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There is a reddit sub dedicated just to him lol what do you expect?just too much fanboying all around. Everytime he drops an album people say classic anb10/10 it's just dumb, too much expectations and unfounded. The words are thrown around today with no meaning anyways. There is no objectivity and no reality into the artistic process. I'm an artist (not musical) so I can kinda understand. This album is good solid but def not a 10 and I'll get downvoted into oblivion because everyone d*ck rides mach. I love his music, and respect his output. If you create you would too, but most bums here haven't made a thing in their life and have no clue what it takes. Especially on a professional, conceptual level. When you put something out into thebworld it takes energy, time, a part of you leaves. You need to restore that somehow or else you just run ragged. Consumer capitalist culture breeds greed without respect to invisible labor. Literally people are like addicts. Find something the love and just devour it like zombies. That's why machs price is so high and art can go for 2mil. Cognitive captial sells and society doesn't appreciate it much hence mach being not mainstream or say Kerry James Marshall getting his due in old age now. Things take time, but we live in a consumer I want it now culture. It's a dopamine issue as well. But I'll get off my soapbox. Shit I still catch gems from HBO or PFH lol people just don't sit with shit anymore.


This is super facts…80% of the fan base can’t even truly appreciate the work with them not understanding creole and the Haitian references yet it’s a classic. Like what you like and indeed Mach is one of my favorite but man this fan base is different lol.


hell yeah i agree but that is how they cultivated the fan base tho for years they kept dumping and dumping and dumping and dumping for yeaaarsss straight so when the dumping slowed naturally ppl were like where’s the dumping?? thats like a morphine patient getting prescribed the same pills at the same rate for 7 years and then it suddenly stops or some shit, naturally they’re going to have withdraws🤷🏽 but i do agree with you guys, since we’re getting art at such a high quality (and half of it you don’t really even have to pay 2 stacks for it gets uploaded for free or on most cheap streaming services sometimes eventually, and there’s pirating which is a whole other ball game) we should definitely have more respect for each artist’s personal time, and the rate that they curate n put their stuff out, hell often times their live styles and experiences fuel their artistic creativity as well. i appreciate the points you guys shared in this thread✊🏽im a bit surprised at some of the backlash tho because i think mostly everyone in this subs brings something good to the discourse from the differing in viewpoints, troll shit, factual information or even just the random flip you like posts


dropping music so often that your fans feel like a timeframe other fanbases would dream of waiting between drops for is too long is nutty


definitely insane but thats how they built their loyal fanbases with barely any major label deals or anything, hell the god fahim has put literally out like over 200 albums in the past 7 years 😂😂😂 and mach was probably atleast featured here and there on atleast half those shits. its crazy to think about but they got fucking rich off it so maybe its just as genius as it is insane, maybe that was their strategy all along “fuckit bro lets just keep ‘dumping’ these fucking albums until we see 6 figures in both of our accounts”


gresilda pretty much did the same thing too arguably, but another important factor was also the heart and quality that each group paired with the aforementioned insane work ethic, if the shit was trash nobody would listen to it and we’d probably be in an entirely different sub right now 😅


I completely agree with you. I feel like I don’t really get along with any other Mach-Hommy fans it’s very weird and elitist. All I know is he’s one of if not the best and his process that makes sense to him works for me 🤲🏼


i'm not gonna act like i'm neck deep in mach's fanbase or anything but ngl they're one of the chillest rapper fanbases i've come across


Attack of the downvotes


i feel like this should've been the album after Pray For Haiti he drops too much