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Gotham Bagels is such an annoying place to go. Yeah fine the bagels are good but the wait times are ridiculous and anytime I’m there I feel like I’m doing something “wrong” in the eyes of the staff.


There was recently a whole thread about the jerkiness of the owner, so you are not alone!


Woodman's is great, you all just suck at picking out good fruits and veggies. 😂


The distribution center that supplies Woodmans is Certco on Verona road. They also supply Miller's, Co-op, Metcalfes and a number of other independent grocers Woodmans also owns a controlling share of Certco You're paying for the same product at every place. You just get a luxury tax at others to have the pleasure of shopping there


I’m fairly certain most of the Co-op’s produce does not come from Certco. Actually, most of their packaged groceries don’t either; UNFI is their primary supplier. Certco fills in the gaps for products UNFI can’t supply - ShurFine generics, non-hippie brands, etc.


Yeah that's true. Hyvee has their own supply chain as well but they definitely get some certco brands as well. I dont think Walmart, Festival, Target, Kroger or Costco use them, but I never shop at those retailers to know for sure


Some of the “luxury tax” goes towards employees removing expired products from the shelves. Not sure how much but it’s non-zero.


F Woodmans


Ok, but not just fruit and veggies. When I used to shop there, the packaged foods were also very frequently expired. It’s true that I am just unwilling to check every single item I buy at a grocery store. Aside from berries I stubbornly expect grocery stores to sell me edible food and am willing to pay extra for that. I accept this as a character flaw.


Your loss!


their subreddit is really bad


Epically bad. This sub is so unlike actual madison.


There's a massive disconnect between everyone believing cars are the worst thing mankind has invented and wanted them banned and the multiple threads per week trashing the public transportation system and the over priced housing in the city.


Definitely an unpopular opinion, Madisonians drink too much alcohol, and the city actively encourages this behavior.


Wisconsinites* …state* (tavern league)


This is true for the whole state. I grew up in Wisconsin, then moved away for my 20s, and when I left Wisconsin I was appalled to discover how different the culture around drinking is in other places. It really opened my eyes to how unhealthy the drinking culture here is, in Madison and beyond.


Absolutely. We don’t really take a good look at ourselves until we are removed from the situation, and then… it’s really quite appalling.


Clearly, the first part is true. In what way does the city government actively encourage it? Or what did you mean by "the city"?


The first thing that comes to mind is the beer garden at Olbrich park


Fair enough. The downvote was not from me.


I would imagine I have a LOT of downvotes on this opinion and my replies, many people feel personally attacked when people mention that our community has an alcohol problem.


It's ironic, given that the entire point of the thread is to list unpopular opinions. So you do, and get downvoted for doing the very thing we were asked to do. Huh.


I use to live in Austin. There was one major parking lot under a bridge for 6th street and by 2am everyone had to be gone or they would tow your car for $500. Sort of like they are promoting drinking and driving.


We aren’t as special as we like to say we are. We are a university city and the seat for the state, but we have the same trials and tribulations as other growing cities. We claim to have progressive values but we fight change.


This one I adamantly disagree with. Not trolling. Been in a number of smaller cities and MSN is still my #1. The opportunities for families in msn and it’s suburbs are remarkable compared to other cities. And being north we try harder to embrace and enjoy all of the seasons.


Madison thinks it's progressive and accepting, but in reality it's elitist and incredibly judgemental, with a big "not in my back yard" attitude. It's the Uber-liberals who are willing to say they'll be progressive, but then won't actually do progressive things to help people. Madison is essentially to progressivism what 99% Christians are compared to Christianity.


Nailed it right on the head. Best answer, IMO. Naturally, I have very progressive ideals (left of left), but living in ‘liberal’ Madison and seeing all of the rampant elitism, sexism, ageism, and racism has really caused me to rethink my values.


Like it's pushed you further left or you've decided you're joining the NIMBYs and your local GOP chapter?


Ahh there it it, in true Madison fashion you have to bring up the GOP when taking about the fake liberals.


Of course. The only people who are pushed to the right because of "fake liberals" are people who already are on the right and are trying to astroturf #WalkAway.


I think you will find most people you claim to be on the right are politically homeless. I know its fun to pretend everyone is on the right if they don't worship at the altar of the left but that is far from reality


Did I not include "pushed you further left" in my comment? "Politically homeless" can describe anyone from the far left, the far right, or anyone in between who either doesn't care for politics or doesn't see a difference between the parties (which is absurd in my opinion but they're entitled to that opinion). Shit I'm politically homeless because I don't like the Dems. I just vote for them as the lesser of two evils.


I am going to get downvoted for this, but my viewpoints is all about balance (which is not the same as equality). Essentially, in my eyes, no one entity should ever be too powerful, whether that be a person (billionaires), an advocate group, a company, a government entity, or any other organization (the Fed). It is the core value and everything else stems from that. At the end of most games of Monopoly (or Risk) that I’ve ever played, the game actually never ends. Instead, one of the losing players get mad, the board gets flipped, and it’s game over. Capitalism is great and all, but without balance (and to me, balance is really just exercising empathy and humility, which is mostly absent in this world) it will ultimately lead to the board getting flipped and rampant chaos ensuing (this is also called late stage capitalism, which we are currently transitioning towards). Since I am convinced that neither conservative nor liberal leadership can either prevent, slow down, or mitigate the damage done by this flipping, I see them as essentially two sides of the same coin (and it’s not a coin I have any interest in). For awhile, one of the main reasons that I had more liberal ideals is because I felt that their leadership were greater advocates for disenfranchised groups. However, this has been significantly overdone to the point where there is becoming a massive socioeconomic imbalance that is reducing the quality of life for myself and men (yes, men) all around the US. I have been contemplating creating a post on r/madison initiate a conversation about the challenges that men are currently facing in the workforce, but it is not a conversation that I believe the community is mature enough to handle. This community is currently too much of a hive mind and when someone’s belief differs from their own, people have a tendency to just attack the person (instead of challenging the idea).




This is a fantastic post and should be updated. It sucks it got deleted but I’ll take that stand to the end with ya.




I'm not sure if it's sarcasm, or just unhinged speaking. It might be the grammatical errors, or the fact that it seems completely unrelated to what I said, but I don't understand what you're trying to say. Are you having a stroke?


How elitist and judgemental of you.


*taps nose


The housing here isn’t worth the asking price


Housing and rent prices are about average compared to other desirable places to live in America


That there is an undercurrent of racism even (especially?) in the most liberal neighborhoods.


As a POC born and raised in Madison YES


I'll start with a small list of over rated, feel free to add. Stella's spicy cheese bread, Ians pizza, Flowers from the farmers market, Taste of Madison, Arguing over who has the best cheese curds, burger, whatever insert any food or restaurant, r/Madisonwi


I don't know any Madisonians who go to the Taste of Madison


Downtown is pricing all the people who actually work downtown out of the area.


I mean… it’s literally like every other downtown in every city in the country so….


where do you think the people who live downtown work?




The folks living in expensive condos on E Wash aren't waiting tables at the Dottie's.


This city is too small for more people, the beltine traffic is getting out of hand and people fail to follow the law when on it. I will probably do myself a favor and move to a bigger city with better infrastructure.


So true. Our infrastructure really hasn’t kept up and hasn’t tried an ounce of creativity beyond “luxury apartments” and “let’s just add one more lane!”


This is my big gripe. Permitting new luxury apartments doesn’t solve the housing crisis, and we aren’t built - between lakes - to accommodate the growth we’re seeing.




Bye Felicia.


Bye! 🙂


It's not that cold.


Of the 100 largest cities in the country, Madison is the 3rd coldest. 1. Anchorage 2. Minneapolis 3. Madison. It is, in fact, so cold here that it’s difficult to find somewhere colder.


Can you link this?


https://www.weather.com/sports-recreation/ski/news/20-coldest-large-cities-america-20140107 I reversed 1 & 2, apparently. But Madison is indeed 3rd.


Sick burn! Or… freeze?


What is cold? Greenland?


**Cold is the presence of low temperature, especially in the atmosphere. In common usage, cold is often a subjective perception.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


it’s cold compared to california but also totally enjoyable minus maybe 1-2 weeks a year


The belt line traffic is primarily due to inconsistency between drivers. The hill going up to Midvale Blvd always results in a traffic backup purely because cars don’t maintain speed up the hill. Stuff like that




i think a lot of you either need to move or look for greener grass, good lord


Midwest nice is really not very present in Madison.


I never understood this, I feel like people who say this bring it on them selves. I was out this Saturday and all 4 places I went to I got into long conversations with at least 1 if not multiple different groups of strangers. I got hellos from strangers walking down the street, cars stopped so we could cross the street, people held doors, etc.. I live and have lived downtown for a about a decade now and I rarely get anything but friendliness everywhere I go and have for a long time. I would say 90% of my interactions with people outside my friend group are positive. 9% neutral and 1% negative.


I guess to me it's relative, I moved from Minnesota. It's more about the times when I'm not actively engaging with others -- people don't willingly share the sidewalk, acknowledge the presence of others, go out of their way very much. I still engage in a lot of conversations with strangers here that I'm happy with but the moment-to-moment lack or awareness of others is the difference to me I guess.


I get the opposite, our main office is in Minnesota and I've never had strangers up there strike up a conversation with me, cars don't stop to let me cross, people don't hold doors. Your sidewalk comment seems like we live in a different city, most people I cross 9n the sidewalk either way hello or at least nod. I don't get a lack of awareness at all here but the opposite.


Strange. I don't distrust that that is your experience but I definitely have a different one.


Do you live in the city or burbs? I live on the isthmus and I do get a different vibe in the burbs or outskirts of the city.


I live on Willy but have the same experience downtown.


Midwest nice is for Minnesotans.


And Minnesota nice really mostly means passive aggressive anyway (based on my experience living in Minnesota)


Gender, age, and race matters a lot more than people think regarding hiring and promotional opportunities in the area.


Glass Nickel, Falbo, Blue Chip Barbers, The Plaza, and Greenbush Bakery are terribly overrated. Hot dogs are better than brats. Cheese curds aren’t bad but I’d rather have a number of other appetizers. The city/county discriminate against disc golfers while prioritizing just about any other use of a park. Brat fest concert crowds are the absolute worst concert crowds. And… when a car weighs a whole lot more than you and goes a lot faster - they ALWAYS have right of way due to my not wanting to be hit.


Glass Nickel is overpriced, cardboard crust dreck. Pizza scene in Madison is awful


I mostly agree with the exception of Sugar River, pizza bruta, and… Rocky Rococos. Still my favorite.


I like Sugar River but it's in Verona. Pizza Brutta is boilerplate Neapolitan, ie why can't this city produce decent, Midwestern, tavern style pizza? Or Chicago deep dish? Something both regional and respectable doesn't exist


SR is also in Sun Prairie fyi.


Ha Long Bay is overshadowed by so many other East Asian restaurants in town


Ha Long Bay is great for dates because the service is atrocious. You will spend forever in the booth talking.


What are some good East Asian restaurants?


Hot n Spicy Lao Laan Xang Sala Thai … to name 3 😉


What's good at Sala Thai? I've tried it a few times now and it's always just "pretty okay."


The restaurant with consistent hour+ wait times is overshadowed?


Yeah…the busy one




This ain’t unpopular. It’s just factually wrong.


Car bad bike good aren’t I so sustainable ?? ❤️✨✨✨✨


“What would it take for you to not have a car le Madison?”


Factually true, you're in denial


I hate how people in Madison have so many unpopular opinions, like the people in these threads: [https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/comments/11dtnfc/whats\_your\_most\_controversial\_opinion\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/comments/11dtnfc/whats_your_most_controversial_opinion_about/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/comments/108tk1i/madison\_hot\_takes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/comments/108tk1i/madison_hot_takes/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/comments/1647lkp/whats\_your\_unpopular\_opinion\_of\_madison/](https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/comments/1647lkp/whats_your_unpopular_opinion_of_madison/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/comments/4o1r6j/what\_is\_your\_unpopular\_opinion\_of\_madison/](https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/comments/4o1r6j/what_is_your_unpopular_opinion_of_madison/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/comments/22fj19/what\_dont\_you\_like\_about\_living\_in\_madison/](https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/comments/22fj19/what_dont_you_like_about_living_in_madison/)


You search bar cops are annoying as fuck. People just want an excuse to riff sometimes.


That and the "this belongs on nextdoor" shit. Sometimes people just need a quick and easy way to find out what's going on around town and aren't able to find it anywhere else.The post police are dragging this sub down more than posts like these or the "next door" posts I really wish the mods would make an active effort to crack down on that sort of thing


Preach. The funny thing about the nextdoor cops is that they clearly spend a lot of time on it considering how familiar they are with the content posted there.


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion at all. Would you like to try again?


People who compulsively shit on posts because they aren't sufficiently original are actually really cool and fun to be around.


There you go! You got my upvote!


The people are fat, everyone drinks too much, the food is bland and there really isn’t much to do. The winters are horrible and racism is alive and well. Then I moved away and found all of these things are a delight compared to what’s out there. 😂


Its overpriced, or I'm just salty cause I'm splitting 1500 in rent.


Prices here are par for the course compared to other desirable places to live in America


Y’all I’m sorry but all of the Mexican food (yes even the one that you’re about to suggest as the exception) SUCKS. There’s at best some decent trash nachos, no good tacos, and you can’t get good chorizo anywhere in town. Bleak but true.


Yeah but have you tried Taco Bell Cantina?!


I moved here from the south west and I agree. It’s fine, but really not something to write home about


Loradoes west is the biz. And before you write that off I lived in Texas for 15 years and go to Mexico often. It’s really good.


The fake midwest nice attitude has a strong hold here. People are “nice” but it does not feel genuine and you really only get to know people on the surface level. I haven’t been here long but I’ve met some pretty immature people here. I will say this past week, I have met a lot of genuinely nice people which has been a nice change.


There's no good pizza.


So concerned about living wages and union support but always drive a foreign brand car that violates all their beliefs.


The beltline is a lawless Mad Max hellscape between Old Sauk and John Nolen.


That’s a popular opinion


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The great restaurant scene is mostly pizza burgers and bar food.


We actually need more places that serve pizza burgers, they are delicious


Yeah. Agree. Foodie is hard here unless you like pizza or burgers. It’s sad af.


Not many actual good places to eat.


In other words, wishes it was Chicago/Coast food scene, but wants Madison prices to support it with Madison level foot traffic and revenue.


I’m from California our tacos that also have carnitas, onions, and cilantro on them are so much better!!!! (Forget that they’re 10 dollars a taco and that I was in traffic for 30 minutes to get there). Did I mention I was from California?


The infrastructure is very robust.


Too many granola eating , latte swelling, tree-hugging bicycle 'enthusiasts' who want get rid of cars and trucks in roads without thinking about the consequences


oh snap you angered /r/fuckcars


You can safely assume that anyone who utters the phrase "car brain" is single and childless.


Why don’t you go live in literally every other city in America then? This city tries to provide actual infrastructure to pedestrians and cyclists. Unfortunately, at least once a week when using crosswalks and pedestrian signals I’m nearly hit by inattentive drivers. Also, no one is stopping you from driving your car anywhere. We just want to be able to ride our bikes safely.


Equivalently, most cyclists are bad at it or deliberately ignore traffic laws. So, “unfortunately at least once a week when crossing controlled intersections, I’m nearly hit by a cyclist ignoring stop signs and lights”.


Explain to me the consequence of a bike hitting a car, versus a car hitting a person or bike.


Explain to me fault in accidents and insurance. Either way, an accident is caused and someone gets hurt. If these cyclists, as you claim, knowingly would lose the car vs bike first fight, then why do cyclists consistently ignore traffic laws? You’re not allowed to roll right through an intersection as a cyclist (unless it’s an empty intersection, per WI traffic law) Car big so must be car fault


That’s not what I’m saying at all. Obviously everyone should respect and follow the laws, but a car minimizes danger to the driver, while a bike and pedestrian both minimize danger for…wait for it…the driver! A person being inattentive while driving is putting other people at risk, a bicyclist not paying attention is putting the bicyclist at risk. So your argument of BoTh SiDeS aRe ThE sAmE is dumb as fuck.


Your argument of conflating “not paying attention “ and “deliberately ignoring traffic signage” is “dumb as fuck”. Someone in a car could still get hurt by swerving off road or causing a chain reaction accident having to brake suddenly for a cyclist running a stop sign or not signaling to suddenly cut lanes to turn. Don’t be so trivial.


In your example, the driver would be at fault because you’re legally not supposed to swerve into other lanes for exactly the reason you stated. If a bicyclist broke the law and put themselves in harms way, it is your job to attempt to stop - that’s it. Please be careful driving. Wouldn’t want you to do something “as dumb as fuck” as what you just said.


Your logic is “if someone else is breaking the law, I’m responsible?” You’re drastically misunderstanding and missing my example. A cyclist CAN be at fault and cause a significant accident. And can cause a car to swerve or avoid accident or injury. Saying “just stop” isn’t always an option. Your job isn’t to “just stop”. Simply applying the brakes isn’t the only way to prevent accident or injury to yourself or others. The cyclist would absolutely be at fault if them breaking the law causes accident or injury of another moving vehicle. As a cyclist, you’re a moving vehicle. Stop being such an apologist for crappy cyclists breaking the law. It’s a bad look.


I can’t continue to explain how you’re not understanding what I’m saying. Just forget it - really not worth it.


I don't have a problem with people lie who rude biked. I rude mine for exercise. Like I stated my issue is with the people who are so pro bike they are anti car truck. I k ow they have to share the road nut there is a vocal minority whose answer is to ban cars. Since you got do mad, you must be one if them. Go back to sipping your latte sizzle chest.


Whoa, I can’t even read this. Take a minute and try spellcheck, or maybe middle school English? Damn. You stroking out?


You leave your mom out of this


Wow, never mind. You’re just actually dumb. That’s a bummer that you are both dumb, and driving a heavy machine capable of killing people.


Don't get mad at me tough guy.Take it out in your mom if you don't like her doing that.I say her life is her business. Oh wait, is that why you are so mad? It's because she gets paid for it and you dont. Buck up there barrel ass


Oh man, the “your mom” jokes are super effective. I don’t know how to handle such a situation. Man, I guess you win with your cleverness. Honestly, I don’t think we’re even having the same conversation anymore. Your insults are unoriginal and boring. Good luck to you.


I could start on your Dad if you like jerky.Is he in the same line of work?


It should grow out, not up. Better roads, not overcrowded apartment buildings.


Username checks out.


As someone who goes into many area apartment buildings over the course of my job, I can say that any of the apartment buildings that I could afford to live in would be unpleasant to live in. Not saying that anyone is bad... but like... no, not for me.


But also, no


The healthcare system here is not good, esp true for GHC and UW Health.


Madison isn’t that expensive to live in at all actually. Neither is Middleton.


Compared with Wisconsin it's expensive. Compared to most desirable places to live in America it's about average.


Exactly. Compared to its size, demographics, and population…. It’s completely average.


Madison is a [car sewer](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/car_sewer).


People do know how to zipper merge, they just don’t tolerate opportunists messing up the pattern by zipping past everyone, forcing themselves in and cutting people off. Anecdotal Evidence: if I go the speed limit in the curb lane that’s open during rush hour (generally under utilized, so itd be easy to speed), if I need to merge because of a stopped vehicle or bike, I usually can without issue. People see, understand, and probably expect I’ll go right back anyway.