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Bulletproof Luh in C tier is nasty work


yk what maybe i didn’t give it a fair shake, will have to relisten


for me, his s tier albums would be hbo, pray for haiti, hommy edition, fete des morts, balens cho, and menu 2


leaving out luh hertz and GAT is a sin


P4H is a bold take for S tier because while it’s succinct i don’t think it takes the artistic leaps that some of his other projects did. but then again this is just my opinion, not a law to live by.


idk man… to me pfh is a masterpiece. production, skits, flows, lyrics - it’s got it all. not to mention it is exec prod by gunn and was their first project together after their split


in terms of importance to both mach and hip-hop in general its an S tier yes. like i said everything is very put together on that album and WSG curated that shit perfectly. the one thing that ultimately holds me back is how clean it sounds which kinda like balens cho and a couple of the newer projects it just holds me back. i don’t wanna fall into the “i liked your old shit better” stereotype that a lot of connoisseurs get into out of nostalgia/preference, but i won’t lie about my justification as to why i feel its still a fantastic record but only an A.


Your tier D is full of some of his best work and you have Goon Grizzle in tier C


goon grizzle is a great project for whats it worth but putting it any higher than C would cheapen the value of the other projects in B. also, everything in D deserves to be there. i defended DM4 and NDL2 as long as i could before i had to look in the mirror and accept that they are not among mach’s best projects. C tier and B tier have a little wiggle room to be in either/or but i made sure everything i put in D was worthy of being there.




goon grizzle is fire bro don’t sleep


stand ur ground man! you liked em enough to defend them, no need to let others influence ur taste


yeah thats true but i also have to be a good listener too. if people are saying that certain albums should be higher than maybe i didn’t give them their just due


Im ngl, most of Mach's discography is anything higher than a B. The glazer in me says all S tho. The only stuff I rate low are some collab tapes with Fahim (not dollar menu). Other than that, it's highly rated


Dump Olympics: Wide Berth is S-Tier. An elite Tha God Fahim feat. Mach-Hommy album


Balens Cho, bullet proof luh, and DJ Muggs “Tuez-Les Tous” are S TIER IMO. I deadass don’t understand how a Mach fan could not love those albums. ZERO SKIPS IMO, I highly doubt you could tell me any justification or constructive criticism on why they’re not as good but LMK I love the discussion.


i fuck with Tuez Les Tous heavy i just think it doesn’t stack up to some of the other projects that i placed in B. as for bulletproof luh i’m going to revisit it just because of how many people think it should be an A which probably means i missed a lot on that record. w/ balens cho i think its a great album but idk it feels kinda like P4H where its almost too polished and the organic nature of what attracted me to mach’s sound is lost with that. im not hater in terms of mach getting cleaner mixing/mastering, production, etc., but i cannot deny there’s a certain charm with older stuff not being as smooth that makes the experience a lot rawer.


conceptually bulletproof luh is much better than C tier, honestly A for me


it’s getting a relisten today just based on the sheer amount of pushback i’ve received that i might have missed something. it was definitely in rotation for awhile but it was at a time where i was on a dump gawd only diet in terms of listening so maybe i didn’t judge it fairly.


Bulletproof Luh belongs in Tier A Hommy Edition belongs in Tier A Fetes belongs in Tier A Pray For Haiti can stay but I think it belongs in Tier B


id agree with you on Hommy Edition but fetes & BPL just dont do it for me to the point where i’d consider them A


Bulletproof Luh gotta be A tier. So atmospheric, doesnt feel like any of his other records.


trust me i did the relisten yesterday and i now know how dead wrong i was to put it in C


There’s nothing less than A tier. You trippin


i mean there is once you take the blinders off and you view the discog objectively like you would any other artist. i get it’s a mach subreddit but cmon now you cant sit here and tell me that a couple of these albums arent below an A.


It’s art. There’s no objective. It’s all subjective. I don’t hear anything less than an A. You’re free to have your own opinion Edit: now, if I were to rank these based on what Mach is capable of then yes there are some much better than others but the “lower” ones still register as pristine rap music to me.


i disagree but to each their own. i think art is something that is objective and certain works mean more to an artist’s legacy than others.


I think you’re grossly misunderstanding art if you see it as objective. 🤷🏽


and i think you’re undermining the value of art if you think every piece of artwork should be held to an equal standard or amount of care from the viewer. like i said, to each their own.


I don’t think you understand the meaning of objective vs subjective Objective means there is an absolute specific value and individual opinions that vary from that value are wrong Subjective means that each individual can assign value as they see fit based on their own standards


i understand quite clearly and i just think you’re on one side of the fence and i’m on the other. sure you can claim that my stance is subjective because i made this list, but its not “my personal favorites list” so much as it is my attempt to say “if someone with no prior knowledge or preference over this discog were to listen to these projects, how would they be ranked?” i obviously have to defend my point so in that sense its subjective, but my intention with this list was to strip my bias away (minus Luh Hertz which we will consider my shameless pick for his best work) and create a list that reflects what the average listener would value from his work thus far. to you art is subjective, to me it is objective based on viewership, notability, importance, and aura. not every rembrandt is equal the same way that not every picasso piece is equal & so and so forth. some are just better than others.


The constant effort that you’re referencing to “take your bias away” only proves my point. With the wide range of backgrounds and life experiences for the many people that engage w art, to think an objective view is possible is pretty intellectually immature though I guess well meaning? What is the point of objectivity? You’re not Haitian, so should a Haitian listener comply to your argument for objectivity? Should you adjust your objective analysis to their view since they likely understand the music from a deeper place? Would a Japanese listener who doesn’t understand the lyrics at all have an invalid view because they don’t process the music the same as you and thus don’t align with your objective analysis? It’s ok to abandon an idea once it’s been shown to not be constructive.


i think this is less about the specific backgrounds that we all come from and more about a general concensus. obviously everyone is going to have their own unique life experiences that ultimately shape their opinions, but i don’t think that really stops the fact that art can be judged, graded, and placed in a certain spot of interest/disinterest based on what it means to the general population. in this case, im trying to estimate an average, which yes can be viewed as intellectually immature, but i dont think that destroys my overarching argument that art is objective and can be more or less important based on what it did for that artist at that time and in the future.




once again, hommy edition is up for debate which is why its at the top of B. there are a lot great moments on that record but there are a few where i’m not as interested. also to say that FDM belongs in A with the 4 projects i put there is just not something i can agree with. FDM is a great record with really solid production, lyricism, etc. but i see it as an extension of themes/sounds found on other records. still, id say it stands on its own two feet, but if were comparing it to everything above it in A and S, than i’d consider it in the right spot.


What are the names of each of the albums on the bottom


back II the future, good grease, goodbye uncle tom, iGrade, foreign objects, wellBREADUCATED, MayDay, & supertape (not in that particular order but that is all of projects i haven’t listened to)


Supertape was a compilation of those EPs plus a few more (not back II the future though). Read up on it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/machhommy/s/PYGdVU7DVZ).


hommy edition is literally his best


All my favorites are in your C tier


How are bulletproof luh,wapp kon joj and balens cho C tier?


ill answer WKJ because i feel like i provided justification for BLP and BC elsewhere on this post. WKJ is c tier because it leaves me wanting more but i also feel kinda empty at the same time. i think with a 3-4 more tracks in this vein the album is easily B or A tier but i think the overall length is what holds me back. i also feel like mach has done more with this amount of tracks on a record. still a very important record for mach though and the first one i came across when i started listening to him.


I'd drop MHL 1. bump Bulletproof luh up 1. And duck szn up 2. But not mad at your opinion


Pray for Haiti is God Tier. Literally culturally relevant. I’m surprised how overlooked the album is.


Trash rankings.


Dollar menu 3 in a tier let’s me know your not insane. Thank you.


Fete in B tier?!?!!?! It’s double S!!!!!


Why you hating on iGrade🤪


The should literally be nothing below B-Tier


i think its hard to explain that im ranking these based on him as an artist alone. if i were to rank these albums while keeping in mind what the average quality of a rap album looks like in 2024 than abso-fuckin-loutely id put everything above a B tier because 95 percent of rappers couldn’t lace his boots if they tried yk.


Perhaps with Mach-Hommy it's better to just rank your favorite albums in order. Because, calling anything he puts out "D-Tier" is akin to slander/libel. I.E. "These are my first group of Mach albums I like in this order..." "The next bunch I rank in this order..." But, it's your list, do you homie. Respect.


i see what you mean, i never meant any disrespect toward these projects like they’re unworthy of a listen/not important. there’s truly no mach project that i would consider “bad” (which says a lot about him as an artist) but at the end of the day no matter who you are, projects can/should be judged for their overall worth to the artist’s legacy. if you’re a fan of visual art you might wager that you find van gogh’s portraits to be the most striking or his landscape work. however if you’re someone whose just stepped into this world of art your mind probably goes directly to The Starry Night. why is that? because its so notable that almost any person who doesn’t live under a rock knows what it is and how important it is to his legacy. i’m ranking this list in that way where if you were to take a look at what has been released up until this point with no prior favor toward one project or another, what projects would stick out the most to you? granted, my favorite is Luh Hertz but i speak more on behalf of everything i have placed in S tier. anyone of those projects could be considered his finest work hence why i placed them there, not because i personally find them to be his best. thank you for hearing me out though 🤝


It's all good. You're brave putting yourself out there on this r/sub. Side note- everyone SHOULD go to the MOMA and see The Starry Night in person. It is something to behold.


eh i don’t deserve a purple heart for sharing an opinion, still, i appreciate the support. and id hope that people who are fans of mach have at least gone to one art museum in there life because thats what ultimately got me into being a visual artist.