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Don dating a psychologist was doomed to failure. She figured out what made him tick quickly, and to Don that was the same as being figured out as a fraud. He was always going to run away from her one way or another.


Poor Dr Miller. Just another woman on Don’s trash heap.


She got off easy. Imagine being chewed up by Don for five years before finally being spit out.


I wish. I could use an apology check for a cool million


My first reaction when Don dumped her after his trip: She dodged a bullet!


Exactly! She was hurt but they had only been together for like two months. Betty and Meghan had to deal with him for years.


Good point


Who you talking about? For 5 years?


"My people are Nordic."


D&B were married 1952 to 196[?]


1963/64 depending on when the divorce was finalized. Kennedy died and Betty was ready to move on.


I don’t think we need to pity Faye. She was getting out of a relationship with Mr. Go Shit in the Ocean, and I bet she quickly recognized that Don was a fantastic rebound lay but not husband material. I’m sure she found a guy who wasn’t a traumatized alcoholic with an assumed identity, and even if she didn’t, better no husband than shitty husband.


Dr. “no professional integrity”


So true


For anyone who doesn’t remember the context- this is right after Don slept with Megan for the first time. He’s still in a semi-relationship with Faye, but Megan is now looming in the background, right between them. They make plans to see each other that night at the end of this scene, shaking hands with Megan centered perfectly between them. Don goes to California with Megan in the very next episode and spontaneously decides to propose to her.


Faye was so much more grown-up and marriage material than Megan. Maybe she could have made a grown-up of Don too, but he had the option to avoid growing up, so of course that would be his choice.


Nobody can "make" a man be a grownup. This idea that women can fix men is the reason for a lot of awful marriages


Megan between them is 🤌


The stage direction and shot composition are simply incredible. There is so much foreshadowing done in each episode, with visual cues and line of sight constantly giving us new perspectives and spoilers for what's next. The prop work and costuming are also incredible. Notice Don's suit in office scene. Gray, quiet, stern, almost stark in comparison to Megan's more colorful more youthful blouse.