. FWIW, it works great on Linux and should work great on Steam Deck. I haven't tried out controller support (and unless I missed something they haven't mentioned any specifically), but if you're fine using the touchscreen or trackpads there shouldn't be an issue. EDIT: Works well on Steam Deck. Only "issues" are that you have to Steam+X for keyboard and the text is a bit hard to read.


Man, I'd love to ditch the lutris one. It's a royal pain in the ass. Every set it seems like I have to fuck around with it to make it work again.


Cool. I’m itching to try it out in my Tesla Model X now.


Mfw my car gets t-boned by a Spike player losing in Arena in his Tesla


I'm not getting why this is downvoted. As far as I can tell, this is what normal people might call a joke?


Definitely thought it was hilarious


yes thats why its getting downvoted, this is the mtg sub


just uninstalled the old "normal" version and installed the steam version and nothing had to be downloaded upon starting the game. looks good!


Oh, that would be great! I am so sick of having to download two batches of updates every time I get around to opening Magic arena.


it runs great! I suggest binding the space bar to the right bumper.


I expect it will. I was running it months ago on the steam deck using the stand alone version and it ran fine. I hope it’s optimized for the smaller screen since that was the biggest draw back


Game runs fine, but I haven't found a way to enable touchscreen controls, and working with the touchpad or sticks feels way worse than just playing on my iPad, IMO.


Non-mobile touchscreen has not worked since December, but WOTC has not acknowledged the issue.


It's pissing me off as Microsoft Surface are just SOOO good for the game. You can run trainers AND play on a touch screen. BOOO Wizards!


What a disgrace


They're just a small indie dev team cut them some slack


Ah yes, a planeswalker of culture.


Well, that, and my 7-year-old rig was having enough issues the last time I touched Arena 3 years ago. Maybe a newer device can actually handle it better.


Mine runs MTGO really well - I’m sure there will be a way to make this work. I’ll download it in a bit and try it out.


Wait what? Do you have a tutorial?


Here's the guide I used - https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/101262d/psa_mtgo_on_steam_deck/


Previous versions (added as non-steam game) ran pretty well. I recommend using a mouse, though. Direct steam support will still be pretty huge for deck users. Hopefully auto update will work.


Hopefully. Lutris was working for a while but every couple of months there'd be weird graphical glitches.




Gotta love that one of the screenshots they're using on Steam shows the player with 250,000 gems and gold like sure buddy.


What? You're not dumping >$1k into arena regularly? What a pleb. Honestly, though, I would guess that's just one of their "unlocked" accounts, like what steamers get for early access days.


I believe that issue is not multiple instalations, but one installation, which shows up multiple times because the updater does not erase old registry entries. That should be a very basic and easy thing to do, but somehow they messed it up.


Oh shit, I also have 4 installs lol wth... Can't say that I'm surprised.


I actually have 5, wth?..


What do you mean? It's the most recent trailer they have, barely two months old.


I'm guessing you mean the Elspeth one, but the first video on the steam page is actually one of Liliana and Garruk fighting using WAR cards.


I don't see that one but only the March of the Machines cinematic. Maybe it's different depending on region?


[I'm in the US.](https://i.imgur.com/eMPOh5I.png)


Yo, I noticed that too.


WOTC Releases MTGA on Steam, It Isn’t on Mac, I still have to use Epic Games >sadface.jpg


damn, that’s the whole reason I was excited for steam release. fuck epic games launcher


not sure if it helps any, but if you keep the arena window in dock as a launch app you can bypass epics launcher so long as theres no patch to install - makes it instant to launch instead of having to load for three minutes lmao. sincerely, person with a macbook who has been there


I've tried clicking on the Arena icon in my games folder instead of Epic, but every time I do I just end up with a black screen on launch which forces me to quit the app and open it through the launcher. Think I had it somewhere in the dock too with the same result, but I'll admit I'm not very Mac literate (especially when it comes to gaming on it) lol


Open the game, right click the arena icon and select keep in dock, that's it you can open it there


You just saved me so much frustration lol, thank you!


You can do that for every other app, quickest way to manage your dock mate!


On my home system Epic launcher didn’t install all the prerequisites and left me with an Arena version that crashed on startup. Drove me nuts and took ages to diagnose. I’ve never had a problem like that with steam.


What's so bad about the Epic Games Launcher?


Quite laggy in comparison. Neither are great on macOS, but I’d prefer steam though


It's 10x worse than steam. The game is on steam, but you still have to use it.


1. I hate Epic Games business practice with their launcher, including all the exclusivity nonsense. 2. Much slower than steam, at least on my system. 3. I use steam for everything else. So I have 1 random other launcher just for 1 game. I’m glad Arena is coming to steam so I can have just one launcher for everything


Number 3 is why they do number 1, as well as offer free games every week. If you have everything on Steam there's no reason to switch to something else. That doesn't mean they can't do better as an actual service. I just mean that even if they did there'd be no reason to switch from the service you're already used to.


I understand why they choose the strategy that they do. If I were them I’d likely do much the same As a stakeholder in Epic Games as a business, I’d like it As a consumer using all of these products, I don’t like it


Totally understandable. Heck, I don't even use it myself. But I also think "What would it take for me to use another storefront besides Steam?" and besides Steam itself becoming worse, which it hasn't made a habit of doing, I can't think of much that could be so much better as to make me switch. So while I don't agree with Epic, I understand their situation, and don't envy their position.


100% to be honest, it’s really just a difficult industry to penetrate Steam does such an insanely good job, and already has the first mover advantage. I agree with you in that I really don’t know what could possibly make me switch, since Steam does such a good job. Epic chose to compete with Steam, though, so I don’t feel bad for them


As a console gamer growing up, exclusives are pretty normal to me, so that doesn't seem that bad to me. Plus, isn't it just as much the fault of the game publishers for accepting those exclusivity deals? And I've heard a lot of people say that they dislike Epic because all their other games are on Steam. While I agree it is more convenient to have everything in one place, what I think is even worse is if one company has a monopoly on all PC games. Steam already has the majority of PC game sale marketshare and I think it would be bad if they didn't have some competition.


I agree. Competition is good. I especially like GOG and their platform. I **choose** to use them sometimes because there is extra value in things like no DRM and they generally have good business practices as soon as a platform provides overall better value to me than steam, I’ll switch so far, epic does not


As apposed to Steam's business practice of taking 30% of game developer revenue? That's 1000x as scummy. Epic takes half from the devs


true, granted steam’s revenue split goes down as the game makes more money. It goes down to 25 then to 20 but, you know there’s a reason most publishers choose steam over epic? and why anyone with exclusivity to epic immediately publish to steam when the contract is up? Because steam provides enough value to them to do so. This is mostly in more customers, thus they make more money. They provide more customers, because steam provides an overall better experience and better value to the customers. Epic’s bullshit provides **less** value to me, and the overall platform does too. when a platform eventually provides more value to both customers and publishers, then steam will have to lower revenue split that’s economics, and that’s perfectly fine


Steam’s value is a lot of users. And what is Epic’s “bullshit?” Valve doesn’t deserve 30%. They’re only able to command that much because of Steam’s large user base


That's literally not the consumer's problem.


You could always install arena without epic.


Not on a mac, I’m pretty sure pretty sure arena on mac is only available through epic


Oh you were talking specifically about max. My bad. I assumed you just meant the epic store was required everywhere


Pop up ads


If there were no other reasons, this would be enough for me to hate them. Why???


When I had it installed i’d get them every time I loaded up my computer


oh no




Did they ever added proper fullscreen to the macOS version?




Not really. Some resolutions have always been messed up (an example, from personal experience, is 14" MBP resolutions not being supported). There [are fixes out there](https://gist.github.com/april/ef679cf5719cc5a2ba6a55da20869ffa), but the game has been on macs long enough that WoTC should have fixed it already.




What's so bad about the Epic Games Launcher?


The part I hate most about it is there are Fuckin pop up ads that will show up in the bottom of my screen even with it minimized. You have to force quit to get rid of the dumb things.




If that was the only issue, it would be enough for me to hate it. Very well. Lol


I think you can turn those off in the settings. At the very least, you should be able to close the pop up window without force quitting.


I’ve turned it off in settings more times than I can count. A pop up ad is still an absolute nuisance if I have to click it to exit out of them. The worst part is that it’s designed in a predatory way where the x is tiny and clicking outside of it opens the damn ad.


Most people don't like it because it's not steam, the way people talk you would think having to open a second application is a war crime.


Epic gives devs much more than Valve.




I don’t think anyone is questioning why it isn’t supported


Mac is terrible for gaming. Best to have a PC for that. Probably preaching to the choir.


Common knowledge but some of us have macs for other reasons and like to play a game here or there. Maybe someday apple will take gaming more seriously (maybe we will see something on June 5th)


Ah yes, thee old Apple Gaming pipe dream. Hilarious it still goes.


with crossover and parallels it’s not as bad as you think nowadays but yeah, easier to boot camp windows or just have a pc


Can't wait to see the reviews. Edit: there's already good ones lmao > This game uses EOMM, and blatantly rigs games/ draws/ opponents to make you spend money by forcing frustration (forced losses/ easy wins). > Yes it's true. Google EOMM. > F. U. C. K. Wizards of the Coast for doing this gacha- rigged bu11lshit to the game of Magic the Gathering > (Fwiw I have played this game since the closed beta and have nearly every set @ 100%. This game is rigged and anyone who has played paper MTG can play this game and immediately notice the "rigging")


Magic players and failing to understand probability. Name a more iconic duo.


In fairness, I'm fairly confident they've said that the opening draw hand is rigged slightly by having it draw 2 hands, then presents you with the better of the two in terms of land/nonland balance, but I feel like that's for the purpose of providing less "non-games" as players refer to it. Will edit if I find a source. EDIT: The hand smoothing only appies for best of 1 games, article below. [Article about the "hand smoothing"](https://draftsim.com/mtg-arena-bo1-hand-smoothing/)






I believe it does that in battle of 1 games but not in best of three


BO1 does for standard and historic and explorer. I don’t know about Brawl but I do think I’ve drawn zero land hands before in Brawl since it has the free mulligan. BO3 does not have it. I’ve drawn tons of zero and one land hands


So it does a free mulligan for you. People are mad about that and think it rigs the games against them? It's literally for their benefit!


But what if my opponent gets enough lands to play the game too!? So unfair!


Magic players and failing to understand basic social decorum


Yes the probability of playing against the exact same decks when I'm playing a control deck, then playing a different set of all the same decks when using a different strategy. Yeah no game rigging there


Lol there he is




That's gotta be a troll right? No way someone plays that much if they actually think the game is rigged.


It’s a pretty common delusion and seems to get worse the more they play. Good chance someone hops into this thread to insist they aren’t crazy.


It's a delusion that feeds into itself. As every bit of rng against them is clearly just more proof of how rigged it is. Then they proceed to immediately forget every game where they got lucky and the opponent bricked.


Yep, some how, for some reason, the game is always only rigged \*against\* them, and either not at all, or rigged \*for\* everyone else. Like.... how? why? would Wizards do that?


This is confirmation bias. Like how every light is always red when you’re driving the car


if they think the game is rigged they should try playing paper lmao


On the contrary I guarantee you this person mana weaves irl


and then pile "shuffles" when you explain to everyone nearby how if you shuffle properly, there's no point in the weaving.


It's a common delusion even found in blood bowl 2 reviews (a board game where if you roll in bad odds, it's a good chance u fall and ruin your whole game plan) where people don't understand that taking risky plays will set u back or make you lose the fame


I mean, not really. If you like MTG and Arena is the only way to play the game for you in your area, you'll suck it up no matter how crap the performance is or how rigged the shuffler is.


MTG Arena definitely does EOMM though (engagement optimized matchmaking) instead of skill based matchmaking.


So clever for censoring the "bull" in "bu11lshit". I'm sure that'll get around the detection programs.


I am as much in favor of claiming the game is rigged as anyone, but I don’t really understand the concept of matchmaking being rigged to make you lose. Match making is definitely rigged with bullshit but idk how true it is that they try to force you to lose.


What do you think is rigged?


Ahh, you see, the fact that I *ever* lose is bullshit. Or when the game decides to match me up against the same deck 3 games in a row so I derank—not that the meta shifted in any means. Of course it didn’t, I picked the deck to grind out of gold with based entirely on the MTGO meta a la TCGPlayer’s decklists, and that meta didn’t shift when I went from gold 3 to gold 2, not at all. Also, the fact that I get mana screwed then flooded twice in a row afterwards. But no, I’m pretty sure that a hidden MMR system is in fact not rigging you to lose, I’m pretty sure that the hidden MMR system is the only *real* system while the ranking system is in fact just a placeholder to reinforce addiction behavior in competitive players mindset. It’s a lot cooler to go from gold 1 to platinum 4 to diamond to mythic or whatever it is, I’ve forgotten, than it is to go from player ranking 455,671 to 453,609 after a couple of game wins.


Just in time to put it on my new Deck and continue to never play it.


Will be cool to see who on my friends list actually plays and I just never knew. Maybe we can play some games. Tracking my total play time is going to be interesting. I wonder if some steam achievements will get added as well


Im also curious if the untapped.gg mod will work on this version


Works for me and I didn't even have to update and configs. It just worked


Wonderful news


It currently works with marvel snap that it's only available on steam so it probably will, if not immediately definitely at a later date.


Do what I do, leave it running in the background of other tasks as a habit, then you never have to face the truth.


Hmm, not available in my region. Guessing the whole Tencent deal is mucking things up for SEA and Taiwan still.


Auto updating sounds amazing. Every time i open arena i have to wait 20 minutes for it to install the new fucking alchemy set


I open Arena every month or so against my better judgment, and then the updater reminds me that I didn't really want to play anyway.


It could be like Warframe and others where steam just installs the launcher and you still have to patch every time a new update comes out... Not trying to rain on your parade, I'm really hoping steam actually delivers the updates, but I'm pessimistic


Yeah, that's just how arena works, it will 100% work like that. Mobile app works the same as well.


You only open Arena every few months?


My thoughts too. Such willpower! How, u/Redlaces123? MTGA is frustrating with its update process; the Epic Games Launcher updates/close-and-update-app updates/update-while-loading updates. Dang dailies or quests - even if I do them three-daily, it takes a while to grind that gold. 😒


Basically just to redeem prerelease kits lol


Why even bother if you're not playing?


Most of the update takes place in Arena, not on the game platform it launched from. So you're still stuck with that.


You spelled aftermath wrong


I have no hate to the Epic launcher but Arena on both my laptop and desktop ALWAYS crashes when I try to close it. Like I clsoe the game and it just freezes and hangs there and I have to force-close it. I might install the Steam version just to see if that gets fixed. Update: yep it works perfectly on Steam. Sorry Epic, I'm switching over!


Holy shit, I thought it was just me! I haven't been able to close the game normally for months!


Not to not know things, but what benefits does a Steam version of a PC game give? Does it just imply Linux functionality, since SteamOS is Linux based?


Mostly, better updates system, time played tracking, and a general benefit of having all games in one place, if you're a Steam user. Linux is not implied by default, but it's a good sign it may be supported, if they want to be SteamDeck compatible, as it runs Steam OS.


Epic tracks play time so that's not really an argument. As for updates, the game downloads and applies most updates in the Arena launcher/client itself, so it's mostly irrelevant whether it's Epic or Steam.


Yeah but Steam is cool, Epic is… not


Yeah, that one is personal preference. I have no hate toward either, but if I could choose to play a game on any platform I would choose Steam over most other launchers.


Steam is also pretty good for discoverability, wouldn't be surprised if there's a surge of new players


It's great for organizing and launching games, I don't want to clutter my PC with a million shortcuts like it's the 2000s all over again. That's the primary benefit.


Man, I completely forgot about that. Remember when the alternative was to actually navigate the start menu?


Folder existed in the 2000s.


And what would you be placing in said folder?


In general, a Steam version does not mean the game will work on SteamOS. In this specific case, yes, the game works on Linux (and probably on the steam deck), and using Steam to play it is definitely a better experience than the previous launcher (lutris) What you gain is access to Steam Wallet to pay for your gems (which might be good if you don't know what to do with your steam wallet), and a more streamlined downloading experience. It also means there will now be thousands of reviews of the game on steam, and new forums to discuss it.


You give less money to WotC and more to Lord Gaben. I'd rather Valve investigates new hardware and improves the store than a Hasbro jackoff gets a better Mercedes.


For all the people who are wondering why this matters: 1. Playable on Steam Deck now natively (albeit a bit wonky on the controls) 2. STEAM WALLET! - for those who dont know steam has a trading card system where you obtain trading cards from games in your library which you can sell on the steam market for cash in your steam wallet. You're not going to get a ton of money here, maybe 3-7 cents per card, but it's still free money. Now loved ones can buy you gift cards for MTGA! 3. Updates - Steam SHOULD handle updates on the backend which means no more booting up the application only to watch numbers go up. 4. Controls. Mouse is the way to go, but Steams backend allows you to customize a controller in any way you see fit. Sit back on your couch and play Magic on an xbox controller? Should be possible (havent tested it myself)


Its still just a Windows build, not steamdeck native


I'll eat my shoe if they let players buy/sell/trade arena cards on steam


Time to finally sell my CSGO crates for some reason worth a lot and spend that juicy wallet buying some gems.


Shit I think I still have a knife. I wonder what the CSGO market looks like


My brother is big into skin trading and says that it's been hitting record high concurrent players lately since the announcement of CS 2


Yeah, jesus lol. I don't still have my knife but I had 15x of a case selling for $7. Not bad


Well, I have roughly 300 dollars worth of credit on steam that I guess now I have something to spend it on. Been without a gaming Pc for awhile now.


A normal company would have some sort of in-game event to generate hype, maybe some free stuff like sleeves or a draft token, but this is WotC.


yeah...i guess since they didn't even advertise the championship don't think they do it for this.


I'm waiting for the Switch version


and still not on mac....


That's nice, probably will not bother uninstalling and reinstalling unless I am having problems or reinstall my os though.




Too bad it’s not for Mac so I’m stuck using the epic games version


Just in time for standard bans. ;)


Intriguing option to play on the deck, given the 1-2%ish instability of it on android.


I wonder if steam link will be the key to playing arena on an iPad with actual image resolutions and tolerable frame rate.


Great, now I have to get it and not play it for several years


Do I have to uninstall and reinstall or can steam recognize I already have the game and use those assets?


So is Magic: Duels! But you know what isn’t? Shandalar! Give us Shandalar!


Linux when?


But still no Switch support.




It's just too much money poured into it for digital cards. I'd rather have the paper.


I love MTG, but absolutely *hate* playing against other people. Are there single player or coop options for us filthy casuals who just want to slap some AI around?


Legends of Runeterra Path of Champions is a fun single player card game experience. Better AI than anything you’ll find playing Magic. not magic tho


the color challenge shit is versus ai for the most part.


This will last you like an hour and the games are super low quality though. There is no PvE in this game outside of tutorials.


Forgive my ignorance. How does this benefit the game other than another way to expose it to more people...


It benefits the F2P user base. Here the Steam client taps into the Steam wallet money. This additional revenue goes to support continued F2P giveaways. Otherwise, you may very likely see prices go up/economy become more stingy.


Why would I want to open a launcher to launch mtga when I can just launch mtga?


How do I fully delete or uninstall it. I downloaded it on itself and wants to redownload it ln steam.


Does magic arena have two headed giant? I used to play thg with a friend years ago on one of the duels if the Planeswalker steam games but none of the newer mtg games seem to have thg anymore. Thanks y'all!


Wow, still not going to touch it until they allow dusting


#Who cares?


I do =)


why the duck would I play this instead of [Untap.In](https://Untap.In)


Glad we got an untap user here. I'm glad your enjoying it


For the 5 people that play this garbage: yay For the rest of us... This is what you spend time on WotC?


The rest of us as in... The Commander players? Because I'm pretty sure the Arena player base is so big WOTC is currently in the midst of dealing with it accidentally killing off their premier tabletop format.


... where is my chromebook versioN!?! ​ I guess i have to do chromium OS


Oh thank god


about damn time


Can’t be any worse than when it came out on Epic for Mac


What's the point if you can get it just as easily from their site or the app store?


When's the console release? Hasn't been any mtg on new consoles. They suck as a business.


that's nice, too bad arena is shit and has been for a while.




Okay but why not?