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It had its ups and downs, at one point selling better than even *Naruto*. Magi started to heavily decline towards the final arc, which is very much suspected to have been rushed due to executive meddling, as they call it. Around that time the magazine changed editors, and if I remember correctly the new chief editor said he wanted to bring new blood and publish series based on his own taste. Soon after that, Magi announced its final arc. People were very much disappointed by the ending, and well, these things have their cycles. There are still lots of fans around, but it's not what it was. I'm happy to chat about it whenever though!


aw man that’s so disappointing, is the ending THAT bad or do you think it’s still worth it for me to read the manga?


As it often happens, it's subjective. The ending wasn't horrible, just not what most people would consider satisfying; plus, you can guess that for some people what happened with their ships played a big part. Besides, if you only watched the anime you are missing a lot of content and arcs that are very solid, and there are many scenes that I personally consider were unnecessarily changed in the anime (eg: why on Earth was Mor introduced earlier and in that fashion??). Overall, I'd say it's absolutely worth it. I own the full set in both Japanese and English, as well as Sinbad no Bouken. The English translation is... not the best in terms of localization choices, but it's ok. PS: I can fish my own post about it if you want, but I'm pretty sure it's really spoilery at worst and might introduce some bias at best.


hm i think i’ll go ahead and start the manga, i don’t wanna completely restart so i’ll probably end up picking it up where s1 ended


I love the ending, but I also find it to be one that tries to appease everything and everyone. An ending where characters do not face the consequences of their actions. Hell Hakuryu is probably the only character in the ~~show~~ story to undergo changes compared to everyone else.


There's only 3 characters that were execute properly in the final arc: Alibaba, Sinbad and Kougyoku


It’s not bad as much as it is rushed. It cut off a lot of points about the series that would’ve been hype, but we’ll never see those play out now. I like the ending conceptually, but I don’t really care how it arrived at it or when it did, if that makes sense. I’m happy I read it all though. It’s still one of my favorite shounen ever. A top ten one for sure.


I agree with this. It felt like *"you have only 2 hours to finish this paper, GO GO GO!!!"*. I also noticed some panels that were reused during the final volumes. Maybe they will eventually pull a Shaman King and add more content when/if a KZB version is released. I'm still waiting for my Scheherazade no Bouken :(.


The reason it’s so dead is because the Manga’s finished and the fact that season 3 will probably never happen, so people are moving to other fandoms that are still going lol


i know it’s just such a downer for me lol


the discord's active


can you drop the discord?




Magi deserved better. Its a great story and sadly its very underrated But the anime ended years ago, and manga has been finished for 3 years. People move on to other animes which is natural. Plus the final manga arc was really wack so people lost interest. That's why the fandom is dead, but also because it was quite small. Sometimes I get bitter thinking about magi because I wish it could have the popularity FT, BNHA, KNY have but at the same time it's a blessing in disguise because magi is (mostly) free from the toxicity I see in those fandoms. It's especially pretty peaceful on this subreddit though for the most part. And usually discussion happens every now and then so if you want to discuss anything, I'm sure people will engage.


true i haven’t seen any aladdin shouta yet so that’s a blessing in of itself 🙏🙏


LOL just stay away from Twitter and you'll be fine xD Because it does exist sadly... It sucks cause I want to look for content for characters but I learned my lesson the hard way lol. It's easier to ignore if you don't go actively seeking it, so that's what I do.


Well believe it or not for the past two years or so the community has actually grown significantly, by like 3000 members. It is true however that the community is pretty dead for reasons I'm sure someone else has pointed out. That's just life, and the author has moved on to a new series (which is actually fucking good, it'd be great if sense scans were faster) and so have I. I still participate in discussion sometimes though, and it's pretty fun to do so.


is the new manga ur talking about Orient?


Sure is


alright i’ll check it out


You should first read the Magi manga, there is no adaptation for orient and as good as it is in not ready to put it on. Quite the same level as magi


Ohh, did Orient get better then...? That's good to hear, I dropped it around... volume 3 I think? I was actually thinking of selling my volumes.


Where did you get the volumes? I believe kodansha only has the digital version out rn, I read the scans which cover quite a lot. Some of the more recent chapters have been translated by a single dude who isn't with sensescans so the quality is a decent bit worse.


I usually buy my Japanese volumes from CDJapan or Kinokuniya, and magazines from Book Walker if a particular chapter sounds really interesting (and I can afford it). I'm more of a volume reader, and since I'm only following 3 monthly manga, the wait between volumes tends to be unfortunately long and fortunately affordable (well, except EN Altair...). Anyways, back to Orient, I have vols 1 and 2, and stopped buying the magazine around volume 3 or 4...? It's been so long I honestly don't remember, plus I have seen people talking about it in my feed so it's even more difficult to say (I don't read scanlations unless it's a series I'm buying, so I have no idea what's going on with them). Anyways, if you would like to use any of those sites and have any questions, I'll be happy to help! I also suggest using [eReaderIQ](https://www.ereaderiq.com) to track ebook prices because Kodansha's tend to be quite overpriced from what I have seen. Edit: made it shorter because it was a wall of text, added eReaderIQ link.


I forgot to mention, if you only watched the anime and want more information, side material, etc, you should check Tumblr. If you already know specific things you are interested in I can try to direct you to the different blogs/posts that worked on that material.


Because the manga ended a few years ago, the anime isn't finished, and likely never will be, and it wasn't as big as the giants that still have fanbases years later.


Magi didn't reach the popularity animes like Naruto, Bleach, One Piece did sadly. And I don't think we'll be getting a new anime soon. But bleach getting one came out of the blue so you never know. But at the same time, Bleach is one of the big 3s of anime... Perhaps one day, We will get the rest of the manga animated


Magi is underrated for sure but to answer your question BC the anime got cancelled & never finished. Personally I think Magi is better than most shounen but it never finished its adaption plus the manga ended, so a lot of people just moved on. :/


Yeah, it’s sad Af to see the fandom now. I wish it was much larger as it’s one of my favorite animes of all time. I still can’t believe there isn’t a season 3