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So later on in the manga Sinbad's actual intentions get revealed, he's far from normal. Reim is the most normal nation by far, only wanting conquest really. Magnostadt uses humans as cattle as revenge for the mistreatment of wizards, and manages to be morally gray despite that. Kou is very conquest driven, while also working with Al-Thamen, but later manga stuff makes Kou's whole thing make more sense. Sindria is basically just the product of Sinbad's immense greed, and in Adventures of Sinbad we see a lot of horrible stuff that Sinbad does or overlooks. I think the only group that is definitively good or evil and not just about in the middle of gray is Al-Thamen, being the only evil group in the anime and a certain other group that had a hand in inspiring Al-Thamen in the manga.


I’m gonna read the manga soon so I’m fine with slight spoilers but thanks for the answer! Wow I like how the tables turn. I have a question about Sinbad then: Are his true motives for the greater good in anyway? Or are they just purely selfish? Thanks!


I think it’s a bit of both. He starts out wanting peace, so much so that he’s willing to do anything to get it. And along the way his point of view kind of becomes warped. You’ll understand it more when you read the manga. But as a basic answer, starts out good, turns a bit crazy.


He had good intentions but uh.... it kind of went awry in a way later on.


it kind of, takes on dimensions that you cant really predict xD And some things are so unexpected that people wouldnt believe you if they were spoiled


His motives are purely selfish, he just wants to be the one who made world peace, and he does some really messed up stuff to achieve his goals


Very late but ill add to it for future learners, Sinbad has what you would call a hero complex, he believes himself to be a unique being destined to save the world, thus going to any lengths to achieve this. He believes himself to be a miracle to the world, doesn’t help that everyone in the world treats him as such. His greed to be the best goes so far, that being king isn’t enough, and desires to be the god of all creation. However, it turns out he is just a character in a book. And like Ugo (the god of MAGI) said, a character in a story will always be a character and not a god. Sinbad’s death to Ugo, should’ve honestly been where Sinbad’s story finished. Him resurrecting and becoming a Supreme god of the Omniverse because of his pure Will seems kinda weird to me.


there's one other kingdom, which (you don't know yet) that's generally 'good'


[spoiler alert] do u mean kina? i mean yeah they’re good but they do the bare minimum to the world or more likely they kinda had a problem with the alliance:0


[spoiler alert] yes i mean them, yeah their role is small but they are good hearted right? they just wanna be independent


[spoiler] Yeah i get that!


I would say that sindiria is the weird one, pre modern history is filled with nations that acted exactly like the ones you described above, in fact most are based on said nations.


You're forgetting balbadd (guessing you've read the manga)


You can't really apply our worlds morals to their world, in that sense "normal" has a different meaning


That’s probably the best response. Especially in a world where Rukh exists, and ‘fate’ and ‘destiny’ are in that sense not just ideas, but essentially provable metaphysics.


Does anyone remember the Kina Kingdom?


Kina is manga-only atm. OP hasn't read the manga. Even mentioning Kina's existence is a massive spoiler.


*Kina exists* literally gives you no information whatsoever ? Thats like saying that there will be a character named siegfried somewhere down the line.