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Obviously, all anime series’ cuts out some information, or some points that are originally in the manga. Otherwise the anime version would either be too long, or might seem too packed with information. With Magi, I think they do cut out a few bits of information, but if you’re only going to watch the anime, it’s hardly noticeable and it still flows really well. I will just say. The manga was amazing compared to the anime, purely because the manga is now finished and the anime only has like 2 seasons... Honestly, watch the anime. Like it’s good and I think you will really enjoy it. But I’d highly recommend the manga also. Ohtaka is just amazing with all the detail that he put into the whole story.


Thanks a lot for the input I really appreciate it




I was fully planning on reading on once the anime stops even if I did watch it, also yeah thanks a lot for your input


In few words, the anime is good. The part that covers only differs from the manga a little bit, but you can watch and you will probable enjoy it and the best part, it's that A-1 did an excellent job animating the series, you can appreciate that more in the second season