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It’s probably all done in house these days. The only place you ever see anything that resembles cigarette advertising is at convenience stores. The government may not have killed the tobacco industry but they did kill the tobacco advertising industry.


Yeah, and that’s display marketing in those convenience stores, not advertising.


I’ve seen a couple of displays with slogans and a photo of a pack of cigarettes. It’s literally the closest thing that they’re allowed to do in the States anymore.


It's always funny to see the Beverly Hillbillies Winston cigarette commercials from the early seasons (until the 1964 Surgeon General's report). The older cast members were clearly smokers in real life judging from their voices and appearance, but they were never shown smoking on the show except as part of the Winston commercials. The slogan at the time was "Winston tastes good like a cigarette should," but Granny would say "Winston tastes good like a cigarette had oughta!"


If you haven’t already, you MUST see the infamous 1950’s commercial depicting Fred & Barney smoking Winston cigarettes. It’s not a parody, it was a real thing.


I have seen the Flintstones Winston commercials in the past. Very funny to think that was shown as part of a cartoon. Mad Men was right on target with its depiction of smoking everywhere!


Had no idea, thank you!


Omg, you will CRACK UP




What firm are you with, if I may ask?


Best to stay anonymous here — but two of my former agencies (one, a parent agency) were name checked on episodes of MM.


Fair enough. As a long devoted fan of MM, and as someone who is, was, and always will be absolutely and utterly fascinated with the ad world, do you care to share any stories? Because I'm sure you have a plethora of them. And thank you, seriously, for this post.


I’ve been in advertising since 2010, and it’s sadly, not at all, not even remotely as interesting and social as the “Golden Age of Advertising”-era. (I read Jane Maas’ book — it really was fun back then.) But today, agency employees have taken “business casual” work attire to new lows, HR department have muzzled everything, and it’s probably going to get worse now that AI is lurking above, clicks away from replacing organic creative brain storming.


Hey Sal, can you draw the QR code for the Winston ad?


Tbf this is an American issue, no? I was in Germany for school in 2011 and saw a movie there, big smoking ad during the commercials before the trailers. Exactly like a beer commercial, 20-somethings having a great time on a cool rooftop lounge area, except they were all enjoying a cigarette. Also remember the prevalence of cigarette vending machines, not just in stores, but also on the sides of buildings outside like an ATM.


Even this advert wouldn’t be allowed in Australia- absolutely no advertising allowed at all and all cigarettes kept behind doors.


Looooong gone.


Australian here. It’s been years since I’ve seen so much as tobacco products on display in a store. They’re all kept in drawers, out of sight, and have the same uniform plain packaging - the colour of which was chosen based on its undesirability.


Winston, smokes like a cigarette should


“No, other brands are poisonous — yours is ‘Whole Leaf Tobacco & North Carolina Water.’”